...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Ahhh, names! My angel baby was going to be named Henry James or Hannah Denise.

I think my future baby's names will stay the same...sort of in honor of the one I lost, if that makes sense.

I'm still waiting on AF. I'm laying in bed with a bad cold, and I'm sort of waiting on her to arrive. I forgot to take my temp on time, but I'm going to run my late temp through an adjuster, and plug it in anyway.

I have a funeral I need to attend in a few hours, so I hope cramps don't kick in by then.

Gdane, I am elated to hear you're considering IUI. I certainly hope you get knocked up before it comes to that, but hey, it's an option that is there, you know?

Apple, how are your lady bits doing today? I hope the infections clear up quickly!

I think everyone's name choices are beautiful!
ON the light note of baby names:

I was so stuck on exactly what I wanted but things I guess are changing.

What I wanted:

:pink: Madison Amanda (both for my Great Grandmother (Mattie) and Grandmother (Amanda)

:blue: Landon, Macon

But since I married DH he is dead set on his boy name and doesn't care about girls names, are you ladies ready for this hideous name?

:blue: Zalys

The things that have changed is my very best friend is going to name her kid either madison or landon. So I can't do either and since she doesn't have issues getting pregnant I really think she'll have the names before I will.

NOW for the RANT!
I find myself very emotional today as yesterday I went to take a nap and told DH to wake me up in an hour so I didn't sleep all day and stay up all night. I laid down about 3ish....woke up at 10pm. Yesterday I forced him to buy this video game he's been wanting for our new xbox. Told him that would give him something to do while I'm at work. He played from 3pm til 2am then gives over the controller so I can play some of my game since of course I wasn't sleepy. So I play for an hour and drag him to bed and force myself to sleep. I FLAT OUT TELL HIM when we were laying in bed I want you to cook breakfast for me in the morning. It would be AWESOME and I'm in the mood for it. (he makes an excuse, the buttermilk is probably bad) Yes the buttermilk IS bad but there is a gas station 1 block from us. Take the car and get some, there is cash in the cubby for you to use for it so you don't have to run the card.

I wake up to.....Him on the game. :dohh:

So I walk into the living room, place my hands on my hips, and stare. He looks at me and puckers his lips like he wants a kiss and I say NO. She he gets pissy and said FINE. I look at him and say you know exactly why I'm in a bad mood now and he COMPLETELY IGNORES ME! So my boss calls about 15 mins later and needs me to come into work for a few hours tonight. So I said yes, I tell DH I've got to go to work tonight and he said NICE. WTF ASSHOLE?! I've worked myself to death since getting the 2nd job all in the name of us having a little extra money to take home with us to TN in a week. (we leave on the 11th) And you can't even SO MUCH as make me breakfast?! So here's what I'm going to do...I'm not going to say anything to him. He's got 30 mins from now to get off the game, if he doesn't I'm going to go and take a shower and go to Dennys. When he asks where I'm going I'm just going to tell him go get back on the game and don't worry about it, I"m going to go make breakfast happen for myself.

*sigh* I'm sorry ladies about the rant and those of you who read it thank you. I'm just about ready to snap on him but I'm trying a new approach to not getting all worked up and having a screaming match. We're too old for that and it gets us no where except me crying and him punching holes in the wall like a 5 year old.
Unfortunatley, I think men just don't get it. I think they sometimes try to, but when it actually comes down to it they dont. Keep calm with him hun, If it persists I would play him at his own game, when he wants his tea made or something lol, they soon learn a little x
Lekker: I totally understand what you are saying. Men are so clueless it is unbelievable sometimes! Lol. Woman have such complicated minds and men are so simple, he probably didnt even realize he did something wrong. That would super piss me off too though!

Gdane: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Times a million. You are such a special girl. I am so excited for you that you are gonna be able to do the IUI and that the hospital is willing to work with you with payments. Our hospitals dont do that. You dont have the dough, your bill is being sent to collections. QUITE irritating! Anyway, I think if it does get to the IUI point, that you will get pregnant your first cycle on it. There is just no way you wont. Lol. Sorry to hear about your SIL also. I cant stand people like that. I just want to ask her if she is intentionally trying to hurt you or if she is just a clueless bitch. Sorry, harsh. But you dont like her so I didnt think you would mind too much. Lol.

