Not sure where I am suppose to be....


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
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I posted in the NTNP area but it doesn't seem to be a very active message forum, so I hope that it's ok that I'm in the TTC#1 area.

We're not trying in the sense of using the OPK's though I have used them in the past, and we're not trying in the sense that I'm charting when I'm ovulating either. I just know when my period is suppose to begin and where I might ovulate during the month if I had a perfect cycle which I'm certain I don't. I'm very regular about 28-31 days but that's about it.

I guess I'm just trying to find some buddies during this, I think today up until Friday or Saturday is when I might be ovulating but the hubby and I are doing the baby dance about every other day when I'm not on AF.

I also used to be in the WTT and had a journal there but RL took me away over the holidays and I'm finally getting back into the swing of things.

I'd love to meet some buddies and have a few to chat with, hopefully I can also help out with some questions too! I'm not the most knowledgeable about this stuff but I google constantly. Haha

Anyways! I have a question that I haven't been able to figure out, what are the foods to avoid when you do become pregnant? I know raw fish is one, but I'm not certain on the others.
Hi akirkland,

I am in the same position as you, we are ttc/NTNP, not using OPKs or charts etc but are ttc #1 :) we are taking a very relaxed approach to it too. Currently waiting for AF to arrive at the weekend, although had mixed symptoms past week and having to be very patient as I'm dying to test. Is this your first baby?

Not entirely sure of the foods off the top of my head but the trusty Google always works! Lol.

Lovely to meet you & babydust to you x
Hi akirkland,

I am in the same position as you, we are ttc/NTNP, not using OPKs or charts etc but are ttc #1 :) we are taking a very relaxed approach to it too. Currently waiting for AF to arrive at the weekend, although had mixed symptoms past week and having to be very patient as I'm dying to test. Is this your first baby?

Not entirely sure of the foods off the top of my head but the trusty Google always works! Lol.

Lovely to meet you & babydust to you x

Awww it's great to meet you too! This would be the first child for me and my DH if we do happen to conceive. I do like the relaxed approach but I know if in about 6 months if no baby happens then we will most likely be doing the OPK's, charting, temping etc.

I'll be expecting AF around the 23rd or so this month, but I have a feeling I'll be like you with the whole symptom checking and eager to test ASAP. I hope you get a BFP though!

I'll google more but it's not super urgent to find out unless I get pregnant, just thought it would be fun to learn!

Welcome Akirkland. I am also taking the relaxed approach ttc #1. This is our first full month trying. There is at least a few of us taking the relaxed approach ttc #1 and this is our first month trying. I think you're just fine posting here.

I don't know the answer to your question as I've heard a lot of mixed info but I think its a great question to do research on :) Maybe that will be what I research this week when I have time
Hi ladies!

I've heard that you should avoid raw or under-cooked foods at all times. When I eventually fall pregnant, the most difficult of this for me would be my eggs... I like them runny and I've read that the yolk should be solid.

Don't know about other foods but I think I'll google it, just to sate my own curiosity... :)

I'm also TTC #1 and although I considered myself as 'actively trying', I did not use OPKs or Chart but I will start charting as soon as AF shows (I'm 12 days late with all tests being BFNs).

Good luck to you all and :dust: to everyone!
Hey Mrs.Gj and EElse! It's nice to meet you both! I love meeting everyone and reading over their stories on here. It's helped keep me a little less baby crazy though it's hard not to be.

Eggs will be trouble for me as well, I like them runny and also I enjoy lunch meat. Like this one brand of turkey you can get at most local grocery stores here. I could just eat that all the time so not being able to have deli meats will be hard. I read I think on wedmd to avoid that as well as unpasteurized dairy.

EElse I hope AF arrives for you soon you or you get that :bfp: it must be really frustrating and I'm certain by the end of this month I'm going to be in the same boat of stress. I'm hoping my stress doesn't cause it to be late though, I've had that happen before and it's just so heartbreaking when you continue to see :bfn: lots of :dust: to you and to everyone else!
Wow! We are very much alike in the 28-31 days thing, and well, according to some online ovulation predictor I will ovulate between Thursday and Sunday this week.

After seven years of actively PREVENTING this is our first month NTNP/TTC. We started out saying we were NTNP but that only lasted a weekend. I bought three OPKs at the dollar store and fuddled my way through one of them yesterday. My husband insisted I order more and I did, but I'm not sure how often I will use them. Still, I don’t really feel like we are hardcore TTC yet.

