...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

My dr referred me to a specialist and I have my appt for dh and I on feb 7th

Sorry lekker.

I bought it from early-pregnancy-tests.com they have a coupon code for 10% off "candycane" and free same day shipping. Plus a free gift!

Cool. I think I got mine from amazon. I love ept.com! The free gifts are cute too. Lol.
Ughhhh my sil is really beginning to piss me off. My cousin deleted her status because her and I are best friends and my sil keep posting stuff on my cousins wall egging it on. I told her yesterday I didn't wasn't a fight and just to think about it. I've loaned then money, wasted my gas to go baby sit their daughter... This morning she writes "so have you decided yet?" I wrote, "seriously? I told you I didn't want to fight, grow up, I've done nothing but help you guys and all I asked was that you think about how hurtful what you wrote was"

And :af: came
:hugs: Gdane! I will write a detailed message later. I just wanted to come and give you a virtual hug.
Bah, how rude, Gdane. Not to mention IMMATURE as all hell. As hard as it is to actually do, you should try your best to ignore your SIL's behavior. Sounds like she enjoys pushing your buttons. Knowing me, I'd probably reverse it on her and write all over her wall, "I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!". Then she's not getting the satisfaction of getting a sad or frustrated reaction. All in all, ignoring it will probably be the "grown-up" thing to do. I feel for you, honey. I'd have a hard time not punching her in her fat gub. Oh wait, you can't, because she's like soooo pregnant! How could I be so insensitive??? LOL!!!! I hope she has fun with her one-man FB display of idiocy.

AF can feck right off too, huh? I hate her. CD 4 here, and I want her to leave, and not return until I give birth to sextuplets. UGH.
So what should I do ladies? iwas on 100mg of clomid...without it my cycles were super long. I have enough to take 50mg each day...but that would be my 5th cycle. I have heard of girls getting pregnant on their natural cycles after clomid so I was thinking just stay on metformin and FertilCM. Or I have soy too, which is "natures clomid" What would you do if you were me? I have two cycles or so before I see the specialist.

I also have my company Christmas party tonight. I think it will be fun. Which I need with AF and her stupid cramps showing her ugly face. We're having pizza and bowling and it's the first time all the guys will meet my DH which I'm really excited about. I cut his hair last inght and I'm ready to show him off!! :haha: I think they'll all get along great! I'm kind of excited...needless to say with the showing of AF there will be drinking...
Aw Gdane I'm sorry you SIL is such a bitch. I would just completely ignore her because what she is doing it craving your reaction. She's just causing the unwanted stress on you. :) I really hope you have a great night tonight.

AF is showing up today. Woke up, lower temp, major cramps, and pink on the paper. So I'm right on time according to my chart on my phone which does mean my Luteal Phase was short this month. So you ladies said that I need to bring this month up to my dr right?
Lekkar: Sorry to hear of Af but if you have a short LP then yes, you need to bring that up to your dr. The baby wont be able to implant if the lp is shorter than like..10 days I think. And that isnt always the case. Drs just want to see a LP of at least 10-12 days. Mine is borderline. 12 days. hoping to increase it to 13.

GDane: I will say it here too. She does just sound immature and like she is trying to get a rise out of you. As the other lovely ladies on this thread said, just try to ignore her. She IS causing more stress on you and she can fuck off. And sorry about af. :hugs: Have you decided what you are gonna do for this next cycle yet?

Wookie: I would have done the same thing. Lol. I find it hard to walk away but it is the mature and adult thing to do. I am only 20 so I have to be careful and make sure I dont do anything stupidly immature because I hate being looked at as a child. Children dont try to have children!! lol.

SLH: I see you lurking. Just wanted to give you a :hugs: Have you become less uncomfortable yet? What cd are you on?

