Newlyweds TTC

I seem to miss most of the convo on here because I am far away from most of you - in Canada - by time I get in from work I think most of you are sleeping....

Lolley - so sorry that af got you. Hugs to you.

Starcrossed - hope your new thermometer is great!!

Not much to report here - my temps are still low. I am cd10 at the moment but I have no idea when ov is going to happen so just trying to bd every day or two.

Hope you are all having nice sleeps!
hi lovealittle,

thank you.

i am just off to bed now its 12:20 here.
do you have a link to your chart? we can keep an eye on it then too. It helps to have more than 1 pair of eyes.
Ta Lolley I done that :)

I'm glad that link saved you a few pennies whoop whoop!!

I will try my new toy in the morning now now I'm feeling better :D

Have a good sleep....I'm ready to fall into bed, had a nightmare last night, the pipes in ensuite leaked through into lounge and made a mess of the ceiling, plumber didnt leave last night till after midnight GRRRR!!!

Anyway have a good day tomorrow!!!

:dust: to all!!

Night night xxx

anything is better than nothing :winkwink:

oh my god that must of been awful, especially with you not being well, hope its all sorted now and glad your getting better x

im off too, play nicely with the children tomorrow :haha:
Thanks lolley that would be wonderful!! I am going to go and read up on how to put it in my signature and will hopefully get it up!!

Sweet dreams to you.
I hope this link works. This may be a dumb questions:huh: but will other people have access to it to make changes? I hope not
yes love a little you sent the wrong link you need the link from the home page section
Thanks lolley that would be wonderful!! I am going to go and read up on how to put it in my signature and will hopefully get it up!!

Sweet dreams to you.

im sorry, but what a start to the day this comment was, it did make me giggle, putting "will hopefully get it up" on a ttc forum lol.

probably just my dirty mind :haha:
no one will be able to anything to cahrt apart from look at it :)

as Betheney said the link just shows the home page, i think its in the settings tab you will find it, i will have a look after im just quickly posting now.

How you feeling today Betheney, all ok after yesterday??? x
Yes yes I am fine. Had a bit of an issue with my doctors surgery today but I'm over it now.They're just being a bunch of poo faces. I do have the stress of a big work meeting between me, my department manager and two other higher ups as the department is not performing that well. Me and the department manager are probably going to get screamed at for an hour but we are both at the point where you say "i don't flipping care" so it will be interesting. I have plenty to say.... But you know me I am an emotional wreck!!! I am such a sook i cry over everything and burst into tears as soon as my nerves get high. So I hope i can hold it together enough to speak my mind. I just have to deal with it for another 6 months then it's MATERNITY LEAVE!!!! but can I hold it together for another 6 months???

I just hope I keep it together tomorrow!!!

On a happy note I'm going to visit my mum and dad and siblings as well as hubbys we will probably tell them about little bambino then. I will be approx 8 weeks!!! So I'm excited I get to see my family. Everyone else will wait till 12 weeks to be told. So I will ask my family to keep their big mouths shut.

Love you all!!! Betheney

lorts - are you the only one left in the TWW???
well i hope everything goes ok in the meeting.
stay strong :)

good news about seeing the family, how are you going to tell them? anything special in mind?

Lorts- did you test?
ok so this is going to be a huge post!!! sorry!!!

I have been researching after yesterday and i found this, hope it is useful for some of us.....

First and foremost you both should be taking a good multivitamin to be sure you get sufficient amounts of nutrients for reproductive health.

Vitamins such as zinc, vitamin E and the amino acids arginine and taurine are good for males.

For a woman, you should be taking a prenatal vitamin (the kind you get in the grocery/drug store are fine), these contain the folic acid and vitamins B, C, and E that you need.

Vitamins for men and women
Folic Acid: for women,this vitamin can promote healthy cell growth and help prevent abnormalities in the fetus.

Vitamin C: for both men and women, this vitamin

Zinc: Semen contains high concentrations of zinc. If you can add 30-60 mg zinc a day, you may be able to improve sperm count. A good source of zinc is pumpkin seeds, rich in two other nutrients beneficial to male sexual functioning: the plant steroid beta-sitosterol (which binds to the testosterone receptor) and vitamin E.
Vitamin E: The "anti-sterility" vitamin, it is crucial to proper reproductive function in both men and women. Recommended dosages range from 400-800IU a day.

Amino acids: Arginine has been shown to raise sperm counts and sperm motility. The recommended dosage is 2-4 g a day. Taurine, another amino acid that may enhance sperm production and motility, is supplemented at 2-4 g a day. (from herbal remedies)

After a man adopts a healthy diet supplemented with the above nutrients, he should have his sperm count rechecked in three to six months. For a woman these vitamins simply help maintain a healthy lifestyle and increase the likelihood of carrying a healthy baby to term (as well as conceiving). Many vitamins and herbal remedies take at least 3 months to notice a change.