Recently on a grocery trip I saw nitrate free processed meat including hot dogs and other meats(don't remember the brand). Since nitrates and listeria are the biggest concern about the meat during pregnancy as long as you fully cook your nitrate free hotdog you should be okay! Well, personally I wouldn’t want to tempt it, but I’m just saying in case someone has an insatiable desire for something like that.
Wow Eelse that must be driving you insane!! I'd be going crazy lol. My AF is due on the weekend and j can't wait to see if AF arrives or not!! Finding it very hard being patient and not testing!

It's great to see so many of us in the same position :) we have said if not successful in the first few months of NTNP we will use OPKs too. So nice to have others to share this exciting experience with! babydust to you all :) xx
Wow! We are very much alike in the 28-31 days thing, and well, according to some online ovulation predictor I will ovulate between Thursday and Sunday this week.

After seven years of actively PREVENTING this is our first month NTNP/TTC. We started out saying we were NTNP but that only lasted a weekend. I bought three OPKs at the dollar store and fuddled my way through one of them yesterday. My husband insisted I order more and I did, but I'm not sure how often I will use them. Still, I don’t really feel like we are hardcore TTC yet.

Recently on a grocery trip I saw nitrate free processed meat including hot dogs and other meats(don't remember the brand). Since nitrates and listeria are the biggest concern about the meat during pregnancy as long as you fully cook your nitrate free hotdog you should be okay! Well, personally I wouldn’t want to tempt it, but I’m just saying in case someone has an insatiable desire for something like that.

Oodles it sounds like we're on the same cycle! That's so exciting to me! Haha! According the the AF tracker I use I should be in a fertile window between today and Saturday. I have used OPK's in the past and I did temp but I just can't remember to do that stuff daily. I was only trying both of those things because I thought we were ready for a baby and we were not. But now we certainly are and I am so excited to be doing this NTNP/TTC. I don't feel like we're hardcore into it but we're certainly not preventing anything like before though. It's been a lot more fun and just so stress free.

I don't eat hotdogs and I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to not even wanting to chance it. It's good to know there are options though!

Wow Eelse that must be driving you insane!! I'd be going crazy lol. My AF is due on the weekend and j can't wait to see if AF arrives or not!! Finding it very hard being patient and not testing!

It's great to see so many of us in the same position :) we have said if not successful in the first few months of NTNP we will use OPKs too. So nice to have others to share this exciting experience with! babydust to you all :) xx

MummyKP have you tested at all? I think it would be hard to just wait and see and not test, that's going to be a big struggle for me. It's so nice to have so many ladies in the same boat, have any of you picked up anything for possible future baby? I'm resisting on stocking up on things because I don't want to jinx myself. I just can't help but linger in the baby aisles at Target though.:blush:
Nope not's killing me! Hubby is keen to wait it out and see if AF arrives at weekend, testing Sunday if still not here!! Eeeeek. If I had it my way I'd have tested by now lol it's horrible! I will be fine with a negative tbh as Ithink we were too late in my cycle to have caught the egg (but not 100% sure on that) so we weren't actually ttc until January anyway because hubby wanted to wait until new year, but he got a little carried away after Christmas lol.

I'm the same, always look at baby things and really wanna buy stuff but don't want to jinx myself!! Can't wait to actually get away with looking at and buying things for baby :)

It's so exciting! Keep us posted on your month :)
Nope not's killing me! Hubby is keen to wait it out and see if AF arrives at weekend, testing Sunday if still not here!! Eeeeek. If I had it my way I'd have tested by now lol it's horrible! I will be fine with a negative tbh as Ithink we were too late in my cycle to have caught the egg (but not 100% sure on that) so we weren't actually ttc until January anyway because hubby wanted to wait until new year, but he got a little carried away after Christmas lol.

I'm the same, always look at baby things and really wanna buy stuff but don't want to jinx myself!! Can't wait to actually get away with looking at and buying things for baby :)

It's so exciting! Keep us posted on your month :)

I so hope you get a :bfp: I can't imagine the jitters I would be getting if I was in your shoes! I hope you were not too late in your cycle to catch it. I think my AF ended on the 29th, I can't honestly remember I have the worst memory ever. But somewhere between the 28th-31st it ended and I had some spotting on the 1st when we did :sex: since then we've :sex: on the 5th and yesterday as well. I'm going to skip tonight unless something comes over me and we will just continue the rest of this month with every other day. Hopefully that will cover us since I'm not sure when I actually ovulate.

