Newlyweds TTC

i have everything crossed, tomorrow is the temp for me, if it drops thats it :dohh:

and i totally agree Betheney you are not allowed to leave us and WHEN we all get our BFP we can join a cross over thread :)

:hi: Lincoln girl

well sorry but im off to bed another school day for me in the morning, god i sound 12 again lol

sending :dust:
Evening ladies!

Welcome Lincoln Girl!

I've got my fingers crossed for everyone still waiting to test.

Betheney-you can't leave! We'd miss you too much. :)

Sadly, nothing new here. Just a tiny bit of spotting this morning. If AF is coming, I wish she'd just get here! :( School is kinda crazy too, with the kids anxious for spring break. Thank goodness we only have 13 more school days until break, and then it's off to Disney World for a few days for me! :)
welcome Lincoln girl!

Hubby is at football training tonight so here I am on bnb and watching baby programs!!
Lincoln girl - with my super duper cut and paste skills and my total lack of a life i managed to make you a banner, you can find it in the first post

Lucie, Lolley and Delly - i'm glad you don't mind me here, i didn't think you would. But i know some days i was TTC i might not of wanted to talk to a pregnant lady. We should have a cross over thread when there is more than just one graduate. But where to put that thread? There is a pregnancy buddies section that we could post in, That way whatever stage of preggo we are in we could still stay together. I remember one of the first friends i made on here conceived her first month off the pill and her last post was like "Got my BFP... so excited... off to first tri now... bye" hahaha so i knew when i got my BFP i wasn't planning on leaving anyone behind.

Lucie - i can't imagine the frustration of having a long leutal phase i know my temps drop after about DPO8 so i only wait the 8 days and then after that i know what my chances are. Although this month they still dropped at 8DPO but rather than continuing to drop they hovered around and then went back up.

Kelly - you posted your off to bed at about 11am for me, so late tonight you should of posted your latest temperature i'll be hanging out for that rise. I'm still suspicious of that one off rise. I'm convinced it means something.

Lorts - How many days until you test? because i will be counting down for you!

where am i at? Not too much extra to tell, my boobs aren't that sore today i hope thats not a bad sign. My temp was still nice and high, gone up a little bit since yesterday. I went shopping and bought a fantastic book Called "feeding the bump" By Lisa Neil. So lots of yummy recipes for women who are preggers, its also got a "what to eat when TTC" section so you ladies would probably benefit from it too.

i have quikcly come on before i go to work :blush:

LOOK AT MY TEMP !!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
although im not convinced. It is circled because i didnt sleep well and didnt manage to get 3 hours before testing but i do that alot and it doesnt knock it out too much. I think it may of been like yesterdays so at least it hasn't dropped.

well i got to go i will catch up with the other posts when i get 5 at work sorry to write about myself and run but i knew Betheney would kill me if i didnt post lol :haha:
hell yeah i'd kill you i been waiting for that temp all day!!!!!!! and it looks flipping AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Was it done at the same time despite the sleeep. Oh my fingers and toes are crossed over and over for you kelly

Lincoln girl - with my super duper cut and paste skills and my total lack of a life i managed to make you a banner, you can find it in the first post

Lucie, Lolley and Delly - i'm glad you don't mind me here, i didn't think you would. But i know some days i was TTC i might not of wanted to talk to a pregnant lady. We should have a cross over thread when there is more than just one graduate. But where to put that thread? There is a pregnancy buddies section that we could post in, That way whatever stage of preggo we are in we could still stay together. I remember one of the first friends i made on here conceived her first month off the pill and her last post was like "Got my BFP... so excited... off to first tri now... bye" hahaha so i knew when i got my BFP i wasn't planning on leaving anyone behind.

Lucie - i can't imagine the frustration of having a long leutal phase i know my temps drop after about DPO8 so i only wait the 8 days and then after that i know what my chances are. Although this month they still dropped at 8DPO but rather than continuing to drop they hovered around and then went back up.

Kelly - you posted your off to bed at about 11am for me, so late tonight you should of posted your latest temperature i'll be hanging out for that rise. I'm still suspicious of that one off rise. I'm convinced it means something.

