...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Hi ladies I havent read anything you have all put yet just wanted to copy and paste this first.

Well here does, I dont think this will be very long ath Im emotional and phyiscally drained of life and blood LOL and it wasnt by a certain Cullen

Going to the clinic was hectic their was a 7 car pile up which OH managed with his experince in the roads and driving to avoid, DS is not very well so we had to drop him of at the MIL. But we was both not too nervous to be fair so that was good. Then when we got their we had our weight and height and photo taken for identfication, then we had to go and do the SA and OH really wanted me to be thier even if it wasnt to help ( I offered) he just wanted the support, we had what is refered to as the honeymoon suit which is just a bigger room than the others, it was may I say very private and in a different building so we was so at ease it was unreal and very important for OH, he did the business himself as I have a very tender hand and am very careful and slow ( sorry far too much info) so it was done in mins if that .

We then had our consultation which went very well up until the doctor informed us that one of the blood tests i have to have will take 4 weeks to come back OH was not happy at all, but the doctor did say that it could be back in 2 weeks and that without we just cant start yet thats this month out for starting so Im aiming at Jan now, and all being well that they match me looks wise to the reciepent of my eggs. Yep they have to make sure that she will be comfortable that her child will look like her which I must admit I love as not many places make this a requirement and it must be lovely for her ( bless her) to look like the child. We had alot of paparwork to go through and signing away to do then.

Then I had an internal scan done and he said my womb is lovely and the lining is 100% , he counted how many follicles I had at the moment and I had 21 so he was over the moon about that and that was without any drugs, but he will be careful not to over stimulate them because of this. So everything down below was given a big . Im really quite sore though as he told me to empty my bladder and I miss heard and thought he said dont empty it so half way though the scan I had to go to the toilet but we got my urine sample then as well but it is quite sore.

Then we had 5 mins to stuff some sandwichs down and then went on to the counselling to discuss giving away my eggs so there was lots of , well actually I did quite well for me but it was emotional and talking about the future children was hard but im glad that I got to talk it through, the counsellor said I was very heartwarming and said that I had a very kind heart and alot of effection for the lady Im going to give my eggs too. I mentioned you guys on here as my support network and how much you all mean to me and she said that you are all very lovely, kind and caring ladies and to stick with you though out this and I will go far made me cry, she was especially amazed at you Gdane and all you have done and been for me, so a big thank you . Im off again just cant stop the water works today, so many apologies for spelling errors but im typeing blurry eyed.

Then I had a mountain amount of bloods taken and my OH said the colour just drained out of me and he had some bloods done too but not much. And that was the lot then, and I was ok until we picked up DS and then I got in the car and just cried and havent really stopped, I think its because now Im thinking this is really happening and maybe the build up off the day and then its over IDK.

So their we have it we should be good to go in Jan, but I will call in 2 weeks to find out dates and if they dont have any then then I call back after another week and they should know more. Im now sat with a well earned glass of wine and it will probaly go straight to my head .
Sorry ladies I have just noticed so many errors with what I have just put I hope you can understand it.
Amazing detail in your report Apple, thank you for sharing, hope all goes to plan :flower:
And because Ive copied it all the emotionicons are missing so just pop on my journal to read as it might make more sense, sorry.
Stop apologizing love! It was easy to understand. Lol. I am so happy that things went well. it stinks they wont have the results for four weeks though! I wouldnt be happy about that either!! How sweet of you to mention us to her. I love being in here!

How is everyone else?


2dpo. My nipples hurt like a freaking bitch. Just waiting till December 17. I feel good about this cycle though I am not sure why because DH wasnt even here when I ovulated. Lol.
Keep up the positive vibes tryin! :dust: for you

Mrsb: the metformin gives me diarhea really bad so I'm trying to take immodium ad to help since you have to go NOW when you have to go. Its bad. It also makes me nauseous but it's supposed to ease asher a few weeks.

Thank you everyone for your never ending support I could not do this without you.

Apple: you almost made me cry at work. so happy for you
I just ordered fertilCM...i can't do NOTHING this next cycle!
Mrs. B, I'm so sorry about your diagnosis :hugs:. At least now you have an answer and can get help.

