Newly pregnant and!

Horseypants, please do not worry! We are here for all of the ups and downs through each others journeys! I'm so sorry that you began to have bright red spotting, how is it now? Did the doc at least do a blood test?
As far as the situation with your OH.. I really don't blame you for getting upset like that, god knows I would have flown right off the handle! Especially if the ex sent him a picture like that!!!!! That is something that is very personal and it's not his place to tell his ex. Especially if he said he wasn't going to talk to her. Does your OH know that what he did was wrong? It almost seems like some people don't realize how traumatizing and personal a miscarriage is.
As far as the weekend goes, don't hesitate to stay in and rest!!! I really believe that's the most important thing in first tri, rest!
If you need anything don't hesitate to come to any of us :) Like I said, we're all here for you! And feel free to PM me as well!
Sending you loads and loads of hugs!!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm joining you all too. Had a big bleed this morning when I went to the toilet and have no ms for the first time in 2 weeks. I'm so nervous, I have my next scan on weds an should be about 8 weeks, my last scan showed a sac and yolk but no heartbeat so I have been paranoid for the past week and half. Why do these things always seem to happen at a weekend or bank holiday? I have been through the same in my last pregnancy but this time I just can't stay positive. Im going to be in and out the toilet all day now hoping for it to slow and stop. I'm so scared x
Akblaze I'm so glad we're going to be appointment buddies!!! :happydance: Although, it's rubbish that you didn't get a scan...again! You must be so frustrated by now?

Mind you, it's great that baby is big enough now that you know when she's kicking. I take it she doesn't like midwives too much! :ninja: That's so cute! And to know she has a wonderful heartbeat is so reassuring. :cloud9:

I'm glad the midwife said you could fly to see your DH when he gets back to the states. I always thought flying was off the menu when you were so far gone, so I'm so glad you got good news. I bet you're counting the days till he gets back! Has he had any more luck getting access to the internet or are you having to make do with the odd phone call here and there?

I wonder what blood work you got done and why you weren't offered it before? :shrug: When do you get your results back? At your next appointment? Also, I thought it would be perfectly normal to be gaining a few pounds here and there by the time you're as far gone as you! Plus, looking at the size of you, you can tell that it's all baby. Don't worry about weight gain, it's perfectly normal and we all gain at different times and speeds. I'm starting to get a bit of a bump although it looks more like fat. It's not neat and to the front, it's kind of all over :wacko: Mind you, it's got the stage that I had to buy my first maternity jeans at the weekend as my other jeans don't fit anymore! I've still not put on any weight yet, but I think that's because I probably lost a few pounds during my MS stage, so I've probably caught up with myself now. Just need to weight for the mega growing to start! Bring it on!!!

How are your headaches doing? I had a massive headache yesterday, it was so sore! But thankfully today I feel much better. Just in time to go back to work...! :wacko:

Well, only two more sleeps until our appointments. Honestly, I never thought I'd ever get to see a midwife. I feel like I've been waiting forever! Sending you and my little niece gigantic :hugs: and :kiss: Give your belly a little rub from me and tell your little bundle of joy :kiss: that her auntie said hello x

Horseypants, I'm sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time and that your spotting has come back. Is it still there or has it gone again? I agree with Akblaze, the best thing you can do is try your best to relax and take it easy. Do as little as you possibly can. The advice from my doctor during my spotting was to relax and do no exercise. I followed her advice to the letter! And please don't ever worry about venting here, we're all here for each other :hugs: Hope you and your LO are doing really well.

Kellie_w welcome to the thread. How has your spotting been? I hope yours has calmed down too. I know that at my first scan they only saw a yolk sac, but at my 8 week scan there was a little baby and a heartbeat. I'm sure this will be the same for you. I know it's a worrying and frustrating time, but remember that we are here for you when you need us :hugs:

CharlieJo Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you and your LO are okay.

How are all the other ladies on this thread? Remember to stop by and see us and I hope you are all doing really well and that the spotting has disappeared. Sending all the lovely ladies on this thread massive :hugs:
PS Akblaze, when did you become a banana! Gosh, I missed so much over the Easter weekend!!! Yay for a banana! That is so huge! :happydance:

PPS I'm now an avocado! So happy :happydance:
Happenstance, Oh it definitely is frustrating!!!! I'm always sooo excited to see my LO and it NEVERRR happens! :dohh: at least I KNOW it'll happen on Thursday now! :haha: I shouldn't complain though because you've had to wait foreverrrr just for your appointment with your midwife! I'm so happy it's finally the week!! :D