Lorts - How many days until you test? because i will be counting down for you!

where am i at? Not too much extra to tell, my boobs aren't that sore today i hope thats not a bad sign. My temp was still nice and high, gone up a little bit since yesterday. I went shopping and bought a fantastic book Called "feeding the bump" By Lisa Neil. So lots of yummy recipes for women who are preggers, its also got a "what to eat when TTC" section so you ladies would probably benefit from it too.


that is AMAZING!!!!!!! thankyou sooooooo much :thumbup:
yay!!!!!! it looks fab!!!! i feel like one of the team now :D

lots of luck to everyone xxxx

well more from me....

im sarah 26, hubby 24 and we have a nearly3 year old daugher. Started TTC on honeymoon in september 2009. Found out i was pregnant at end of november but sadly miscarried 2 weeks later :cry: This put hubby off TTC and and we had a rough time including him saying he didnt want to TTC in the near future :( we had a chat and it was just because he was scared of me miscarrying again which ifully understood. This is my hubby doesnt talkto me ery well face to face. We chat best usually ov er email while hes at work which isnt the bestidea but it works for us. I was onthe pill for a month due to this but now im off again butit had made my cycle weird again :wacko:

TTC will be difficult for us due to the hours we work. Hubby does nights and i do afternoons and so i dont see him for very long eachday. Maybe just an hour or 2 and our daughter is here so we cant just even go for a quicky :laugh2: So weekends are only the best time really.

But we will get there. It took 11 months to concieve our daughter when trying as and when we feel like it. But hopefully with all my new learnt knowledge this time about OV times etc, Hopefully we will catch that egg sooner.

I look forward to chatting to you all and getting to know you better xxxxx
Yeah for the temp Lolley! :)

Well, AF officially arrived today. That puts this cycle at 39 days. Since my last one was 46, I'm happy this one was shorter. Going to call the dr. and confirm when they want me in for my blood work.

Hope you all are having a lovely day!
Thanks Betheney, im sitting at work and having quite a bit of cramping, im still not too hopeful, if i dont have any spotting tomorrow i will get a little excited, Af is due full on thurs.
My temp was about half an hour out with time, so not too bad. I always knew it would be difficult for me temping as i dont sleep well, although it really isnt as bad. I do think it would of been lower but not enough for a drop.

:hugs: Lucie sorry she got you hun, im glad your keeping positive like you say at least you can get your bloods done now, and you have disney to look forwards to how wonderful x

wow 3 of us working in schools too, this thread has been fab for having things in common!
Lincoln girl - with my super duper cut and paste skills and my total lack of a life i managed to make you a banner, you can find it in the first post

Lucie, Lolley and Delly - i'm glad you don't mind me here, i didn't think you would. But i know some days i was TTC i might not of wanted to talk to a pregnant lady. We should have a cross over thread when there is more than just one graduate. But where to put that thread? There is a pregnancy buddies section that we could post in, That way whatever stage of preggo we are in we could still stay together. I remember one of the first friends i made on here conceived her first month off the pill and her last post was like "Got my BFP... so excited... off to first tri now... bye" hahaha so i knew when i got my BFP i wasn't planning on leaving anyone behind.

Lucie - i can't imagine the frustration of having a long leutal phase i know my temps drop after about DPO8 so i only wait the 8 days and then after that i know what my chances are. Although this month they still dropped at 8DPO but rather than continuing to drop they hovered around and then went back up.

Kelly - you posted your off to bed at about 11am for me, so late tonight you should of posted your latest temperature i'll be hanging out for that rise. I'm still suspicious of that one off rise. I'm convinced it means something.

Lorts - How many days until you test? because i will be counting down for you!

where am i at? Not too much extra to tell, my boobs aren't that sore today i hope thats not a bad sign. My temp was still nice and high, gone up a little bit since yesterday. I went shopping and bought a fantastic book Called "feeding the bump" By Lisa Neil. So lots of yummy recipes for women who are preggers, its also got a "what to eat when TTC" section so you ladies would probably benefit from it too.


I am testing tomorrow. I have my usual AF pains starting now. I'm not hopeful. :nope: If AF hasn't arrived by tomorrow then at least I will know one way or the other! :thumbup:

:dust: to everyone.

Hey Girlies

(((((Lucie)))))) I'm sorry :witch: has you but ON TO THE BLOODWORK!!! :)

Lolley-Great temps and my fingers are crossed and crossed again for you!!!

Lorts-Same I have my fingers crossed, its not over till :witch: bashes you with her broom!!!

Betheney-Glad you are feeling so well!!!

