...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

There was very minimal damage and no one but the cat was inside. The cat is shaken up but safe and sound. I took some water over to her for the little guy and checked on them through the day. They repaired the damage so quickly she was back in the house last night. What happens was 20 years ago someone crossed the wires on the dryer and yesterday when her father hooked up the new one he Hooke it up right instead of backwards. Which in turn caused the wires to arc and start a fire below the house and in the walls. He cast it so quick and my call into 911 was so fast the reaponse time was awesome. :) I'm so glad that I was able to help as much as possible and that the situation was contained fast!!! :)
A customer just called and we talked about all if his questions with his service...then when I was letting him go he said "whats your name?" And I told him. Then he asked if I have a family I said, I dont have kids but I have a husband" Then he goes "well may God bless you and your husband" I feel like I was really meant to get that call. It really touched me.
Mrs. B, I'm sorry you are feeling that way. I haven't been myself for the last couple of days either. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Clomid.

Wookie, I'm sorry AF came and you are in pain. Hopefully, she goes away quickly.
FX'd that the Clomid gives you a stronger ovulation and you get your BFP this month. I had to take it days 3-7 last month, but because the clinic was closed for the holidays, this month I had to take it from days 4-8. I'm curious to see if there is any difference in my follicle count this month.

Gdane, that would be so awesome if you get your bfp this month and don't need to see a specialist and go through all of that crap they make you go through. From doing research on numerous things in TTC forums, I have seen a lot of women say in their signatures that the month they took a break from fertility drugs like Clomid they got pregnant. I'm going to be taking a break from it next month for when I go away because I don't want to take it without cycle monitoring, and I'll be away when I need to be monitored. I'm going to take my thermometer and my CBFM. I'll still take Progesterone after I ovulate, but no Clomid or HCG.
My monitor is on crack. It's giving me a high reading way too early again. Ugh, I don't understand why the stupid thing keeps doing this. Next month I'm getting my husband to pee on the first stick to see what happens. If it reads high I'm calling them to complain LOL. I'll also reset it if after next month. The month I reset it everything worked fine, but then the next month it broke. At least it still gives me accurate peaks. Well, except for that one time when it didn't peak at all. The monitor is crazy.
Hey ladies I've been lurking, haven't had a break to really post. This will be short too unfortunately as I'm on my phone. We had the 6 week ultrasound and it went great. Seeing the heart beat and hearing it made me cry, I was so overwhelmed and grateful. Baby has a hb of 108 so far, which doc said is good.

Other than that not much to report. I've got a miserable cold and I'm all sorts of uncomfortable, but at least I will get a nice quiet weekend to recover starting tomorrow.
Hi girls
Just had a quick catch up! Hope you are all ok and I'm sending you all lots of love and baby dust for 2012.
With me... I'm day 10 in my cycle so creeping upto OV time, it's normally between day 11 and 13, so this weekend me and hubby will be at it, lol, he doesn't actually know this yet as he is at work!!
What else, weve just booked our holiday, we're off to new York for a week at the end of deb, can't frigging wait! Shopping, cocktails (maybe...) and just doing the usual sightseeing.
Hope you have a lovely weekend xxx
Hey ladies I've been lurking, haven't had a break to really post. This will be short too unfortunately as I'm on my phone. We had the 6 week ultrasound and it went great. Seeing the heart beat and hearing it made me cry, I was so overwhelmed and grateful. Baby has a hb of 108 so far, which doc said is good.

Other than that not much to report. I've got a miserable cold and I'm all sorts of uncomfortable, but at least I will get a nice quiet weekend to recover starting tomorrow.

Ahhh that's fantastic news!! Shame about the stinking cold though xx
Hey ladies I've been lurking, haven't had a break to really post. This will be short too unfortunately as I'm on my phone. We had the 6 week ultrasound and it went great. Seeing the heart beat and hearing it made me cry, I was so overwhelmed and grateful. Baby has a hb of 108 so far, which doc said is good.

Other than that not much to report. I've got a miserable cold and I'm all sorts of uncomfortable, but at least I will get a nice quiet weekend to recover starting tomorrow.

A lot of girls are telling me I wont be able to hear it. I think I will be. I will be 7w+1 and I am tall and skinny. I hope I am able to hear it!
SLH: Thanks for the encouragement :) I'm not sure what to tell you on your monitor. That's really weird. I would call Clearblue and complain.

Tryin: How ya been lady? Nice to have you back!

Abitjaded: Congrats on everything going good.

Buckles: SO jealous of your trip. I want to get out of here so bad. It seems as if everyone is going to mexico except us :( Lots of baby dust for your upcoming O time.

I just dropped off my paper work at the Fertility Specialist. I'm feeling kind of torn about it. :shrug:
Aw what's bothering you about it gdane/ any advice or if u want to chat im here and can say I've been there even though it was long ago, I understand!
so happy for u abit that is awsome! Trying yay for your appt coming up im sure you will get to hear that fluttering heart beat. Slh sorry about your monitor that is nuts,
Thanks pook, how are you doing?

