Newly pregnant and!

Hi Annie

Welcome to the thread! As ridiculous as it sounds try and ignore the spotting as much as you can - it is so scary (and trust me I don't take my own advise) but as long as you are having no other symptoms and other areas are looking good (e.g. your HCG levels) then the chances are there is nothing to worry about!

We are all here as we have spotted alot through Tri one (I personally have had very few days when I haven't spotted) but we are all still here!

I have my 12 week scan tomorrow which I am VERY nervous about - but if that goes well then I have promised myself I will be taking my own advise and ignoring it going forward!

Mine was worse earlier on - weeks 4, 5 and 6 were pretty constant. Just keep yourself relaxed and look after yourself is all you can do right now - but good HCG figures are more important than having no spotting!!

Good luck!!
hi ladies, this is a good thread, but unfortunately i am here with the dreaded spotting. I feel way better about it today than I did last night... for now, I'm going to read up more on your experiences. I am 5+1 today! :hugs:
Hi Horseypants - sorry you've joined our gang but great to see you!! Yes if you read this thread back (I know you may need to set a bit of time aside for that lol) you will see all of our differing experiences! I've spotted since the day of my BFP and let me tell you these ladies experiences have kept me sane!

Keep us updated how you get on!
CharlieJo wanted to wish you lots of luck for your scan tomorrow. I'm sure it will be absolutely amazing and your LO will be moving dancing about and being super cute! :happydance: Make sure you get on here asap with your pics! And I'm so glad that your spotting has stopped. I really hope this is it for good now. I can't believe you're almost at 12 weeks. I don't know about you, but I thought being a lime was a real milestone. So congratulations on your little lime (soon to be peach!)

Are you still planning on announcing to your friends after your scan?

Well, I've decided to take the courageous step of telling my two best friends (one tomorrow, one Wednesday). I'm so nervous to tell people. I'm not sure why, I suppose I still feel like I'm tempting fate. But I know they'll be over the moon for me and I can't wait to see the shock on their faces (then comes the dreaded 'telling the boss' in a couple of weeks. I'm not looking forward to that!)

Akblaze I've decided to revert to my original idea. Just an orange. For two reasons really. The first, I'm rubbish at art and worried it would look totally weird. And the second, and main one, I'm so busy at work right now that I've totally ran out of time! So, they'll just have to be impressed by my orange!

How's the little bundle of joy? :kiss: Still dancing around and kicking mum? I've had a few weird stretchy type 'pains' the last few days. Nothing sore but almost as if I can feel my uterus getting bigger. Is that weird? And my jeans are definitely getting tighter. Surprisingly though, two work colleagues have commented that I've lost weight. Totally weird!!!

That's so cool you used to be a dancer. I've always had two left feet! I did tap and ballet when I was tiny but even my mum thought I was awful!!! I now just avoid the dance floor at all costs. Unless I've had a wine or two - then I think I'm a BRILLIANT dancer! :haha: That little device in your back is so unreal. I think it's kind of funny you need to be 'charged'! If the OB thinks it would be okay and your having pain then I would definitely try it. Even just for a short while? How's your headaches, MS and congestion?

I like your idea that the make-up means a girl. I still reckon it's a boy. My mum and DH think girl though. So maybe you are all right!

Well, day after next is your scan. I'm so excited for you ladies and glad that I'm going to get lots of lovely scan pics to look at. Although, I am slightly jealous...! :winkwink:

Annie00 and Horseypants, welcome to the thread. Though sorry we had to meet like this. Spotting is a nightmare and we've all been there. Just to let you know, I started spotting from before I even got my BFP and pretty much the whole of first tri. I had pink, brown, red - even clots. But baby is still doing fine :cloud9: My sonographer said we'd be surprised to know how many women spot during early pregnancy and that the majority go on to have lovely, healthy babies. And don't worry about measuring small. I think I was behind about 5-6 days in all of my scans (which I put down to late ovulation and late implantation), but at my private NT scan at 12+5 I was measuring right on track. So don't worry, baby will catch up.

I'm glad you ladies have joined us and hope the spotting doesn't last for long. We all know how worrying and awful it is, so we're here for support whenever you need us.

Sending all of you lovely ladies, and your LOs, lots of :kiss: and :hugs:
Okay, just need to share something with you ladies.