Licoln Girl-Nice banner :D

I'm having a bit of a weirdy time, I'm sure its coz I'm not long off evra, but out of the blue :witch: just flew away, usually its a week at least and bang on day 4 NOTHING?!?!
It's been a funny how do you do as it is, heavy fri and sat then sun and mon really light, plus I had a high temp and nausea. Now we got a virus at school so it could be that, but part of me is wondering am I sure it was :witch: fri and Sat as curiosity got me and I pee'd on OPK and its pretty dark.
I'm sure its just my cycles and this bug, but I'm keeping an eye on it as I feel sooooo green around the gills, dizzy and tired (again the virus I think)

Be glad when my little BBT thermometer gets here and I can see a norm temp cycle evolve!!

:dust: to all!!!

Delly xxx
Evening ladies,

well i just got in from uni, so thought i would check up on you all before i have something to eat and settle down for one born every minute :)

Lorts sending you lots of :dust: for tomorrow, fingers are crossed.

Delly thats how my AF's have been since coming of the pill, but the opk????
how dark is dark???? did you get a piccy if not do another tomorrow and post a piccy for me to look at. You have got me very curious.

As for me, still a bit crampy, and keeping everything crossed for another good temp in the morning.

x x x
Lolley- Got my fingers crossed for your temp in the morning.

I havent been on Evra since before xmas and i have had 2 normal cycles with normal AF but then this one has been early, and well heavy for 1 day then light and lighter till it stopped at 4 days Fri aft till Mon aft, now normally I'm on for a whole week and its heavy?!?! Silly body.

They OPK the 2 lines the test line is almost as dark as the control one, which I now isn't +ve but after I O'd before it went back to no line at all, go figure! LOL

I'll go have another go at one in a bit, lol.

I'm sure its nothing but its just weird I shouldnt be having my :witch: till fri if it was following my cycles...

Either way if I'm still feeling crook with this sickness next week I'll go pop to docs might need some northesterone to put my cycle back into a routine LOL

Delly xxx
Evening ladies,

well i just got in from uni, so thought i would check up on you all before i have something to eat and settle down for one born every minute :)

Lorts sending you lots of :dust: for tomorrow, fingers are crossed.

Delly thats how my AF's have been since coming of the pill, but the opk????
how dark is dark???? did you get a piccy if not do another tomorrow and post a piccy for me to look at. You have got me very curious.

As for me, still a bit crampy, and keeping everything crossed for another good temp in the morning.

x x x

I'm watching Ch4 too! Ha! - It will be us soon! I live about 20-30 mins from the hospital its filmed at!

what are you studying at uni?? x
well i cried lol as usual it was lovely :)

Delly im being serious you need to do another with a pic, if you get the same lines i want to see!!!!

lorts im doing i degree in inclusive practice, i work with visually impaired student in a high school, so this is all about children with special educational needs, its fab but hard work.
I just done one but its too dark to take pic tonight...

The test line is just slightly lighter than control again on OPK.....hmmmm

Gonna see if this nausea clears up as there is a virus, but I think if not I'm popping to Drs, not happy with my :witch: even on Evra, implant, coil etc always lasted a week, 4 days isnt cutting mustard with me.....

If my body/hormones are playing up I want it sorted ASAP, the other thing it could be is decidual bleeding but thats a slim slim slim chance, my money is on wonky hormones!!

Delly xxx
you do know that opk's can pick up HCG??? seems strange they are this dark now!

thats why i was curious, some ladies knew they were pregnant before they did a hpt by trying an opk!
if you got any cheapies i would give one a go just to rule it out, i really dont want to get your hopes up but as you thought you were out if its negative no harm done if its bfp then bonus and i will be jumping up and down lol x
Its something that crossed my mind Lolley!

I had a read of the possibilities decidual bleeding tho it can cause issues with picking up HCG....

I think I'll sit it out, see what happens, might treat myself to a FRER if I'm still crook at the end of the week when my period should have been.

I dont think its that tho, more inclined to think my hormones are playing silly buggers LOL

I'll keep temping and OPKing and see whats what!

Anyway I'm more concerned about your :bfp: your going to get this week xxxx
i dont blame you dont forget bogof at superdrug :happydance:

hmmm not sure about mine not feeling positive, we will see. If i get spotting tomorrow them im out no question. so will see what my temp does and go from there if i get no spotting and temp stays up i will test maybe thurs morning.

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