Newlyweds TTC

:-( Sorry lorts.

I know the first couple of months TTC i would test test test. Then i found that looking at a negative test was so profoundly frustrating and would infuriate me. I remember one day being so annoyed i couldn't get an EVAP line, not only could i not get a positive but i could no even get a false positive. I put on of my tests up against something to heat it for ages which in turn created an evap line and i remember being satisfied after that. I was just so angry that, that half of the test refused to show a line positive or not. After that i realised with temping that if my body had not registered a pregnancy enough to cause a temp rise then it isn't going to register enough to show a positive HPT. So i stopped testing until i noticed something out of the norm with my temps.

Hope your not too sad and you can look forward to another cycle with another chance.

Can i join the team? I have just joined the forum. I got married on saturday just gone! (10th April 2010) My new husband and I have decided its time to TTC number 1.
We go on honeymoon on the 7th May...hoping for a BFP in May!
I'll add wedding photos once i have them!

Good luck to all!
:hugs: Cheers guys. Im not upset about it. Just frustrated.

I have booked a smear test in for Thurs. "Why?" You ask... well.. because this is the second month since we have been TTC I have had all the signs for being pregnant (which were exactly the same for my previous pregnancy) and then AF gets me.... however in these 2 months I have had horrendous stomach ache and clots in the blood and a heavy AF. These 3 things I never ever get on a 'normal month'. :nope: This leads me to think that something is wrong with me 'down below' and in fact I did technically get preggers however it didn't want to stick for some reason. I would never get a BFP because it is too early to test.
I know my own body and I know that something is 'not right' and there is no explanation I can think of. :nope:
I need to rule out everything so I am starting with the smear test. I have never had one (I know, I know, I should have.. but I haven't) so now is the time. If this comes back clear I am then going to the Dr (he is a family friend so will take the time to listen and not fob me off) and see what he has to say.

I can obviously get preggers... but for some reason, in my opinion, the bean doesn't want to stick.

Does anyone know from personal experience or reasearch, why the lining of my womb doesn't get thick enough to house a bean? (Thinking that could be a possible answer) Or anything else you can think of????? Any solutions?

:hi::hi::hi::hi::hi::hi::hi::hi: Tolian. Welcome to the team. They are a lovely bunch. The thread may seem a tad quiet at the moment as some of the girls are on hols, but when they come back it will be thrieving again!

Congratulations on your wedding. I hope you get your BFP ASAP! Tell us about yourself. X
Estel of course you can join. I added you to post 1. WOW your fresh off the alter! Are you on a honeymoon? My dream was a honeymoon baby..... oh the devastation when i didn't get it!!! I don't know how easy NTNP will be on here, you'll here of all the crazy/fun things we do to get those BFPs you'll be actively TTC in no time at all. So whats your plan? BD whenever and just see how it goes? BD every second day? Good luck anyway and welcome to our wonderful team.

Love Betheney

Hi! Literally just got back from honeymoon- 2 nights in London which included seeing Les Mis in the West End! It was amazing! To be honest, the main reason I'm ntnp at the moment is because I've just come off the bcp and want to see how it goes with my cycles first before ttc properly. Also, the prospect of ttc using all the usual methods scares my husband a little- he doesn't want the pressure! So we've basically decided that if we're no further forward in about 6 months time or so then we'll start ttc properly, although I hope it won't come to that! The plan at the moment is to BD at least twice a week, preferably every other day and see how it goes for now! At the moment I'm going to base things on a 30 day cycle, which is basically what I was before the pill and so will test just in case on April 29th (which just happens to be OH's birthday) or April 30th if AF hasn't hit. I'd also prefer to do that as I'm going away on a reenactment fair April 30th- May 2nd and so would prefer to know if I can eat the barely cooked meat and drink the mead that'll be served there or if I can't because I'm pregnant!

I've got some wedding photos up in a thread entitled 'I'm Married' in Bride and Beyond and there's a picture of our cake in the wedding cakes thread in the same section! Most of the photos are up on Facebook now too- I'm Rebecca Clare Davies. I don't know how to put a link to the albums yet but will let you know when I do!

Congrats Tolian!

Beca :wave:
OMG I'm stuck in NYC!!! Next available flight on Tues :( not covered by insurance so going to be skinted :(

Lorts-I hope everything turns out ok I'm sure it will but sometimes its better to be safe than sorry :hugs:

Welcome new girlies!!!

