HI laides,
wow I have a week away and such a lot has happened, just been trying to catch up with it all.
Ameeann - so glad it went well at the docs - I am sure you will have a range of midwifes before your time comes so try not to stress about the one you've got so far. My BF had bad bloating the first month but it went after week 7 so try not to worry,

although it is a pain for you. Tell OH to get used to the mood swings! lol
Imsotired - go news about AF arriving. Hopefully the next cycle will be much shorter until you get back to normal. You never know it might be a lucky start to the New Year.
Mrs JSH - I really hope you enjoy spending some quality time with the hubby over the hols. Keep us updated.
Cmarie - WHOOP WHOOP -

a positive. I am soooooooo pleased for you. Good job you do those tests early - A POAS is actually a good thing. I have everything crossed for you hon.
AFM - I went to visit DH on wed and took advantage (very quietly as at in-laws, felt like I was back at college!! lol) Had nothing on test until this morning very dark line!!!!

So excitied as it is the first time anything has ever come up on the tests. DH arrives back this evening and I am going to jump on him as soon as he walks through the front door.

Hopefully we haven't missed the boat.
If I don't catch up with you all over the weekend I hope you have an amazing Christmas.

Its been brilliant having you to chat to over the past couple of months. Thanks.
Big hugs to you all