Newlyweds TTC

Heyo girls just thought i'd drop in. I still lurk everyday i just don't post. I'm still sick BLURGH! but its been better today. I told all my family (don't know if i've posted that in here or in my journal) but yes we told all of mine and hubbies family (siblings and parents) and all are very excited. My baby sisters don't like the idea and my older sister instantly asked "did you mean to? Like was it an accident?" moron! and me and my mother have never been really close.... i love my mother dearly she is such a wonderful mother but we don't talk about sex and periods and anything like that. But i have talked so much about this pregnancy and her pregnancies and its been wonderful.

Delly - I have tried the biccys but i didn't think they helped that much, sure i could eat them but the nauseous feeling stayed the same. i swapped to arnotts nice biscuits the ones covered in sugar with much the same effect no impact on nausea but i could eat them (and they're yummy) Good luck in your last 1WW.

LaL - Your temps do look promising, have a look at mine, mine kinda hovered for 3 days like yours are before going up and then it was the 2nd day of high temps that i got the +ve with

Lorts - Why would you resist buying an OPK?? You need to pee on tonnes of them, finding ovulation is probably the most crucial part of TTC.

Lucie - when do you think you Ov'd? Your chart is hard to read. Good luck with your bloods and thanks for dropping into my journal!! please visit lots.

Heyo girls just thought i'd drop in. I still lurk everyday i just don't post. I'm still sick BLURGH! but its been better today. I told all my family (don't know if i've posted that in here or in my journal) but yes we told all of mine and hubbies family (siblings and parents) and all are very excited. My baby sisters don't like the idea and my older sister instantly asked "did you mean to? Like was it an accident?" moron! and me and my mother have never been really close.... i love my mother dearly she is such a wonderful mother but we don't talk about sex and periods and anything like that. But i have talked so much about this pregnancy and her pregnancies and its been wonderful.

Delly - I have tried the biccys but i didn't think they helped that much, sure i could eat them but the nauseous feeling stayed the same. i swapped to arnotts nice biscuits the ones covered in sugar with much the same effect no impact on nausea but i could eat them (and they're yummy) Good luck in your last 1WW.

LaL - Your temps do look promising, have a look at mine, mine kinda hovered for 3 days like yours are before going up and then it was the 2nd day of high temps that i got the +ve with

Lorts - Why would you resist buying an OPK?? You need to pee on tonnes of them, finding ovulation is probably the most crucial part of TTC.

Lucie - when do you think you Ov'd? Your chart is hard to read. Good luck with your bloods and thanks for dropping into my journal!! please visit lots.


TTC has become too regimental and clinical. We thought we would relax a little. I have been peein on them for the past 3 months and it has got me no where so trying for 1 month with out them and relaxing a little might just do the trick?!
aaaaaah i understand now lorts. I wished that my baby making was able to be more stress free and even hubby asked why can't we just have sex when we want and see what happens. It would be nice to just have it happen. I KNOW that i am young but i was heartbroken when i came to the month where i would give birth to the bubba past my 23rd birthday. It makes me feel like not a young mother and i so desperately wanted to be a young mother. I told hubby that maybe if he didn't take so long to finally say "ok im ready" we'd have time to see where life goes but there isn't enough time anymore!!!!! hahaha i was such a psycho. Good for you and your relaxing way of TTC, and congrats you managed to not buy those OPKS. The month we did get the BFP i was convinced that it wasn't going to happen i stopped taking all my prenatal vits and was even happy to not get a BFP that month and just the way life works i got my BFP.

aaaaaah i understand now lorts. I wished that my baby making was able to be more stress free and even hubby asked why can't we just have sex when we want and see what happens. It would be nice to just have it happen. I KNOW that i am young but i was heartbroken when i came to the month where i would give birth to the bubba past my 23rd birthday. It makes me feel like not a young mother and i so desperately wanted to be a young mother. I told hubby that maybe if he didn't take so long to finally say "ok im ready" we'd have time to see where life goes but there isn't enough time anymore!!!!! hahaha i was such a psycho. Good for you and your relaxing way of TTC, and congrats you managed to not buy those OPKS. The month we did get the BFP i was convinced that it wasn't going to happen i stopped taking all my prenatal vits and was even happy to not get a BFP that month and just the way life works i got my BFP.


Don't get me wrong... If I don't get my BFP I will be gutted. I would love a xmas baby! Next month I will be peeing on the sticks again if I don't get lucky this month. My hubby used the same words "why cant we just do it when we want to and see what happens?" I felt that :sex: became regimated and it was all about TTC and nothing else.... like I have said, it didn't get me anywhere!!
The good thing about not peeing on OPK is that everything is much more relaxed. Yes, what I know about dates in TTC are still in my head, but because I have O'd at different times I will never really know. But that said, it is also a bad thing because now I don't know when the :witch: is due! (I am guessing I am on a 30 day cycle but it has been changing each month)
im in such a bad mood today lol. i thought i was goin 2 ov todday cos my temp has been slowly creepin up but nt hi enuff, well today its bad to 35.6 so dnt think iv od this month as im on cycle day 23 now, so upset,, xx
Hey Girlies!!