:dust: to all for some well earned :bfp:'s xxx
Tolian - Where is the honeymoon?

Lorts - I have a smear next wednesday as apparently you can't have them past 10 weeks preg. I've also never had one (i know naughty). I'm a little anxious and terrified, for an outgoing person anything to do with doctors down there freaks me right out. Also i'm sure that your AF is long enough mine was one day heavy one day medium one day light and one day spotting, it used to really worry me that this was so short, but from all the research gathered its a normal length.

Estel - I'm pretty sure i have instructions on post one about how to upload a facebook photo album.

Delly - You stuck in NYC? Isn't that a good thing ;-) like ooops i can't leave my awesome holiday. Also FB chat is being bell i can get your msgs but it says your offline everytime i return the msg it says it didn't get through to you because your offline.

Welcome Trolian!

Lorts, I think going to the dr. is a good idea. That way if anything is wrong (and I'm hoping there isn't!), you can get it taken care of asap.

Delly-That sucks that your new flight isn't covered by insurance, but just try to make the most of it. :) NYC is an amazing I wouldn't mind being "stranded" in for a few days. :)

Well it's official. I'm going on clomid as soon as AF shows. Spoke with the nurse today and I will be on 50mg for days 5-9. I pray this works for me.

Hope all is well with everyone!
hey ladies

Sorry I havent posted much lately - I haven't been on my home computer in a few days to write a proper post!

Lorts - so sorry witch got you. Hope all goes well at the docs.

Tolian - welcome and congrats on becoming a newlywed!

estel - welcome back from your honeymoon! That sounds like an excellent ntnp plan.

Delly - Sorry to hear that you are stuck in NYC and no insurance! Oh no! Damn volcano!

Betheney & Lorts - don't be nervous for your smears - they only take a minute or two and its all over. The first time I ever went I had a doc from eastern Europe and she had such a thick accent and talked about the most awkward stuff during the procedure - it used to just make me laugh in my head!

Lucie - hope clomid does the trick and brings you a sticky bean!

I am cd11 today. My temps are still all over the map so I am concerned that I will not know when ov happens. I am going to poa opk tomorrow and see what that says. I have been feeling very strange about ttc the past few days - kinda like cold feet. I hope it passes. :wacko:

Right, photos! Thanks Betheney- I missed that first look round!
Album 1-

Album 2-

The first lot are before the ceremony and the 2nd during and after the ceremony including the posed photos! There will be a 3rd album from the evening reception once Facebook decides it wants to upload it!

Beca :wave:
Thanks for the welcome ladies, we're off to the Dominican Republic...just hope everything is clear for flying! My aunts and cousins are stuck in Lanzarote at the moment.

Bit about me well...

I met my husband online!
He proposed in January 2010, but because my Gran was terminally ill with cancer we decided to bring the wedding forward as she was so excited about being a part of it. We had 3 months to plan everything and we pulled it off...the day was amazing, but unfortunately my Gran passed away at the end of Feb, day after my birthday.
However, i definitely felt her with me, as we had a few hiccups on the day and yet they worked themselves out...the cake company let us down 2 days before the wedding so we got one through marks and spencers but when we arrived to pick up the cake..they ahd no idea, the car company couldnt find the grooms address to pick him up, the best man dropped the rings, my friend had a full blown epileptic seizure during the ceremony, my husband got his tails wet in the fountain during photos and the hotel we had booked for the night couldnt find our reservation...despite me corresponding with the manager since January and the final straw was that the restaurant on the morning after the wedding didnt know we had a table reservation for all our guests...despite the manager knowing...oh and the taxi firm hung up on my husband....have just sent out a round of letters of complaint!

haha phew!

Other than that we live in a city centre which is very handy for shops and nights out, my husband is 28 and is a computer programmer, i'm 23 and a uni graduate...enjoying a life of leisure at the moment but on the look out for a half decent graduate job.

Tried to post a link to some unofficial pics but dont have enough i'll be back shortly with those!

yay finally have enough posts!

