...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

DH old kitty just died. :cry: His old dog is about to die too from cancer. Not out dog, like his childhood one. She is a sweet pup and it is gonna be sad to see her go. :( Poor Poor DH..
So sorry tryin....its a horrible thing to go through. The only thing that helps is time :hugs:
I get what I call "bubbly stomach" it drives me crazy so hubby laid on my stomach to listen I asked him of there was a baby in there he said "maybe...its l like a fricken twilight baby growing like a son of a gun" lol
I get what I call "bubbly stomach" it drives me crazy so hubby laid on my stomach to listen I asked him of there was a baby in there he said "maybe...its l like a fricken twilight baby growing in there like a son of a gun" lol
Yay Mrs. B! Hopefully, you'll get something to help you ovulate and you get pregnant very soon! A 50ish day cycle must have been frustrating.
The Email that girl sent me!

Hello! I know what a hard journey it is going through all the fertility stuff. Before we started, Hansen had me go on Metformin. He put me on the highest dosage 2000mg/day. I never had the problems with Metformin like other women talk about. It didn't make me throw up or anything like that. Before we started as well, he had me do a month of birth control because I had cysts. The birth control did make the cysts go away and then my very first cycle we did clomid (50mg) and my follicles were tiny after the Clomid so they put me on injectables right away. I was terrified. I think I did about 4 shots of Menopur that first round and then they had me do the trigger shot (hcg shot) in the butt. I would be going in for ultrasounds every 3 days or so to measure my follicles to see how much they were growing and once they got to be 18mm, then we got the OK to do the trigger and were told to have sex every day for like 5 days after the trigger shot. We actually got pregnant that very first round back in April/May 2010. We did the early ultrasounds and found out it was twins. We were so excited and actually started telling people around 7 weeks because we couldn't hold it in. Around 8 weeks I went in for another ultrasound and they couldn't find a heartbeat on either baby. They told me it was twin to twin transfusion and I didn't miscarry naturally. I had to go a whole week before they would perform the D&C to vacuum them out of me and it was so hard that week knowing that I was carrying dead babies inside of me. I had the surgery and after that I was so sad about what had all happened that I wasn't sure I wanted to run the risk of going through it all again. I want to say we waited another 2-3 months before we started going through it all again.

The next few cycles, they did the same drugs since they knew they could work for us. They would increase the clomid dosage a little each time and then they would have me do the Menopur shots along with it. Some months I would get by with doing 4 shots and other months I would be doing 10 shots and I was still doing ultrasounds every few days every cycle. We always did the trigger shot once the follicles got to be 18 but we never had any results. I was really hard because every cycle we would do, we would have to do 1 month of birth control afterwards. It got to the point where I was getting very discouraged and I was losing the excitement of possibly getting pregnant. It was also a huge money pit because we couldn't afford all of the shots. There was even a point in one of the cycles we didnt have enough money to buy the remainder of the shots we needed that month and had to call my biological father out in Washington to beg for money and he did end up sending it to us. I learned from that cycle that if I did have a left over cyst, no matter what they said, it wasn't worth going through the treatment because those leftover cysts mess with your hormone levels and you don't respond to the drugs as easily.

Once they got us up to the maximum dosage of Clomid, they finally switched drugs on me. It was in April 2011, a year after that very first treatment. Instead of Clomid, the put me on Femara, which is actually a drug used to treat cancer. My insurance actually covered some of that one since it's primary use was not for fertility. I took the Femara and after the first ultrasound after just the Femara, my follicles were at like 12 and 13 and I had several follicles. After I would do the Clomid, my follicles were usually only like a 9 or 10 so I could tell already that the Femara was better. We still had to do the Menopur shots but I think I only had to do 3. We ended up getting a negative but, for the first time ever, I didn't have any leftover cysts so we were able to start a new cycle without doing the month of birth control.

So when I went in after my period for the next cycle, Hansen was out of town and he had like a substitute Dr from Texas I believe. The Dr straight up told me that we were wasting our money and if we wanted results we had to move on to the IUI. I told him I didn't think we could afford it and asked him how much it was. He is the one who quoted around $500 and I was shocked because I didn't think it would be that affordable. I told him the reason we never did it before was because we thought it was way expensive. He told me that the vagina is a hostile environment. He said like 90% of the sperm entering the body is killed off by the wall of the vagina and the remaining amount still had to swim up the cervix and the fallopian tubes to meet the egg, and very few actually made it there. He said with the IUI, they completely bypassed the vagina and put the sperm directly into the cervix so all it had to do from there was travel up the tubes. We started the Femara again and had 4 nice lead follicles. I did still do the 4 shots of Menopur as well but then I went in and they did the trigger shot. The next day I went in for the actual IUI and I had no idea what to expect. I expected it to be painful and take awhile... but I went in there, Hansen went under there and was out of there in less than a minute. It was super fast and painless. My friend Jessica just had hers done and she said her was a little painful because her cervix was way in there I guess. But anyways, after that, I just had to lay there for 20 minutes and then I was free to go about my day. My husband and I were still supposed to have sex... but he made me really crabby that night because he "didnt feel like it" and I got all sorts of mad at him and then we ended up not doing it at all again that week. I thought it would be a bust... but low and behold, here I am, almost 27 weeks with twins.