The first place to start is at the beginning. Below are some things that will help to improve your fertility when the decision is made to go from a couple to a family.

First, you need to check with a physician to determine where and if the infertility problem exists. Many things can affect fertility for both the man and the woman. It is never anyone person's "fault". You are a team and need to support each other. There are so many easy solutions to the most common problems, for example if sperm count is low, a quick solution is to wear boxers instead of briefs or simply limit very hot showers. Sperm needs to be cooler than the body temperature to form properly. Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, stress, age - all have a factor in fertility for women, and these situations need to be addressed before embarking on any treatment for fertility. Once you know what the problem is, you can start finding your solution.

Your life is a direct reflection of what is going on in your body, both male and female. Take stock and change what you should to aid in overcoming the infertility.

Herbs That Can Restore Fertility
Here is a list of herbs (some are often recommended by herbalists) to help restore fertility and to promote healthy reproductive systems.

BLACK COHOSH (Cimicifuga racemosa) Antispasmodic, used for menstrual cramping, relieves hot flashes in menopausal women;mild sedative.

BLACK HAW (Viburnum prunifolium) For menstrual cramping, prevents miscarriage and excessive flow at menopause.

BLESSED THISTLE (Cuicus bcncdictus) Increases lactation.

BLUE COHOSH (Caulophyllum thalictroides) Uterine tonic, for use in last trimester only.

CAYENNE (Capsicum frutescens) Equalizes circulation; for cold hands and feet; strengthens heart; stimulant.

CHASTE TREE BERRY (Vitex agnus-castus)- Stimulates and normalizes pituitary function of the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland in the brain and promotes ovulation. For PMS, menstrual cramps, menopause, post birth control pill rebalancing. May restore normal periods in women with amenorrhea (lack of menstrual periods).

CHAMOMILE (Matricaria chamomilla) Sedative, calms nerves and muscles. Great for relaxing before bed.

CRAMP BARK (Vlburnum opulus) Relaxes muscle tension and spasms, ovarian pain and uterine cramps. Used to prevent threatened miscarriage.

DONG QUAI (Angelica sinensis) Female hormone regulator, alleviates cramping and pre-menstrual distress. Dong quai can tone a weak uterus by promoting metabolism within the organ, regulating hormonal
control and improving the rhythm of the menstrual cycle.

ECHINACEA (Echinacea angustifolia) Powerful immune stimulant; antiseptic; anti microbial; anti-viral; used for sore throats, flu, colds, infections, allergies.

FALSE UNICORN (Chamaclirium luteum) Reproductive tonic, used for delayed menses, leukorrhea, ovarian pain, female infertility, male impotence. Contains estrogen precursors. Helps prevent threatened miscarriage.

GINGER (Asarum canadense) Used for nausea.

GINSENG (Panax quinquefolium) Adaptogenic, decreases the effect of stress. Increases capillary circulation in
brain; reproductive tonic

LICORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Specific for adrenal gland insufficiency. This plant contains hormonally active compounds categorized as saponins. A Japanese study found licorice-based medicines improved menstruation in women with infrequent periods. The study also found that licorice helped women with elevated testosterone and low estrogen levels, as commonly occurs in polycystic ovary disease.

MOTHERWORT (Leonurus cardiaca) Sedative, useful in transition labor. Eases false labor pains. Emmenagogue; antispasmodic; cardiac tonic; reduces tension and anxiety.

NETTLES (Urtica diocia) Nutritive herb, specific for childhood and nervous eczema. Rich in iron, silica
and potassium.

PASSIONFLOWER (Passiflora incarnata) Sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic, anodyne. Relieves nerve pain, promotes restful sleep. Has been used for seizures and hysteria.

RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense) Blood cleanser; nutritive; analysis shows that the herb is rich in coumestans and isoflavones, estrogenlike compounds that may promote fertility, particularly in women who are deficient in estrogen.

RED RASPBERRY (Rhubus idaeus) Pregnancy herb; nutritive; relieves nausea. Uterine tonic, eases painful menses.

SAW PALMETTO (Serenos repens) Tones and strengthens male reproductive system, used for prostate enlargement and infection; enhances endurance. Female fertility aid; galactagogue.

SIBERIAN GINSENG (Eleutherococcus senticosus): This and other tonic botanicals can improve fertility by enhancing overall health and vitality. Siberian ginseng also acts on the brain to promote regulation of reproductive hormones.

SQUAW VINE (Mitchella repens) Uterine tonic; promotes easy labor, eases menstrual cramping, mild nervine,
improves digestion.

UVA URSI (Arcostaphylos uva-ursi) Urinary antiseptic; anti-microbial; for cystitas, urethritis, prostatis, nephritas. Antilithic, used for kidney and bladder stones.

