I am religious, i was married in my church which i attend every sunday with my husband and son!
We have no paid ministy, so i do find it disrespetful when people use our bishop and church, just for a free service. Esp when these people have to take time off work to do it, like the register etc, plus we have people who will play the piano etc for free.
Anyway, i dont know if anyone can walk in and ask to be married, but i know of peoples extended families and people who used to come who now declare they dont beleive using it. It does seem cheecky as they clearly just see it as the cheep option. (or free as the case may be).
Anyway, Ive been to "church" weddings where religion wasnt mentioned, and funerals for that matter.
I cant say im offended if someone uses a church for their wedding of if they arnt religious, it doenst really bother me, (expect for the case of doing it for a free service lol) but christians i find bizzare.
Why do people chrsitian babies when they dont beleive? it seems really odd to me. We dont christian infants in my religion, children are innocent in my eyes so whats the point?
Anyway, I dont get why someone who clearly states they have no beleif would want their child christianed, it feels like part of them really doubts that there isnt a god, so does it "just incase". Plenty of people have naming parties, or baby welcoming parties, surley thats more appropriate?
As for non-religious people celebrating christmas, easter etc ... they are special to me and i apprcaite the relgious side of them and try and highlight the religious aspects of the holiday in my life. however christmas and easter as so far from religious now, a huge proportion of children have no clue he jesus is and why we have these holidays.
For most christmas is about santa and family, and i see no issue with anyone who isnt a "beleiver" to celebrate them, just because people dont beleive doesnt mean they dont do good will etc, some of the most charitable and giving people are not religious.
So im not really bothered about weddings, or relgious holidays, but i dont understand why someone would chrsitian their baby when they dont beleive.