Betheney-I'm sorry you're still feeling sicky, peppermint is another good thing to quell the queasiness like extra strong mints if you have them. Hopefully it'll subside soon and you'll start blooming.

Lucie-Enjoy picking up your brand new wheels its an amazing feeling :) and hopefully have a little one to chauffer soon!! I love Phantom, I saw it on London West End, but we couldnt go to NYC and not go to Broadway.

Lorts-I think the relaxed approach after being so clinical is a good idea, I've found its more stressful temping and OPKing, I'll give it another month after this if I dont get my :bfp: then I'll relax over it all!!

Keepsmiling-dont lose hope, have you come off BCP sometimes it causes all sorts of wonky cycles till your hormones settle down!

Nothing much to report here still got back ache, sore boobs and cramps but that could be :witch: getting ready to check in, she arrived a week early last time, hoping she wont again this month!!!

:dust: to all!!

Delly xxx
no starcrossed, i havent been on the pill for bout 3 years now lol, iv got pcos so my cycles r all weird anyway, just hope im ov soon or come on soon either way i just want to try again x
i cnt carry on ;ike this much longer, just found out 2 close fam members r expecting too x
Hi ladies I am back at work today and thought I would quickly log on to say hello

Lincoln – sorry to hear about you and hubby – maybe you need to have a nice date night where you can put aside all life’s worries and just enjoy each others company.

Delly – yay on the 1ww!!!

Lucie – enjoy the new car – that is always so exciting!!!

Betheney – nice to see you still stop by – we miss you here!

Lorts – I really hope that the relaxing method brings you your bfp!

Keepsmiling – try to keep positive hun and keep up with the :sex: to be on the safe side!

Today my temperature dropped by .5 of a degree which is huge!! DH left the bedroom window open all night and it was absolutely freezing when I woke up but I don’t think I can blame that much of a dip on the room temperature! Still no af but just wishing she would show already so I can get on to next cycle – maybe. Here is the thing about next cycle – if we did conceive we would be due in mid January 2011 but we are taking a trip across the pond for a wedding in early March 2011 so we are both up in the air about whether we should try one last month. Any honest opinions?? We would be taking a baby that would be approximately 6 weeks old on a big trip! I have googled this and apparently people fly with babies that are as little at 2 weeks old. I guess I just never thought we would get to this point. I thought this would be easier and we would be bringing a 3-4 month old baby and now 2 month ttc and 1 month ntnp and here we are! It will be so sad to stop ttc after this month 
Ohh LaL I'm sorry your temps dropped :hugs:

I had a drop this morning too :( however it may well go back up!!!

I wouldnt worry about what if's you'll deal with whatever happens....if you do take a wee one on a plane you need to make sure you give them their bottle on take off and landing, stops them screaming with their ears :D

I hope :witch: makes her mind up for you quickly!!!

Delly xxx
LaL - I think you should keep on trying. There will always be something that will coincide with baby plans. Maybe when you get to the month that you would be due in March then maybe you should give it a break as you can't really be flying that pregnant and if the wedding means that much to you. But then life works in whatever way it wants to, you may not get a say. I know when i decided i didn't want to conceive in march or april because it would give me a november baby and paid maternity leave with start in january 2011 and i didn't want a christmas baby so i decided we would not TTC for march and april (altho we'd already done heaps of BD when i decided this) and low and behold i got my BFP. Because life works that way, whatever way it wants to. I've also heard many people say that if you try and plan for a baby and find a convenient time then you will never have a baby...... I say go with the flow and keep on keep on theres nothing wrong with flying with a baby that young. Its not a week old. But like i said if you get to the month where you would be due at the wedding and the wedding means that much maybe have a break.

Hey Girlies!!!

How are we all today???

I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself today....typical of the holidays I'm feeling cack.
I've had a back ache since we broke up from school right at the bottom over my bum, and lady cramps at the front.
I got sore boobs like :witch: is getting ready to bop me with her broom and today is the real kicker I got sinusitis :'( I hate having painful sinuses, esp knowing when we're flying it'll hurt like hell for 8 hours :'( I hope :witch: stays away till at least she's supposed to I dont fancy lady rain in NYC!! I only got this far last month before she appeared.

I'm hoping this will all ease off....I got lots of shopping and broadway to do next week.

Sorry I'm moany, i just hate being poorly!!! I might just go face first into my Easter chocolate.

Anyway hope you're all good!!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

Delly xxx
hello ladies, bit of advice needed,

right, i thought i was goin to ov on day 25 cos i got my temp surge tha day lst month but didnt have any opks so just went by temp, well i havent had it yet n day 24 today
but on day 13 and 14 i got a rather high reading of 36,8 n its ualy just over 35 so rather high 4 me,, anyway iv been feelin relly crampy past couple of days, like she is on her way and been feelin sick most of today
my cycle is usully anywahee from 5 weeks to 8 weeks, occasialally it wil be 4 weeks but very rare
anyway im not sure whts goin on, i just dnt feel like myself at all???? any advice?? a bug or keep bding???

