...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Gdane: that is really annoying! I am glad you said just said no. I LOVE what you would have said, and I probably would have said it, but since you didnt want a lot of family drama you did the right thing. She didnt ask why, did she? Bitch. (not you, her.) Lol. I think you are beautiful and one of the sweetest girls I have ever met. I cant wait to meet you in real life! I am so glad that you only live six hours away!...or I think its six... I cant remember off the top of my head but it isnt far!

SLH: There you are love! Missed you while I was gone! Your words of encouragement make me feel so much better! :hugs: :hugs: I am sorry that you are feeling a little down. I think I read that a while back.. but now that you are on clomid and progesterone IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME! Has your OH had a SA done?

Wookie: I am glad that those tests came out good! I bought a couple of them off ept but never got a chance to use them. I had them for a few months but just kept forgetting about them until eventually I cleaned out my stuff and threw them out. :shrug: Will you knock it off saying you are old? YOU ARE NOT OLD!! My mom had her last baby older than you. So Knock that shit off!

Pooka: Good luck with school! My first day is on Monday. I am pretty nervous but more like "YAWN" than anything. Lol. I am ready to be motivated this semester though! I dont have a choice! My only problem is what to do for next semester because my due date is right at the beginning of next semester. Dh is wanting me to take the semester off but that scares me so bad. I would go back but I didnt want to leave. I might see if there are a few online classes I can take or something. Good luck with ovulation! It sounds like the cabin will be a wonderful place to do it at! Lol.. since you guys will be relaxing. Just beware of staying in the hot tub too long! Dont want to hurt his little swimmers right around ovulation time!

Everyone else: :hi: :hugs:

AFM, I started spotting again last night and freaked out. Called my doctor on call and she said to calm down, stay in bed all weekend, and dont freak out. If it gets heavier and comes with cramps then I need to call her back and she will arrange for me to go to the emergency room for an emergency scan. My first scan is on tuesday. This morning when I wiped there was like brown discharge. I googled it (sorry SLH, I couldnt help myself) but found all good stories except for a few. Most of it was being that the placenta had started attaching itself to the uterus and the embryo was burrowing further in and causes a little old implantation bleeding to be forced out. Another was strenuous activity and I had a busy day lugging luggage to the car, driving three hours, going to the store, cleaning the house, it was busy!

I also had a dream this morning that I was riding all the rides at worlds of fun, so I am thinking my mind was telling me I was being too strenuous yesterday and to take it easy. I am on bedrest till Sunday which sucks cause I have a baby shower to go to sunday night. I might still go. It is only for a couple hours and it is Sunday night. The girl who is having it isnt that close of a friend but she is a real sweetie and we were on the news together when the DJ we both hired for our wedding ripped us off. :gun: He was exposed on the news and I was on there! Lol. Anyway we kept in contact and she invited me.

Sorry for rambling. I need to hurry and get off the computer because my CPU fan went out and it could fry my computer. >.<

Dh is being a real sweetie with this pregnancy. He said that he didnt believe the baby was alive at first (doesnt believe in life at conception like I do) but now the baby IS alive. Its little hear it beating. So he is really good about keeping me calm (kinda ) about stuff and reassures me that everything will be ok. He said he doesnt have one bad feeling that something is going to go wrong and he promises that everything will be ok. And we are going to go out on Valentines Day to somewhere nice because that is the end of my first trimester! :)

How are yall today?
All she said was really wish you guys could have came. Next time.
Gdane, I'm sorry your sil is being such a jerk! I can relate to feeling left out because I don't have kids. Everyone goes everywhere with their kids and hardly ever invites me. Your sil needs to stop being an immature little girl and grow up. It sounds to me that she likes to cause lots of drama which is something I HATE! Whenever someone causes stress to my life like that I disown them. I know she's your sil and you can't disown her, but I would just ignore her for awhile, and I'm sure she'll get the point. She'll probably miss you too. I can't believe that she does't support you when she's been where you have been. Just know that you don't need her for support. You have all of us and your DH. Whenever you need to talk or vent and want someone to listen, we are all here for you. I can't believe that she would post such a stupid picture on FB. That is the most immature thing I have ever heard of lol. Are you sure she was referring to you? If I were you I would probably repost the picture, or find a meaner one lol. How old is she? She seems like she's 12. I remember when I was younger and my friends would find new friends and leave me out and it was an awful feeling. I just can't believe that grown-up adults do the same thing.

I read your journal post, and I think it's fantastic that you are starting to exercise. We can be exercise buddies because I want to lose weight as well. I stepped on the scale and discovered that I gained 12lbs since the summer...OUCH. All of the junk food I'm eating is going right to my stomach. I can't exercise like I want to because of my asthma, but I do plan on eating healthier and taking my dog out for more walks. Maybe if I can breathe okay I'll go to our gym in our condo that I should be taking advantage of.

