^^ I went to NGH and my experience, in labour was fab. (sorry if I go on too much here
With my first baby, I had Pre Eclampsia @ 38 weeks, they broke my waters straight away as I was already 2cms and I had a lovely midwife in with me the WHOLE time, I was never left without a medical person with me, which was fantastic. The issue comes after birth. Alex was born 4.02am, my hubby had to look for someone about 10am to ask when we would be moved to the ward
we had been 'left' all that time!
With my 2nd, same again, PE @ 38 weeks, induced same way and I had certain worries after losing my son which they more than accompinaed for, they were great. The issue after this birth was that they wanted to move me onto post natal ward before I was ready
She was born 1.40 and I was showered, fed and up there by 3, which I felt very rushed
The labour there is great and youre well cared for, I just feel for me, the after birth not to be as good.
Most people I know who have gone to Kettering have ended up with Emergency c sections, whether they do them too freely or whether its just how it is, of course baby is better out than in in emergencies, but thats my view.
I really hope you get your water birth, I would love one. Why dont you go and have a look around them both? get a better idea. x