...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Sorry ladies I cant write a reply to you all as Im still not well I now have a Yeast infection, and had my two dogs Honey and Blossom fighting because of their season so Im going to get them spayed. and Ive had no sleep so Im shattered and drained of life at the mo, but I didnt want to come on and not say anything. i will try my best to catch up with you all tomorrow.Thank you for all your lovely comments on my IVF Im so excited just hope my lady garden is all clear for the dr to inspect :blush:, I cant wait to tell you all about it, I will be on here wed night telling you all about my day long appt, yes you read that right it is an all day appt will be :sleep: but I will make sure I let you guys know how it goes.

SLH:im not using my CBFM, and Ive sent my spare sticks to Gdane.

Gdane: please dont loose hope hun :hugs:

lekker: very well said hun, I dont live in the USA but we have similar issues here, you go girl :happydance:

Ameilia: I have a 9yr old DS so dont feel like you dont belong, and these ladies are like the lovelest and welcoming ladies ever, so you are safe here :hugs:

Sorry ladies if I missed you out I dont mean to but Im just replying to what I remembered :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
DH is taking me away for new years! We are only going to his aunts lakehouse but it is gonna be awesome! They have a HUGE shopping center and he said we are gonna go out and eat and just spend time together. I am so excited! If I dont get a bfp by then, which still hopeful that I will, I am going to be ovulating around that time! So its perfect! :)

How is everyone today?

I am.. I think cd12.. been getting slight cramps and a definite increase of cm but nothing major yet. Hubs leaves on Sunday.. only two more nights and three more days to make this happen. :)
Gdane, don't lose hope. It will happen. Why have you lost hope for the cycle? You have bd'd a lot and you are not getting your usual symptom of sore nipples. That has to be a good sign, right? That is totally weird about your sil and the roof. I don't believe in coincidences, so I bet you will follow in her footsteps soon.

Don't you hate it when people ask you where the baby is? I sort of feel bad for asking married people in the past why they hadn't had kids yet lol. Maybe they were going through the same things as me and I didn't even realize it. I got an email from an old friend asking why I wasn't KU yet when I have been married for 8 months. As soon as I told him I had to see a fertility specialist, he shut right up lol.

Apple blossom, I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but everything will return to normal soon. I can't believe that you have to spend the day for an appointment. What do they do that's going to take all day? I can't wait to hear all about it and I especially can't wait to read your pregnancy announcement before Christmas. I don't mean to sound rude or nosey, but what are you going to do if it doesn't work? Are you going to do it again? I think the power of positive thought will work here. I think if everyone here thinks positively on the day of Apple Blossom's procedure, it will work.

Lekker, that would be awesome if that bill was passed and you didn't have to pay for any treatment. I'm not even going to think about any treatment like that right now because I still think it's too early and I really dont' want to get to that point. It scares to me to think about how much money we could end up spending on this since nothing is covered when lots of bad people can have babies for free.

Tryinfor1, that sounds like the perfect getaway. I think you'll get your bfp this cycle though.

I'm having the worst period cramps ever...blah. I'm going in for my CD3 blood work and ultrasound tomorrow and I will be taking my first Clomid pill. I kept thinking for some reason that CD3 was on Sunday, but then I just realized that it was tomorrow..duh.
If I dont get pregnant naturally I wont be able to do IVF or IUI or anything for a while. We DEFINITELY do not have that kind of money right now. And being so young still, I dont think DH would really be into doing something like that until we are bit older and been trying for a long time. Oh gosh, I hope it doesnt come to that though. For any of us.

I will send lots of positive vibes and prayers to AB while she is doing her IVF.

GDane: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :flower:

And thanks SLH. I do hope so! I only have two more days though.. DH leaves for work on cd14.. so we are gonna do it tonight, tomorrow, and sunday before I drive him to the airport.

JESUS. on a side note, my dog will not stop jacking with me!!!!!! :pop:
Tryinfor1, your timing will be fine. I'm sure there will be a :spermy: just waiting when that egg comes out of the ovary lol. Wouldn't that be funny if taking clomid delays your O? lol. That would suck. Not funny in a haha way, but you know what I'm talking about lol.