I am sooo excited to see my DH!! :D He will be home for a couple weeks mid may. I told him he better know that once we're together again he isn't getting rid of me! So he doesn't have a choice but to let me fly back down with him!! :rofl:

I'm really not sure why my OB didn't offer it to me. If I had more time to think about it I'm not sure I would've done it. Even if it does come back in the high risk zone for down syndrome or something of that nature I don't know if I could do an amnio.. This pregnancy has already been nerve wrecking enough to worry about losing a perfectly healthy baby from amnio!!
I'm definitely not worrying about my weight gain. :) I was really sick all day Friday, not able to hold any food or even water down! Which put me back down a few lbs.. I was sooo worried!!! So, I'd rather eat and know the baby is getting plenty of nutrition than not enough!
Lol! The in between stage sucked for me! I'm sure it does for every pregnant woman!!! But I bet you look just lovely!!! I bet you are not far off from really popping!!! :happydance:

I'm sooo sorry you had a massive headache yesterday!!!! :hugs: We are pretty much in the same boat. I had a headache from thursday night to sunday morning! Hopefully the headaches end really soon for both of us!!

I did get a maternity pillow, if you start to have bad hip/back pain at night I really suggest one! I can tell the nights that I use it I don't have nearly as much pain but the nights that I choose to snuggle with one of my puppies instead of the pillow.. well.. those nights are horrible!!! Plus the maternity pillow seems to hold up better than a normal pillow, it isn't going flat as easily! :haha:

How was your holiday weekend? I hope it was fantastic for you, your DH, and your LO!! :) (besides the headaches of course!)

AHH! I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE AN AVOCADO!!!!!! :yipee::bunny:
So exciting!!!! :) Have you felt any more movement!?

I can't believe my LO is the length of a BANANA! She's getting huuuge!!!! I can definitely feel it too!

Only a couple more days for us!!!! :happydance:
I hope you and your LO continue to do fantastic!!! Sending lots of :kiss: and hugs!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Kellie, Congrats on your BFP! Welcome to the thread, but I'm sorry it's under these circumstances!! I'm so sorry this is happening. My first scan at the ER there was no sign of anything in my uterus, my second scan at about 5.6weeks that my OB did we saw the little fetal pole (no HB). I don't think we saw the HB until 8 or 9 weeks. This next scan should definitely ease your mind a little!! The spotting is never comforting though.. How has it been the past couple of days? Keep us updated! Sending lots of hugs!!!

I hope all of you other ladies are doing wonderful!! Sending lots and lots of hugs to you and your LO's!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Aww lovely ladies, thank you for such a nice welcome! The bleeding stopped Saturday, returned slightly in the evening and since I have had a tiny bit of watery blood yesterday but nothing much else. In my last pregnancy I had a big bleed and rushed to a&e, this time I know that there is absolutely no point, there is nothing they will do apart from keep you hanging around for hours to be told to go home and wait to see what progresses. I have my next scan tomorrow, I'm a nervous wreck for it but have prepared myself either way for the outcome. I still feel pregnant with really bad sickness, and was silly and did another test yesterday. The test line came up before the control line and was the darkest line I have ever seen.

Huge hugs to all those who are also going through this horrible bleeding xxx
Hi ladies

Sorry I've been MIA but it has been quite a stressful few days for me - ensing up with me being rushed to A&E this morning as I was passing some rather big clots!!

After 6 hours I was given an emergency scan and baby was there with a good HB but not moving around like last week which stressed me a little - but sonographer said he could be asleep!!

was admitted to the gynae ward and had a colposcopy so they could take some samples - after the exam the gynae told me i have cervical ectropian - also known as cervical erosion - which is what is causing the bleeding.

They said chances are i will continue to bleed but that there is nothing they can do about this condition while i am pregnant - I've just been advised to rest really. Think i've been trying to prove i wont be a boring pregnant person and doing too much to be honest.

Anyway good luck for your appts both - can't wait to hear all about them
Akblaze the big day is finally here for both of us! :happydance: Can't wait!!! Will you get the results from your tests today?

Gosh, I know you said your DH was coming back in May for a bit, but I've only just realised how close we are to May :dohh: You must be soooo excited. He probably won't recognise you with peanut getting so big! If she kicks and moves a lot when he's on the phone, then I wonder what she'll do when you actually see him! He'll need to hug you from the side now due to your growing bump! :cloud9:

I'm so sorry you've been sick again - that's awful you're still feeling so bad when you're so far along. Peanut definitely doesn't want you to forget about her does she?!?! How are you feeling now? Any better? I hope so :hugs:

I'm glad you got the maternity pillow and think it's great. I didn't know anyone who had one so wasn't sure about it. But you've made it sound so fantastic that I might just have to look into one. I'm glad that it's helping with your pain. My 'bump' isn't big enough to make me uncomfortable when I sleep yet. Still just looks like I've ate too much chocolate. Have you read that in second tri we should sleep on our left sides? I wake up sometimes on my back and worry that I'm crushing the baby. :wacko: I know that's stupid but I'm not quite sure why they tell you to sleep on the left? I think I'll Google that later! :comp: Oh no, the return of Doctor Google!

