Newlyweds TTC

i dont blame you dont forget bogof at superdrug :happydance:

hmmm not sure about mine not feeling positive, we will see. If i get spotting tomorrow them im out no question. so will see what my temp does and go from there if i get no spotting and temp stays up i will test maybe thurs morning.

I'm excited for temps tomorrow, got free period session 3 so I will be checking in to have a look from school!!!
lol, i will post about 9.15ish, im free all day tomorrow and no one in the office so can pop on and off all day :happydance:

although i do have to look at airport parking too :winkwink:
Kelly according to google it is past 9:15am >:-( so I guess this means you don't have good news????

finally managed to get on the pc!

but sadly your right no good news, temp took a huge drop and i have started spotting, so no beanie for me :cry:
I'm not saying this for sympathy, i know wre all in the same situation and some have been trying longer than others, but im really down about it this month. I really dont know what else i can do to get this bfp.

lets hope lorts has some good news for us :dust:

How you doing Betheney? feeling ok? x
Oh dear I'm sorry Kelly. I know everyone usually says your not out till the witch shows her ugly face but we know when we're out. I had a really really rough month in oct because I'd dreamed of a honeymoon baby for so long not getting one just wasn't an option. Last month was my next deadline since the honeymoon as I vowed to myself I would tell hubby of my bfp on v-day as that is the day he proposed last year and when that didn't happen, I was kinda convinced it wasn't going to happen I know how you feel. I always took af badly. I don't know when your baby dancing as your ff doesn't show it. I know me and hubby were always every second day as you know how long spermy can stay alive.... But the month we got preg was the month we bs everyday. Do you do the baby making positions? And lay down with your hips elevated afterwards?? I'm sorry your out this month. I was convinced we'd be bump buddies! I really had my fingers crossed fir you this month :-( your still being my bump buddy no matter how further along I am. AND THAT GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU TOO!!!!! I tried making new friends in first tri..... I don't like them so much :blush: there are like a hundred people commenting an hour in first tri it's too hard following or making any conversation. I'm happy right here thank you very much.

Oh Kelly I really do feel bad. Maybe extra bits would make you feel better and maybe help your egg and spermy quality. Why not try EPO? I was on that or even wheat grass I can't even explain the wonderful properties of wheatgrass. Your blood and body is so clean when your on it, not to mention it helps produ
Produce wonderful amounts of fsh the follicle stimulating hormone, for nice healthy eggys.

Sorry I posted twice! Stupid iPod!!!!

Lots of love Kelly I hope you feel better soon! Just think ahead out if the af slump to whe
your in that optimistic mood. I always got on that mood around cd10 so try and focus on that.

Love love love
Thanks hunni,

sorry to put a downer on things, i am truely so happy for you :)

I have not had this af slump as you call it lol before i have always been ok, kind of an oh well wasnt meant to be on to next month, But today has really got to me, 1st time i have cried about it all.

so untill this month we would bd every other night, this month we bd every night and on ov day we bd on that morning and night! so we had it well covered. I also read on here about orgasms (sorry tmi) being a sort of vacum for the spermies, so we made sure i had mine after Dh if you know what i mean :blush:

so tell me about all these loveley vitamins you have been taking,
what they are and what they do, if you dont mind.
Oh yes!!! I was horriffic every month, I balled my eyes out EVERY month. I hated AF with a passion. Most months i was lucky and my day off fell on CD1 so i could spend all day at home hating my life. But then those few months where it landed on a work day my poor 30sumthin year old boss who was left to comfort me :-( got bless him, he's so super adorable. But yes i found after a few months that after 4days to a week of depression i'd start to get excited about the next month and oddly optimistic nearly every month i would announce to hubby about this time "I have a good feeling about this month" So know that as depressed as you feel you don't feel like that for long, i also found distractions worked if i could go through my slump with lots of distractions i could miss most of it completely. I know making a baby is a miracle tho, my friend did IVF and she had 10 healthy eggs combined with 10 healthy sperm and only one actually took, because making a baby is a beautiful miracle and lucky for her that one took.

your probably a little extra sad this month because i got a BFP and we're all still riding off that high and there's been so much talk of BFPs lately. I know your happy for me, so don't get me wrong i know how much your joyed by my BFP as much as i am, but i'm sure it was a contributing factor to this month being extra hard.


EPO - Evening primrose oil!!! helps produce lots of EWCM! i know you get it but the more the merrier right???? not only that but EWCM help spermys live longer (because of more EWCM) and girls spermys are the longer living ones and boys spermys are shorter lived but stronger swimmers so if its a race to the egg the boys will prob win but if its left over sperm waiting for an egg theyre probably mostly girls and i'm guessing you want a girl as you have two boys??