What do you mean by your dog won't stop jacking with you? It seems like my dog is ignoring me now because I'm a super bitch at the moment.
My stomach did not agree with morning prescription prenatal vitamin. I was puking my brains out shortly after I took it today. The night one didn't make me sick last night, so idk. They say you shouldn't take them with food, but if you get sick then take them 2 hours after you eat. I'm gong to try that tomorrow. I don't know if I said this or not, but my morning pills are pink and my night time pills are blue lol.
I'm sorry ladies, I'm just not feeling good today and I have to go out to the in laws now. I hope everyone feels better
Eeek, SLH, I hope you feel better!

Apple Blossom- Eat yogurt twice a day (one that contains live active culture, such as acidophilus), soak in a warm bath of Epsom salts, drink a TON of cranberry juice, and alternate that with a liter of water!!! Try a dose of Monistat 3-day cream, and wear a panty liner or cotton panties. You can kick your vag troubles before Wednesday...it's just going to take a lot of determination! Finish whatever antibiotics you've been given, too, hon.

Gdane, FF can be a real pain in the arse, huh? I know all about it.

SLH- I'm going to keep using my CBFM. I'm sort of dependent on it now, I think.

Tryin- Your getaway plan with DH sounds lovely! Sounds like you're setting the tone for some procreation!!! Bow chicka wow-wow!!!!!!

Well, AF will show up tomorrow. Hideous beeotch.
Tryinfor1, your timing will be fine. I'm sure there will be a :spermy: just waiting when that egg comes out of the ovary lol. Wouldn't that be funny if taking clomid delays your O? lol. That would suck. Not funny in a haha way, but you know what I'm talking about lol.

What do you mean by your dog won't stop jacking with you? It seems like my dog is ignoring me now because I'm a super bitch at the moment.

She gets in this attitude where it has to be all about her. Lol. She was jumping in my face and squishing her body all over my face trying to get me to pay attention to her. She thinks she is this five pound dog who can just jump in your lap but she is 50 pounds! The biggest dog I have ever owned and the biggest I ever will. Lol. I begged DH for a big dog and we finally agreed on a middle size one and she is big enough!

Yeah, we will see about the timing. Would be nice to have something really special to share with DH on our dating anniversary. Lol. I said that I wouldnt test until the 22.. but I am thinking that is gonna have to be changed to the 17. My friend is having a christmas party and if I ovulate correctly, that will be when AF is due. I would rather not drink that many dpo. SO I am gonna do a IC the morning of the 17, and then a digi on the 22 if there is a line on the IC or if AF doesnt come.
I'm sorry ladies, I'm just not feeling good today and I have to go out to the in laws now. I hope everyone feels better

Sorry hun. You know what pisses me off? I had an entire thing typed on here. I dont know what the hell I did but it just erased my entire post! GRR!!

Hopefully that made you smile. It sorta made me mad but whatever. I hope that you get to feeling better.

I dont blame you about the inlaws. I wouldnt wanna go out with mine either.
So I don't know if this really matters, but since I put this bracelet on every time I sleep I dream about someone else being pregnant. I never dream of myself but always someone else. They come to me in each situation asking me to look at their test and they are freaking out and everytime it's positive. Although tonight's dream whoever the girl was in my dream took the test and though it was negative and when in my dream I woke from my nap I looked at it for her and it was positive but there was a little blood on it. So I made her go to the hospital and she came back and said it was a miscarriage. I'm really finding this odd as generally around this time I'm so focused on seeing lines that I dream about myself being pregnant but I've been so busy I've not really thought about it obsessively and I'm dreaming about other people being pregnant! Kinda makes me not want to sleep haha
Don't have time for big message but have to come on later to check our whats been going on here. Last night another friend told me she's expecting her 3rd... there musy be someyhing in the water around here that I'm missing LOL x
Tryinfor1, that's funny. My dog jumps on me and I couldn't imagine if he was 50lbs. He's 30lbs so he still hurts me when he jumps on me. I hope you're spending a lot of time bding before your husband leaves.

Wookie, I'm sorry about the temp drop yesterday. I hope AF doesn't come, but if she does we can be cycle buddies.

Lekker, I don't think a bracelet would be causing you to have dreams lol, but if it is I would take it off or get a dream catcher because those were some pretty scary dreams.