Anyway, hope you have a wonderful appointment and if they give you any more trouble with the scan then just chain yourself to the door and tell them you're not leaving until you get some lovely scan pics for peanut's favourite auntie. The cheek of them making you wait this long! Can't wait to hear all about it. Sending you lots of wonderful appointment day :hugs: and :kiss:

kellie_w I'm sorry to hear you're still having a rough time, how did your scan go? I hope it went fantastically and that your LO is doing great. Please let us know how you got on. :hugs:

CharlieJo what a nightmare! That sounds so awful, you must have been so worried! It's great news that the baby is doing great but it sounds like you've been through the mill with worry and tests. I'm glad they've told you to rest, it sounds like the best thing for you. Does your work know that your pregnant now or are you taking time off 'sick' just now? I hope you don't try and rush back before you're ready, just let your DH look after you and don't try and lift a finger. Okay, I'll let you lift a finger, but only to type to us on this thread!!! :haha:

Did they say if this is something you'll have throughout your pregnancy? Or will they have to fix it after you've given birth? I'm sorry, I just don't know much about cervical erosions. Other than the fact it sounds terrifying.

I'm so sorry you're going through this right now but please know that we are always here for you. Sending you massive get well :hugs: and :kiss:

PS I've heard from a few people that they panicked when the baby wasn't moving so much and it was true, their babies were just sleeping. I know how much I sleep right now, I can only imagine how tiring it must be as a little baby trying to grow all the time! Please don't fret about it, there was a lovely, healthy heartbeat which means a lovely, healthy baby :cloud9:

PPS Congrats on being a plum! Time is moving so fast! Almost in third tri :happydance:
Kellie, How did your scan go? I really hope it went wonderfully!! Unfortunately, you're right.. after the first time I went to the ER (which I paid out the rear-end for!) I decided there was no point in going back every time my spotting came back as there was nothing anyone could do. I knew either way nature would do what it's gonna do. I'm staying positive for you though and keeping my fingers crossed!!! :hugs: Can't wait to hear how your scan went!!!

Charlie-Jo, Oh no!! That's not good!!! I'm sooo sorry that you got this news, but it's still so wonderful that your LO is doing great!!!
I really hope you have been resting lots, I'm sure that is the most important thing for your LO right now!
I wouldn't worry about your LO not moving around in your scan. Today's scan was the first time that my LO was ever awake and moving (without us having to wake her up with a good jiggle!) I'm sure your LO was just snoozin away!!! :)
I agree with happenstance though, that diagnosis sounds scary!! Same question too! Is it something they will fix after birth?
I'm sending you an extra bunch of hugs!!! :hugs::hugs:

Happenstance, I'm soooo excited to hear how your appointment went!!! :happydance::yipee::bunny: I bet your LO is gorgeous!!!! I'm such a proud auntie!!!! :cloud9: We will require pictures!!!! :winkwink:

I'm definitely getting more and more anxious for my DH to be back to the states and get to visit!!! :) I try not to think about how much time left or else I know it'll drag! :haha: I wish I could just wake up and it'd be time to pick him up at the airport!!!! I'll probably be huuuuge by then! Will be entering third tri right around that time as well!

As far as I know about sleeping on the left side is because sleeping on that side gives the best circulation and blood flow to the baby and your lower body. They say not to lay on your back because it can compress on your vena cava which is a large vein that returns blood from the lower portion of the body to your heart.
I still find myself on my back and even in yoga I do some stuff on my back. I've heard some women never have problems with it and some do. I apparently don't yet! I still try not to stay on my back too long though. In bed, I find myself on my right side like 90% of the time. Go figure, that's the side I find most comfy now a days! :dohh:

*knock on wood* but this week has gone remarkably well!!! I'm still sooo tired all the time but no headaches or sickness since last weekends horrible episode! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'm finally out of all that!

How have you been feeling?? Hopefully wonderful!!!
Have you felt your LO moving more?