Pookabear, I missed you lots and am glad you are still alive and talking to us. That's great that you are starting school. I too have thought about being a nurse. I even went as far as taking the nursing test to get into college, but unfortunately I didn't pass because there were over 5000 students applying and they took in 400 students! I guess I didn't do as well on the test as the 400 people who got in. I blame it on the math because they wouldn't let me use a calculator, or use a pen and paper. Nursing here where I live is very competitive. I'm actually thinking of going back to school to become a funeral director. It's something I wanted to do for a long time, but there is only one school that I can go to and I need to volunteer first, but I can't seem to find a funeral home that will let me volunteer. I found one a while ago and went there for a few days, but didn't finish the whole week like I needed to because the people were assholes. They were making fun of someone who died of AIDS, and I found that to be unacceptable, so I left. I did, however, get to witness a few embalmings which was very interesting to me. I know I'm sick, twisted and disturbed LOL. I also might send my resume into 911 dispatch because I have went to school for telecommunications. I am one of those types of people who have no idea what to do. DH says I don't need to work if I don't want to, but I'm getting bored of staying home all of the time.

Wookie, I'm so happy that your FSH test was good. You may be old, but your ovaries aren't LOL j/k, YOU ARE NOT OLD! It's a good thing that you took it before clomid because you may have gotten false bad results. I hope AF leaves you quickly so you can start to POAS and start the BD festivities lol. DH and I have already started, and we are trying to have as much sex as possible. We're going to do it every other day and then once I get my needle we will do it way more.
Good luck with the Clomid. I hope you don't have any side effects. It's funny how some people have horrible side effects and others have none. Mine were very mild. Abdominal discomfort is the biggest annoying one for me.

Tryinfor1, I'm sorry the spotting has gotten heavier, but don't panic because it's quite common in A LOT of early pregnancies. Don't listen to the idiot who told you that there was a problem. She knows nothing!!! This is why I stay away from the forums. There seems like there are so many women who think they know everything when in fact they don't know shit! The lady who told you to be concerned probably had pregnancies with no spotting, so of course she would think there is a problem. Don't listen to her, or anyone else who scares you. There could be so many reasons why you are spotting. Irritated cervix, implantation bleeding, a tear somewhere, something to do with your uterus expanding. There are so many things that could be causing it, and a lot of those reasons aren't bad ones. I remember watching the show Sister Wives a while ago, and one of the wives was pregnant and had brown spotting so she went for a scan and it was revealed that she had some kind of tearing that was causing the brown spotting and the baby was fine. I have been coming to this forum every single friggin' day (lol), since June, and I read everything, even the pregnancy forums. I have seen lots of cases where people were spotting and everything was fine! I also have a lot of TTC buddies like you who got pregnant and started to spot and everything turned out fine. Sure, there is the odd person who doesn't get a good outcome, but I'm sure you're not one of them and everything will be just fine. We are all here routing for you!

AFM, I don't know why, but for some reason I feel like I have ovulated already and I'm only on cycle day 8! I'm getting all of my post O symptoms and it's freaking me out a bit. I can't wait to go and get my ultrasound done on Monday, so I can stop worrying about premature ovulation.
I'm watching a show called "One Born Every Minute". It's about birth and labour, and I love these shows. I'm guessing the show is Canadian, but who knows.

Anyways, if one is born every minute, then where the hell is my baby???
Tryinfor1, the person on here who started the old TTC thread had a molar pregnancy, and she didn't find out until she had an ultrasound. I don't think she was spotting at all. I'm such a stalker, so once I fall in love with a TTC buddy I stalk the hell out of them LOL. I know I'm nuts. Don't worry though because I'm not the freaky type of stalker. lol. I'm telling you this because I think I read in your journal that you were worried of a molar pregnancy.
Sorry for the spamming. I'm going away now LOL. It's 1230 and DH is still sleeping. He gets so tired after sex in the morning lol. He's been sleeping for too long now and I'm bored, so I'm going to go and wake him up.
Been so busy on here! Just wanted to say Ive read everyones post but have no power to respond fully, Ive been asleep most the say and am suffering with the biggest headache! Not feeling well at all... not drink related I might add lol, I did go out last night but I have 3 drinks then came home :haha:
Thanks slh. I'm pretty upset right now. I'm supposed to be On bed rest/ taking it easy but I am the one awake taking care of the dog and fixing myself food and taking care of myself. Dh woke up long enough to make himself food and tell me to stop freaking out my boobs don't hurt so bad today and flick me a few times. He then went back to bed so i went back there and said something but he won't get up. We're even out of tp and he wont go get some! I asked when he was going and he asked why i had an attitude. Wtf?! I didnt! I just want some freaking toilet on paper so we can stop using tissues! He is a very cranky ass today. If it wouldnt stress me out i would go scream at him!
I wish I could knock some sense into your husband lol. Men are so different from women. He needs to be helpful and nice to you. When you need something he needs to go out and get it. I wish I lived close because I would go and get you TP lol.