As far as the price you were quoted, that just doesn't seem right. We got a bill for Drew, since he had to go in and give his sample and they have to wash the sperm and process it or whatever they do and I believe it was like $150-$200. I know my insurance covered some of it (which you should double check with your insurance because I was under the understanding that my insurance didn't cover ANYTHING for fertility... but it did cover IUI and all of my ultrasounds.. besides my copay) but I know my bill was no more than $300 (but some of that could have been my copays for previous appointments. I mean, $3500 is REALLY high...especially since there is no actual procedure. I had my tonsils out a few years back and that was like $5000 and that was an actual procedure with anesthesia and cutting. My D&C was also anesthesia and they had to go into my stuff and take a vacuum and suck stuff out all while I was under and I want to say that was $4-5k as well. With the IUI... all they have to do that is technical is the sperm washing and they put it in a cup, suck it out of the cup into a turkey baster, and the doctor comes in and opens your cervix with some sort of tool and squirts it and and it takes a matter of minutes. The only thing I can think of is if they are giving you the TOTAL cost... including the ultrasounds (which your insurance should cover minus the deductable), drugs you may or may not need to take, and the sperm washing. I found this long Q&A on IUI (https://www.fertilityplus.org/faq/iui.html) and it says it can cost anywhere between $200-$5000 depending on what drugs you take. I know the ultrasounds are pretty spendy if your insurance doesn't cover it, and since you do them every few days, that could be why they quoted you so much... but the actual procedure is not that expensive. If you google the average cost of IUI.... you will find everywhere that the actual procedure is in the hundreds but with the drugs and appointments its in the thousands.

So anyway, that is what I know! Let me know if you have any questions!! Don't get discouraged... there are several drugs out there so if Clomid isn't working, switch it! I personally liked Femara way better (although it gave me some wicked hot flashes) than Clomid.

Good luck!!

I'm feeling pretty rubbish today so I thought I'd moan to you all...

My husband works shifts, and I travel a lot with my role so some months we don't bd as much as we'd both like. Hubby has just sent me a text saying oh by the way are we still trying for kids? I know what he is getting at, but sometimes I just dont have the energy to get bd. AF is also due tomorrow and am convinced she will appear.
We are going away this weekend and if AF does appear she'll hopefully be gone by the weekend, so we can start december as a fresh start.
Does anyone else ever feel like this? Or is it just me? Really want to be a fab wife but sometimes I feel I let him down x
Just feel as if I'm going to burst into tears. I think retail therapy is required xx
Hey ladies! I hope everyone is doing well! I decided to stop in on my break from cleaning to say hi. The people are coming to work on my couch today and fix the massagers...let's hope these don't short out. Today is CD16 for me and I got my 2nd peak so there is a lot of BDing going on with us right now. WHEN I can get time away from work. Just 14 days till we head home to see our family!!!!! I'm so excited to have a month back in TN! I chose to test on Dec 8th since that's my parents anniversary so here's to hoping. What's everyone else doing today? I kinda caught a glimpse of something about moonstone lastnight when I was lurking through before bed. What is that?
Aww sorry to hear you are upset buckles. Gdane is right, We all know how that feels. SUCKY feeling. :hugs:

SLH, How are you doing today doll?

Lekker: Good luck this month! Cant wait till I get my positive OPK! Hopefully will be before hubby leaves for a business trip!

Everyone else. :hi:

AFM, The weirdest thing happened last night. Well, the other day I had a total emotional breakdown to DH because our relationship is NOT what it used to be when we first got together. That is expected but our relationship was really starting have issues because of the whole sex thing. He gets really really mad at me if I dont wanna have sex.

Anyway, last night he said he had a revelation that day after I cried to him. He said that in all the years I have been trying things to increase my sex drive, he always thought I was the problem. But he never once thought maybe his high sex drive was the problem and is not trying to convince me to let him go one some kind of herbs that could supposdily lower his sex drive. I said no, lol. I dont want him to take anything that could interfere with anything. But he said he was truly sorry and felt absolutely awful that he blamed me, and made me feel like it was my fault, and about all the nasty things he has said to me because I didnt feel like having sex. I know he doesnt mean to get mad, and I just try to ignore him when he does cause he gets over it, but it was so unexpected that he came up and apologized to me like that. Then, he randomly gave me a leg massage. lol. It was a very nice moment. He said he is gonna go to the DR and try to get on some kind of anxiety (not like xanax, we have that, something daily) medication so try and get to where he doesnt feel so stressed about everything all the time.

Our relationship was starting to struggle some, and we could both tell. but we are in love and I am more determined than ever to make sure our relationship lasts. And him admitting he has a problem with the high sex drive and apologizing really sincerely makes me think he really wants to make sure we last together. I mean, we were nowhere near breaking up or anything. But most marriages end in divorce, we all know that. Nobody wants to get divorced but that is life. It made me feel wonderful that he was seriously not going to give up on our relationship. :cloud9:

Sorry, lol. It was really sweet and I thought I would share.

