...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Welcome back Gdane :) I've been ok thankyou, only quiet because not much happening with me, bit boring. Glad your cat is settling down, hes so cute :)

My doctor didnt give me a choice on which dates to take my Clomid, just told me to take 2-6
MrsB: Yeah, it's different for everyone. Tryin got her BFP on cd2-6 and I tried it this cycle 2-6 too, so I'll let you know how it all turns out in a few days! Glad to hear you're doing well!

Pook: I'm so glad you're sticking around. I know how you feel about nothing working. I'm so scared about IUI not working for us too. I think you should get fertilaid a go. You never know!! Have you tried accupuncture or anything?

AFM: 9DPO today and I've been having really weird dreams (that's not unusual) but these have been about my DH doing really nasty stuff....I woke up sweating the other day I was soooo mad. Then at the end of my dreams it just has to do with me. The one the other night ended with me getting in the shower and i got my period at like 7 or 8dpo (WAYYY too early) and blood was GUSHING everywhere. Then last night my dream ended with me looking at a CB Digi that said "pregnant 3-4 weeks" We don't even have the week part on the tests here in the states. LoL. but i'm hoping it's a sign. I usually don't symptom spot but I cannot shake this cold and I've had creamy cm the WHOLE time...normally it's 10dpo on and my sex drive usually increases like 11dpo but it's been since O...who knows it's all probably from the fertilecm vitamins. It freaking RAINED last night. Since when does it RAIN in december in the midwest?? So it's pretty icy this morning so I better leave for work early. Hope everyone is well. See you guys soon.
Gdane- Is there anything cuter than a kitten getting crazy with toys? What a doll! Ugh, those are crazy dreams, girl. And crazy dreams can signify a BFP...just sayin'! Oh, here in Iowa it's raining too...it's so weird! I'm waiting for the day we get impaled with snow and ice, but it doesn't seem to be happening. How crazy would it be to have no snow or bad weather in the Midwest at all this season? Somehow, it's hard to believe!

SLH- Sorry about the witch arriving. But that tarot reading is crazy! I don't usually buy into that stuff, but seriously, that's cool, and I'm going to take it as a great sign. For some reason, I just feel that March will be your month. I don't know why, but it's in my gut!

Pook- Hey, sugar! So glad you're hanging around! It's always good to hear from you. Best of luck conceiving in the new year!

Mrs. B- Hi! I sure hope you have results from the Clomid. I know so many women that it has worked for, it's not even funny. My friend just had a set of gorgeous twin girls as a result of Clomid. Actually, I know several sets of Clomid twins. Very cool!

Tryin- Look at those hcg levels shoot right up! Amazing!!!! So glad to hear all is well with you and your little (girl) bean!! Hahaha, I had to slip a subliminal gender prediction in there!

Berryboo- Hello, mama! You could write the book on this stuff, huh? I'm praying those hcg levels continue to rise for you, and all is well. I would just love to see you give that precious Oliver a little brother or sister in the new year! You are truly the seasoned veteran of mommies on this thread, and we look to you in all of your mother wisdom! I would love to have a larger brood of children, but DH and I will settle for one baby at this point, given our age. I really, really hope your pregnancy continues to thrive!

Abitjaded- I'm thrilled for you. You are living proof for those of us TTC that miracles DO happen, and we all need to hang on to hope, and keep trying! Bless you, and that little bean, and I'm sending you every speck of sticky baby dust I can muster!!!!

Keekee, Lull, and everyone else- We miss your cyberfaces, and wish you a happy new year! Let's all stick together and get barefoot and pregnant as soon as possible!
I don't have really anything exciting to report. I'm anywhere between 8-11 dpo, I'm not even sure. It depends on if you want to trust FF, or my CBFM peaks, and OPK's. I guess the one good thing I can say is that DH was a bd stallion this month when we needed him to be, so being off the anti-depressants have helped his sex drive!

Got my 2nd progesterone draw yesterday, and we're still waiting for sperm analysis results. I have a niggling feeling that because of the lab getting to the sample possibly too late, we won't have good results. I won't get my progesterone levels back until Tuesday, due to the office being closed until then.

Other than that, not much!
Pookabear, I feel the same way as you do almost all of the time. It's very hard and exhausting. Something that seems so easy for most people isn't for us. Just know that there is hope. Maybe the past procedures didn't work for you because it was your ex husbands fault. Maybe his swimmers could never find your egg. You're with a different man now, so everything is different and things may work.

