Newlyweds TTC

Ahhh Bless you Lorts!!!!

I imagine the 2WW will go the same speed as everyones SLOOOOOOOWLY!!!

It's driving me MAD!!!!

I'm TRYING not to symptom spot, someone from softcups had all same symptoms and now got :bfp:but I refuse to set myself up for a fall!!!

The blackberry i coming with me and we have free wifi so I'll be checking in!!!

I have had a sneaky pee on a stick and had an was grey' instead of pink, but will be purchasing some superdrug pee sticks alongside my IC's an my best one...

2 More sleeps now to NYC I'm soooooo EXCITED!!!!

More :dust: to us all!!! ONE OF US OUGHT TO CATCH THIS MONTH IF NOT MORE!!!!

Delly xxx
LaL - :hugs:

im here im just lurking more now.

TTC is now a casual thing as hubby is freaking out when i tell him im fertile and is feeling like he has to preform and hates it so its caused a few probs between us. I definatly wont be pregnant this month :cry:

ill just be reading really for now, hopefully i can play again next month with you all (that sounds sooooo wrong :laugh2)


:dust: :dust: to you all
oh i forgot to add another symptom i might of found. I was just telling hubby how all these women get really bad moods when they're pregnant massive highs and lows and i was saying that i haven't really had that my moods have been normal but i may have spoken too soon. Last night hubby had the surround sound way too loud while playing his stupid xbox and i was trying to read in my room and rest and i was so furious i wanted to smash something i was so shocked at how angry i was but my anger was like radiating from me, i just wanted to break the surround sound it was insane!!! i felt like i was about to burst i have never felt such furious anger i was so flippin angry that he was playing it so loud and i wasn't able to read or nap i just wanted to kill the thing then i started crying that i couldn't read my book. I just started bursting into tears because all i wanted to do was read my book and he didn't care. It was the oddest thing HAHAHAHA and all this while in the confines of my bedroom, i didn't get up and yell at him because i knew i'd end up throwing something at his head and he did turn it down once i told him when he comes home tomorrow it will be in a million pieces. Those moods were intense! i've been fine since but i find my little outburst rather entertaining so i thought i would share.


- edit -

earlier this morning i posted my morning sickness was subsiding. well i spoke to soon I am now sicker than i have ever been. I don't want to move and i want to vomit. I feel so terrible. Why does this always happen on my days off work?

Lincoln- I would just take time to be with hubby, enjoy each others company and don't bring it back to baby making. I've read loads of posts where that is the road to ruin. If you want to know when you're ovving great but cover your bases just have lots of :sex: because thatys what newlyweds do ;)
Betheney- poor you!!! Let's hope you settle down sooon and start blooming as that doesn't sound fun :hugs:

Nothin much to report here, still got sore sinus' etc :( but I AM VERY EXCITED FOR NYC!!!!

Off to go buy some hpts as temp went up again today :) may be a fluke tho lol!!

:dust: to all!!!!

Delly xxx
LaL - :hugs:

im here im just lurking more now.

TTC is now a casual thing as hubby is freaking out when i tell him im fertile and is feeling like he has to preform and hates it so its caused a few probs between us. I definatly wont be pregnant this month :cry:

ill just be reading really for now, hopefully i can play again next month with you all (that sounds sooooo wrong :laugh2)


:dust: :dust: to you all

I agree with Delly, just take things easy. My DH was the same with the whole TTC and only BDing because it was my fertile time etc. Thats why we have calmed things down a bit and I haven't been doing the OPKs. It does kinda take over ya life. Ya never know, if you don't try so hard it may just happen for ya. :hugs: xxx

Nothing from me. I have been feelin nauseous y'day afternoon and right now. I don't think its a pregnancy symptom tho because its too early. Its probably because I have been drinking coffee and I haven't had any for a couple of months now.

I don't have any symptoms really. Again, I think it is too early for that anyhow!

I think I am coming down with something. I woke up y'day with a sore throat and I still have it today. The nauseous is probaby related to that also.

