welll it went well!! I predicted right, she thinks I'm 4 weeks 1 day too!! EDD 26th of August 2012! woop hehe
she was sooo over the moon for us, it was lovely! hehe
she knew we were ntnp for the first month after coming off bc til november, then trying for the whole of november, but she said she was shocked we caught so quickly! she said my fella must have super sperm!! haha
that made me laugh xDD
she gave me a quick run down of the dos and donts with pregnancy, food etc, pretty much stuff I already new!
anyway yeah, I've made an appointment with my doctors midwife (who I realllyyyy didnt want, she nearly let my mums friend go over by 3 weeks! it could have resulted in still birth, so she sewed (<--- sp??) her, which resulted in her losing her license for 6 months and having to be re-trained!!!!!!)so I'm hoping I get passed to another one soon!!
which is quite likely, as my doctor said she's my preliminary midwife!!
I'll probably end up seeing like 5/6

it's quite common apparently!
anywayyy thanks for asking!!!
any sign of AF Imsotired??