SLH: Yes, getting in some BDing! We had friends over last night and we all drank. I didnt drink nearly as much and wasnt even drunk by the time I went to bed (at 5 in the morning :dohh: ) Anyway, DH and I were supposed to dtd last night but he was so freaking drunk it was ridiculous so we waited till this morning. I am a wee worried though because usually I (TMI) finish as he is, and this time I didnt finish at all! I hope that didnt hurt my chances very much! Let us know how your ultrasound goes! I also think what you call your hooha is funny also! lol.

Everyone else: :hi:


My baby names are for a :pink: it is Loreleigh Marie which we both agree on. For a :blue: I want John Glenn, named after both my grandpas that died. DH doesnt like the name John. He thinks it is too generic but it means a lot to me so I think I will be able to talk him into it. I love it.

I am on.....cd13.......I think? Yes.. cd13. I have been getting random cramps and some changed cm but it doesnt look like I am going to ovulate before DH leaves. :( We are doing it again tonight, and then tomorrow before he leaves and that will be that. No more chances for December because I KNOW that I will ovulate when he is gone. Or right when he comes back and by that time it would be too late. Also, not looking forward to him leaving. I dont want to spend four days by myself!

Yeah, I am also trying to get my job back. Not only more money, but it will hopefully take my mind off ttc so much!

I cant wait to leave at the end of the month! We are going away for new years and that would be around the time I ovulate if I dont get a bfp this cycle. I am trying hard for one this cycle though. I have been much more relaxed this cycle. Even gave up on the OPKs. I might actually take one today though, just because of the cramps. I would like to see if it is positive or not.

HAHAHAHAHA. My best friend stayed the night last night and she was asleep on the couch with my dog. The mail person dropped the mail off and Lucy freaked out and my best friend freaked out and the look on her face was just priceless. Oh.. its the little things.

How is everyone else?
Still waiting on AF. She's seriously due today, so now that I'm done with the funeral I needed to attend, I'm going to lay here in bed with my awful head cold, and continue to wait for cramps or some sign of her.
For god sakes woman :test: your temp is up no signs of af and you have cold symptoms which are also pregnancy symptoms!
Morning ladies! :hi:

Sorry I've been remiss in posting on here for the last couple of days - just wanted to throw some :hug: out there for y'all Gdane, SLH, tryin, wooks, pooks, lul, lekker, apple b, mrs b, buckles, kitty :hugs::hugs::hugs: and for anyone I missed. I can't keep up with this thread sometimes but I love it when there's a ton of posts to catch up on. Some lovely, lovely names there - love it! Our names so far are :blue: Oscar and :pink: Skylar (from Good Will Hunting.)

I'm still full of the lurgy but feeling a bit better today. I've been taking guaifenesin (sp?) for the last couple of days and it's certainly helping AND it seems to be doing wonders for my CM. So yay for that. My CBFM is giving me highs earlier than ever this cycle - I'm only CD#8 and I had a high yesterday when it asked me for a stick. WTF??? I don't get it. My temps are all over the place and my chart is confusing to say the least. Whatever. I guess we'll see in a few days time. I've started POASing this cycle (OPKs) just to have something else to stress me out lol.

Have a great sunday everyone!
Gdane, I know it's hard hearing pregnancy announcements left right and centre especially when they're fake lol. Don't worry because it will be your turn soon. Before you know it your kids will be trying to have kids and you'll be a grandma. I can't believe your cousin is that old and is still this immature :wacko: I don't understand some people's children. To keep the stress levels down, I would just ignore your sil and don't talk about fertility with her. It seems to me like she's trying to get a reaction from you. I don't think she'll ever withhold the twins from you because you are their aunt. That's so awesome that the hospital will send you a bill for an IUI. I hope it doesn't come down to that, but if it does at least you won't feel stressed trying to come up with the money.

Mrs. B :hugs: I know it's hard to see all of your friends get pregnant and have babies when you're trying so hard. I don't understand why it's so easy for some people and not others. Your time will come soon. I bet you that as soon as they give you something to ovulate you will conceive.

Wookie, I'm sorry you had to attend a funeral :hugs: I'm sorry for your loss. When are you testing? Your temp went up yesterday, so of course I'm getting excited.