As for my day!!! I requested my lab reports (since my appointment isn't until the 26th) Our little one is at no increased risk for any chromosomal abnormalities!! :)
My scan was amazzinnggg!!! :cloud9: She put my due date ahead, I'm officially 23 weeks!!! Due date is August 9th.. pretty close to what I thought at Aug 10! She is most definitely a girl! With ten adorable fingers and ten adorable toes! She ruled out a cleft lip, her heart is perfect, organs are functioning, and she weighs over a pound!!!! :bodyb: She's a stubborn little thing though! She was on her belly for most of the scan and the tech couldn't get a view of the left side of her heart so she was waiting for her to roll back onto her back. The second the tech moves away from the heart my LO rolls onto her back and the tech said "oh stay there for just a couple minutes!" she goes right back to the heart... and my LO is back on her belly!!! :rofl: it was funny!!! She also was taking turns head butting and kicking my bladder! :haha: Such a fun little thing!!! The tech showed me a front view of her face and her jaw line reminded me sooooo much of my DH!!!! I'm even more anxious now for the 3d/4d scan next month!!
I will post some pictures too! :D

I hope all you lovely ladies and your little ones are doing wonderful!!!
Sending you all loads and loads of :kiss: and hugs!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:


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Akblaze I'm so happy your scan went so well and those are some amazing pics!!! :cloud9: I can't believe how detailed they are! And the one of the little foot - well, that's just too cute!!! :happydance:

I love the fact that your LO is so disruptive during scans, I like a woman who knows her own mind and isn't afraid to do as she pleases. Okay, so she may look a bit like your DH, but I reckon in personality she takes after her favourite auntie :haha:

And I can't believe they moved you forward :happydance: And there was you worrying that she was a small baby early on. Well, she ain't small anymore! A PAPAYA - bloody hell!!! That's MASSIVE :cloud9:

Well, my scan went really well but my pics are absolutely rubbish. I mean, worse than rubbish. I have a little album where I keep all of my scan pics and I really had to think about whether to even put them in or not. They are so dark that you can barely even see a baby on them. And the one that you can kind of make out is an alien face - you know that way when they hit them head on in 2d? Well, that's the best pic. DH agreed that they're awful. My scan was done by a male sonographer (which, actually, I thought was great because I'm big on equality issues), but DH reckons that's why the scan wasn't as good, because he didn't really care about good pics. Anyway, the good news is that LO is doing fine and is measuring exactly on time! So, due date is 25 September.

The NHS don't spend too much time with you so my scan only lasted about 5 minutes (compared to my private one which was about 20-30 mins! Although, I think an NT scan is meant to take a lot longer). I've got my 20 week scan next month and that will take place at the hospital where I deliver, rather than my local hospital which is where I'll have all of my antenatal appointments. I met with the midwife but apparently she's from a different team so I won't meet a midwife from my team until my 24 week appointment. They had a complete nightmare getting blood from me, I'm like a pin cushion, but other than that it went great. I feel much happier being pregnant now. I got a pack with tons of leaflets and booklets (including one that shows the colours that your baby's poop should be in the first few weeks!!! Too much info!!!).

I'm glad you've had a better week this week. I'm still living in headache city but other than that, I'm doing okay. And do you know what, I prefer sleeping on my right too. I reckon we have awkward LOs!!! But hey, we love them all the more for it (note to self: remember this when you are getting woken up by aforementioned awkward LO at 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am...! :haha:)

Anyway, better dash for now. Although it's Saturday, I'm working today. I've got loads of weekend working coming up so I don't know when I'll have time to rest!!! Oh well, at least I don't have any trouble sleeping at night!!!

Take it easy and give my beautiful little niece a little tummy-hug from me :hugs:
Happenstance, She definitely has quite the personality already!!! :haha: I can already tell she's going to be a handful!:cloud9:

I am sooo happy I got moved back forward to where I KNEW I should be! hahaha! Definitely makes sense as to why my uterus is way higher than my belly button! It's so funny because my LO seems just massive in my head!! But I know she is still super small compared to what she will be at birth! I think the ultrasounds just make them seem waayyyy bigger than they actually are! :blush: Still super cute though, and ginormous compared to how they start out!! It's fascinating.