Firstly: I'm an ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::yipee::headspin::bunny:

Secondly: I think I felt my baby moving yesterday! And I think I felt it again this morning! I'm not 100% sure as it is a really small feeling and you really need to concentrate to feel it. It was the day before yesterday that I first felt a weird feeling in my tummy (sort of behind my belly button but a bit lower and it felt quite deep). I actually thought it was a weird wind pain or something and didn't think anything of it. :blush: But yesterday, at work, I felt it again and I stopped what I was doing and focussed on it. It only lasted a couple of seconds. Then it happened again for a couple of seconds. That's when I thought 'maybe...'. So last night, when I felt it again, I went to get my doppler and the baby was right where I was feeling it! I know I'm still really early, so I reckon it could still be wind or something, but I'm really hoping this might be the start of me feeling baby!!!

Oh, and I just noticed in my little signature graphics that it says I should be feeling baby soon! Oh please, let this be it!!! :happydance:

CharlieJo so excited for your scan today. Have an amazing day and tell the sonographer to stop talking and start printing. I'm looking for a whole library of pics!!! :haha:

Sending you all lovely Tuesday morning :hugs:
Wow that is AMAZING happenstance!! I'm sooo excited for you! I'm sooooo nervous for this scan I just keep thinking they ate going to tell me there is no baby there!! I will update you as soon as I can - fingers crossed with pictures too!!
Happenstance, an orange will still be so much fun!! They will be so confused!!! :haha: Such a cuuute way to tell your friends!!!! :cloud9:

My little bundle of joy is still kicking me like crazy!! :) I LOVE feeling her everyyyday! There's no better feeling in the world! The stretchy pains are definitely normal and it only gets worse!!! I have nights where I'm completely fine and then nights where I feel like my belly will explode it's so tight! :haha:

I went to yoga tonight, first time EVER! Normally I find that kind of stuff boring since I like the more fast paced, exhausting work outs.. but man I am soooo sore and my belly has this weird twinge in it so I hope I didn't pull anything! It's up higher above my uterus like where my ribs are so I'm not worried or anything.. it's just acheyyy!

ahh!!! YOUR AN ORAANNGGEEE!!!!!!:happydance::yipee::wohoo::bunny:

It's also so amazing that you have started to feel your LO!!!!!!!! :dance: It definitely is possible to feel the baby at 15 weeks! :D I'm soooo happyyy for you!!!!!!!! That's how it was for me at first, I had to REALLY focus on feeling the movement but it definitely get's a lot more noticeable soon!! This is so exciting!!! :cloud9:
9 DAYS UNTIL YOUR SCAN TOO!!!! WHOOOO!!!! :happydance: maybe by then your little one will be ninja kicking you too!!!!! :ninja:

CharlieJo, Have a super wonderful time at your scan!!!!! I can't wait to see pictures!!!!
I hope you are doing well and that your spotting is staying away!!! I just know your scan is going to bring wonderful news!!!! :D

sending both of you and your little ones tons and tons of :kiss: and hugs!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hello ladie - well scan was fab!! You were both right it is totally amazing how much it has grown and how different it looked since the 8 week scan!

I couldn't quite believe it when I saw if moving about - the DH was in awe too I know everyone says this but I just didn't expect it!!

I have now told quite a few more people as feeling more confident - have dcided I am going to start enjoying this pregnancy and allow myself to get excited rather than stressing out all the time!!

Check the pic out below (If I have uploaded it right - I'm rubbish with technology lol) - he (I keep saying that) was moving loads and then when the sonographer said let's try and get a pic for you he went really still - the sonogropher was like 'look he is posing for you'! Such an amazing experience! Got my next scan to find out gender booked for 29th May - can't wait for that!!


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joining you ladies. had a streak of browny, reddy, pinky blood in cm yesterday. been brown spotting all day got an early scan tomorrow at 9.15 and am shitting it. i'm soooo scared i love this little surprise so much. fingers crossed.
CharlieJo, AWWWW HOW GORGEOUS!!!!!!! :D My vote goes towards girl because your 12week scan looks soooooo much like mine!!! The skull is the same exact shape! I'm soooo over the moon for you and your DH!!! I know what a relief it is to go to your 12 weeks scan and see that everything is just fine! :happydance: Oh and how cute, he/she started posing for you!!! :cloud9: It's wonderful that you are feeling more comfortable and started telling more people! I bet everyone is just sooo happy for you!!! Second tri is just around the corner!!!:yipee::bunny:
How is your spotting lately?

