NHS - IUI before IVF?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2010
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I've been ttc for 2yrs and 8 months now, with two early m/cs. Had all the usual tests and everything came back clear. The (horrible) consultant wouldn't prescribe me clomid, so we've basically been on our own for the past year. Now she said I could go back to her early next year if I manage to increase my bmi to 19 (only 4 pounds to go! :happydance:). I'm just not sure what will happen when I go back. Will we go straight to ivf or do they try IUI? And if you have IUI, does this affect the number of cycles they will fund?
firstly sorry to hear about your m/cs. it depends on your individual circumstances as to why you can't concieve and also do they know the reason for your m/cs? my partner and i have been trying to concieve for 2 yrs 6 months we had all the tests going it turned out that my partner had a low sperm count due to meds hes on we worked for 18 months trying to improve it which we did slightly.. they found absolutely nothing wrong with me and i was ovulating every month so they suggested we take 3 rounds of IUI and if they failed 1 round of ivf i think it depends on your area how many you get which i think is a bit unfair i was lucky to get offered the amount i did some women dont get as much... 1st IUI failed but 2nd was successful and im now 5 weeks pregnant.. even though i was ovulating on my own they still gave me clomid and allowed me to produce a maximum of 3 eggs and on our 2nd go i had indeed produced 3 eggs..
Good luck to you and i hope you have every success
Thanks Goonergirl. I've no idea why I had the m/cs - they won't test until I've had three. It really is a postcode lottery isn't it, in relatin to funding. I'm glad the IUI worked for you; fingers crossed it might do the same for me.
we have gone through the NHS we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility and all they can offer us is IVF no clomid no IUI- think it maybe depends where you live.
Hi lawgirl

Just to say that what's available is completely to do with the policy of the PCT where you live - perhaps you can look it up and find out that way? I think we eventually managed to find ours by Googling, I expect they are obliged to publish this somewhere for the public to see.

Where I live they would have let us do Clomid, IUI and then IVF. However they accelerated us directly to IVF believing this would give us the best chance of conceiving without another year going past if the Clomid and IUI didn't work. So what's offered to you is a combination of policy and then down to the consultant and your individual circumtances.

At the moment, some PCTs are withdrawing funding from all fertility treatments so my advice would be to do whatever you can to get approval for treatment whilst it's still around.

Good luck :)

Thanks for the replies. The policy says nothing about IUI, so I assume it would be straight to IVF. The policy was supposed to be reviewed in Sept 2010, but has not yet been updated. I live in fear of funding being withdrawn, so I keep checking the website. Roll on Jan 2012!
Lawgirl which area are you in? You may find someone on here has direct experience of your PCT. I know in my area if I had gone for IUI then I HAD to do 6 months of them before moving to IVF but in my circs we went straight to IVF.

How come you have to wait until Jan 2012? I thought that unexplained fertility was normally a 3 year period and you mention you've been trying for 2years 8 months already. Sometimes you have to really push for what you're entitled too.

I've posted this before but it's an interesting read:


Hope it helps.
Thanks mich1. I'm in Bedfordshire, so if anyone has any experiences please share. I have to wait unti Jan 2012 because I've had two early m/cs and they count it from the last pregnancy, even if unsuccessful.
Hi there,

I am in Derbyshire and have been TTC for 4 years with unexplained infertility. The FS initially gave me 6 cycles of clomid, even though I ovulate on my own. It worked the first cycle but ended in MC @ 11 wks. We are now onto the next stage and have had 2 failed cycles of IUI.

I was told that we will are entitled to 3 cycles of IUI and 1 cycle of IVF, however, they have recently changed the number of cycles so that if you are referred after Dec 10, you would get 6 cycles. My fertility nurse is a little cross about this as the chances of getting a BFP after 3 IUIs drops significantly. They have increased the number of IUIs in our area but have stopped doing IVF after the age of 35.

So it looks like every PTC is different. I'm not sure if this helps at all but I guess you can get a feel for what different trusts offer.

Good luck x
DH & I have been ttc for 3 yrs, after over two years of unsuccessful ttc we referred to the ACU, hycosy came up all clear and dh has super sperm so we are classified as unexplained infertility. I was put on Clomid for 6 cycles and placed on the IUI waiting list (5 months at the time sept 2010).

Last month I had my first IUI treatment (25th may) I was injecting Menopur to stimulate follicles, I had two good to go.

In total living in Lancs I get 3 IUI attempts and 2 IVF attempts.

My poor sister-in-law who had an ectopic prior to Xmas which resulted I her losing a tube does not get any funding by her PCT (Middlesbrough) also she has just recently turned 40. Her specialist has not mentioned IUI treatment to her so she is going to bring up at her next appointment. They are putting her on Clomid for 6 cycles.

It has been mentioned in the news in the UK today about MP's condemning regional variation on IVF treatments. Let's hope that everyone gets given the equal opportunities that they deserve.

The postcode lottery is appalling!!

Good luck to you all.

13dpo today bfn on IC
The link is here for the report issued today:



Headline - More than 70% of Primary Care Trusts in the NHS are failing to follow official guidance on IVF
Thanks for all the posting. From the report on the news today, I actually feel quite lucky that I'm in Bedfordshire as they at least fund 3 cycles of IVF. And although I complain about the fact I have to have a BMI of 19 to get treatment, at least that corresponds with NICE guidelines. (Only 4 pounds to go!)
Thanks for all the posting. From the report on the news today, I actually feel quite lucky that I'm in Bedfordshire as they at least fund 3 cycles of IVF. And although I complain about the fact I have to have a BMI of 19 to get treatment, at least that corresponds with NICE guidelines. (Only 4 pounds to go!)

I've been trying to lose weight since Jan, you can have 4 of my lb's with pleasure. I pre-emptied the weight thing, I was a stone overweight but I have lost 2st to help me get my bmi to 23. I can put on 4lb just by looking at food, but knowing how much of struggle it is to lose weight I also empathise with you on trying to put it on!
Good luck
Thanks icklefish. I'll take them with pleasure O:) It is really difficult for me to put on weight - I have been drinking Complan everyday for the past 6 months to help! Good luck with the weight loss.
I'm from Kent and here I was allowed 6 months worth of Clomid for unexplained fertility on the nhs, however because my husband has children from his previous marriage though we weren't entitled to any further treatment. I think in Kent though you got 2 rounds of IVF if you meet there very strict criteria.....although recently I think they stopped all funding.
I have had 1 cycle of IUI privately and this was successful but resulted in mmc @10 weeks, just starting the 2nd round. It is costing about £1400 per cycle.
you get two NHS funded IVF in Edinburgh- only problem is that if you have unexplained infertility you have to have been trying 3 years before you can go on the waiting list and then the waiting list is 3 years!!!!!!. By the time I get to the top of the waiting list I would be 38- and obviously the chance of success with IVF lessens the older you get.

It really is appalling how it varies so much one trust to another. I could understand maybe differences between England and Scotland but I think Edinbhrgh is one of the worst places interms of waiting list in Scotland....... so were going private. I just really feel for those who cant afford too. Rant over.
That's awful! I'm expecting around a 6 month wait once my initial three years are up, but to have to wait another 3? How can they justify that??
Well I'm out this time, round two of the injections start tomorrow and hoping to have IUI in two weeks. No-one teaches you this in school, who'd have though that re-production was not a straight forward as they taught you.
Thank god for modern medicine!!
I wish you all luck

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