I am off to the cinema this arvo with my daughter! I have also booked panto tickets this morning... I know its early... but Paul O'Grady is staring in it this year. The website was so busy it crashed. Luckily they took my booking over the phone! :happydance: Little things make me happy!! Ha!

Hi ladies,

My throat is really hurting me now. It even hurts for the air to get on it. Bringing me down a lot! Ouch! :cry:

I received a text this evening from a girl I know. She has been TTC for some months now. They managed to get preggers on their honeymoon in Aug 09 but it was an eptopic. She only has one tube and was considering IVF. She text me this evening to say she was 6 weeks pregnant. :happydance: Although I'm over the moon for her I can't help feeling a little bit jealous. Is that wrong and selfish? I wish it was me! We have been keeping in contact each month with updates. She told me she had 'come on' last month but I now know she lied because she was worried about another eptopic which is understandable.

I'm not sure if I have told you girlies before, but my DH is not my daughters biological father. Although he is her 'dad'. DH had a motorbike crash a few yrs ago and told him it was 50/50 chance whether he would ever father children. Everytime we get a BFN we are both wondering if we are ever able to have kids together. I don't want to approach the subject of having tests at the Drs just yet. It hurts him just as much as it hurts me everytime we get a BFN.

Sorry to off load. I feel poo. Can't believe I am ill on my week off of work. Thats just typical!!!!!!!!!

Anyway - enough about me. I hope you guys are feeling OK.

Delly - How are you feeling today? :hugs:

Hi ladies,

My throat is really hurting me now. It even hurts for the air to get on it. Bringing me down a lot! Ouch! :cry:

I received a text this evening from a girl I know. She has been TTC for some months now. They managed to get preggers on their honeymoon in Aug 09 but it was an eptopic. She only has one tube and was considering IVF. She text me this evening to say she was 6 weeks pregnant. :happydance: Although I'm over the moon for her I can't help feeling a little bit jealous. Is that wrong and selfish? I wish it was me! We have been keeping in contact each month with updates. She told me she had 'come on' last month but I now know she lied because she was worried about another eptopic which is understandable.

I'm not sure if I have told you girlies before, but my DH is not my daughters biological father. Although he is her 'dad'. DH had a motorbike crash a few yrs ago and told him it was 50/50 chance whether he would ever father children. Everytime we get a BFN we are both wondering if we are ever able to have kids together. I don't want to approach the subject of having tests at the Drs just yet. It hurts him just as much as it hurts me everytime we get a BFN.

Sorry to off load. I feel poo. Can't believe I am ill on my week off of work. Thats just typical!!!!!!!!!

Anyway - enough about me. I hope you guys are feeling OK.

Delly - How are you feeling today? :hugs:


Oh Lorts :hugs: :hugs:

What a poopy day for you :hugs: You want to cheer but there is a green eyed monster that we have to keep in chains and I understand its not that easy all of the time (trust me my Hubbies mates are breeding like rabbits atm)

I'm sorry to hear that you're hubby may have trouble I know how that feels, my Doctor had the 'you may find it hard to have a baby chat' with me, not the getting preggy but getting one that doesnt have a wonky heart.
I'd keep going for a few more months and see, if not there are so many amazing things that can be done!!! and on the NHS so dont lose heart!!! :hugs:

As for me I'M VERY EXCITED!!!! I'm off on my Jollies!!!! :D

I still have poorly sinuses but they're better than yesterday, but I been a bit sicky today :( However I'm not getting excited it could be a bug! Temps are looking good tho :)

I have stocked up on HPT's to take, superdrug are on 2 for 1 so i got 4 for a fiver whoop whoop!!!

I will check in from New York and you can see what we're up to as I can upload photos straight to facebook :)

I'm sooooo excited :)

Howz everyone else anybody about?? ITS BEEN SOOOOO QUIET!!!!

:dust: to all!!!

