Not Knowing Whether I'm Ovulating or Not is so Frustrating :'(

hahahahaah ooo my bfp did that too, mowahaha! oh we're so evil! tehe

I didn't mean it with you though hun, you're engaged before BFP hehe whereas our family know we're pg now so I just don't want them thinking that . . . but it will be this year though ;) hehe and I'm the same . . . only the once for me!!!
Hehe I won't go into detail on here but the poor girl always tries to compete for attention and it's embarrassing! Lol!
Ah well. How was your Christmas? xx
oh yes! I know that feeling, she's gotta be the first to do everything! well not this thing lady . . . tehe

my christmas was really good thanks, I actually enjoyed being sober! :haha:

how was yours?
I had 3 Christmases! Xmas eve with my fiancé's daughter and his fam. Xmas day with my mum and boxIng day with my dad! And today's my birthday! Lol. Relaxing today though! Just vacuumed the living room and feel really faint! :-s xx
Wow, miss a few days on here and you miss a lot!

Congratulations cmarie33!! And happy birthday!!

ameeann, if the doctor isn't worried about your size, then I wouldn't. Enjoy this time and don't worry about it, I'm sure there will be enough other things to worry about along the way lol. How have you been feeling?

Imsotired, did you get your full on af or how are things working out for you?
ameeann and cmarie- my bil had a girlfriend who constantly used to compete with me. We were soooo jealous of each other. I'm so happy she's gone (they broke up)!

cmarie- Happy birthday! You've really had a busy week!

Mrs Jsh- Yep. I had a heavy flow, cramping, clotting, you name it! It wasn't the worst af I've ever had but it was still bad. You kinda forget how bad it sucks when you haven't had one in a while. Just last night the bleeding considerably slowed down so I should be done tomorrow or the day after. What a relief though. How are you doing? Do you think the spotting you had after provera was your af? What's your next plan of action? I am going to start charting to see if I can locate my next ov and bd like crazy!
cmarie - happy birthday!! :d :D hehe faint is good . . . well it was for me anyway! haha

mrs jsh - i have my first midwife appointment friday and I'm worried she tells me im a fatty! hahaha ive made sure im exercising and eating right though, im sure i wont put too much on though! i hope not anyway!

imsotired - so annoying isnt it! I'm sure she's told a mutual friend of ours about my bfp, i will be so mad at her if she has!!!
Haha this is the only website where feeling faint is good! Nearly tested today but resisted, just!
Yay for proper period ImSoTired!
How are you JSH?
Thank you for the birthday wishes everyone xx
I feel faint/ weak a bit I also got a lot of dizzy spells, it was weird!!! but its something to do with a mix of hormones and low blood pressure for me! what dpo are you? eee fingers crossed :dust: for you :D

how is everyone else??
Doing good today! Cleaning up a bit after the holiday mess and going to take a walk on the treadmill see if I can't burn off some holiday fat! I stuck to my diet as closely as I could but you know how difficult it is around the holidays! I'm not going to weigh myself this week for fear that I haven't lost anything. I've began temping and I hope I can keep it up. Next week I'm going to start using my opks and I hope this is a shorter cycle than last! I'm hoping to ov the first week of Jan or so. I just can't wait for my baby! I get more excited everyday!
Ameeann- how have you been feeling?
cmarie- how many days dpo are you now?
Mrs Jsh- how is work? have you talked to your ob/gyn?what's next for you?
I'm 8dpo and caved and tested- bfn! But wasn't fmu so not too upset just yet! cx
cmarie there is still hope for you. 8dpo is a bit early for a bfp anyway. I know it's difficult but try to wait another week or so! I hope it is what you want it to be!
Still see no signs of ovulating feeling depressed on cd 16. Last cycle was
30 days.
Still see no signs of ovulating feeling depressed on cd 16. Last cycle was
30 days.

My first cycle was 36 days. Second was 39 days and I'm assuming this cycle will be 29 days as I ov'd on cd15. Don't worry. I know it's hard, but stressing out wont help. Fingers crossed for you xx

ImSoTired, I know. I knew I shouldn't have done it! Lol I'm just weak! Hehe xx
cmarie - I started testing at 6dpo :haha: got my first bfp 9 dpo on an ic, very faint, with FMU! you're deffo still in the game :happydance: haha :D

mrs martinez - cheer up sweet, it could happen in the next 4 days and still be perfectly fine :) just try not to worry, stress can delay ovulation!
lol, i wouldn't say you're weak cmarie, just excited. Just wait it out a few more days. I hope it's a bfp for you this time.
So I'm doing good. Have the entire week off from work which is AWESOME! Been spending time relaxing, cleaning, and doing whatever I want to do. (Okay, more relaxing than anything else lol but I need it!)

I haven't talked to my ob/gyn since she prescribed me the provera. My plan right now is to wait it out a few more weeks and see if I get any signs of ovulation, af or anything before I call her. I'm still not going to temp or do anything like that, even though I kind of feel like I should so I feel like I'm doing something to help get pregnant besides bd'ing lol. But I think it will stress me out too much, so I decided what I'm going to do is work on getting healthier... excercising a lil more, trying to eat a little healthier, cut out soda and alcohol (for the most part) and doing some fertility yoga to get my mind right. That is reasonable for me to do and will help get my body more ready for getting pregnant, and then make pregnancy easier as well. And at least I can feel like I'm doing something productive. If af doesn't show in the next 3-4 weeks I'm going to call the doc and make them do bloodwork, just to know what's up. But honestly I'm really scared and don't want to go there if I don't have too....

So that's the plan, we'll see what happens :)

cmarie33 - it's early soon! I'm crossing fingers for you!

Same with you imsotired - you know you ovulate and you had af, so it should be all systems go over there! So exciting!

ameeann let us know how you're appointment goes!

And mrs. martinez, don't stress it yet, I'm sure you will ov sometime soon! at least you have slightly regullar cycles :)
Oh my god I think I see a line!!!!! It's pathetically faint and my camera doesn't do any justice but I see one!!! Oh my actual god!
Really really really????? What tests did you use? How many dpo are you? i want to see a photo! Aaaahhhhhh :happydance: yay a bump buddy! Haha
I've just woken oh up and he can't see it :( but I can. 9dpo. When I look at it it's pink and as thick as control line! But on camera it barely shows! I'll email you it!!!

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