Whatever you do don't scream at DH, or even get mad at him even if he is being cranky. You don't want to be anymore stressed than you already are.

Your scan on Tuesday is going to show that everything is fine. Maybe they will even be able to see why you are spotting.
I just read your new tickers message LOL. Not as funny as the Paris Hilton joke, but it was still pretty funny.
Tryin'- I hope you don't take it the wrong way if I tell you there are moments that I'd like to flog your husband. You should NOT be doing those things!!! Go lay down w/ the dog, kick your feet up, and watch TV, or take a nap. If things don't get done, it's DH's job to make sure that things get plenty caught up! I don't know how you resist the urge to catapult his ass off one of your sore boobs out into the front lawn. Men, I tell you. Sigh.

SLH- I've heard of that show, but we don't get it in the US yet. It does sound good, from what I've heard.

Mrs. B- How long ago did you start Clomid? The headaches are a huge side effect from what I've heard...I started my first round this morning, and feel normal, so I hope it stays this way.
Mrs. B- How long ago did you start Clomid? The headaches are a huge side effect from what I've heard...I started my first round this morning, and feel normal, so I hope it stays this way.

Hi Wookie,

I'm CD8 today and I took it 2-6... don't know ifs related but I still got it. I went back to bed this morning, and when hubby came back from work at midday he brought me a massive gorgeous bunch of flowers! Bless him! Then we had an afternoon of tv, but I fell asleep from the headache, I never nap in the day! Fingers crossed its gone tomorrow

Good Luck with your Clomid, you on 3-7? :flower: x
Sorry you are having headaches Mrs. B. I have been fortunate enough to not have that side effect thankfully. I hope you feel better soon.

Tryinfor1, I definitely agree with Wookie. I would love to flog your husband.
Tryin: I can't wait to meet you either! And I agree with Wookie, I would really like to drive down there and slap him around a little. I'm sorry you have to go through that. I'm sure your spotting is nothing to worry about. Like you've read and your doc said, its very common in early pregnancy. But it's easy to say don't worry when you're not actually there. I hope you can find peace in everything. Just try to think happy thoughts lady! :baby: I would also like the name and address of that lady that said something about a tumor and miscarriage...I'm going to pay her a visit. What an idiot. As for your DH, can you go to your mom's or something so someone can take care of you?

SLH: Thanks doll. I'm not absolutely positive it was towards me, but it seems a little coincidental. She just turned 25 yesterday. I would love to be exercise buddies with you! If you don't like the gym scene, Turbo Jam is honestly the only video I've not minded doing. The girl that leads it is very encouraging and motivating and fun, and theres like 5 workouts on this video so you won't get bored doing the same thing over and over like me. Jillian Michaels drove me crazy and I didn't feel like i lost anything doing that. My PCOS makes me crave sugar like crazy. Tell me what you want from me as a workout buddy and I'll do it! 911 dispatch would be a crazy job. Very interesting. I used to work in the ER and I loved it! Good luck in whatever you decide to do! I'm sure you haven't ovulated yet...your temp would have raised a little by now instead of going down don't you think? CD 8 is super early to O and didn't they have to give you a trigger shot to O last time? I wish I got some of those labor shows. I tried finding them on netflix (we don't have cable) and all they have is teen mom and shit like that, that will just piss me off. I tried watching the science of babies because i thought it would show the development in the womb, but it was from birth to the first year...which Im' not interested in right now.

Wookie: Like the others said, you are NOT old!! Jeez age is just a number!! :hugs: We love you girlie! Let us know how it goes with the clomid!

MrsB: I hope you feel better soon!! Any signs of ovulation approaching? AWWWEEE to your hubby!! What a great guy!! :awww:

AFM: We sold the truck so the money is going into our little piggy bank! Or to pay off the credit card that we bought a storm door with the other day because the wind ripped it off. AF is still here, duhhh...but I'm not near as crampy or heavy as it has been, and I'm not even on clomid this cycle. It'll be interesting to see if I still O like a normal person. I went to breakfast with my family and we had a great time. We laughed a lot and stayed there for like2 hours lol. Poor waitress. It was just my parents, my little sister and my older sister. It was really nice. My hubby is so cute, we used to save cans for my twin niece and nephew for their graduation fund and now our neighbors gave us a HUGE bag of cans and we have a few and I told DH that we should just keep them and put it in the piggy bank and he goes, yeah, I'm not giving it to SIL M (the one I'm mad at) They don't even appreciate it and I'm giving it to our baby!! :) He pushed out his tummy in the shower and rubbed it and goes, "here, feel it, it's our little jimmy in there!" I was like "Jimmy???" And he goes, "Errr, I mean EASTON! HAHA, Idk, i just said the first name that came into my head". What a goon. PS: Exercise day #3 DONE!
Eeeek! My step mum has just said she is going to pay to take me and my sister to New York one Christmas once shes saved up, for either mine or my sisters 30th, so will be 4/5 years time... I know that seems ages but I dont think I'd have ever gone (me and hubby don't really do holidays), so excited!!!
Gdane, that's funny. Yeah, there's no way I would ever name my kid Jimmy lol.