Gdane, those are some crazy dreams! I hardly ever dream, but when I do I never dream about positive pregnancy tests. Actually that's a lie because it happened once. I dreamt that I had 2 positive FRER's, but that was a long time ago. We have those digitals here, but they are $30!! I bought one and plan on using it for when I actually get pregnant. I don't want to use it and see the words not pregnant on it. I can't believe it's raining in December. That's nuts. It finally snowed here on the day after Christmas. I couldn't believe it. I woke up on boxing day to snow and lots of it. I hope the cold and dreams are signs for you. Your chart is looking good. I love the temp spike you had today.

Wookie, have you gotten your test results back yet from your second progesterone test and your husbands SA? I'm anxiously awaiting to see what they are. I'm sure everything will be fine though.
I don't usually buy into that stuff either, but yesterday I was SO bored and it was flooding facebook the one time I go on there, so I thought what the heck. I was just totally surprised that all that fertility stuff came up. I hope I get pregnant before March, but March would be cool since it's our 1 year wedding anniversary. I always thought I would get knocked up on my wedding night, but I guess that only happens to lucky people lol.

Tryinfor1, how are you doing? I still can't stop laughing at your ticker. I can't wait to get pregnant so I can have one just like it LOL. It's so funny that I might get one anyways.

I'm 17dpo today and my temperature dropped below the cover line, so I know AF is coming. She'll be here today at some point. At least I had a long luteal phase, but maybe it was too long lol. Can you guys please tell me to stop researching adoption! I really need to snap out of it, but can't seem to.
Wookie, your chart is looking great. Your temp spiked higher than it ever has today, and for where you are in your cycle that's very promising.
SLH: Doing alright. I have a weird pain in my left ovary that is kinda freaking me out. I will stay off google though. I just read before that a pain on one side and slow rising HCG could be a sign of an ectopic. I hope that isnt the case though. a 17 day LP is really freaking long! I would stop the progesterone at 12dpo, like you said. Unless you get that positive test, which will be soon. SO STOP LOOKING AT ADOPTION! I mean, you can pursue adoption but you WILL have your own baby soon that you give birth to.

Gdane: Before i got my bfp, I had weird ass dreams too. One of them (2 days before my bfp) I got a positive frer and digis and everything and then I told max and he left me. Lol! I told my mom about it and she was like "Well you can come live with me." It was weird. Now I have dreams about giving birth to a girl. Not like the birth scene but I will be pregnant and then have a baby girl. There was this one chick, I feel really bad for her. The night before her scan she had dreams all night that the baby had died and then her scan showed that it had. :( Very sad. The dream about AF is weird though. HMMMMM. My dreams have been crazy vivid. Last night I had a dream that I was in catholic school and screaming that I was 6 weeks pregnant. Lol.

Wookie: your chart IS looking good!! Maybe those test results wont even matter! Sorry it is taking so long for you to get them back. I am about as impatient as impatient gets so that would pretty much kill me.

Berry: How was your levels?

Pooka: I second what SLH said. :hugs:

Everyone else: :hi:

AFM, I am 5+4 weeks. I am TERRIFIED because I dont want anything to be wrong. My first appointment is in two weeks and three days so I hope everything is ok. Dh and I are going out of town for new years! We are going to the lake to spend a few days alone. We are gonna watch a lot of Trueblood (which all of you should watch!), do some shopping (COACH OUTLET!!), and go to dinner and just spend time together. I kinda found out that after that whole porn fiasco that he hasnt stopped looking at it and looked at it almost everyday even though we had a deal. I got super pissed and he is not allowed to look at that shit again. EVER. Or there will be consequences. He said he swore he didnt realize he looked at it everyday and he was really sorry. I cant not forgive him since he is my husband and I am stuck with him (lol), so I told him I would give him one more chance to STOP LOOKING AT IT.

On a weirder note, we got some new neighbors. And they are rude white trash. I dont like them at all.
Stop worrying Tryinfor1. Your HCG levels are not slowly rising. They look like they're rising fine to me. If you were having an ectopic you would be in A LOT of pain. You would be in so much pain that you would probably be rushed to the hospital. I will stop researching adoption and you stop researching things that could go wrong. Usually women who have normal pregnancies don't post anything on the internet which is why you are seeing bad ones. As long as you don't see blood you are fine.