Keep smiling - i have no idea without seeing the temps. I suppose you'll have no idea too without OPKS.

Delly - Read your post on my journal. SO at your request :) I'll write more often. Also why did you discard all those temps after ov? they show the perfect rise after ov and then a drop towards af? altho 8dpo was such a slight drop maybe we can cross our fingers its on its way up?

WHERE IS EVERYONE?!?!?!?! these holidays are making my BnB time boring. EVERYONE COME BACK!!

There is not much new with me.... My sicky feeling has been slowly subsiding over the past 3 days and today i feel great! i know my mind is going "you hormones are dropping because something could be wrong" But i'm trying hard to ignore it and just be happy. I did a quick google and a few women only experience morning sickness for a week to 2 weeks so i could be one of those. My boobs have also stopped hurting as much. NEW SYMPTOMS? I do not find i'm peeing too frequently or extra frequently i pee a couple of times extra a day but i think thats because i'm drinking more water, however in the night time i can't get past 3am without a bladder so painful it hurts to get up and walk (which sucks cause i basically have to run). I know in first tri they say frequent urination is due to hormones but i swear thats not me. I know the uterus is the shape of my fist before pregnancy and now its the size of a grapefruit and i'm sure its putting pressure on my bladder, if i lie on my back so my bladder isn't being squished or my uterus isn't putting pressure on the front the needing to pee subsides a little bit. WEIRD. I also still hate the thought of eating. It makes me cringe when i think i have to eat, i thought it was the nausea but its subsiding and i still feel that way. I eat anyway and enjoy the food but i really don't want to. Although the thought of take away and hot chips from takeaway joints and salt n vinegar chips or even cereal doesn't make me upset i like the thought of those but being so unhealthy i try to avoid them and like i said when i eat the stuff i don't want to i find it fine.

YAY BETHENEY!!!! :happydance:

I took my temps out coz I took them all over the shop, 10-12 in the day hehe thats why, didnt think they were representative, and the 1/10 of a degee per 1/2 hr adjustment just doesnt work for my temps.

Poor you Betheney finding out all these new little quirks of your newly preggy body!!!

Everyone gone on holiday in here, Lolley is in Egypt I think Lorts is doing something exciting with little one, Lucie is driving around in her new motor and LaL hasnt been in today yet! :(

I've decided I HATE the 2WW!!!! I want to know NOW!!!!

Packing a suitcase full of HPTs and keeping my fingers VERY crossed!!!!

:dust: to us all!!! and Betheny special sticky golden syrup for beanie to keep them tight and safe!!!!

Hi ladies

Delly - sorry you are not feeling so great. I hope that they are symptoms!!

keepsmiling - sorry I do not know enough to offer any advice but I hope that it all works out and just remember to keep on :sex: to be sure!

Betheney - glad to hear that your symptoms are treating you better!!

Well:witch: got me yesterday. I am not going to lie I am pretty upset about it. You are right Betheny that there will never be a perfect time to have a :baby: We are going to give it another go this cycle and then we will stop for quite a few months if it doesn't happen.

oh LaL :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thought I was on my todd in here till an hour ago!!!

Its so hard not to symptom spot so I wont, just hope :witch: stays away and if not there is next month!!!!

:dust: for your next cycle LaL!!!

Delly xxx
Hey ladies. Just a quick check n. I am at Disney World with my aunt, cousin, and her 2 year old. We had a fun morning at the park. We rode some rides and met some characters. It is kind of bittersweet being here. My cousin is 6 months pregnant and I hate to admit it but I am super jealous. :(

Lal, I'm sorry the witch got you.

Delly- have a fab trip! Are you going to be able to get online and update us at all?

Hope everyone else is well.
I have a blackberry and free wi-fi in NYC and I'm not afraid to use it!!!

If I get a :bfp: you'll know before my family!!!

Having fun in Disney World??? I'm soooooooo Jealous!!!!

I'd love to go somewhere like that, everywhere poop in UK! (well not poop, but not that exciting, I found Porto Aventura in Spain much better) LOL
LaL - I'm sorry to hear that horrible, horrible :witch: got you. :hugs:

Delly - Not many sleeps left now till your hols... i'm so jealous! I have a funny feeling that this is your month! Don't forget to let us know on here! - Your aches and pains can be the little bean snuggling down and getting warm! FX'd hunni.. x

Nothing to add from me. I am out and about most of the day with my littlen. I then have to go through an intense medical procedure to remove the laptop from my DH in the evenings so I can have a turn!

Becauce I have NO idea when I O... I could either be 6DPO (if I O'd on day 14) or 4DPO (if I O'd on day 16) :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

I think the worse part of this 'relaxed' month is not knowing when I O'd so I know when the :witch: is due.

I bought OPKs y'day because my CM was like egg white and I know it is like this on the lead up to O so I needed to know for my own piece of mind if I was O now or not. Turns out I wasn't!! The line was really really really faint (nearly non exitant) so I am pretty sure it has been and gone!

I bet these 2 weeks don't go as quick as the last 2 weeks!!


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