Gdane, :hugs: It doesn't seem fair how some people have such a hard time conceiving while others have no problems at all. It especially hurts when you see someone have kids that who doesn't even want them or who will hurt them. Your sisters ex is a scum bag and don't worry because at some point karma will bite him in the ass. Karma always wins. I don't know you, but I think you are a wonderful person and in return you will receive all that you want in life. It might take you longer to conceive than most, but it will happen. Good things come to those who wait. Cheer up and stay positive!!!

Apple Blossom, that totally sucks that you have to wait for blood test results before you can proceed. I wonder why they didn't tell you to do it 4 weeks ago? I wonder if you were able to do it this cycle if they would have cancelled it because you had too many follicles? On my baseline scan last month I only had 9 follicles I think, and now I have been reading on line that anything under 14 is bad :). I'm very worried, but my doctor didn't say anything about it. He only said that all of my tests came back normal. Hopefully, I was reading wrong. I would love to see you get pregnant naturally before IVF.

Keekee, I hope all is well and you are doing good. That's great news about the breast implant. They will be perfect in no time. lol. That's so weird that you're ovulating early. I wonder if the vitamins you are taking have anything to do with it. I don't think you have to worry about it, if you are, because I have seen a lot of charts in the FF gallery of women who ovulate super early and get pregnant.

Tryinfor1, I think I remember you saying that you had :sex: on the same day you got a smiley. Since sperm can live for up to five days, you still have a great chance. When does your DH get home? If it's soon, I would jump him just in case the egg is still alive. You never know.

:hi: to everyone else.

I haven't been writing lately because I have been so bloated and I feel very uncomfortable. I can't find a comfortable way to sit and it's driving me nuts. I think it's the Clomid. I took my last pill today and am going to have an ultrasound and see the doctor on Saturday.
I POAS today and it was defective lol. The blue dye stopped and so half of my stick is blue and there are no lines. Instead of giving me a reading, the monitor turned off and when I turned it back on, The ! and a picture of the stick was there. Indicating that the monitor didn't read the stick. I'm going to give Clearblue a call tomorrow. I have been spending lots of money on sticks every month, so this makes me mad.
So sorry ladies, have missed far too much to try to catch up but I will say Apple I'm so glad to see that you are getting the ivf process going but agree as far as waiting on those results but I have faith in you and I am so glad you mentioned us, that makes me tickled inside. also i hope you get your bfp without the ivf!
SLH- I hope you are doing well and I hope the clomid helps you and gets you that bfp!! etc
Gdane Hiya and I miss you!! Keekee HUGS and miss you, and same to you tryin and mrs. b
I'm sorry ladies if i left anyone out or if you think i have forgotten you I promise I haven't I am on cd1 and have had abad few weeks with all types of holiday drama in the family etc. too much to go into, but I'm sorry that I have been in and out so much please dont think have left you all and hopefully you dont think im an intruder and remember me lol
POOKABEAR! I missed you and I'm glad that you are okay. I'm sorry you're having family drama. I try to stay away from my family for that reason lol. I'm sure the drama will go away after the holidays.

I'm sorry you are on cd1. :(

I just had a quick check in to see how everyone is.

My DH was eating hotdogs the other night and he asked if I had chapstick. I said yeah, and pointed to my pocket....He goes, Ohh it's in your pants! i was like, Yeah, what's in your pants? He points to the hotdog on his plate...:rofl:

Something else really funny happened last night and I cannot remember for the life of me what it was. He's a total dork though. He always comes in to kiss me good bye in the morning and my alarm had gone off but apparently he did not hear it...so I got up and hid behind the closet door and scared the living crap out of him!! Hahaha

Temp dropped even more today. I hope my fertilcm gets here soon, it helps with more cervical mucus, more fertile cm, it helps some sort of something that helps and promotes implantation in the uterus and increases sex drive. I can't wait! I kind of feel like my CM is why we haven't gotten pregnant or that the egg is getting fertilized but not implanting...:dance: lets hope it works!

UGHH Why is my family so damn stupid?! I logged on to FB this morning and my cousin (its' not the stupid one that faked twins) said something like "decisions, decisions...." and my stuipd stupid SIL (my brothers wife) writes "abortion or drink anyways...?" I wrote "really ____?" She wrote, well I didnt' know so I was just wondering! I wrote, "Well maybe you should think of how that will make people feel, like Idk, DH and I who have been trying everything for almost a year?" SOOO pissed. I usually don't say anything but she needs to shut her damn mouth once in a while. I know she's from germany, and they are more blunt over there, but after 5 years of being here you think she would have some sort of filter.
This thing sings and dances and she HATES it lol
Pook-Hey, no one forgot you!!! Sorry to hear about the family drama, and CD 1. Me, I'm on CD 3, so I have nothing exciting to report, either. We miss you, honey!