Delly xxxx
LaL - :hugs:

im here im just lurking more now.

TTC is now a casual thing as hubby is freaking out when i tell him im fertile and is feeling like he has to preform and hates it so its caused a few probs between us. I definatly wont be pregnant this month :cry:

ill just be reading really for now, hopefully i can play again next month with you all (that sounds sooooo wrong :laugh2)


:dust: :dust: to you all

I agree with Delly, just take things easy. My DH was the same with the whole TTC and only BDing because it was my fertile time etc. Thats why we have calmed things down a bit and I haven't been doing the OPKs. It does kinda take over ya life. Ya never know, if you don't try so hard it may just happen for ya. :hugs: xxx

Nothing from me. I have been feelin nauseous y'day afternoon and right now. I don't think its a pregnancy symptom tho because its too early. Its probably because I have been drinking coffee and I haven't had any for a couple of months now.

I don't have any symptoms really. Again, I think it is too early for that anyhow!

I think I am coming down with something. I woke up y'day with a sore throat and I still have it today. The nauseous is probaby related to that also.

I am off to the cinema this arvo with my daughter! I have also booked panto tickets this morning... I know its early... but Paul O'Grady is staring in it this year. The website was so busy it crashed. Luckily they took my booking over the phone! :happydance: Little things make me happy!! Ha!


it does take over your life your totally right and i do need to stop thinking about it so much. Hopefully not thinking about it so much will be a good thing.

Thanks hunny and thanks delly xxxx
Wow. Really quiet in here. I've been busy with company.

Well went for my blood draw yesterday. Interesting experience. The nurse (a nice older lady) says to me (after she stuck me with the needle) "I'm glad I used this needle....I have so many problems with the other ones. I miss all the time..." Funny, but not making me trust her blood-drawing skills. :)

And then, she couldn't figure out how to fill out the paperwork, so she had to go ask another lady. When the lady asked the reason for the blood draw, the original nurse says (kinda loudly) "Infertility". Hearing it said out loud like was like a punch to the gut.

And now I wait....not sure how long it will be until I hear from the dr. I've given up charting for the month...had too much else going on.

Oh, and for those of you interested in the work-related drama I posted about awhile ago...the bill passed the Fl house and is now being sent to the governor for either his approval or veto. We're praying he vetoes it, otherwise we have to find new jobs, or move to another state. :(

Hope everything is well with all of you lovely ladies!!!!!
ohhh its very quite on here, nt been on for a few days n thought id missed out on lots , glad i didnt, any1 near testin, cos my periods r soo long im goin 2 wait another 2 weeks and test then, its been 4 weeks n 2 days since my lst period so i shud be able to get a nice bfn!! xxx
Hey all. Just stopping by to say hello. DH and I are still waiting for our BFP. After 13 months I wonder if I will ever get one? What if I never do? I will be so sad. Ughh. Anywho if no BFP this month, we will try IUI in May, but hopefully we wont have to spend all that money to get something that God gives to us for free. Im sad but happy to hear the BFPS on this thread. Good luck ladies!
Wow. Really quiet in here. I've been busy with company.

Well went for my blood draw yesterday. Interesting experience. The nurse (a nice older lady) says to me (after she stuck me with the needle) "I'm glad I used this needle....I have so many problems with the other ones. I miss all the time..." Funny, but not making me trust her blood-drawing skills. :)

And then, she couldn't figure out how to fill out the paperwork, so she had to go ask another lady. When the lady asked the reason for the blood draw, the original nurse says (kinda loudly) "Infertility". Hearing it said out loud like was like a punch to the gut.

And now I wait....not sure how long it will be until I hear from the dr. I've given up charting for the month...had too much else going on.

Oh, and for those of you interested in the work-related drama I posted about awhile ago...the bill passed the Fl house and is now being sent to the governor for either his approval or veto. We're praying he vetoes it, otherwise we have to find new jobs, or move to another state. :(

Hope everything is well with all of you lovely ladies!!!!!

