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...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

I'm sorrywook idk what to tell you. I'm equally as confused with my body. Sorry doll
Gdane - Ive had highs and peaks look like that.. Either way, get bd'ing!!
Gdane, I'd still go with the stick...start bding now as much as you can manage for the next 3 or 4 days, and you'll have a super chance.
Thanks wookie. I will tomorrow morning. Trying to get reserves built up. I dont feel fertile right now
Wook sorry you're all over the place. I know what that feels like...sucks. Hopefully you got it in somewhere though. Maybe you should skip bding today. Give you and the hubs a chance to rest and get the reserve built back up.

Gdane I think you should get to bding too. It looks like you're about to ovulate. Tomorrow id think you'd get a darker line. Try to be at some point tonight if you can. No fertile cm doesn't mean no ovulation. Maybe you just missed it? My doctor said that women can't always tell when they get fertile cm and that its not always the same every month. Maybe with you being off the clomid this month it just looks different.
Ladies sorry I've been lurking but not posting, I have been miserably sick with what I think is a virus or the flu andhave had tempsaound103.8, and flucuating, missedafirst class tonight to top itoff.. hubs has been taking great careof me but please pray asourgetaway for my bday is Sunday and I want tofeelgreat by then ugh out of energy all I can typehugsladies
Sorry, you're not feeling great Pook. I'll be praying for you and I hope you feel better and get well soon. hugs a bunches ;)
Sorry you feel poopy pook. I really hope you feel better for your trip!
I can't believe I forgot to tell you guys my dream last night. You know how my dreams started a year ago with a baby girl that was born already a year old then six months later I dreamt about giving birth to a six month old then a month ago igave birth to a one month old (next week is our year mark ttc) I had a dream last night about getting an ultra sound and it showed I had five eggs coming down my fallopian tube and told us to get bding so we did and they gave us another ultrasound and it showed the sperm going into the egg lol so weird! We bded earlier and boy am I glad we did. Bow xhicka wow wow! to a
Pook- So sorry you feel like shizzle. I'd make you my rather famous chix noodle soup if I could manage to FedEx soup. Feel better soon!

Gdane- Those dreams are crazy!!! Maybe you DO have 5 eggs traveling down through your fallopian speedways. And maybe one or two are being fertilized now! :)

Okay, so my situation has become that much clearer to me tonight. Took a smiley digi at 8 p.m., and lo and behold, I got a smiley...a positive opk. This, my ladies, is the real deal. And DH was TIRED. We tried bding, and he could NOT get hard. I cried for a while about my shitty body and how tired I am of this heartache, and he wantted to try again. It took a while, but we managed. Barely. He said it was not a strong orgasm, and I don't know if that further mucks everything up, but whatever. He's now snoring next to me, and my legs are in the air. Ugh. What a frickin' rollercoaster.
Oh, and I should mention that I'm not sure we'll pull off another sexual revolution during this fertile period. It's been brutal.
Awwww I'm sorry wook. I really hope your body does what it is supposed to. Its sooooo frustrating getting your hopes up for ovulation and crap and taking all of the romance out of it. Maybe you guys could go on a date or something and get reconnected and let it just happen. I left my phone home and we didn't talk about babies at all list weekend. It was incredible
And I should say, your best chances are before the egg is released so you probably are covered. I've gotten two lh surges before.
:cry: I'm so angry and upset, went for cd21 bloods to be told that they weren't taking them as I hadn't had all 3 rounds of my clomid. So I said, well if they're not working then surely the dose needs to be increased otherwise I have wasted 3 out of my 6 chances?? "No come back in a months time". So I said maybe my first ones were wasted due to being told to take them at stupid times, there reply was, we can give you 5 more so its a full 3 months... And what take up another chance on a dosage that may not be correct?? No thank you! Told nurse I wouldn't be doing that and would see her next month! Feel really upset! Now I have to go back to work and I've wasted time that I have to make up!!
Hi new to all this. hope im in the correct area. I am looking for some advice i bought a CBFM and looking to start using it soon (current period 4 and a half weeks late but neg tests so take it im not preg) so waiting for the next cycle. I have irregular cycles so hoping the CBFM helps me work out my ovulations as its a nightmare changes every month!! you have all had such success. :):):)
Wookie...that can be frustrating. But Gdane is right...if you got it in one to two days before the peak you're good. I think the date is a great idea to relieve some stress and just forget about this for a bit, put your mind on something else. I hope your body starts cooperating. Trying to bd all the time is exhausting. I haven't bded since O and my husband is looking at me crazy. He might get lucky tonight...it's his birthday. But after O I just want to sleep. Good luck and hope the hubby gets some rest.

Gdane weird dreams but hopefully they are a sign of what's to come! Did you use on opk this month? Can't remember. But maybe your dreams mean that O happened or is happening and things are turning around. Hope it all comes true...other than the fact of pushing out a 6 month old...that may hurt a little...lol. But I hope your dream baby becomes your real baby.

MrsB that's so frustrating. I had to take matters into my own hands with my gyno because I felt like she wasn't really doing everything that she should or could so I understand. But I think you are doing the right thing. Stand firm and don't take those crap answers. You've done the research and you know how things work...maybe not everything but enough. If need be find another doctor that is willing to listen. Nothing worse than a doctor who doesn't pay attention to their patient. And who cares what the nurse thinks. Not trying to be mean nurse or doctor? I'll take the opinion of the person that actually went to school and that I'm paying thousands of dollars to.

Maybe, welcome! I don't use a cbfm but most of the other ladies here do so in sure they could give you some advice.

I'm finally feeling a bit more like myself. I wasn't sick just felt out of sorts. Today is hubby's birthday and he wants to go to dinner but we are supposed to get another 8 inches of snow on top of the 4 we got yesterday. It may be a cuddle up in front of the fireplace night for us.

Hope the rest of you ladies are having a :dust: filled day!
Mrs. B- Ugh. I'm so frustrated for you. What they're asking you to do is so stupid, and makes no sense. I think you may have the following options: DEMAND they take the progesterone test, and adjust your dose accordingly, OR, find a different doctor or midwife, and explain the situation, and ask that they pick up the pieces from there. I'm sorry...it sounds like they're following a rather backwards protocol there, and you'd be best to remove yourself from their "care" and find someone who CARES!!!

Gdane- Thanks for the advice. You too, No Doubt. We're exhausted. I think we may try the date thing. I have a good supper planned, and maybe we'll go out for a banana margarita, and watch a movie or something. :)

Oh, my CBFM peaked this morning too!!! Hooray!
good morning ladies! I hope everyone is doing well today. I kinda can't wait to start charting again. I don't like this not doing anything nonsense. I feel bored and also uninformed when I don't chart. I turned on the CBFM the other day to make sure it still worked after being left in the car during cold weather and it was on like CD40. I guess I'm going to have to reset it next cycle lol. So we were going to BD lastnight since I think I ovulated 2 days ago...got into bed and used the preseed and since you have to wait 15 mins before bding....we fell asleep. Woke up this morning with the lights on and everything. HAHAHA I was like crap we missed out chance lastnight. May just give it a shot tonight even though I'm not so sure it matters now. LOL
Lekker, oh no! If you bd'ed regularly PRIOR to ovulation, you may be okay.

It cracks me up you both dozed off during the preseed 15 minute thing, though!
We've only gotten in about 3 sessions I do believe. I'm feeling a little like a freak. I've got this mexican fertility statue sitting right next to my bed and I rub it before we BD. LOL it was a gift from my husbands cousin since she no longer wants it as she has 3 kids. She said she hopes it brings the baby luck to me. LOL I'm like...I'll try anything at this point

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