My reservations is the financial aspect. We JUST got the hospital paid off and id don't want to get back into that hole. :nope:

Its frustrating to pay thousands of dollars for something people that dont even want get it for free
I agree gdane and totally understand why you would be frustrated in that sense! I have so many medical bills that need to be paid and its seems everytime you get one done you have to start again, just try to remember this will all be worth it in the end, but yea people have loads of kids that dont even "mean" to get pregnant and look what we go through just trying, it gets so frustrating I agree.! I let some of my medical bills go because of how expensive it got, and i know tht sounds bad, but I pay all my other bills, its just that our government here needs to help us more with medical instead of helping people that don't need it and take advantage of it all.
I am doing well Gdane! Just getting started lately back on my workout routines and trying to lose what I gained over the holidays and feel nice and trim again like I did before LOL I also have been keeping busying with my orientations at school and preparing to start my 1st class month for the semester..Anxious to see how its all going to go with trying to stay in shape, ttc, and going to school ugh I know sounds like a hand full huh? But, It will all be worth it in the end working ut is a great stress reliever for me so maybe it will help to keep me going through all of this! The spotting was there this morning but gone again tonight, but it was darker so as always its playing its lovely games with me, cant wait til af gets here fully so she can leave! LOL My bday is at the end of the month as well hubs family is planning an early bday celebration next sunday since everyone has plans the rest of the month so that will be fun :) then the week after my hubby is taking me to a cabin for the night w a hot tub (bow chicka wow wow) so hopefully o time will be around then LOL If not I hope af comes and goes already before all of that, so yea busy busy but all good stuff, I will need the cabin after starting this school stuff im sure I could use some stress relief
Sounds fun! I hope you have a great time. Thats awesome about you going back to school I wish you the best of luck!
Thanks! I hope to be a nurse when its all said and done! but it will be such a long time before I get there!
lol, here I am. I just haven't been chatty lately. How was your trip Tryinfor1? Was it good, and was your dh nice to you? lol

Soon you will hear the babys heartbeat. How exciting. I can't wait.

I'm watching Dateline, so I will write a more detailed message after it's over.
Hey ladies!

Gdane- I love your new shiny attitude for 2012. I understand your reservations about more medical bills, but allow me to give you a bit of perspective on this. TTC is costly, as you already know. And if the money you're pouring into having a baby is successful (which it will be!), that is where the financial issues BEGIN. Once you have the baby, you'll have to pay off the labor and delivery, possibly any medical issues the child may have, a whole host of NEW baby supplies such as diapers, formula, breast-feeding supplies, etc. And then as the LO grows, toys, school supplies, name-brand clothing, activity fees, uniforms, cell phones, etc. There will always be medical bills. But if you look forward to the costs associated with motherhood and raising a family, you have to have your baby first. I know it's a burden now, not having anything to show for it, but debt related to attaining motherhood in my eyes is worth it, if that's where your heart lies. In the end, when your baby is in your arms, and you're rocking her to sleep at 2 a.m., those bills will feel like NOTHING, compared to the blessing of your child. Your wallet may be empty, your bank account low, but your hearts and lives will be wealthy and prosperous.

SLH- Hi, sweetie! How are the follies coming? I'm excited to see how they're coming along. I pray you have 3-4 whoppers!

Lekker- Good grief, thank goodness no one was hurt in that fire. Bless you for hanging around and caring enough to be there for your neighbors.

Abitjaded- Yay for hearing the heartbeat! I'm so thrilled that after a decade of trying, your dreams have come true. It inspires me, and helps maintain a sense of hope for all of us on here.

Tryin'- Hey, momma! Can't wait for you to hear the HB. At 7 weeks, you'll most likely hear the heartbeat...it's still a touch early, but you should hear something! Good luck, and keep us posted!

Pook, Buckles, Keekee, anyone else I may have missed, good morning, and much love to you!

AFM, I got a wild hair up my ass this morning, and FINALLY took one of those First Response Fertility Tests that measure FSH and ovarian reserve stuff through a pee test. NOTE: I did take the test BEFORE popping my first Clomid pill, so as to not effect the results. And much to my delight, I got a negative, which is a good thing, and I feel better about my old-ass egg supply. For now. LOL!!! So, yes, Clomid started today on cycle day 3. AF is still going on strong, but will leave in 2-3 days. We'll see what happens.

I just want to be done with AF and start peeing on my new digi OPK's. I'm excited for the BD festival this month. I sure hope my progesterone looks higher this month...it wasn't horribly low to begin with, but borderline, so I'm praying this is the ticket.
Thanks wookie thats very encouraging I'm just scaredit wont work and here we are with thousands in bills and NOTHING to show for it AGAIN. Last year my dh went through tons of tests and they couldn't figure out what was wrong until I took him to the er and I told then the while year it was gallbladder.. And guess what? They booked him for surgery after our er visit. I know abbot still the other costs but this will be on top of that and I dont want to start a family and already be broke. Were saving right now but it is a slow process. I'm happy to hear your at ease now abbot fsh levels! Lots of baby dust for you this cycle!
So my sil m who I was supposedly best friends with (with twins conceived with iui) is such abitch. I'm so sick of her crap I cannot even begin to explain. we always used to go to the city to shop together or they would invite us over for supper all the time and dh and his brother are bffs so it worked out perfect. Well this girl all of the sudden comes into the picture (she has boy/girl twins too) and apparently we don't mean crap. They had them over for new year and dint call us. They went for a l girls day and didn't call me. (not the first time) we are the outcast in this family because we dont have kids. Were not good enough. So her bday was yesterday and she hadn't called or texted in weeks juast broadcasted her new found best friend l over fb. So I just texted happy bday yesterday. I'm not impressed with her. Then she texts are you coming to supper tomorrow? she did a fb event and her new bff is coming. I dont want to go. Plus dh hates her. I didn't know how to tell her so I just ignored it. The things I wanted to say were great left unsaid. So I log on to fb this morning and sure has this picture posted that says "if someone makes you miserable more than you make them happy, no matter how much you love them, let them go" I showed dh and he was pissed called her a hypocrite. I texted a simple no this morning. She ruined our relationship and his brothers. This us the sil that went through three treats of infertility but has never been there for me and has been a total bitch every time I look to her for support. Were the twins god parents and I love them to death and miss them. I wish she would grow up. I also found this kind of weird, she added like my best guy friends girl friend to fb and my cousin and my brothers wife and just other random people in my life she has nothing to do with. wtf?

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