Mrs. B :cry: I'm sorry.
I feel like I'm really behind and i really like it when everyone responds to everyone, so here I go... You ladies are more than welcome for that poem.

wookie: thank you for what you said about miscarriages. I believe the same. No matter how hard they are, they're always for a reason...with that being said, I'm terrifed as well. I'm very sorry for your loss. You're right in saying it's not for the faint of heart, my friends just had their baby and before mom was even out of the hospital the baby was air lifted by helicopter to a different hospital. I'm not sure why but I think he's doing better. It kills me, I really don't know more religious people...I'm not sure why God does things the way he does. How's your temp today? I hope AF stays away!! :dust: :af: I'm so excited you got an appt!! Doctors are horrible at getting back to people!

SLH: I'm so glad you're starting an aspirin regimen. I'll be right with ya, I just started an Iron regimen. Maybe we should just mix our blood and we'd be ok!! :haha: I'm sorry AF got you but I'm so excited for you to start your journey to you bfp. Good luck! :dust: Make sure to keep us updated. I haven't taken any prenatals like that but I have heard of them. They're a lot better for you and that baby that's going to be in your arms in a few months!! :hugs: :baby: I hope your stomach is gettin better with them! I'm so sorry you're in pain again!! :hugs: I hope you feel better soon...Have you tried Midol max and a heat pad? Works wonders for me.

Buckles: I'm sorry about AF and the pain you're in. Hopefully it's all over soon. I bought a heat pad and it helps immensly for AF pain. I hope you don't have to go see your doc but if you do, I'll be right there with you. Good luck on not using your monitor! I'm happy your SA was normal! :happydance: I'm not sure if you should've gone back...I did just because my doc said if SA is fine, we need to come in and talk about clomid. And that's what we did.

Tryin: I'm sorry about your DH. That sounds so out of character for him. I hope everything is getting better for you. I know you're having a rough time right now. Good luck on getting your new job back. I saw that on FB. I hope everything works out the way you want it to. I know how you feel about being fat. Believe me, I've gained 25ish lbs in the last year and a half. i told my doctor I needed to lose weight and she said, NO you're healthy, if you want to lose weight, the trying for a baby needs to stop. So you need to choose what you want. Lose weight, or baby because it would not be healthy for a baby. People used to tell me I was too skinny too, but I felt best at around 130lbs and I'm 155lbs now. i hate it. If you ever need to talk about it I'm here and you're not alone. Looks like O time is right around the corner for you! That trip sound amazing!! Can I come? :haha: I want to go to mexico sooooo bad! I think you'll be okay with DH leaving too. I've seen plenty of charts on FF that they only DTD once and got pregnant. You just never know.

Lekker: You made LOL at "the punching shall commence" Perfect time Lol I've had a rough couple of days. Make sure you let us know how you're getting on! We're testing right around the same time! That letter was awesome. I'll make sure and do that when I have some down time! I hope something gets passed! You made some very valid points! I totally believe you about your bracelet! I had nightmares after I wore my all moonstone one. The worst nightmares I've ever had!!

MrsB: your random posts crack me up. Are you trying to get your mind off TTC? I hope you O this month so I don't have to put another :wacko: face for you! I order you to go listen to my christmas music!!! Aw, crap I'm so sorry about your friend. My husbands cousin's wife (who is my good friend) still has not told me she's pregnant and she's like 13 wks along. I heard hubbys aunt talking about it last night again and I've known for weeks. I just want to call her and chew her out. Soooo STUPID! it's pretty hurtful too. Awe crap!! I can't believe all the pregnant people surrounding us!!

Apple Blossom: I sure hope you're feeling better soon. I know your other friend said that baths help ease the pain, yes they do while you're in there, but at the same time, theres bacteria floating around in that tub from everything else that the water is touching and it can travel up your lady parts and cause UTI's...I still swim and everything but i do not take baths... If I do I make sure and double my dosage of cranbery the next few days. Man, I thought you were doing IVF THIS month??! I have to wait a whole nother month?!?! :rofl: I'll be thinking about you!
As for myself: I think my stupid sister in law is pregnant. AGAIN. Ugh. Anyways, thanks for all your support ladies, I get in a "mood" and can't get out of them sometimes. I will using my monitor until I get my BFP or my sticks that apple blossom sends me runs out. I was going to stop using it this cycle because I'm out of sticks and they're getting expensive but the lovely dear across the ocean is sending me hers. :hugs: I think I'm 8dpo today but not sure...FF really irritates me that I can figure out my chart better than they can. I overrode my cross hairs...AGAIN.