Lekker, men can be assholes sometimes. I would take the game away and hide it on him. Then again, if you don't want fighting that might not be such a good idea. Like Mrs. B said, i think you should play him at his own game. The next time he wants something, tell him you're too busy. Did you end up going to Denny's? Anytime you need to rant we are all here so rant away. I might not always have the greatest advice, but I always read everything.

Tryinfor1, sperm can live for a long time, so even if your husband leaves and you get a positive OPK don't stress about it too much. I have seen lots of FF charts where a couple only had sex like once 5 days before O, and they get pregnant. If it's not this cycle, that would be cool to conceive on New Years.
I can't remember how many times I have written a huge ass post just for it to get deleted lol. The worst is when baby and bump crashes. (I have noticed that it crashes a lot).

Kekee, I'm glad that stuff is giving you more CM. I didn't notice a difference when I was taking it, but that's because I think I already have enough CM. I wonder if your monitor went nuts like mine did. You did ovulate on cycle day 12 in September, so maybe you are getting close to O. Keep having :sex: I hope you're feeling better.

AFM, I feel like CRAP! AF has hit me hard this cycle. I slept all day yesterday and most of the day before. I'm on day 4 and AF still isn't gone yet. I have been getting 3 day periods, but I think this one is going to be way longer. It's not even getting lighter grr. I used to gave 8 day periods every month and they were brutal, so when I was getting 3 day periods I was all happy and excited. Maybe the longer they are the better it is.

They didn't tell me much from my ultrasound and blood work yesterday. My doctor just said that everything was normal and I have no cysts. I have to go back on cycle day 10 to see how big the mature follicle is. Last month it was 15mm on cycle day 10. I wonder if the clomid will make more of them or make the mature one bigger.

I'm not sure about names. I'm such an indecisive person. I could see my kid not having a name lol. For a :blue: we like Joshua, Aaron and Nathan. For a :pink: we like Karley and Alexandra. There are so many more, but those are 5 names that DH and I both agree on. I like Danielle and Erica for girl names, but DH hates them. We will see.
Well, AF will come today for sure, as this is 15 dpo, and I typically have a 14 day luteal phase. I think I goofed up on it needing to arrive yesterday. Today is ACTUALLY the day.

Ladies, I'm not pregnant!!! I began testing DAILY from 10 dpo, until 13 dpo, and all were BFN's, so I'm out. High temps could be from the fact that I've been running a low-grade fever off and on.

I went to urgent care last night, as I began having sharp stabbing pains in my right ear. You all may not know this, but I am deaf in my right ear, and have a condition called endolymphatic hydrops, that effects my middle ear, my balance, hearing, etc. It turns out I was getting an ear infection, and the doc gave me a z-pak. I already feel a bit better.

I'm just trying to hold my head up for my appointment on Dec. 19th.
I'm sorry Wookie. I was hoping this was it for you.

I hate ear infections. I have had them in the past and they are not fun. I did not know that you were deaf in one ear. I'm blind in one eye, so I sort of know how you feel.

It was one year ago today when I got all excited about seeing AF for the first time in 7 years. I remember being so happy thinking that I would get pregnant that month or the next month. I thought for sure I would have a baby in my arms right now or that I would be coming close. I didn't imagine that it would be taking this long. I never thought in a million years that I would need something like Clomid.
I feel exactly the same SLH, I definatly thought we would have a little family intime for this christmas, I didn't even consider not having a baby a year on, let alone not being pregnant. I think that is why I'm not feeling christmas this year. But that being said, I am glad things are going in the right direction, got my ultrasounds tomorrow, luckily hubby was able to get it off work in the end so he will be going with me, but I will have to go back to work after whilst he does some christmas shopping! lol

Wookie, sorry about your ear infection, hope you feel better soon
GOOOOOOOD Morning ladies! Aw Wookie I'm sorry to hear about your ear infection. I HATE those. I really hope you get to feeling better soon.

SLH 7 years!!!!! Wow. I mildly feel the same way. I thought when I got married I would be pregnant fast.