Sending you and your LO lots of :kiss: and hugs!!! :hugs::hugs:

JD, Congrats on your BFP and welcome to our thread, although not under the best circumstances. everyone on this thread has gone through first tri spotting or is currently going through it. It's such a wonderful place for support and comfort. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and your LO!!! Please come back and let us know how your scan goes!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

How are you other lovely ladies doing? :flower::hugs:
Well, my OB's office called today and had to reschedule my appointment for Thursday. I guess my OB's surgery on wednesday got pushed back. My appointment now, is once again, with a midwife I've never met too! I think if this keeps up, Happenstance, our appointments will be on the same day!!! :haha:
This sure is making this week just draaggg!!!!!

Sorry I've been MIA ladies, I've had a busy couple of days and not been at home till late. And it turns out, I have no idea what my password to this site is? :shrug: I'm always logged in on the home computer but no idea what the login details are for when I'm elsewhere. Anyway, enough boring stuff...

CharlieJo:happydance::yipee::bunny: What a beautiful baby! He/she has grown so much eh?! Wow! I never get tired of looking at scan pics. I still can't quite believe that babies are so magical and wonderful and how all that can happen from a sperm and an egg. And isn't it so cute to see it moving around! I took my mum and my DH to my last scan and my DH said my mum kept grabbing his arm every time it kicked. He said he had a red mark by the end of it, so baby must've been kicking a lot! I'm so glad you got such a lovely clear pic. :cloud9: And :thumbup: to enjoying your pregnancy now. Are you ready to tell people?

Akblaze I looked at the thread yesterday (without my login details so couldn't post) to see how your scan went. Can't believe they changed it again!!! Well, I'm so happy that the day has finally come! I hope I get to see a beautiful little pic of your little bundle of joy :cloud9: later today. It's rubbish that you've waited all this time and it's with yet another midwife you don't know. And to think you were so compliant and helpful at letting them move your appointment! Docs suck! I hope you get a lovely midwife who takes lots of time with you and gets some top-class pics.

Well, my orange idea went down BRILLIANTLY! I met my friend on Tuesday after work and bought her a glass of wine. I had a soda water and lime and told her there was vodka in it (which she believed fine!). After a couple of drinks, I handed her the orange and said 'I want you to guess what this orange means and why I've given it to you'. I told her that if she got it right, she would get what was inside a brown envelope. She was totally confused for about 10 minutes then said she wanted to write down her guess on her phone and, if she got it right, she'd show me. So I handed her the envelope and inside I'd designed a job advert for a 'favourite auntie' with a full job description, person spec and a start date for September. She burst out crying and showed me her phone where she had written 'I think there's somebody growing inside of you that's the size of an orange - someone exciting'. :cloud9: Then I burst out crying too. We must have looked quite a sight!

Then last night, I went to see my other best friend. She's been looking for a new job lately so I told her I found a job that she might want to apply for. She opened up the job advert for 'favourite auntie' and, it took her till about the third line before she looked up at me said 'really?' then burst into tears. So I burst into tears again too. I was like, why are you all doing this to me??? I'm the pregnant one!!! Then she just kept bursting into tears throughout the night. She said I made her an emotional wreck!

They were both so happy for me and said we would be the best parents. It was lovely sharing my news :cloud9:

I love that you tried yoga, are you still feeling sore? I was looking into classes around here but they all recommended joining after 14 weeks and at the time I was only 12 weeks. Then I kind of lost momentum. I might start checking again. How are you feeling otherwise? How's the congestion, headaches and MS?

Oh, and I'm glad the achey, stretchy feelings are normal - I was starting to worry a little!

Good luck with your scan today and get on here quick to let me know how you get on :hugs:

JD Welcome to the thread and congrats on your BFP. Please let us know how you get on at your scan - I'm sure everything will be just fine. How far along are you? It's very possible it could still be some implantation bleeding?

Annie00, Horseypants how are you both doing? Hope all is going well and that the dreaded spotting has stayed away.