SO, cd8. Bored still. starting my OPKs tomorrow though! WHOO! Something to look forward to!

How are all you girls?

Theres the link for you lekker
I'm sorry you are feeling blue Buckles :hugs: Retail therapy always works for me. I'm pms'ing so I'm sad and down too at the moment. I'm not going to shop like I normally do, but we do plan on spending a lot of money on my next cycle to the fertility clinic if I need drugs. My first cycle with the fertility clinic was covered by our government, but from here on out it's out of our pockets. I think it's going to get me what I want the most so I don't mind.

Tryinfor1, I'm so glad you are working things out with DH.

Lekker, YAY for your peaks. I'm confident that this is going to be your month! I had high hopes for you fromt he moment I met you. I hope you have fun in TN.

Gdane, I'm so glad you got questions answered. That was a very detailed message and helpful. The last time they saw my follicle it was 20mm or 2.0cm (how they like to put it). Ever since I started cycle monitoring I have become fascinated with follicles lol.

AFM, I think AF is coming early. I have all of my pre symptoms and my temperature went way down for some reason today. I'm in a bitchy irritable mood too which always happens the day before AF.
Hi Ladies:flower:

Where have all these posts come from:haha: sorry again for not posting much as i have been keeping myself busy to keep myself sane! im now 9dpo and experiencing tightness in my stomach which feels very weird, has anyone else experienced this? im also having very mild cramps and twinges, very different to last few months, im expecting af tomorrow:dohh:

I hope everyone is ok, i will catch up on some posts, i do think of you all even though im absent:hugs:
Alright ladies, time for my long schpeel of the day!!

Buckles: I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you, because i was in the same boat :shipw: a few days ago. We're all here for you. The only thing that helped was a new day. :hugs:

Lekker: Hope the couches work now! Yay for lots of bding and peaks! Fx'd for you! I put a link about moonstones on the thread if you want to check it out. I almost thought of getting a different one with rose quartz, because (don't listen SLH) I think my green aventurine did improve my mood and everything...and there HAS to be something with it, if there are I think 20 BFP's on that thread. But who knows. I'll try anything. Good luck for testing! Let us know how it goes! I'll be testing around the same time if no af! [-o<

Tryin: so glad to hear you guys had a break through in your relationship. It's such a weight off your shoulders and who knows maybe it'll help you guys get your BFP! :dust: I'm so so sorry happy for you. It's an amazing feeling!! Good luck on POAS! I'm not an addict...I've actually come to hate it...lol maybe it's because I spill pee on myself too much! :haha:

SLH: Sucky about AF coming...but that means you get to try that much sooner, right? :flower: hopefully your body sorts everything out soon! I think you should still try B100 complex. It helped me sooo much. I used to have a 9-10 day lp now i'm up to 13 i think. It's really weird that your temp is going down instead of up...really weird.

As for myself: I'm having weird pulling pains in my uterus. I'm not saying it's from pregnancy because it's way too early, but it's kind of freaking me out. They really hurt...I did have the random urge to work out after work for the first time in ages. I didn't do it very long because the pain is there when I move so the dancey video probably wasn't the best thing to do...but something is better than nothing right? I need to lose some weight. I know I'm not fat, but I'm fatter than I used to be. I remember reading about you girls having get made fun of in high school for being too skinny...I did too. Everyone says I look better now than I did back then, but then I should feel better about myself right? I don't even want to wear a swimsuit. I was so embarrassed on our honeymoon. A person shouldn't feel that way if you look better. LoL. I believe I'm 2 or 3dpo and I am starting progesterone cream...and once I get to the store I'm going to start iron supplements again. When I was younger I found out I was anemic and I read that anemia makes it harder to conceive. I don't like it though because it constipates you! Gives you belly aches! Figured it can't hurt to try though.

Hope everyone else is well...mrs.b, pook, ferens, lull, apple blossom, EVERYONE! :hi: and :dust: and [-o<
Hey lull!! Always nice to see you! I see apple blossom is on here too! Come out of hiding lady!! I miss you! :friends: When are you testing lull? good luck deary! Hope those are all good signs!
Hey lull!! Always nice to see you! I see apple blossom is on here too! Come out of hiding lady!! I miss you! :friends: When are you testing lull? good luck deary! Hope those are all good signs!

:hugs: To be honest with you i did a ic test yesterday and got a very faint line:wacko: my friend also saw it so i decided to try a frer and bfn:dohh: so im now scared to test! i have had some weird feelings today and for the last few hours some strong tigtenings and twinges in lower abdomen, i really hope these are some good signs, also i have had a couple of very bad dreams one being where it started with me and dh being on a day out and all of a sudden i started panicking as realised we had left our newborn baby at home:cry: and i was in a rush to try and get home but there seemed to be lots of obstacles in my way which was stopping me from getting home:cry: i was hysterical and remember screaming at dh as he was just sitting down on a wall saying he needed a rest! it was very frustrating and i woke up very upset:cry: all day i was thinking of that dream and think i dreamt that because of how desperately i want a baby and because i feel its out of reach:cry:
Oh man! Thats a horrible dream but how fricken exciting! :wohoo: you need to be our first of many bfps!

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