Wheatgrass - Like i said FSH, and clean blood and a healthy body, it improves the acidity in your body and makes it more alkaline and you will find yourself craving less junky processed food.

Spirulina - It generally says it just helps fertility and overall health, but the healthier the body the bigger chance of making a baby right?

B6 - I also took B6 as its also suppose to help EWCM (slightly) and help lengthen the Leutal phase, but you lucky lady have a nice 14day LP. Some women commented it made their EWCM worse and this month i went off my B6 and did notice my EWCM is better.

Green Tea - I threw these ones in last month for funsies i don't remember what they do, something good i'm sure. Google will help you.

and last but not least what i think i owe my BFP to.

Soy-iso i'm not sure if i've mentioned it before but they are natures version of clomid! you take them on the same days you would take clomid 3-6 or whatever, they trick your ovaries into thinking its not producing enough girly hormones and they go into overdrive producing extra so you get these really lovely eggies, i always Ov'd on CD22 sometimes later and i was convinced that was the issue with TTC that my eggs were too old, so the first month i took soy-iso i took them from 6-11 which is not the normal time 6 is a bit late to start and 11 was suppose to be 10 but i'm a moron. BUT my Ov changed to CD18 then this month my 2nd month on them i did 3-7 and Ovd on CD17!!!!!! Your ovulation dates aren't that bad but it can't hurt right? its up to you. I ummmmd and aaaahhhhhd for ages as i didn't want to waste a cycle or i didn't even want to mess my body up but it was obviously a risk that payed off which is not always the case when you try drugs that change your system.

Keep chatting to me i will let you know when i'm going to sleep


I also always tried to finish at the same time as my hubby as i know that theory i figured his squirting and my sucking at the same time :haha: would probably work.
Thank you so much for all that lovely info :hugs: I will show DH tonight and have a chat see what he thinks. I was going to try the soy as you mentioned it last month but my o date came down to cd 16 this month so im not sure if to take it now. Im actually pretty please now with my cles they were around 35 days before i had 1 49 day one that was tourture stupid BC messing us all up.

when i say this i mean it honestly, you getting yout BFP didnt contribute and i really mean that, i am always so pleased as we all deserve this. i think it was the rise on my chart yesterday. i had just gone along with everything then a rise on 13dpo was bound to get my hopes up!

I have to add i am lucky in that i already have 2 gorgeous boys they are so lovely. I would just love to have 1 more for me and DH, he doesnt have any children and would mean the world to us, as for girl or boy it really doesnt matter. I got over the i have 2 boys thing long ago.

your squirting and sucking comment did make me giggle :haha:
and i am doing the think of other things, i am looking at airport parking, and have my dream holiday to look forward to in 16 days, so if my cycle is the same again i will be oving when i get there. you never know i might have a baby made in Egypt. We could look at different names then lol.
i love how i just have to keep refreshing your Profile page to find out what your doing.

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Im glad my BFP isn't to blame but i wouldn't mind if it was, but i beleive what you say. What the point in lying ay?

i was usually pessimistic each cycle but still managed to get miserable when it didn't happen, but getting my hopes up usually sucked. i always thought maybe this or maybe that, i know a few months ago my temp had dropped for 3 days but my 10DPO temp although had two previous temps higher so it was obviously on its way down was higher than a normal 10 DPO temp so in the back of my mind i clung to that, looking back its so silly because it was such a dramatic drop. I did also have a cycle or two where the usual 8 DPO drop started but then went back up on 9 but then dropped until 12 where it became AF. This cycle was rather odd, dropped at 8DPO but was an instant dramatic drop (implantation maybe???) rather than the start of a slow drop i thought it wa because is stopped taking the B6 so my LP was going to be super short but then it hovered for 2-3 days then went back up. but it was that rise at CD11 that convinced me, and on CD12 when i had a further rise i KNEW i was preg, i wasn't as anxious as normal about the preg test i was more just excited because i was positive it would be positive (and it was)

i know you don't need to ov an earlier but the soy-iso might improve the quality of eggs, OR MAYBE GIVE YOU TWINS!!!! i'm OBSESSED with twins. How lucky you are to have 2 lovely children and how funny it is the relationship we BnB girls create despite our Age gaps and different lifestyles.

I didn't know how better to word the squirting and sucking so just ran with it.