SLH-Anxiously awaiting more doctor stuff from you, and how the clomid is working.

Gdane- Look at that sweet pup! Adorable pictures!!!!! My DH is a total dork too...which is a lot of my attraction toward him. He makes me laugh daily with his ridiculous antics.
GDane: as I said on your thread, the pictures of her are ADORABLE! Lol. We try to put stuff like that on Lucy and she freaks out and rips it off herself and chews it up. She also decided it would be fun to eat a chirstmas stuffed penguin I had sitting out for a decoration. She ate the eyes first. DEMON DOG! lol. WHo does that!?! As I said over texting last night, I just love the bracelet so much. Thank you again. It is so beautiful and all the colors look amazing together. VERY VERY pretty. And The name Davanee is beautiful. It really really is!! And as soon as you get your bump or have your baby and have a little bit more saved, you better visit your family in Topeka and then drive your happy ass over and stay with me! Lol. :) Sorry to hear that AF is trying to show her face but ou will LOVE the fertilCM! I take it too! Are you going to take it all through your cycle? I was thinking about starting it back up.. I usually only take it from cd1 to ovulation because it is expensive for one bottle and I cant spend 30 dollars on a bottle each month on top of OPKs and such! Maybe when I get a job I will be able to.

SLH: Sorry to hear clomid is making you uncomfortable. It does affect some people more negatively than others. I have heard of some women taking it and being so crazy emotional and bipolar on it, that they had to go off of it. It makes me have mood swings, but not like that! It also makes me bloated too.. perhaps I have just gotten used to it. Yeah, we are still in for this cycle. I ovulated the day after DH left and we dtd twice sunday. I jumped him when he got home though, just in case! He came home last night. I was so happy to see him! I ran and threw myself on him when he came off the airplane! lol.

RANDOM: There was a hotel that crashed down here and killed a ton of people that were in a party in there. It happened July 17 1981. 10 years before I was born but that is my brithday! Not that that is something to really be proud of. Lol. But it was interesting they said my birthday.

I cant remember who else said anything so :hi: everyone else!!


3dpo. GAH. Lol. I wish it was December 17 so I could freaking test already! lol. I do hope this is our month! In addition to my pretty new bracelet, I shoved a positive OPK in a frer casing so it looks like a bfp. Lol. I am gonna stare at it every night and think "This will be me December 17" and then shove it under my bed for when I sleep. Lol. And I also decided that I would tell DH pretty much soon after it happens. I was thinking of doing a digi and when it says "pregnant" shoving it in his christmas stocking so he can find it when he wakes up.. or I will probably have to wrap it in a box cause we dont actually put anything in our stockings... just his mom does and I dont want her to be here when I tell him. Lol. I hope this is our month! My nipples hurt like a bitch but I am not getting my progesterone tested this cycle sadly. I wanted to but he said we know it will work wonderfully for me. I just like to know the number though. Lol.

Shit, I just checked our bank account. I really need to get a job. We have a couple grand in savings but our account is as low as I have ever seen it. CRAP. It is because of christmas and black friday but it isnt fun seeing no money in the bank account.

Welp, that is pretty much all I got! I will probably be rambling a ton on here for the next week and a half because I am in the tww and I have nothing better to do !
30 dollars a bottle? Where do you get it from? I paid 34 for two bottles! I will take out all cycle since it says top and it helps with implantation
WHAT!?!??! How did you get two bottles for 34 dollars? Where the heck did YOU get it from? Lol. Because I will buy some of that! I cant remember where I got it.. it was like 6 months ago.
Well ladies count me out this month. Negative test, acne, chocolate...and HUGE temp dip. Yep that bitch is on her way. :( OH well next month!!!!!! :) Although it's always so much fun trying <3
My dr referred me to a specialist and I have my appt for dh and I on feb 7th

Sorry lekker.

I bought it from early-pregnancy-tests.com they have a coupon code for 10% off "candycane" and free same day shipping. Plus a free gift!

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