Newbie wants a buddy

Argh!! Sorry, been super busy & distracted lately. :s

Armywife -- It really sickens me that there are actually people like her out there. I mean, I just told DF about it and he was like "O.O", especially when I told him that she said she got a bfp the day AFTER the witch left. Which, as all ttc'rs know, it just don't work that way. I think that's awful how she is misleading the "Daddy" like that. Maybe you should drop hints about him seeing a '+' test? Maybe ask if he's seen it, and if not, just say something like everyone you chit chat with tells you that their OH we're as excited to see the bfp as them, some even made their women poas AGAIN if they threw the test away. It's a little white lie -- I know if I got a bfp and tossed the test before showing DF he's make me poas again so he could see it -- but in the grand scheme of things, if she's lying and he asked to see the test... how could she refuse her "Baby Daddy"?

Woo Hoo!! Here's hoping that this time spermy meets eggy and they get along great! Ahahah. :) My little sister is 17 too, and I am 21 (really though - 22 in 12 weeks. haha). My sister is going to be moving in with us the beginning of July... I'm pretty excited.

The news on my cycle is that I am currently at cd65 and no sign of the witch. I still don't know whether I should poas on cd69 or wait until around cd70-75. It's driving me mad not knowing, and if my cycles are just getting longer I am going to be one unhappy woman!

Julie -- I'm almost on month 11 of ttc, and a generally impatient person. hahah. Here we all know what it's like to feel slightly discouraged when we didn't get that bfp right away, but since we all want a little miracle super bad, we just keep enjoying ourselves with the BD-ing. :) If I don't get a bfp this cycle I am going to start temping and hope that helps. If you need to talk/vent/ask anything we'll do our best to help you out!!

:dust: & Fx'd to you awesome ladies !! :D

thank you very much its nice to know there is people going throught the same things and knowing i have people to chat to x
Wifey, that's the thing, I'm not 100% WHEN I ov'd so I am just waiting... and waiting... and waiting some more. I did test back on cd54 (I think... or cd56. lol) And it was a bfn. I'm going to wait until after I test again, and if still neg I'm going to make a drs appt to get some help!

Ahahahahaaha!! I freaking roared when I read your story. I would be mortified! You would figure they would at least have the decency to put it in a non-see through-able package! lol. Cheered me up.

I'm like, super mad because I live in an apartment building and we have a laundry room right across the hall from our unit. I did a wash yesterday at like 10 am, and someone had a shirt and a pair of pants in the dryer until like between 10-1030 PM... I had eventually taken my clothes out of the washer, put them in my laundry basket and set them on the dryer, and when I went around 1040pm to get the clothes and just take them back into my apartment the person had dumped my clothes out of my basket onto the top of the dryer and STOLE my basket!!! I was furious! I posted a big ol` note asking that whoever stole my basket to please return it since it wasn't theirs. Gahhh! You can get laundry baskets from the Dollarstore!! :growlmad:

Julie - Anytime :thumbup:
Oh dear!! I think id have to go door banging!! If you cant trust your neighbours...!

Well you'd think they would have done wouldnt you? The thing is though.. i forgot to mension the uhh *cough* toy... lets say no more lol thwats the royal mail for you!!

I think id have been put into a padded room if i was in your position tho!! Id go doolaly lol.. and there was me thinking 2weeks was a long time.. i feel for you girl

Haha!! I got my basket back! They left it outside my door! I was super amazed.. didn't think I'd ever see it again.

Speaking of toys, my DF's Nan almost found our toy.. it was traumatic and had him scrambling to hide it! lol. It was kinda funny, once they left without seeing it. >.<

I'm going to talk to DF tonight about it, and see when he wants me to test. I am hoping to a bfp, but scared of getting a bfn so I'll only test when he wants me to. haha. Even though all this waiting is making me have poas-feverrrrr!!

Anywho, my bed is calling! Night ladies && fx'd.
Yay to finding your basket!!.. boo to my sister being here while im STILL ovulating.. yes, still gettinng highs on opks so we r still bding for britain hehe and its even better that its valentines dayyy!! .. my sister took us out for a meal today to say thanku 4 having her, we forgot what day it was haha, the looks we were getting!! Girls looking at us like we r disgusting and boys looking at dh like "get in there!!" Haha.. was soooo funny..

Oooh i hope he says for you to test soon hun fx its not just a long cycle hey

Ahaha. Awwe. That was sweet of her. DF took me out to dinner and then we went out to a movie. I tested V-day morning... BFN :( Sucks. I wanted to cry but I couldn't since I had to work. It was pretty hard just seeing that one line... so now I am just waiting for the witch to show...

Here's hoping your 2ww goes quickly!
Oh no.. so sorry for bfn hun :( .. heres to hoping the witch shows her face so you can start a fresh cycle and get bding :)

Il keep u updated.. 7dpo today.. trying not to symptom spot this time.. trying to take a back seat and enjoy myself and not to go crazy lol...

My sister helped distract me from it, she kept me v.busy haha

Hope your ok hun

Here is hoping that the witch shows her face around here soon!! Hahah.