If your husband does have a sex addiction, he may never be able to give up porn. Let's hope he stops.
I think he has an addiction also. He swears he doesnt but I took this online quiz thing like for him, and it says he does. IF he doesnt stop, we are going to counseling. I am NOT dealing with this shit any longer! It is not ok now. AT ALL. He said that he doesnt because he doesnt go out and cheat on me. What an idiot. Lol. It is fine. He has gotten better about the sex thing just not the porn thing. We are working on it together though and communication is key. I think we will be alright. :) Bump in the road! Plus when the baby gets here his ass will not be spending time on the computer anyway. LOL.

Side note, my dog is super pissed at me. I wont play with her or pay attention and she wont stop crying at me. She is going to a pet resort tomorrow (she gets ice cream there. Lol) and she will get a chance to play around with the other dogs. She will sleep for a couple days when we get back so that will be nice. Lol.

Thanks SLH, I suppose you are right about the pain. YES, we can be each other's stay off google supporters!
Hello lucky ladies! Sorry I haven't been around much but I've been feeling a bit crappy for one reason or another but I wanted to come on and send y'all some :hugs:.

Pook! So happy to see you darlin'. Hope you're going to stick around :hugs:.

Gdane, cute, CUTE kitty. Glad to hear the little cutey is settling in better :thumbup:. Weird dreams and a cold...hmm, hope they're significant :winkwink:. I would love nothing more to see you get your BFP. Lovely to hear your folks are helping out with funds if needed. How sweet :hugs:!

SLH sorry AF might be on her way, the damn hag :growlmad:. Don't stay away just because you're feeling PMSsy though, we love you and you can rant all you want :hugs:. And you will get your BFP soon, I just know it.

Trying, woo! Way to go on the HCG! :hugs: I think it's perfectly normal to get anxious, once you've had your scan and you see that little bean you will feel better.

Wookie, I love your posts :hugs:. Sorry you're having to wait for your test results :growlmad:. How bloody annoying. FXed that everything comes back fine for you my dear.

Mrs B good luck with the clomid :hugs:.

Berryboo, abitjaded, lekker, buckles, lul (where ARE you???) and anyone I missed :hugs::hugs::hugs:.

Let's get our BFPs on for 2012! Barefoot and pregnant...that could be our graduate thread :haha:.
KeeKee!!! I missed you so much! I'm glad you are alive, but am sad that you are feeling crappy. I hope you feel better soon, and I can understand why you are staying away.
Oops, forgot my update.
So I'm CD#11 and still low on the CBFM :growlmad:. I don't know what my down theres are playing at this cycle. I've either been oving on CD 11 or CD 15 so I'm hoping to get a high tomorrow. FXed! I didn't temp at the beginning of my cycle, and I'm not temping after ov is confirmed. FF drove me nuts last cycle and my temps were only just above the coverline post ov. I've had to ditch the vitex because it's not recommended for women who've had breast cancer, so that's one less pill to take at least. I should really have a break this cycle anyway because I've got my op a week today, but I'm just going to throw caution to the wind and get my sexy on this weekend because that's how I roll :haha:. Bollocks to it (excuse my French girls.)
Is anyone here trying the Fertile CM? Or did I dream that? I tried guaifenesin last cycle and it helped but it tastes like crap.

My OH is working tonight so I'm going to go out for chinese later and watch some trash telly :thumbup:. What's everyone doing for New Year (besides Tryin who's New Year sounds awesome!)? We're having a quiet one because we have no money lol.
Gdane is taking fertilCM and I took it also! It works so freaking well! AMAZING stuff if you ask me! It brought me barely any ewcm on the day of ovulation to about 5 full days of it! I am convinced it helped me with me getting pregnant!

If you are thinking of buying it, I saw GO FOR IT!
Gdane is taking fertilCM and I took it also! It works so freaking well! AMAZING stuff if you ask me! It brought me barely any ewcm on the day of ovulation to about 5 full days of it! I am convinced it helped me with me getting pregnant!

If you are thinking of buying it, I saw GO FOR IT!

I'm going to order some RIGHT NOW! Thank you! :happydance:
Aw SLH :hugs::hugs::hugs:. I think it's perfectly normal to feel like that. You will get your lo. I know it :hugs:.
And then on new years eve I have to spend time with my moms pregnant friend who is due in January and this girl is a bitch. She is always so mean to me. She knows I'm trying, so she shoves her stomach into me and does weird stuff.
Lots of you on here today, you've all popped in and its busy! :hi:

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