I hope you don't have to wait for long. :hugs: The quicker the results are back, the quicker you know answers and the quicker you get your BFP! I have everything crossed for you!! We need more BFPs on here!!

I still have no updates. I think I am now officially in the 1ww. No symptoms... although I think I have more CM now than I did on the lead up to O.... but I'm not sure that is a symptom. :nope: just me being more observant?!

After 3 days of a really bad sore throat it has now developed into a full blown cold. People are saying it could be a sign because my immune system could be down due to being preggers but I don't think I am that lucky as my daughter has a snotty nose... although no cold to go with it.

I have no news, other than enjoying the weather today and going to a farm with my daughter, my friend and her 2 daughters. We had a lovely time. So much better than sitting at home because of the rain...... which is most of the time cos the UK weather is RUBBISH!!!!!! We are off to a theme park tomorrow!

What have the rest of you ladies been up to? Who else is in the 2ww apart from me and Delly????

Come on ladies...... we need this to be an extra lucky thread....!!

Sending you all tons and tons of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

Hi Ladies

Delly – guess you are in NYC now. Hope you are having the most wonderful time – looking forward to hearing from you!! :dust: for you to get your bfp!!

Lorts – Sorry to hear about hubby but don’t give up – like Delly said there are a lot of ways to assist in pregnancy if needed! :hug: for you

Lucie – that Nurse acted very unprofessional. She should know better than to broadcast any personal information. Hope you get your results quickly.

Mrskcbrown – nice to hear from you!

Nothing much going on with me. I am CD 5 today. My temps have been crazy so who knows if my chart will end up showing ovulation. My temp on Thursday was way up but that was because I had a few beers the night before. My free trial on fertility friend has run out so I don’t find it as fun there anymore. AF is on her way out and hopefully we will get back to :sex: in a few days!
Hey Girls

Not much new from me my morning sickness has died down a bit, but work is really full on at the moment! They're pretty much given me the management position (without the pay and the title :-/ ) which i'm actually psyched about as i'm loving the extra responsibility and the trust they have placed in me, not to mention we are kicking arse since i've taken over!!! It doesn't suck but its just a bit of a........ well i finally get the promotion i want when i'm pregnant and i'm going to leave soon........ i've never ever ever been career focused so ivé never cared when i had a baby but i always wanted this job and i think if i leave for maternity they will give the job "officially" to someone else. Whatever tho right? I don't want to sell electrical anyway! someone give me a fashion store!!!

Lorts - I'm sorry to hear about everything that is bringing you all that stress at the moment. We ALL get super super jealous when another falls pregnant. We all find it so horribly depressing, of course we're happy for them but that doesn't change the way we feel. I used to get so so horrible when i found out someone else was pregnant.... a lady at my work got pregnant and i was so annoyed!! I had to avoid her because listening to her talk about being pregnant and looking at her belly grow used to cause me insane amounts of jelousy. I'd go home and just yell at hubby, hahaha poor thing. Lucky he's used to my crazy moods.

Lucie - Good luck on your bloods!!! My fingers are crossed over and over! I remember how odd the blood clinic was when i went. You had to take a number like being served in a butcher shop or something and what was more odd the numbers were just plastic cards they didn't come out of a machine or anything and i was the only person in the waiting room and she comes in and asks "did you take a number?" i reply "ahhh no" so she passes me number 1 then she walks off and 20 seconds later comes back out and announces "number 1 please" hahahahahaha bizarre!!! I was so terrified of getting a needle the whole thing irked me and i was so proud when i did it and it didn't hurt anywhere near as much as my mind said it would.

LaL - My temps were always totally nuts during and just after AF they only calmed down for abotu 3-4 days before Ov so i'd have all these nuts temps and then 4 constant low ones and then a big rise for ov.

