So I'm doing good. Have the entire week off from work which is AWESOME! Been spending time relaxing, cleaning, and doing whatever I want to do. (Okay, more relaxing than anything else lol but I need it!)
I haven't talked to my ob/gyn since she prescribed me the provera. My plan right now is to wait it out a few more weeks and see if I get any signs of ovulation, af or anything before I call her. I'm still not going to temp or do anything like that, even though I kind of feel like I should so I feel like I'm doing something to help get pregnant besides bd'ing lol. But I think it will stress me out too much, so I decided what I'm going to do is work on getting healthier... excercising a lil more, trying to eat a little healthier, cut out soda and alcohol (for the most part) and doing some fertility yoga to get my mind right. That is reasonable for me to do and will help get my body more ready for getting pregnant, and then make pregnancy easier as well. And at least I can feel like I'm doing something productive. If af doesn't show in the next 3-4 weeks I'm going to call the doc and make them do bloodwork, just to know what's up. But honestly I'm really scared and don't want to go there if I don't have too....
So that's the plan, we'll see what happens
cmarie33 - it's early soon! I'm crossing fingers for you!
Same with you imsotired - you know you ovulate and you had af, so it should be all systems go over there! So exciting!
ameeann let us know how you're appointment goes!
And mrs. martinez, don't stress it yet, I'm sure you will ov sometime soon! at least you have slightly regullar cycles