Northern Meet


ICSI Twins + miracle BFP
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
Hey all

Do I get a prize for posting first photos up? :D Had a great afternoon just pottering about and it was lovely to meet up with everyone...


Prize for you!!!
That picture of me is Awful!!

Unfortunately as we were walking back to the car Vicky and Lauz came and pulled over... Lauz's car had been broken into :(
Told them to ring RAC as she couldn't drive home with the car like that.... it was the driverside window that was smashed, and the tom tom that she'd borrowed from her friend has been stolen.
They were heading for a police station they said they'd text me an update, haven't heard from them yet.
Hope they're ok!!

Had a lovely time, was nice and chilled, and the rain stayed away!!!

Whos who from left to right?
Grrrrr :lol:

Helen is that you with blonde hair? :oops:

Top Pic..... Jo & Jack, Helen, ArcaneGirl, HayleyB & Lulu

Middle Pic.... HayleyB - regretting wearing that top!! (fat day! lol!)

Bottom pic.... Graham (in the distance), Kacy (1st Pram), Vicky, Ella (2nd pram) Lauz (just about), Xena & lydia, Helen, Arcane Girl, MaybeBaby (& bump), Jo & Jack

You'll have to excuse my photography skills they're appalling... and everytime i took a picture a different baby had a cry! lol

Which one do you mean?....... but yes, I have blond hair!
Pah! Hayley!!!!

U spoilt the game!! :grr:
Helen said:
Which one do you mean?....... but yes, I have blond hair!
Wow Helen not how I imagined you :loopy:
Wow Helen not how I imagined you

Hmmm...that's what Hayley said.... go on then.... how did you imagine me? :-k [/quote]
Thought G was lovely BTW.... thought everyone was lovely, but thought G was particularly brave with big group of scary, hormonal wimmin!! :argh:
Helen don't know really - One of those internet moment - Some reason I expected you to look older is all I think :D
HayleyB said:

Unfortunately as we were walking back to the car Vicky and Lauz came and pulled over... Lauz's car had been broken into :(
Told them to ring RAC as she couldn't drive home with the car like that.... it was the driverside window that was smashed, and the tom tom that she'd borrowed from her friend has been stolen.
They were heading for a police station they said they'd text me an update, haven't heard from them yet.
Hope they're ok!!
OMG thats awful & what makes it worse is when its not your stuff! :(

Was the tomtom not put in the glove compartment?
Some reason I expected you to look older is all I think

Good reply. Nicely recovered!! :mrgreen: I'm pretty sure I was the oldest there.... by quite a bit. :cry:

I didn't think you had a walking stick or anything :lol:

You don't look to be any older than the others! How old are you if I'm ok to ask :oops:
helen you look EXACTLY how i imagined you but then I always do that weird thing of myn.

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