VALERIAN (Valeriana officinalis) Powerful nervine, used for tension, anxiety, insomnia, emotional stress, intestinal colic, menstrual cramps, migraine headache and rheumatic pain.

WILD YAM (Dioscorea spp.) Antispasmodic; For painful menses, ovarian and uterine pain.

I wanted to share this as most of them i have not heard of before and we have the lovely Betheney to help us with the ones she posted yesterday :)
Hiya ladies! Havent been on in a while!

Congrats Betheney!:happydance::happydance:

As for me, 29 days late and still no AF. I am on provera though and today is day 6 of that, with 4 more days to go.:shrug:
GL to all!
hello.i got married in spetember, so hopefully that not too long ago to be a newly wed,
iv been with my dh 3 n half years n been tryin for nearly 3 years with pcos n stil no luck, xxx
Lolley - your going to be as bad as me with all those vits, i was so obsessed with them i love them

Mrskcbrown - welcome back

keep smiling - WELCOME! when is your wedding date and don't forget to post any links to wedding albums

Lincoln girl - i'm sorry AF got you, we all know how painfull that is. I'm pretty sure your signature doesnt fall under the signature rules, its kinda big, can you put the Teams banner and your daughters banner next to one another?

Hey guys!!

Lolley-Now I have my shopping list :D Loads of great info!!!

Lincoln Girl-Sorry Nasty :witch: is about!!!

Betheney-lovely news about planning to tell family and friends!!!

Welcome keepsmiling!!

Lorts-Any news??

Phew! Busy busy day today, running a mile for charity tomorrow so not going to bed too late!!
Also today I am the proud owner of my new blackberry which means I'll be able to post to you all with my NYC :bfp: (having loads of PMA!)

Anyway guys, hope you're all ok!!!

Lots and lots of :dust: to bless everyone with sticky beans, coaxing eggies out etc!

Delly xxx
Betheney - hope all goes well with the meeting! Exciting you will get to tell your family soon!! It will make it even more real!

Lolley - thanks for the tip on putting my chart up but I just don't get it. I even tried searching the 'how to' forums but no luck:wacko:. . If anyone is willing to give me step by step advice great if not then no worries. Glad you liked my get it up comment - I was innocent in posting - there was no pun intended! he he

keepsmiling - welcome - I am new here too! The ladies on here are all so lovely - you have definatley come to the right place!

Lincolngirl - sorry to here about af

I gave in and bought some opk's today. I am cd 11 so I might try one tonight or tomorrow. They are the ones that show up little smiley faces. Really looking forward to the week-end. I am grumpy at work lately and find it really hard to be there somedays. I am just looking forward to vegging out this week-end and getting some r and r!!
I gave in and bought some opk's today. I am cd 11 so I might try one tonight or tomorrow. They are the ones that show up little smiley faces. Really looking forward to the week-end. I am grumpy at work lately and find it really hard to be there somedays. I am just looking forward to vegging out this week-end and getting some r and r!!

WOW CB digi ones, thats exciting!!!

I'm with you looking forward to the weekend, boys at school have been MAD this week!!!
Anyway LL you dont want too much rest if you're on CD11 you wanna get doing the horizontal mambo :sex:


Delly xxx
Hi everyone,

im really tired tonight so going to bed soon. Just popped on to say hi :)

welcome back mrs brown, hope you get some answers soon :dust:

:hi: keep smiling and welcome

Betheney im NOT taking that many my god i would be rattling:haha:
how was the meeting?? hope it wasnt too bad and have just read your post in your journal, is everything ok?

Delly - woo hoo for the BB looking forwards to seeing that bfp, i will be checking in even when im away (how sad is that :blush:)

Lincoln girl sorry she got you.

well i have started EPO today so hopefully i will have a lovely environment for the spermies to swim in :)
and i have started hubby on EFA's (essential fatty acids or to us omega 3) its fab for the swimmers for everything, motility, health, count i cant remember it was lots anyway so i went to the chemist after work and got some :thumbup:

I was thinking of getting the soy isoflavones aswell but cant get them in time for this month so will see how i go and if no look next month will try those aswell :happydance:

wheres Lorts anyone heard anything?
Hey ladies....

Lincoln Girl-Sorry to hear AF got you. :(

Betheney-I hope your meeting goes well (or went well, depending on when you read this), and yeah for telling your family! You will have to let us know how it goes.

Welcome Keepsmiling!

Lovealittle1- Woo hoo for CB digis! I have some too, and can't wait to start using them!

Hope all is well with everyone else!

I spoke with the dr's office today and I am going in April 7 or 8th for my blood work. I'm glad that it happens to fall during spring break, so I don't have to take any time off of school. I wish it would just hurry up and get here. I want to get on with things!

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