Mrs B, ferens, GAH and anyone else I know that I missed because I cant think straight :hi: and :hugs:


I am I think.. 4dpo. Time is dragging on but I am praying next Tuesday gets here quickly. That is my last final at school and then I will be DONE DONE DONE for this semester!!!! AND I will be 8dpo which only means 4 more days till testing!! Dh is taking me to panera and a movie tonight so that is pretty exciting. I am also taking lunch, Sonic, up to my little sisters school and surprising her!! I love the look on her little face when I do stuff like that! I really need to get off of here though and start studying. French is a very hard language to learn!! Lol. Cant believe I have taken 5 years of it and I am still not that much better than when I started when I was a SOPHOMORE in highschool and now I am a JUNIOR in college. LOL!! Wish me luck on my finals ladies!
Gdane, your sil does sound like a bitch. She sounds like a drama creator. I think you should ignore her when she says stupid things. The last thing you want to do is show her you're mad or upset because I think she likes it.

I'm sorry AF came. I hope you have fun tonight and forget about everything that has happened. You are going to a FS soon, and they will help you if you aren't already pregnant by then. I think you should take 50mg of Clomid. 50mg is better than nothing. I don't think it will hurt anything.

I have really high hopes for everyone on this forum. I really believe that we will all be holding our babies in 2012/2013. It may take some of us longer than others, but I believe deep down in the bottom of my heart that it will happen. We all need to stay positive. We all have our down moments and that's why we're here to support each other.

Lekker, I'm sorry about the temp drop and the cramps :(. There's always next month. My fertility specialist said that a luteal phase under 12 days is bad. You are 10dpo right now so if your period starts today or tomorrow I would mention it to a doctor.

Wookie, I hope AF goes away soon. AF was very mean to me this month. I'm so glad she's gone now. Like you, I hope she doesn't come back until I have triplets lol. I think that six would be too many, and after seeing Kate+8's stomach I don't think I would want that lol, but I don't care what I get at this point, I just want a healthy baby.

Tryinfor1, get studying. I used to love French. In Canada French is our second language so we all have to learn it. Good luck with your exam. How old is your little sister? I'm sure she will love the surprise lunch. My abdominal discomfort is still here, but that's the only side effect that I have as of now. It's not too bad when I'm sitting in a certain way, but I can't sit up enough to type without being in a lot of discomfort which has been why I have been more of a lurker.

My monitor is messed up again. The stick clearly looks like a low stick, but the monitor is reading high. I guess I will reset it every month so it's accurate. It's usually accurate with the peaks, but not with the highs. It's a good thing I'm getting my LH tested every day starting on Saturday. If a surge shows in my blood work, a nurse will call me during the day to let me know I'm good to go to have intercourse lol.
Wookie: No one is pregnant, but thank you. She just thought it was funny. I'm sorry AF is being a beeytoch. SHe is to me too. I wish I had my heating pad at work. At least the guys can make me laugh at work.

Lekker: I"m sorry about AF. Yes, you need to tell your doctor about your LP defect. Have you tried b100 complex? When I first started charting my LP was like 9-10 days long...now I"m up to 13-14.

Tryin: I have a feeling about you this cycle. I'm not sure why, but when I have feelings, they are usually correct thus far. I hope I'm right about you. Thank you for all your kind words hun.

SLH: You're name is a "learned" word on my phone. LoL. I'm so sorry you're having issues with your monitor that is so frustrating.

AFM: I'm having horrible cramps today even with midol. I want my heating pad so bad!! Only one more hour of work! I'm going to probably fold clothes and take a nap when I get home. Then go to my Christmas party. I'm really looking forward to showing off my DH and having everyone together. The guys I work with are so much fun. This morning when I posted was not the end of it...my SIL ended up texting me pretty much apologizing but still blaming it on me, and apparently she is bipolar because not even two seconds later I got a fb message with her saying "not everyone lives in my world and she's sorry about everything we're going through but I shouldn't punish everyone else" Then my brother starts texting me after I ignored everything and I called him to talk to him about it and we ended up arguing as I was pulling up to work and I told him I had to go and he kept on (they are almost 30 by the way...I'm 23) so I started crying and told him I had to go. I pulled myself together and walked into work. I was only expecting the girl I work with to be here, but one of my hot guy bosses was here. He could tell I was upset and asked if I was ok. I just broke down and went to the break room and was like SOBBING. He shocked me when he came in and shut the door and started talking to me. He calmed me down and agreed he would've said something to her and it wouldn't have been near as nice as me. Abortion is a very controversial thing to joke about and he said he would have said something too. He also informed me it took him and his wife three years to conceive. He was sooo nice and understanding. I was hoping for a hug from the hot man, but didn't get that lucky :haha:

I'm still upset with my SIL but I'm not going to let it ruin my night tonight. I'll be better once I get a hug from my hubby. I still have not decided what I want to do with the clomid. My cousin didn't get pregnant on clomid either...it was the natural cycles afterwards. You're right though, I am kind of scared that my cycles will go back to 70 days plus. would you continue taking it cd3-7 or switch it up? this would be my fifth month.
SLH: You're name is a "learned" word on my phone. LoL. I'm so sorry you're having issues with your monitor that is so frustrating.

My phone learned your name too. It's even in my auto correct sometimes LOL.
Wow, your sil needs to drop it. She obviously is trying to see a reaction from you. That's a horrible thing to mention abortion when you have a relative that is trying so hard. I am pro choice, but ever since I have been trying the A word hurts.
I'm pro choice too, but to make a joke like that is horrible.
My hot man boss put it perfectly, "that wasn't even a joke, because there's no way it's even funny"
Definitely not a joke. There was nothing funny about it.

I think I changed my mind about my testing date. I'm going to probably test on December 28, but it all depends on when I ovulate.
Gdane...hot man was right! NOT funny at all! I'm also pro-choice, but to turn it into a joke is lame, and hurtful to you. Don't think she doesn't realize it, either.

SLH...sorry to hear AF's been rough. Mine hasn't been a bed of roses, either. Yuck, I hate it. I feel so confident that you'll get pregnant with all of the help you're getting. I can't wait to join you in my doctor visits. Perhaps some light will be shed on everything.
I guess I am the only one here who is pro-life. Lol. I think it was a very wrong thing to say also. Sorry you had to see it hun.

I remember when my stepdads 14 year old daughter called him up asking for money for an abortion. My mom is pro-choice but said Hell to the Nah. I begged her to say she wouldnt do it and she said they werent. As far as I know, morgan is now having the baby.

So I was watching DR Phil today and it was talking about a new episode that was coming on Monday.

THis woman married a child molester (little girls) and he told his daughter "I prayed to God to give me a daughter and then you came. He made you for me." and then molested her. What is even more effed up, is that his wife gave him three daughters, and no sons. How is that, that sick man can get THREE daughters when he molests girls and no boys and then all of us are taking forfuckingever to get pregnant?
I'm pro life, but I do not like the subject of abortion in the first place. It was not a joke either because I don't know ANYONE who would think it's funny and I have a SICK sense of humor. I can joke about some of the worst stuff BUT not that.
OH also....I still haven't actually started yet, and being the spaz that I am...was looking at some charts on FF and saw some that were pregnant with dropping temps like mine. I know I shouldn't hold my breath but I really would like to be the crazy person and go test right now. I'm considering shutting that voice in my head up by using one of the IC's and then I should be satisfied with the negative that I know is going to be there. Other than this morning I haven't had ANY AF symptoms except bloating. And not to mention my nipples and boobs are swollen and super super sore again. Someone slap me and tell me to stop being crazy.
I'm pro life, but I do not like the subject of abortion in the first place. It was not a joke either because I don't know ANYONE who would think it's funny and I have a SICK sense of humor. I can joke about some of the worst stuff BUT not that.

I have a sick sense of humour too. I always laugh at jokes when others find them offensive, but I don't find anything funny about abortions.

Lekker, if I were you I wouldn't test if you were experiencing pink spotting and a temperature decline. Hopefully, I am wrong. I would LOVE to see a positive pregnancy test on this thread right now.

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