I can't wait to purchase things either but I really want to make sure there is a bun in the oven first. :winkwink:
Thanks lovely....I really don't know tbh....telling myself I won't get a BFP to prepare myself as I think I was 24 hours late (if going by FF app) but we will see.i think my body has been playing tricks on me with the symptoms! Lol. But as I said we weren't 'trying' then, I still see January as our first cycle of trying by DTD every other day after AF. But omg if. Did get a BFP I would be over the moon!! Roll on Sunday! Lol. AF or no AF I'll be glad to have some answers and if AF comes I'll be excited to get it out of the way and onto trying!!

I've heard every other day is best so your plan sounds fab :) fx to you & DH!!

Yep completely agree....I'll feel better buying baby things when I'm actually pregnant....otherwise I would feel like a psycho lol so many lovely things though!!
LOL! When it comes to the baby section of various stores, I am always lingering but what makes it worse is I have 2 nephews that I helped raise for about 4 years so I always buy them things and even though I haven't lived with them for the past 3 years, I still remember what it was like while living with my sister and helping her with the kids.

Just a bit of info:
Her oldest has a neurological condition (still not diagnosed to this day - he is 10), they have a good medical aid so have seen lots of specialists but they are all stumped. He was also diagnosed with type one diabetes when he was 8 months old and is on the insulin pump. The poor boy has had so many operations that he cries when we pass a hospital.
Her second son is 100% healthy and is now 6 years old. The two get into each other's hair of course but he is very understanding of his brother's condition.

AFM: Well, the :witch: finally arrived so at least now I know where I stand... LOL! I'm on CD1 today and will for the first time be temping to make sure I know when O occurs. I'm also seeing doc today, just to tell him about this very long cycle that is now past - I was always 28-30 days, so a 42 day cycle is really weird.

And hopefully he can prescribe us something to help with fertility as neither of us has taken any prescribed medication for this (just over-the-counter stuff about a year ago).

Good luck to you MummyKP and I hope you get your :BFP: this weekend!
Thanks lovely....I really don't know tbh....telling myself I won't get a BFP to prepare myself as I think I was 24 hours late (if going by FF app) but we will see.i think my body has been playing tricks on me with the symptoms! Lol. But as I said we weren't 'trying' then, I still see January as our first cycle of trying by DTD every other day after AF. But omg if. Did get a BFP I would be over the moon!! Roll on Sunday! Lol. AF or no AF I'll be glad to have some answers and if AF comes I'll be excited to get it out of the way and onto trying!!

I've heard every other day is best so your plan sounds fab :) fx to you & DH!!

Yep completely agree....I'll feel better buying baby things when I'm actually pregnant....otherwise I would feel like a psycho lol so many lovely things though!!

I would be doing the same with the whole telling myself I'm not. The last thing I want to do this cycle since it's our first one of NTNP is get my hopes up that it will be this month. Although it would be just perfect if it is because we're visiting his family by the time I would know and since they live out of state I would just love for us to tell them that we're expecting. I just don't want to think about that too much, although it's pretty much all I can think about haha!

Your plan sounds great though, either way you seem excited to begin this process and if you're pregnant now that's even better! lots and lots of :dust: to you!

LOL! When it comes to the baby section of various stores, I am always lingering but what makes it worse is I have 2 nephews that I helped raise for about 4 years so I always buy them things and even though I haven't lived with them for the past 3 years, I still remember what it was like while living with my sister and helping her with the kids.

Just a bit of info:
Her oldest has a neurological condition (still not diagnosed to this day - he is 10), they have a good medical aid so have seen lots of specialists but they are all stumped. He was also diagnosed with type one diabetes when he was 8 months old and is on the insulin pump. The poor boy has had so many operations that he cries when we pass a hospital.
Her second son is 100% healthy and is now 6 years old. The two get into each other's hair of course but he is very understanding of his brother's condition.

AFM: Well, the :witch: finally arrived so at least now I know where I stand... LOL! I'm on CD1 today and will for the first time be temping to make sure I know when O occurs. I'm also seeing doc today, just to tell him about this very long cycle that is now past - I was always 28-30 days, so a 42 day cycle is really weird.

And hopefully he can prescribe us something to help with fertility as neither of us has taken any prescribed medication for this (just over-the-counter stuff about a year ago).

Good luck to you MummyKP and I hope you get your :BFP: this weekend!

Oh EElse I am the same way, I have two nieces so when I look at stuff I also keep them in mind as well. They lived with us for about a year so my oldest niece was a few months when they arrived and left after she was a little over a year. It was a very fun time, I loved helping out as much as I could.