Aww, I'm sorry you didn't get good pictures!!! I probably would have left crying! I'm such a baby lately! lol. I do agree though, I'm super big on equality issues.. but I think he didn't really understand enough to make sure to get good pictures.
I can't wait to see my niece/nephew!!!!!
It's sooooo wonderful though that he/she is doing great!!!! That's really the most important thing! I'm sooo happy for you and your DH!!!! :hugs:

Your next scan will definitely take longer, and hopefully you get some really good pictures!! They have sooo much stuff they have to measure and look at. She showed me everything from her brain, and pointed out her frontal lobe.. she showed me that her heart, kidneys, stomach, and bladder were all functioning correctly. Measured her head and abdomen.. Just soooo many measurements at your anatomy scan but it's so cool getting to see it all!! You will just be in awe!! :cloud9:

It's a bummer you won't get to meet a midwife from your team until 24 weeks! I hope you really like everyone you see though! It's great that you are feeling happier being pregnant too!! Your LO is definitely there to stay!! :D Hahaha! I can't believe they have pamphlets on baby poo colors!!! How funny!!! I guess it is an important thing to know though, does it say if wrong colored poop can mean bad things?

I take it you guys didn't ask about the gender? I give you props!!! Even though we were planning on being team yellow for a while, part of me knew I wouldn't be able to do it with DH not being home... haha!

I'm so sorry your living in headache city still!! :nope: I hope they end soon!!!! I'm gonna start threatening your headaches! :grr:
I haven't had one in over a week now!!!
of course, now, I'm dealing with some excruciating back pain!! I knew eventually my back would start killing me since it's so bad already... if it doesn't settle down then I will try my spinal cord stimulator and just pray that it doesn't cause any cramping or other problems. I would feel just horrible!

I think we definitely do have awkward LO's! :haha: and yes, we must remember that we love them all the more when they are waking us up at every hour of the night!! :lol:

YOUR AN ONION!!!!!! :D Yaayyy!!!! :yipee::headspin::wohoo::bunny:
So exciting!! It seemed impossible about 10 weeks ago didn't it!?

How was your weekend? I hope you didn't have too much work so you could enjoy some of your weekend!!
I hope you and your LO are doing fantastic, and I'll be telling those headaches to stay away!
Sending you both loads of :kiss: and hugs!! :hugs::hugs:

How are you other ladies doing? Keeping you all in my thoughts!!! :hugs:
Glad this thread had bumped up, I forgot to post here about my scan! It went well, measuring 8+2 with a strong heartbeat. I cried with such relief! I had no more bleeding until last night, bright red again with tissuey like tiny clots. This morning I have lots of pink discharge and some cramping so I'm really worried again and my next scan isn't until 10th may. I just don't know what to think, why does it keep happening? X
Hi ladies

Glad both of your scans went well but that's rubbish about your pics happenstance! My monographer was male and he was brilliant really attentive showing us everything on the baby and everyone has commented on how awesome my pics were - though that seemed to because I have daddy's little poser in there lOl!

My bleeding has been at bay for a few days now but I've resigned myself to the fact that unfortunately for me it's here to stay!! To answer your question yes they may potentially freeze the problem areas off after I've given birth but that just depends on how if progresses over the next 6 months! It's a real pain but at least I know it is having no affect on the baby at all!

I've been having a few mild cramps over the past few days but I think it is prob my uterus stretching / moving as I am very definitely getting a little bump now that people are commenting on! I'm also definitely not drinking enough water so need to rectify this!!

Kellie - I lost some pretty big clots last week so try not to worry - chances are that your bleeding like mine is cervical in origin - in which case you are absolutely fine!!

I had really wanted to start swimming this week but I'm a bit net ous this may bring the bleeding back on - so I'm going to wait until I speak to my midwife in a few weeks for reassurance I think!

Anyway make sure all you ladies are looking after yourselves!!
Hi ladies

Glad both of your scans went well but that's rubbish about your pics happenstance! My monographer was male and he was brilliant really attentive showing us everything on the baby and everyone has commented on how awesome my pics were - though that seemed to because I have daddy's little poser in there lOl!

My bleeding has been at bay for a few days now but I've resigned myself to the fact that unfortunately for me it's here to stay!! To answer your question yes they may potentially freeze the problem areas off after I've given birth but that just depends on how if progresses over the next 6 months! It's a real pain but at least I know it is having no affect on the baby at all!

I've been having a few mild cramps over the past few days but I think it is prob my uterus stretching / moving as I am very definitely getting a little bump now that people are commenting on! I'm also definitely not drinking enough water so need to rectify this!!

Kellie - I lost some pretty big clots last week so try not to worry - chances are that your bleeding like mine is cervical in origin - in which case you are absolutely fine!!

I had really wanted to start swimming this week but I'm a bit net ous this may bring the bleeding back on - so I'm going to wait until I speak to my midwife in a few weeks for reassurance I think!

Anyway make sure all you ladies are looking after yourselves!!
How are things Akblaze? Hope you and LO are doing great!