Ooohhh, 7dpo !! Super exciting! Hopefully this is the cycle!! It's always good to be kept distracted from Symptom spotting.

I'm holding up... gotten used to the BFN's, which isn't fun. But what can one do? I have to call my dr next week to make an appointment and hope that she can do something to help.
Aw i hop she can help you too.. i wish my dr was female, thats no t me being sexist, i just wish that he knew exactly what i mean.. coz men just dont get it do they.. although my dr is very nice.. eventhough i cant get help yet, he is still there for me and helping me without acctually helping if that makes sense lol..

I am gunna wait till af is due march 3rd , i may even wait longer if she doesnt show on time before i trest.. i cant cope with more bfns, not anymore.

Anywayyy.. my bath is calling my name to go and relex for a while hehe.. xx
Urgh. Sorry for being MIA for so long. lol.

No, I personally don't think men really get what we go through in our struggle to get pregnant. That's good that he's helping you without actually helping you. Anything s something.

I go to see my dr Mar 9th. I'm really hoping that she'll be able to help us in some way.

There's been a flu going around over here and this morning when I woke up for work I felt wrecked. Not good man, not good at all. Hahaha. Aside from that..

DF keeps mentioning going out west to work. The money would be a LOT better, but I'm not sure How I would handle not having him here with me. I've said that before, and the other day he said something about us both going out. I'm not sure if he's dropping all this talk because he really wants to go for real, or... I don't even know. Like, we've never really talked about it, but he keeps saying that guys he graduated college with are out there and they're making all this money and were able to buy all this stuff. Urgh, I'm just not sure what to make of it! Help, please!!!

Well, i moved quite a way from everything i no so my advice would be 2 ask yourself a few things : why not? Whats keeping you living where u are? Do u think u would enjoy being apart all the time? What do YOU want?

You need to be happy. Just talk about it. It may be a good thing (ttc wise) start a fresh blahblahblah...
Im not gunna keep on, just think about it :)

Boo to the flu!! I think iv caught some sort of bug, im a little pukey :(

Im adament we havnt dont it this month. I think ive been "too" relaxed about it. Im 12 dpo today and af is due a week today.. im not gunna bother testing til af is late.

Yeah, I suppose. There's really nothing keeping me in this particular town, but all of my family and friends are on the East side of Canada. I know I def would NOT enjoy being apart all of the time. I couldn't handle that, and that would soooo make ttc even harder. I guess you're right, the best thing is to just talk about it. I've been waiting for him to mention something to start a discussion, but he doesn't... Just drops casual hints.

Eww! Thankfully I am NOT pukey. Just sore and my throat is being a giant jerk. lol.

Maybe this month is your month! Being relaxed and not stressing over it too much is supposed to help things. I think that might be part of my issue too, I'm like, perma-stressed. Haha. Let me know when af is late!

Fx'd to you!
Oh god oh god oh god...

The being sick, the sore boobies... ALL SYMPTOMS!!!!! I had my BFP today!!! All be it very faint, but hey! Im not fussy! Lol... my delivery of 25 hpts came today and i just had to test.. 5 days early.. after 2 1/2 yrs ttc, 2mc's and hundreds of bfn's we've finally got out bean.. praying its sticky!!

Hubby saw the line too!! Il keep u updated hun.. whats going on your end?

Iv just had a heartbreak.. again.. it was an evap, it must have been.. im bleeding heavily.. my mum thinks its still possible as she didnt know she was preg with me until 5months as she was having "normal periods' i dont know what to think.. im just gunna say evap, and get on with the next cycle.. has af show her face to you yet?

Argh. Sorry!! Sucks hardcore about the evap line! I read your first post and got supppppppper excited for you and DH. I'd be really pissed if that was me, I'd probably call the company up and rip a strip off them. Hpt's are NOT something to mess up on women like us. We depend wayyyy too much on them!My friends mom had the same thing happen. Bfn's til she was 5 months... So maybeee? Here's hoping!!!!

As for me, nothing yet. I tested on cd 75 with a bfn, I had a doctor's appointment on the 9th and she said that she doesn't think I'm ovulating :cry:. She referred me to a gyno to get checked out (that appointment is for May 31st). She said here they usually make you wait until it's been 2 YEARS of unprotected sex with no pregnancy before they'll refer you, but as she said -- being as young as I am (21) there shouldn't be a problem with me getting preggers. My bff was just put on fertility pill, not clomid... something that starts with "M" and was told that if she isn't pg by June to go back.

On a side note, I was in the baby section in Wal-Mart today with a friend and seeing all of the cute little baby clothes/blankets/onesies etc., near broke my heart. I want this sooo bad and everywhere I turn there are people getting pregnant -- the worst part is none of them WANTED to be pregnant. One girl at my work just had her baby, another found out she was pg a few weeks ago and ANOTHER just found out last week that she was about 6 weeks.

Sorry for such a long post, it's just been forever!!! Let me know how things are going on your end love!

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