Mrs. B good luck tomorrow! That's great that hubby can go! I told mine in feb this time around he's got to go. Last time he wasn't able to go at all. :( I wish I could take all of you ladies with me too! It would be nice

So....my chart...can anyone take a look at it and tell me I'm not ever loving crazy? I went WAYYY above the coverline. It's been steady rising for a couple of days now and this month FF actually gave me crosshairs today and said I am 5DPO. And I kinda feel weird as I sit down and think about when AF is supposed to come. Everything I have says Dec 9th. But I really feel like that is just so dang fast. But I guess I'll be 9dpo when I test and 10dpo when I get the witch? See even typing it, it looks really odd.
Last year at Christmas two of my cousins were hugely pregnant lol. I kept thinking to myself that I would be like them during this Christmas, but I'm not :( They both have babies who are under a year old. I wonder what next Christmas will be like. I bet that my other cousins will be pregnant and I won't be lol. My DH's friends birthday is next weekend and one of his friends is having a c-section on the 30th, so she'll be so big. My husbands cousin is newly pregnant and at a family get together it was hard hearing congratulations every where I went. She was showing a little then and is probably really big by now. My mom's friend is like 8 or 9 months pregnant and she would tease me every time I saw her, so now I have to stay away from that bitch lol. She knows how badly I want a baby, but is always rubbing it in my face that she's pregnant and I'm not. I think that's very MEAN!
SLH 7 years!!!!! Wow. I mildly feel the same way. I thought when I got married I would be pregnant fast.

I have to clarify that I wasn't trying for 7 years. I didn't have a period for 7 years. 6 years while I was on Depo and for a year after I got off of it. I wanted a baby starting in February of 2010, so when I was due for my next shot in April/10 I just skipped it thinking AF would come and I would get KU in no time lol. In September/10 I went on Provera to start my period and 3 months later in December I got my period back and have been trying ever since. In May when I still wasn't pregnant I bought a CBFM and a thermometer lol. I started charting on paper in May before I knew FF existed.
Thankyou Lekker, then I just got to wait 2 more weeks for my second lot of blood test, then might have some answers :happydance:

SLH ... Im holding out on your prediction for me :haha:

I honestly think there are more pregnant people around these days than there ever has been, and I dont think I am just noticing it more, there just are!
Lekker, if your period comes on the ninth then that is too quick. Your luteal phase should be at least 12 days. If you are 5dpo today then your period should come on December 13 if you have a normal 14 day luteal phase. It shouldn't come any sooner than the 11th.
SLH 7 years!!!!! Wow. I mildly feel the same way. I thought when I got married I would be pregnant fast.

I have to clarify that I wasn't trying for 7 years. I didn't have a period for 7 years. 6 years while I was on Depo and for a year after I got off of it. I wanted a baby starting in February of 2010, so when I was due for my next shot in April/10 I just skipped it thinking AF would come and I would get KU in no time lol. In September/10 I went on Provera to start my period and 3 months later in December I got my period back and have been trying ever since. In May when I still wasn't pregnant I bought a CBFM and a thermometer lol. I started charting on paper in May before I knew FF existed.

No I figured you were talking about depo. I've heard some crazy things about that. I considered it when I was younger so I would stop having a period too. But I can't even take regular BC as it makes me super sick. I just relate because when I was younger I would HOPE not to be pregnant as I wasn't in a type of relationship that He was ready to have a child. And I did date a couple of guys that I was crazy and didn't use a condom so it was like...omg please don't let me be pregnant. But when I got with my ex fiancee we tried for 2 years off and on. I'm SO thankful NOT to have gotten prego with his kid. So I thought when I got married that was the perfect time to have a baby...and 4 years later....still nothing :(
I never had unprotected sex until I met my husband. He was the reason why I started BC. Depo made me so sick though. I hated it. It made me have never ending periods at first, I had horrible acne everywhere, I had a nervous breakdown because of the hormones and had to be hospitalized, it made me gain over 50lbs, it caused night sweats and constipation. Those were just the main symptoms lol. The worst thing of all is it made me infertile :( I'm pretty certain it's the reason why I'm not pregnant yet. It's funny because while I was on it I loved the fact that I didn't get AF. That was enough to make me not care about any of the symptoms I was having. I didn't think about the future side effect that it would cause. No one told me it would cause me to be infertile, and even if they did I wouldn't care because at the time I didn't think I would ever want kids.

Gdane, Tryinfor1 and anyone else who has taken Clomid...has it dried out your skin? My skin is so dry and the only thing different I did was take Clomid. My boobs hurt too, but I was expecting that to happen. This dry skin thing is weird.

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