I am so sorry to hear about your nephew, it's rough when a child has any sort of medical problem. For an ear ache to anything more severe. I hope they figure it all out soon and he can continue to enjoy being a child. The little brother sounds wonderful though!

:hugs: I'm happy AF showed and the whole waiting game is over for you, I hope your doctor can give you some answers as to why it was such a long cycle. There are some over the counter drugs I know that increase EWCM which is what we all need for those little :spermy: to move through and latch on in the right places. Otherwise I haven't been to a doctor about any fertility help, my SIL though used clomid I think to conceive both of her daughters. She has PCOS and said it worked for her after just a month or two of using it and TTC. Good luck to you at the appointment though, let us know how it goes. :flower:
Had some spotting today so thinking AF is on her way....I just want it here now so we can get on with our first official month of NTNP!! I was thinking this week about when we can go to our parents' to tell them if I was haha. It's so hard not to symptom spot and get your hopes high, I just want to be one of those women that catches first month!! Lol. Even though we weren't actually trying and I know we missed AF, I'm still gutted that she's on her way lol but deep down I knew it wasn't likely!

I have two nephews too and I absolutely adore them and I feel lucky to have the relationship I do with them, it makes me want my own more to have that strong love for a child!

Babydust to us all for this first cycle :)
Had some spotting today so thinking AF is on her way....I just want it here now so we can get on with our first official month of NTNP!! I was thinking this week about when we can go to our parents' to tell them if I was haha. It's so hard not to symptom spot and get your hopes high, I just want to be one of those women that catches first month!! Lol. Even though we weren't actually trying and I know we missed AF, I'm still gutted that she's on her way lol but deep down I knew it wasn't likely!

I have two nephews too and I absolutely adore them and I feel lucky to have the relationship I do with them, it makes me want my own more to have that strong love for a child!

Babydust to us all for this first cycle :)

Oh no :nope: I'm so sorry AF has possibly showed up. Well at least you know that this is the cycle you truly start NTNP and hopefully it will be the only cycle for you. I'm going to be sad when AF shows up near the end of the month, it would just be so amazing to be able to tell his parents in person since it will be another few months until we see them again. I'm going to keep my FX for me with this cycle, not sure when I O but we will keep on trying until AF shows up. haha

I love the relationship with my nieces too and I can completely relate on how it makes you want your own more. :dust:
No need to apologise, I was half expecting it as know we missed O! I still see this cycle (from today) as our first official month, so would be amazing if we catch it.

What cd are you on now? That would be so lovely for you, fingers crossed you'll get to tell them face to face when you see them :) our parents only live 2 hours away so can plan a trip to announce, it's our siblings which we might have to do over facetime!
Well I hope this is the month for you! I'm on CD 14 right now and FF says I should be Oing this weekend although I'm not using OPK's or temping so I'm not certain. I am following CM though a bit, I know it's not reliable either lol but it seems on track to when I will O according to FF. I hope we catch it, we've been doing alright with this every other day. We BD'd on the 1st in the morning, the 5th in the morning and the 6th in the evening. We will do the BD tonight, possibly tomorrow and Saturday. After that we will go back to every other day in case I O at a later time.

I would just love to be able to tell them face to face, they moved out of state a few years ago so we see them about twice a year. My husband sees them more than I but at most only about 3 times a year. His mom is completely baby crazy too, she wants grandchildren so badly and I want to give her them! haha
Thanks lovely! I hope this is your month too, would be lovely for you & DH particularly with the visit to the in-laws in time!

You're two weeks ahead of me, so lucky! Lol. Sounds like you've got it all sorted and BD'ing lots :) hope your TWW flies by, I love hearing about others' news too! I don't temp, use OPKs and don't really follow my CM either lol so we will just be DTD every other day/every two days.

Yeah that would be amazing as meeting with them is so rare :) even better that she loves babies so she will be completely over the moon!!
Thank you! I really hope it works this month, I noticed what I think is EWCM today, it wasn't much so I can't tell but I think that's a good sign. He just needs to get home from work already. Haha

I'm dreading the TWW actually, I know I will try not to symptom spot but it's going to be so hard not too, I just know myself and that I'm going to pay attention to everything and think it's a new symptom. So I'll have to keep telling myself that it's not, that this is just what my body does. I mean I already thought the 4 nose bleeds I had yesterday were possibly a symptom haha, and that's crazy because it's just really cold and has been really dry in my house.

Anyways, one month isn't that long and soon you will be in the TWW or at the point of testing. :thumbup:

Question for all the ladies, when you do fall pregnant do you want to find out the gender and if so are you going to do one of those gender reveal parties?

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