AFM: Well, I've taken a day trip from headache city to a little place called nosebleed-ville. It's not a pretty place and it lives right next to cold/congestion town. It's really not worth a visit so I would recommend you remove this from your pregnancy travel guide. I've also developed a few raised red spots at the base of my bump and on my tummy. They're not itchy or causing me any problems but not sure if I should see a doctor or not? :shrug: I think I'll see how they are in a day or two.

Well, today I'm an onion :happydance: It says that baby now weighs half a pound but I haven't gained any weight yet. I have a definite bump growing (still looks like fat!) and baby is measuring well which is great, but I haven't put on a single ounce. What's the deal with that? Am I going to wake up one morning and suddenly be 10 pounds heavier?!?! When did you start putting on weight? I just can't understand it because I'm certainly eating plenty?

Also, the hormones are in full flow. Yesterday, DH got his head bawled off for leaving his towel in the wrong place. I then went on a super-strop complaining about everything - literally, EVERYTHING! Poor thing didn't know what to do. He said he'd leave me alone until my hormones calmed down. I was like "WHAT, THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH MY HORMONES!!! MY HORMONES CAN'T THROW TOWELS AND SOCKS EVERYWHERE!!! :brat:" Anyway, needless to say, my hormones did calm down and I apologised (not for the towel thing though, that was all me!).

Thanks for the reassurance on my next scan. I'm hoping I get some beautiful pics to make up for it. Still, as long as baby is doing okay then there's not much more I can ask for. :cloud9:

I must say I haven't read the poop colour leaflet yet. I'm saving that for when I'm really bored!!! But I do think it's good to have this information, just in case! I'm sure there will come a day, not too far in the future, where I'm absolutely obsessed with baby poo! :haha:

And yes, we're still team :yellow:! I'm sticking to my guns!

I'm so sorry you're having such awful back pain. I think you should definitely try your back robot :)haha:), especially when everyone has said it is safe to use. If you have any problems you can just stop. Let me know how it goes :hugs:

kellie_w I'm glad you had such a great scan and that baby is doing well. As for the recent bleeding, I agree with CharlieJo, it's probably something to do with your cervix but it would be best to get checked out. Can you call your midwife or EPU and try and get a sooner scan? I bled most of my first 10 weeks of pregnancy and I had all colours of the rainbow, including some pretty big clots. But baby is just fine and I'm sure yours will be too. I know it is so worrying and frustrating but we're always here if you need us :hugs:

CharlieJo I'm glad the bleeding has calmed down a bit but sounds like you've got more to put up with in the coming weeks/months. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Like you say, at least you know baby is doing absolutely fine which is the main thing :cloud9:

I've had the mild cramps too (still do on and off) and it's definitely stretching pains. Apparently my uterus is now the size of a cantaloupe so no wonder I've had pains if it's been stretching that much!!! As for the water, can you try buying bottled water and drinking that? That way you get an idea of how much you're drinking? I'm pretty much the opposite - I can't seem to get enough water!!!

Anyway, better run, sending all of you lovely ladies and your LOs massive :hugs: and :kiss:
Kellie, That's great that your scan brought such wonderful news! I'm sorry that your spotting has returned though.. How has it been the last couple days? I'm keeping you in my thoughts!! I don't understand why things like this have to happen either, it drives us insane with worry when we already have so much to worry about with the little one's in us! I really hope your spotting stops soon. I'm also one of the many that had spotting all throughout first trimester..sending you lots of hugs!

CharlieJo, I'm sorry your also still dealing with spotting.. have you been able to handle it with a little more sanity since you found out the reason? I'm sure it's still scary! That's good that there is a possibility that they can solve the problem, and also wonderful that it isn't harming the baby at all! that must be a big relief! I'm still going to keep my fingers crossed that you get a spot free pregnancy soon!!

Happenstance, You seem to be right behind me in the oh so wonderful line of pregnancy symptoms! I only got a few nosebleeds though. But oh, the congestion, that was just horrible! Breathe right strips where my friends! :haha: I really hope it passes soon though!! The bumps are odd, the only thing I've experienced is the lotion I first started using gave me a big rash on my belly. Also, I have this insane itchiness behind my knees every now and then.. mostly at night. I would definitely keep an eye on it for a couple days and if it doesn't go away or gets worse it's worth getting checked out!