Delly - Thank god you can update from NYC! Have such a fantastic time!!!! I need/want a holiday! I've decided me and hubby are going to go on one of those new age Babymoon (like a honeymoon but you do it before you have a baby) I think we will go for our 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!! Which is Oct 11th and Bambi is due Nov 20th so i know i will be heavily pregnant but getting away (but still close to the hospital) and relaxing for a few days i think would be fantastic!!! I'm so excited to be pregnant on out anniversary. Going out to dinner and being so pregnant on our anniversary. hahaha. i dunno just seems like it would be fun. but enough about me! once again have a FANTASTIC TIME!!!

hey girlies!!
Nice to hear that peeps are checking in :)

Lucie-BOOOO to the nurse but yay to the bloods being done and FXd for good results!!
Lorts- sounds like you're having fun!! It's also good to keep your mind off 2ww :)
Betheny-NYC is amazing and I think a babymoon is a fab idea!!! XxX
LaL-I'm glad thr :witch: has pissed off pretty much and lots of :sex: is in order!!!
MKB-I hope you find your :bfp: soon which ever way xxx

Not much news from here bnb wise :witch: staying away and no sign my cycle last mont was only 27 days and I'm passed that!! If I gone back to old cycles then I'll know on Tues.... Refusing to do any POAS, even DH is pestering me too lol!!
I'm gonna point out NYC is AMAZING!! You can see what I'm up to on facebook :) delyth parton :)

LOTS OF :dust: to all!!!

Delly XxX
hey girlies!!
Nice to hear that peeps are checking in :)

Lucie-BOOOO to the nurse but yay to the bloods being done and FXd for good results!!
Lorts- sounds like you're having fun!! It's also good to keep your mind off 2ww :)
Betheny-NYC is amazing and I think a babymoon is a fab idea!!! XxX
LaL-I'm glad thr :witch: has pissed off pretty much and lots of :sex: is in order!!!
MKB-I hope you find your :bfp: soon which ever way xxx

Not much news from here bnb wise :witch: staying away and no sign my cycle last mont was only 27 days and I'm passed that!! If I gone back to old cycles then I'll know on Tues.... Refusing to do any POAS, even DH is pestering me too lol!!
I'm gonna point out NYC is AMAZING!! You can see what I'm up to on facebook :) delyth parton :)

LOTS OF :dust: to all!!!

Delly XxX

im very jelous of your pics, it looks amazing!!

i would have no will power at all, i would be POAS by now!! good luck hun xxxx
aw starcrossed im dyin to no, i think im more nervous than u are!lol
hope ur havin a gr8 time,, ny baby!! xx
Delly you are a strong woman for not poas!! I am sooooo soooooo excited for you!! Peeked at your chart - it looks great! I have just added you on fb btw. Glad to hear you are having a blast!

How is everyone else doing?

I just realized that my test date will be May 3 (if I make it that long) which is DH's birthday. That would be the best birthday gift ever for him!!
Phew...! What a busy day!! I went to a theme park today. Considering the weather, it wasn't that busy. It was lovely to walk around and not have to queue for the rides!
I still have a cold from hell! Luckily the sore throat has gone. I am wondering who else has a cold at this time of the year?! Or is it just me?! LOL!! My nose is red raw with all the blowing and I have cracked and sore lips.... :growlmad: In the past 2 hours I have developed a sore gum on my bottom wisdom tooth.... What is wrong with me.... i'm falling apart! Not much news other than my germs!! My testing day is Wed/Thurs..... had no symptoms at all. Not holding out much hope as I have a million germs which is not good atmosphere for a beanie!

Delly - Glad you are having a fab time. You need to :test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test: !!!!!!!!!!

Betheney - Good news about the job. Maybe they will make it permenant for you before you leave on maternity? If not, enjoy the POWER while you can!!!

Lovealittle1 - Fingers crossed you are able to give DH the bestest ever birthday present! That would be extra special! Good luck.
Delly!!! I check this page everyday to see if we have a NYC bfp and you haven't posted!!!!! So then I go check your ff to see if you have at least updated that and you still haven't!!!! Your killing me POAS already.

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