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...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Opinions needed please ... FF had cross hairs on CD 16, it has now moved to 19... what do you think?xx
MrsB considering that your monitor hadn't peaked yet and you reported soar boobs on day 18 and because it looks like your temps really started a decent continued rise on day 19, I would go with day 19.
My monitor doesn't peak from my pcos, but I guess your right, my BD chances have gone down Damn it
Mrs. B- I think it may actually be cd 19 too...

Did you get any bding in around that time? Like two or three days before?

I'm still waiting for my crosshairs. I really do believe I ovulated yesterday, as my digi opk's gave me a smiley on Thursday, and then a peak yesterday morning...last evening around supper time I had pretty bad ovulation cramps and pressure, and my cm felt sticky and drier. Now this morning I used my monitor, got my automatic 2nd peak, but the LH line was way light compared to yesterday's. So, I'm probably 1 dpo, don't you think?
day before and 3 days before, so not as great as it coud have been!

Your temps arent really up on what they have been throught the cycle. xx
My temp went up to almost post o temps and my cp is low firm and closed but I don't know if I o'd because I had on lots of extra layers last night and the heater was turned up
Mrs B- I honestly think your BD timing is fine, actually. If you did it on day 18, which is how I'm understanding it, your chances are pretty good!

I think sometimes we get so hung up on the timing and frequency of sex in relation to our fertile window, that we forget how ladies throughout time have almost always gotten pregnant from one sexual encounter, at around the right time. When I got pregnant last May, we had sex twice that entire month, about two weeks apart!!!

So, anything can happen. I don't necessarily think that too much sex is great for conception either. Unfortunately, TTC is such a gamble...there's no real tried and true formula that works each time.
Your absolutly right, theres no changing it now anyways :)

Thanks for your input girls xx
Just got back from food shopping, bumped into DHs Cousin who we haven't seen for ages and who I haven't spoken to since she was acting like a dick before our wedding. Any ways she was chatting random things, like asking how my niece was and things, then when we asked how she was, she said they were trying for a baby and started going an about how at school you taught that you do the deed once and you get pregnant... I was stood there like oh I know so well! But obviously didn't say anything, then when she left turned to DH and said, I hope we beat them, haha, how horrible am I :rofl:
WOW MrsB...how insensitive. You should have thrown a can of green beans at her...the family size can.
Thanks Wookie, Sure hope we do :haha:

Your temps rising again I see, hope it keeps going for you
But still...no one would have blamed you if the can would have "slipped" out of you hand...lol. I test on Monday, but I'm freaking out. I don't want to...being a baby about it.
Ladies, Ive just started a journal if you'd like to stalk ...
Mrs. B- I would love to stalk your journal!

I want to start a journal, but I don't know how to put the link in my signature...or how to make it a link at all...I'm a computer/forum moron.

No Doubt, I don't blame you for not wanting to test. I usually just wait for AF to show...testing is too emotional for me.
I want to start a journal too but I'm just being lazy...lol.

I have to test Monday cause we are going to the specialist. Still hoping there won't be a need for the specialist.
Morning ladies!

I'm freaking out right now. I keep having the pangs in my ovaries and uterus that feels like a very ovulation and last night I finally started feeling like af was coming but when I woke up nothing. Normally when I feel that way it starts instantly...the feeling and the spotting and by morning full on af. But this feeling isn't nearly as bad just dull cramping if you could even call it that and I haven't even spotted. The whole ovary and uterine thing is new to me too and I even spotted after O which is new to me as well. All of this is working on my nerves because they are all new symptoms and I am wanting this so bad. I would love to be able to give my husband the best belated birthday gift and have the due date be my birthday. I just need some words to help me stay calm cause I don't want to stress if I'm preggo and I don't want to stress and delay af. I've been having crazy dreams for the past couple of days, the one last night where I actually had two bfps. And when I went to bed last night it felt like I had a very light pelvic ache that went down into my hips and groin and my upper thigh. I have read this is a sign that your body is trying to get ready to carry the extra weight. And of course that cramping can be your uterus expanding, and so on and so on...Then I kept waking up every hour or two for no reason and had a hard time falling back asleep...and I had to pee everytime I woke up. I'm confused because I've had cycles where the symptoms are more noticeable and of course it's a bigger let down, but I've never had these symptoms. Sorry this is so lengthy, just stressing. And I don't want to think that everything that happens means I might be preggo. Thanks for letting me vent.

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