I wouldn't worry about not putting weight on yet, I took forever to start putting weight on but my OB was never worried, she just said.. "you just wait, it'll come!" haha! It definitely has. I haven't gained any in the last two weeks so it still seems to fluctuate. As long as you are eating and staying hydrated then you have nothing to worry about :)

:rofl: that's hilarious!!!! He was probably terrified! I would probably bite my DH's head off if he said something about my hormones when I was angry! I have noticed my hormones have turned me into the BIGGEST baby!!! I was watching Dateline NBC "My kid would never do that" and they set these kids up in stranger danger situations and these kids were giving out their addresses to a guy who claimed to be a talent agent... other kids took free ice cream from the ice cream man then took a tour of his truck! I was BAWLING! And that's happened more than a few times... :dohh: DH is going to come home to a big cry baby!!!

That's exciting that you guys are staying team :yellow:!!! Oh, such suspense for the birth!!!!

AFM: Well, I'm doing alright! Little bundle of joy is doing perfect! However, today I called my docs office about my braxton hicks contractions... I seem to get anywhere from 20-40 a day. Last night I was getting quite a bit but didn't want to call. So today, they were about to send me to L&D but found a spot to squeeze me in with the midwife. Thank goodness! I didn't want to go to l&d! That just seems scary! :blush:

She did say I'm having a lot so she checked for a UTI which came back normal.. my cervix is closed, hard, and measuring 3cm at my last scan so that's okay.. she swabbed for yeast and that did come back positive so she put me on a cream. She said she didn't think that would cause contractions though.
She also did the fetal fibronectin swab and I'll get those results back tomorrow since they had to be sent to the hospital. That will be positive or negative on my chances of going into labor in the next two weeks. If it comes back positive then I'll be sent for an internal ultrasound to get a more accurate measure of my cervix. But if all that is normal she said I could have an irritable uterus. I didn't know much on what that was.. so of course I came home and consulted Dr. google.. :dohh:

I have an appointment with my OB already scheduled for the 26th so if I'm still having contractions like crazy I'm hoping she has some other ideas, or maybe this is just how my pregnancy will be. In the meantime the midwife said the keep with the guidelines of calling if I get three in an hour.. seriously.. I would be calling every night! I've gotten three just while writing this! :wacko:

Other than that I'm doing good and my LO is doing good :) found out I have an anterior placenta which makes it harder to feel movement. I found that funny because I feel sooo much movement and have been for a while!!! My little girl must be super strong!!! :bodyb: Her daddy will be proud! :haha:

Have you been feeling any more movement?

I hope you and your precious one are doing wonderful!!! Sending loads of :kiss: and hugs!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Akblaze I'm so sorry you're having all of those horrible braxton hicks contractions. That sounds like an awful lot, are they painful or uncomfortable? Thanks goodness they didn't send you to l&d - talk about panicking! That would have made you freak out right then and there! I'm glad you called and saw your midwife and that they're carrying out tests on you. Your cervix being closed and hard is a excellent sign. The fetal swab sounds like it will give you more information. Is it today that you get your results back? I hope they come back negative too. Could the contractions be caused at all by the pain you're having in your back? I don't know much about them but just wondered...

And what have I told you about making an appointment at the Google surgery :comp: You NEVER come away more reassured (although, I do it too. It's almost like we can't help ourselves!) Are you still keeping a diary of all the contractions you're getting? I know right now you think you'll remember each one but in a couple of weeks you'll probably struggle to remember. The great news is that your LO is doing great - she's obviously just bored in there and is causing her mummy some trouble. I'd watch out for that one, particularly when she hits the terrible twos - sounds like she's going to be a handful!!! Seriously though, you take it easy (very, very easy. Do nothing and relax as much as possible) and know that if I can do anything (even if it is consulting Dr Google on your behalf and getting rid of all the rubbish before reporting back!) then let me know. I'm always here for you :hugs:

I'm glad you're still feeling lots of strong movement, even though they said you shouldn't be! That's one strong little ninja in there :ninja: Again, I don't know much about an anterior placenta, but could this make you more likely to have braxton hicks? :shrug: AFM: I don't know if I've felt any more movement. I think I have. But when I mentioned it to my midwife she said I'm way to early and wouldn't be feeling anything until around 20 weeks. She put it down to wind. So now, I'm just not sure. I think I feel movement sometimes, it really doesn't feel like wind, but I don't know. I suppose in a few weeks the movements should get stronger and then I won't have to question what they are! Maybe my LO is just being kind to his/her mummy and taking it easy on her for a while! Every time I feel something in my tummy I'm like 'hey, was that it'. It is sooooooo difficult to concentrate at work! Which is annoying, because I'm super busy right now.