Hey Ladies im back :happydance:
well if im honest i have been for a couple of days but been spending time with my boys after leaving them :blush:

too much to catch up on atm so hope everyone is well tell me how you all are?????
Hello to any new ladies :hi:

Me well we had an amazing holiday pics on facebook if anyone wants a nosey, but i didnt O while i was away i had a positive opk the day we left but hate flying so think the stress of it stopped O from happening, i had really bad O pains 2 days ago so may be 1 or 2 dpo now but no temp rise to confirm as yet so looks like im in for a very long 40+ day cycle :growlmad:

I suppose there is one person i cant leave out!!!

Delly - congratulations
so happy for you :flower:
hey lolley!!!!
Glad to have you back :) :). I'm glad you had a good time in egypt and got home before all this hoo har with volcano.
I'm still stuck in NYC till tues, there are worse things and places to be stuck but cash is running a bit low now. I'm so eager to get to dr's etc and start nesting lol
Lolley I hope you ov soon, Betheny said how good soy isowotsits are good for that :)

Anyway going to carry on trying to get an earlier flight!!
:dust: to you all!!!
hello ladies how r u all
any1 near testin soon
im gojn 2 b testin next fri as my temps r very hig 4 me, usllay there r just iver 35, but for over a week now theyve been 36.4 +,, feeling very crampy tho, not getin my hopes up too much xxxx
hello ladies how r u all
any1 near testin soon
im gojn 2 b testin next fri as my temps r very hig 4 me, usllay there r just iver 35, but for over a week now theyve been 36.4 +,, feeling very crampy tho, not getin my hopes up too much xxxx
wow really quiet here today!

Lolley - welcome back glad to hear you had a nice holiday.

Delly - how are ya holding up in NYC?

keepsmiling - keep us posted on thise temps. Hope this is the start of your bfp!

I've tested neg yesterday and today on opk. I am scared I may have missed my surge. Unless it still happens tomorrow. I'll keep you all posted. Hope everyone is having a great week-end :dust:
hey LaL!!
Getting worried how long we may be stuck here :( I'm eager to get back to UK and go to GP's now. I got mum on the case of insurance hopefully she'll get them to pay out :)
Other than all of that I'm pretty good, other than nausea, had a pick me up last night we won front row tickets to my fave show west side story :)
Don't worry about your ov strips I thought I'd missed it and it was just late.
Hope eveyone else is fine!! Lots of :dust: to all!!!

Delly xxx

So excited you back! MISSED YOU HEAPS!!!

How was your holiday? I want to hear all about it and see photos too.

Whats new with me?

My Nan died on Friday..... I wasn't that close to her as she lived over seas but i had spent weeks at a time with them so i'm still a little sad she's gone. My dad is debating whether to go or not, he isn't suppose to fly since his car accident as he'd have to have these big leg pressure things over his legs during the flight and also take blood thinners so he doesn't have a stroke EEEEK! Mum obviously doesn't want him to go but she said if she says that he goes nuts. She said she can't see he can't go because if she does and he doesn't go he'll blame her forever. My brother is trying to get an emergency passport as he wants to fly with dad. I have a passport as i got one for my honeymoon last year but mum and dad wont let me go because i'm pregnant. I explained that flying in early pregnancy is no issue at all, its late pregnancy you have to worry about and they just refused to let me. My sister in Sydney also has a passport but next to no money i know if she went my mother would be paying both airfares not just dads and they can't really afford that.


Love love love
Delly - thank you, we did have a fab time and got back monday just before all this started, although before we went we tried to extend our hol to 14 days instead of 10 but there was no room in hotel, we would of been stuck too if we had changed it. Hope your ok, i have been following your news on facebook. Nothing is still moving here there saying it may be a while yet, hope you get your insurance pays out, just look after yourself while your there :)

LAL- thank you for the welcome back :)

Betheney - thank you hun, we had an amazing time my pics are on facebook if you want to see, our hotel was just gorgeous went to Cairo for the day that was an experience, but the sights are wonderful and we just had a fantastic time being with each other we totally relaxed which was what we needed.
sorry to hear about your nan, hope you and your family are ok.
so hows the little beanie doing?

well looks like i have O'd but FF not given me my cross hairs by the pains i had i should be 3/4 dpo but FF is going to say iy was later and if it was later we missed it cause DH been ill since we got back, but cause of late O i am now on for a 45 day cycle :( im going to try soy isoflavones next month (Betheney what days did you take them again and when did you O?) but im not having EPO again made thing worse not better :(

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