Sending all the gorgeous, lovely ladies on this thread - and their amazing LOs - lots of :hugs: and :kiss:
had scan alls well. 8 weeks little bean heart flicking away.
happenstance, my spotting has stopped but im still so paranoid :(

i decided mine was because i drank hibiscus punch (people have it with mexican food around here). i looked it up later and read it bring on menstruation! so it stopped, but im still freaking out... but telling myself not to. i messaged my doc tthis morning begging for a blood test to see if my numbers are still going up. i really want some positive news before the weekend to ease my fears.

hugs hugs hugs everyone

JD'2 - That is wonderful news, congrats!!!!!!!!!
Hi ladies! My 20 week appointment went well! Unfortunately, no ultrasound today :( since they had to move my appointment from my OB to a midwife I didn't have an ultrasound scheduled.. (since my OB does them, not the techs) So, I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 12th! Happenstance, we're going to be appointment buddies!!! :winkwink:
Everything else is looking good though!! Little peanut was kicking the midwife as she was trying to find the heart beat. I was cracking up laughing! She's a little ninja! :ninja::bodyb: Also, the midwife said I shouldn't have a problem flying until 36 weeks so I will get to HOPEFULLY fly down and spend a few weeks with DH when he gets back state side!!! :yipee:
We also did blood work to test for any chromosomal problems.. normally that is offered between 16-18 weeks but my OB never offered it.. the midwife said I'm still (barely) in the window to get that test done so I'm pretty anxious to find out those results! If they come back high risk then I'll debate on an amnio.. eek I can't even think about that yet!! I did get in trouble for gaining 4lbs since my last appt two weeks ago!! :blush: whoops!

Happenstance, how wonderful that your orange idea went soooo well!!!!! :D I'm sooo happy for you! It's great that your friends are so happy for you too!!! I know my little niece/nephew has amazing parents!!! :) How do you feel now that you shared the news?! Oh I'm just sooo excited for you!!!! I can't stop smiling!! :haha:

I really enjoy the yoga! It's a little tough, and since It's not prenatal the instructor will give me pointers as best she can (she's never studied prenatal yoga though).. unfortunately the gym I go to doesn't have any prenatal specific classes. But I still like it :) The headaches and MS have been pretty good!!! (knock on wood!) How have your headaches and MS been? Hopefully staying away!!! :hugs: Oh and the congestion is pretty much gone!!! YAY!!! :happydance:

Today the midwife definitely said anything stretchy and achey, even stabbing, pulling pains are all normal as you start stretching. I get a bit of a stabbing/pulling pain when I'm doing yoga at times but it's not too bad.

I hope you and your little one are doing well!!!! :D Next week needs to hurry up and get here!!!!!
Sending you both loads of :kiss: and hugs!!! :hugs::hugs:

CharlieJo How are you doing since your AMAZING scan!? :) Hopefully wonderful!
How does it feel now that you've shared the news?
Sending you both loads of hugs!!!

JD WONDERFUL news!!!! :) I'm so happy for you!!!!

horseypants, It's great that your spotting has stopped!!! Did you hear back from your doc about a blood test? I really hope they give you one, I wouldn't see why they wouldn't! Keeping my fingers crossed that your spotting stays away!!!!

Sending all of you lovely ladies lots and lots of hugs!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
hi guys the bad news is i had a horrible fight with oh and the other bad news is that i started bleeding bright red right after. oh and i feel psycho and depressed. not handling it with any grace whatsoever.

he told me he told his ex that he couldnt see her and her new baby before they moved because i had had a miscarriage in september. i asked him not to talk to her at all after she sent him a picture of her newborn feeding on her breast a while ago. of course he did. how dare he tell her that. i feel so betrayed. i got so mad. i feel like it's happening again and i'm sleeping with the enemy. he had said he was going to propose now this. there's a bunch of church stuff this weekend and im so afraid of having an episode like that movie front of everyone. i can't deal. i'm at work today. so upset. i hate to marr this nice thread with my outburst, but .... like i said. no grace right now.

doctor's appointment today at 4pm. probably wont tell me anything conclusive. i can't do this weekend with everythign im feeling. i dont know how i will get through it. want to poof disappear.

i hope you guys are good. i hope this passes and i can cheer you on.
....should I delete the post above? Debating it.

Doc said its a wait and see situation and I have no clear reason to lose hope. First tri spotting is very common. Guys I'm sorry if I busted in and freaked everyone out. I need to put on my big girl panties.
Im so sorry to hear this. It makes me so sad. Bless your heart i dont know with how much grace i could handle that either, but i think you are doing good. Hugs darling.

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