I always wanted a girl but this whole TTC thing has made me totally change i 100% do not give a shit!!! i couldn't care less if i have a little boy or a little girl. I just want a baby to call my own, i can imagine having a little girl and dressing her in dresses and have her follow me around but i can imagine having a little boy too, my little man who will wear lots of navy. His name would be Oscar and Baby girls name would Be Xanthe (much to hubbies dislike)

I have heard you comment about this holiday before CONGRATS FOR YOU!!! you must be so excited! all the things to do, i'm sure your well aware, don't let people help you with your bags or offer to take your photo or offer to let you take a photo in front of their camel as they will demand money afterwards no matter how friendly and genuine they seemed and watch out for dodgy non-genuine tour guides trying to make an extra buck. My friends family live in Egypt and they went a nile boat ride for a couple of hours during sunrise and they all just chilled on the boat on big comfy cushions reading a book and that too me sounds just divine!!!! My only major holiday is hawaii which was my honeymoon but we go camping once a year and this year i might convince him to take the easter long weekend off with me as i have the whole thing off. Also i want to do a BABYMOON apparently all the hip new couples do it, they go on a holiday towards the end of the pregnancy to just relax and chill before the baby comes and our 1 yr anniversary is 34+2 so it might be fun to go somewhere (still close to my hospital) so heavily pregnant.


P.S - i go sleep now!
Thanks for chatting Betheney, i feel better already :flower:

i am really excited so im just going to think about the holiday, plus it will be our 1 year anniversary while were there so that would be a special baby :)

the babymoon is a fab idea and the names you like are lovely.

anyway goodnight, sweet baby dreams to you :hugs:

Next month you can hit ole witchy back over the head with her broom!!!

I'll send you the NASUWT discount link it doesnt ask for anything I dont think and you can get cheaper parking :) If you need a code I'll pop that on!!

My BBT came today YAY, although my temp seems to be going the wrong way,lower, and lower, and lower hehe!!! I think its after that virus!!

Betheney I've got lots of tips from you post to try!!! Just got some pre-seed, softcups,I take B12 and Folic but will now get some EPO too :D

I'm going to see if my hormones are still playing silly buggers now and get my usual POAS fix hehe

Delly xxx
Delly- thank you and thank you for the links i just got in had 3 nights at uni this week :( so will have a look later.
so how was your opk today?????

Betheney - how many mg of soy do i need? and what days would you suggest best for my cycle.

the witch is here in full flow a day early, so my lp was only 13 this month.
starcrossed - i wouldn't stress about your temps so early in the cycle. Mine were always ******** till about CD10 then i would have a few constant low ones and then they'd jump up showing ov had happened.

So you temp at the same TIME? i know the sleep length is important but if i temp at 8:30 instead of 7:30 it will with no doubt be a higher temp than the rest and if i temp at 6:30 instead of 7:30 it will be a lower temp than the rest, I know everyone says its not as important as i full nights sleep but i find that theory has ALWAYS applied to me and there are plenty of websites that back me up. Except if your lying in bed waiting for the time to come around wide awake i don't think that would help anything very much.


Betheney-I've been having a look at loads of peeps cycles with temps and mine seems to be following the trend of most :) I have had a dose of Norovirus from school which accounted for the high temps over the WE, but as I'm feeling better they're getting lower :D
Now I have my shiney new BBT I can keep a better eye on my temps. I have also employed DH to remind me to temp in the morning :D We may have to make up the ones in the weekend as I like a nice lie in :D

Lolley-That link gives you 10-25% off car parking so you should find it helpful :D

OPK not as exciting so I think it was an hormonal glitch, however hoping to see it go dark between cd11-16 so I can have my :bfp: for new york!

Big hugs and :dust: to everyone!

Delly xxx
Thanks for the EPO info. Might get some. I usually get EWCM but the more the merrier :laugh2:
thanks for that link its dropped the price by £10 so fab :)

i think you will notice a difference in your temps with the bbt its much more acurate. If i had your chart i would mark those super high temps with you being ill then you will know for future reference. I know you will remember this cycle and i hope you dont need to look back at your charts but if you do at least its there. Without looking i think there is a box called illness you can check its under the tab specific if i remember right.
Ta Lolley I done that :)

I'm glad that link saved you a few pennies whoop whoop!!

I will try my new toy in the morning now now I'm feeling better :D

Have a good sleep....I'm ready to fall into bed, had a nightmare last night, the pipes in ensuite leaked through into lounge and made a mess of the ceiling, plumber didnt leave last night till after midnight GRRRR!!!

Anyway have a good day tomorrow!!!

:dust: to all!!

Night night xxx

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