My cousin is....a loud mouth. I don't know why she did what she did, but it took every ounce in my body to not freak out on her...She's in her upper 20's...28 I think? She has a 10 year old already. Freaking stupid. She's so immature I can't stand her sometimes but whatever. I get to see her in a couple weeks, yay for me. :dohh: I instead posted that poem on FB and hopes she gets the hint on how stupid she is.

I told my SIL lets forget about it and move on. We had to be together last night and her kids are the only thing that can turn my day around. I can't be withheld from them. The melt my heart. I just decided I'm never going to say anything fertility related again. She said "I think N (our other SIL) is pregnant" last night and I just said, "wouldn't surprise me" and left it at that. It's like she's trying to egg me on or something. I don't know. I hate family drama and I try to keep the peace. I let her have it sometimes, like the other night, but last night was about my MIL's bday. Not her. I love my in laws actually. I just wish my MIL would stop saying, "I'll be holding your kids someday" I know she's trying to be nice but it just reminds me on how I've failed.

Speaking of...I'm trying to figure out when my insurance will kick in from my new job and then DH and I have decided to go ahead with IUI. Yes, we can't afford it, but the hospitals work with us on making payments (just like any hospital should) and I think it's what it will take for us to conceive. I know my DH wants this more than anything and he's scared about being an old dad. (I'm 23 he's 32) So why waste anymore time? I'm very excited about this and we'll hopefully go and talk to the specialist in Jan or Feb. Jan will be a year of trying. I hope everyone is well. i gotta get ready to go.

Lot's of :hugs: love and :dust: to everyone! Ohhh AND SOME CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!
I can't write a lot because I'm trying to drink water for my ultrasound in 40 minutes. There's no way they are shoving anything up my miffy today LOL. Gdane, I just wanted to ask you what sil is pregnant? Is it the same one with the twins? That would explain why she told you to be happy for your cousin when you thought she wasn't lying.
Here goes...

Amelia - Welcome :flower:

SLH - I am no longer using my CBFM as advised by doc, I am saving my new box of sticks until we know if I am ovulating, and If they put me on clomid. How is your clomid going?

Gdane - Spooky about the roof and conception, hope it does work out that way for you? Sorry you are in an unshakable bad mood at the mo, hope you get over it soon :hugs: ... I don't think my posts are that random, always some relevance to a previous post. I'm not really keeping my mind off TTC this month, kind of not really TTC if that makes sense, I don't see the point in keeping stressing myself out until my tests have been run this month and we have a better idea of whats happening

Apple - Good Luck with your IVF, hope your yeast infection clears up

Trying - The break at the lakehouse sounds awesome, just what you need.

Lekker - Dreams are funny things aren't they? I sometime go with no dreams at all then all of a sudden (like this week) I get loads all crammed in! I never know if they're supposed to mean anything but I do like to look up 'meanings'

Wookie - Did AF get you today in the end? :flower:

AFM, just feeling a little bit down as the two people, my sis and one of best friends, that fell pregnant in the begging of the year have now had / due their babies, 2 more pop up to endure the next 6 - 9 months, I suppose I'm just a little disheartened and it seems never ending, I don't know how people cope with this when they get to year and years trying!!
SLH: No, it's not my SIL M...it's my mean spoiled SIL N. :) M has the twins. Let us know how your ultrasound goes! I think it's funny we're still using the word miffy. Love it!

MrsB: They aren't completely random I don't know why I found it funny. I thought about that after I wrote it. but Obviously it turned into a novel and I didn' twant to go back and edit it. LoL. Let us know how your tests go
I would like to know...if you want to share, what your future baby names you have are! I have a *thing* about common names because mine is the most common you'll ever find so I want my kids' to be different but still cute.

:blue: Easton Travis

:pink: Davanee Marie or Addison Marie

*I'm having second thoughts on Davanee...I can't figure out how I'd like to spell it and I don't know if I want to put my child through spelling her name every time or having people mispronounce it...but ever since I heard it on "The Notebook" (and I've seen a few davanee's) I just fell in love with the name and always knew I wanted to name my daughter that. But I love addison too, but I feel it's gotten too common.
My name is uncommon in England, And I want uncommon names too, but I am struggling finding uncommon ones I like, but here is some I do like (although not that uncommon and becoming more popular!)

:blue: Tyler James, Dylan Michael, Riley Thomas

:pink: Ellie Mae, Ariana, Tegan, Kaitlyn, Robyn, Rhiannon Louise (although Hubby doesnt like last 5)


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