And yes, I seem to be behind you on every symptom. In some ways we are so textbook, and then in others (bleeding, contractions etc) we seem to break the mould! My congestions was so bad the other day I was entirely convinced I had a full-blown cold. Then the next day, I was fine. The day after, I went through a box of tissues. Not sure what on earth is going on with that! Poor DH will just have to put up with my snoring for a while! That's weird that you have super-itchy knees, I have super-itchy shins! What are we like?!?! If you put us both together and threw away the bad parts you'd end up with a kind of normal person!!! :haha: Well, maybe that's going to far (not the putting us together part, just my suggestion that we might be normal! :haha:)

Well my weight gain plan is going the wrong way. I've now lost a pound! The only thing I can think of is that I've been eating far healthier in the last few weeks since my aversions have gone (or at least, most of them, the dishwasher is still off limits!). But I know I'm eating plenty so hopefully baby is putting on weight even if I'm not. My mum said not to worry, that the weight gain would come. I can't believe I WANT to gain weight!!!

As for being a big :baby:? Me too!!! DH walked in the other day and I was in floods of tears. He asked me what was wrong but I didn't know. I hadn't watched anything on tv or spoken to anyone or anthing. I just started crying and felt really sad. Then, 10 minutes later, I was absolutely fine. It was so weird! That programme you were watching sounds terrifying. They don't show programmes like that here, there'd probably be too much bad press on it! The only time I ever saw anything like that was on an episode of Oprah! Whatever happened to her?!?!

Anyway I better run and get ready for work. Remember and take it easy and let me know what your results say. I'm thinking of you and sending you a little anti-contractions ninja that will fight away those contractions for you :ninja: Oh, and a big :hugs: and :kiss: for your little bundle of joy. x x x
Akblaze is everything okay with you? I haven't heard from you in a bit and I was getting a little worried so thought I'd drop you a quick post. Are the contractions still going on? Did you get your results back yet?

I hope everything is going well with you. Sending you and my favourite little niece massive :hugs: and :kiss:
Happenstance, Oh goodness! I so thought I had responded!! I'm blaming my exhaustion! :blush:

I did get the fFN results back yesterday and they are negative! :happydance: So it's either the yeast infection or an irritable uterus. The midwife said she didn't know if a yeast infection would cause them, but she thinks it could because a yeast infection would irritate anyone's cervix/uterus, but she said we'd have to wait and see since she really had no idea. Well I've been on the cream for three days and my contractions have really gone down in frequency.. it's back to the normal amount that I've been getting since early on :) So hopefully it's not an irritable uterus! :haha: Of course now I'm stressing because I haven't been feeling my LO move much the past couple days!
The worry seriously never stops!!! :dohh:
I'm doing my best to stay relaxed though because I still feel her at times and her HB is good, she's probably just taking a break from beating up mommy!
the back pain is still there but not as bad, so I'm thinking the BH were maybe making it worse. I at least don't cringe with every step now!

That's crazy that your midwife said it's too early for you to feel any movement, it's definitely not! I didn't expect to feel movement until way later with this being my first but I started feeling pretty early too! I'm sure it's your LO! :happydance:
That's hilarious that our symptoms are so similar, minus the morning sickness that you've had! I don't know where the itchies come from! I need to remember to ask my OB but she will probably look at me like I'm nuts! :rofl: We definitely would make one normal person if you combined us and threw away the pieces!! :haha: of course then our DH's would have to share :winkwink:

I'm sure your little one is putting on weight. As long as your eating then I definitely wouldn't worry :) And eating healthier can definitely cause you to lose some weight even in pregnancy! I eat when I'm hungry and my last visit I hadn't gained any from the one before. I didn't worry because my LO was definitely bigger! Sometimes I feel like I'm not eating enough because I get full so insanely fast, but I just try to listen to my body :) The midwife didn't mind that I hadn't gained any.. she was also the one that lectured me on the 4lbs the previous visit! :blush:

Awww!!!!! haha that's adorable!!! I haven't had anything like that happen, it's always brought on by something I'm watching or listening to. I went and saw Titanic 3D last week and even though I've seen that movie soooo many times (since It's one of my favorites) I was sucking back tears just 20 minutes into it!!!! :dohh: I sure hope your DH gave you some lovins when he saw you crying though!!! Mine would probably laugh at me and then give me some lovin! haha.
Yeahh dateline nbc is popular for some crazy shows, a big one they do is "to catch a predator" and these men go to little girls houses to sleep with them after talking to them online, of course it's all a set up but it's just sickening!!! Makes me never want to let this little girl out of my sight when she's born!

How's your headaches and congestion? I really hope it eases up soon.. it was really no fun at all going through that! Sending an anti-headache and congestion bundle of hugs your way!!!! :hugs:

You and your LO take care!! lots and lots of :kiss: and hugs!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

How are you other lovely ladies doing this week?:hugs:

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