That's a great idea about the cans. I'm jealous that you can sell cans where you live because DH and I drink a lot of pop and throw out big recycling bags of them all of the time. If we could sell cans, I think I would be rich lol j/k. Aw, I really wish I could smuggle in cans to the US to give them to you lol. I totally agree about using the money you saved for your sil kids. Every little bit helps, and after you have everything paid and a baby in your arms you can start a fund for them again if you want to.

Mrs. B, that's so exciting. I have always wanted to go to New York City ever since I was a little kid. It's the one place in the world that I want to visit the most. It's funny because it would only take about 8 hours to drive there and like an hour by plane and I still haven't gone. We were going to go in the winter, but wanted to go on a cruise instead to escape the cold. We are definitely going there in the spring or summer even if it's only for a couple days. I want to go there so bad! I have only been to Buffalo, syracuse (how exciting), and Vegas in the states. Vegas was actually very exciting. What a difference between buffalo and vegas lol.

How are you doing Tryinfor1? I have been thinking about you and am wishing that everything goes well.
Gdane, your Jimmy story reminds me of when I was pregnant, and DH kept referring to the baby by COMPLETELY stupid names, such as "Little Thor" and "Willard" and such. That story would be A LOT funnier if you knew my DH...he's such a goofball. Sounds like we both married a couple of wing-nuts! That's fine, because I too am a self-professed ding-dong, so it's fine. LOL!!!

Mrs. B- I went to NY in 1994. What a marvelous place, but being an Iowan girl, I could NEVER live there. People act like completely different creatures there...they just seem to go about the hustle and bustle that's happening around them, and they seem unaware of anyone else around them. Like everyone is in their own little bubble...Being a Midwesterner, I'm used to people who share their lives, pour out kindness, and give help freely to others. NY is a crazy busy atmosphere...don't get me wrong, it's amazing. I guess I'm glad that I live in a more laid-back part of the country, where I can raise a family to enjoy the simple things in life.

I forgot to mention that DH & I went to that "Devil Inside" movie last night. It was enjoyable, and definitely scary!!! A lot of people were not happy with the ending, but this horror flick was better than most...creepy!
Wookie - It is going to be a culture shock thats for sure, I live in the country in the UK, and Our cities are tame compared to US from what I've seen :haha: I have only left the UK 3 times and that was a school trip to Germany, Family holiday to Crete when I was 13 and this year for our Honeymoon we went to Cyprus with friends lol.

Gdane - I dont know of any signs as I'm not sure what to look for :blush: My monitor is still giving me highs. Love your little saving schemes. what the deal with cans? Do you get money for them?

SLH - I hope you do get to go as you want to so bad and its only a short trip! Its 8 hours by plane for us I believe. We dont really get cold cold weather here, its normally quite mild, the last 2 years weve had bad winters (by our standards) but this year is very mild. Would love to see what I class as 'real' snow over there.
Mrs b, where abouts in the uk do you live?? And what an amazing present, let's hope she saves her pennies super quick! Ive been to NY in the winter and spring, and I have to say I prefer it when it's freezing cold!! We fly out on the 29 feb for a week and can't wait!!

Wookie, you wouldn't catch me watching a film like that in a million years, sounds scary enough from the title! I'm more a Disney or chick flick girl :)

Gdane, your sil sounds nasty, I would have told her why you wasn't going,! Hope your ok!!

Hi to everyone else!

Well I'm on day 11 of my cycle ( thinking gave you all a wrong date last time I posted!) and I've been jumping my husband since yesterday... Twice this morning and it's only 10.30, poor sod, but I don't hear him complaining! Lol OV normally is anywhere between day 11 and 13, so I intend to do the deed as much as poss!!

Love to you all xxx
Hi Buckles, Im Wiltshire, in the south. I think the christmas experience over there is worth a visit, she's been over there in the Christmas period with her mum and SIL the photos were amazing. Hope you have a fab time in Feb! Let me know how it goes :)

I'm a disney/chick flick movies type of girl too I'm afraid. Loving anything Girly Vampire atm, started off by Twilight, now working through Vampire diaries series, just finished 2, need to find 3 as its just been shown on tv here but cant find it on dvd to catch up.

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