Not sure where I fit in here

I've been having bad cramps since she was born and last night while holding her the cramps got worse then I felt a gush so I thought af was here. Turned out to be a ewcm and a lit of it. I made an app on Thursday for the pain
Where are you in your cycle? I'm thinking if it's close to AF you might want to take a HCG test. I've heard of people having bad cramps (plus having tons of EWCM) when they get pregnant so could it be? Otherwise I have no clue.

AFM I'm ready to have my IUI so it'll be done on Saturday. I definitely have at least 1 follie that'll be ready plus some smaller ones but I doubt they'll reach to mature, maybe 1 of them. Here's hoping it's lucky #5 :)
I should be getting af any day now. I took a test about 3 or 4 days ago and it was negative. Then today I had the worse pains yet and so I checked my cervix to see if she was almost here but there was no blood around my cervix at all. So I'm really not sure what's going on. I have a doctors app tomorrow though since the pain has been going so long now so hopefully he can shed some light on it.

FX for you. I really can't wait to see how this cycle goes for you! I'm positive you'll have that sticky bean soon.
I've heard of people getting BFPs at 13 dpo and after so maybe it's possible? You should try taking another test before that appointment, just to be sure in case he asks. Let me know what happens:)

Thanks HCas, I'm hoping both of us soon get that sticky BFP. We've waited long enough:winkwink:

I'm not holding my breathe for this IUI but we'll see. After this, we have one more shot at IUI before being on forced break for 2-3 months until we can start IVF. Would be great if we didn't need it and got our BFP this time though.
Well took a test yesterday morning before my doctor appointment got a bfn get to it af shows. Then find out the pain was caused by bowel spasms so now I jave to take pain meds and muscle relaxers while taking care of a newborn. This does not sound like it will be a fun week. They did however put me back on metformin so maybe I'll get some where this year.

No matter what happens I have faith your miracle is right around the corner! I hope it all goes well this time around though
That doesn't sound pleasant:wacko: What were they caused by? Yeah, muscle relaxers don't sound like the thing to be on when you have a newborn:nope:

Thanks:hugs: Will let you how tomorrow goes. Hopefully I'll at least not have Oed. Ever since that happend for my 3rd IUI, I've been afraid of it happening again:wacko: I've been feeling activity in my left ovary so could be good if there's 1 more follie ready to pop so we'd have 2 follies but kinda doubt it.
They said anything from stress to ibs could cause it. And so far the meds haven't helped. It's just gotten worse and now period cramps are joining in.

Excited to hear how it goes. I'll keep you in my thoughts tomorrow. I hope food news is coming your way.
They said anything from stress to ibs could cause it. And so far the meds haven't helped. It's just gotten worse and now period cramps are joining in.

Excited to hear how it goes. I'll keep you in my thoughts tomorrow. I hope food news is coming your way.

Awww, HCas, can you take pain killers for it? Maybe you should call your GP and let him know the meds aren't helping.

So the IUI went well and I had 2 follies with a potential for a 3rd if I understood him correctly:happydance: The fun thing was it wasn't one of the 3 nurses I'm used to, it was the one male RE they have that did it. So here's hoping it makes a difference:thumbup: The only thing he did weird was he didn't tip me a bit so my head was a bit down but you don't dare say anything, especially when it's an RE doing it:wacko:

DH's count was it's highest: at 50 million:wacko:
Yay FX :thumbup: So now its just waiting right? This sounds very promising though so here's hoping they can swim XD

I called him and he told me to up my dosage since I was only taking 2 a day and you can take 4. He said if it doesn't help after the weekend to come back in Monday. Also am having the weirdest period ever. Two days ago it was just light spotting. Yesterday was either heavy spotting or extremely light flow and today is even lighter spotting. Have no idea what that could mean.
Yay FX :thumbup: So now its just waiting right? This sounds very promising though so here's hoping they can swim XD

I called him and he told me to up my dosage since I was only taking 2 a day and you can take 4. He said if it doesn't help after the weekend to come back in Monday. Also am having the weirdest period ever. Two days ago it was just light spotting. Yesterday was either heavy spotting or extremely light flow and today is even lighter spotting. Have no idea what that could mean.

Yep, now comes the 2WW which I hate:nope: Yeah I think DH's highest count was 40 million before this so it's 10 million more this time. But we refrained from BDing for 4 days to get that:wacko: Which was a problem for me because my hormones were going crazy and I was very BDing interested since it was leading up to O:dohh: So had to "take matters into my own hands" so to speak yesterday morning because I was going nuts and had had hot BDing dreams for 2-3 nights in a row.

OK I hope it soon helps then after upping the dosage:flower: Yeah, weird, but I think you can have strange periods once in a while. I wouldn't read too much into it:shrug:
Done with that weird period. It wound up being 5 days of light spotting.

So any updates for you? I know it's too early for results but how are you feeling?
Done with that weird period. It wound up being 5 days of light spotting.

So any updates for you? I know it's too early for results but how are you feeling?

Wow, that's pretty odd:wacko:

It's 7 dpiui today and nothing yet. But we'll see. Otherwise it'll be IUI #6 next time:dohh: I recently found out the clinic goes on summer hiatus but I can reach my 6th IUI before they shut down for 3 weeks.

Had an unpleasant visit with my narcissist mother yesterday which is why I was offline almost all day yesterday:nope: She was pretty nasty to me even though DH was with me although she'd of been even worse if I'd come alone. She was totally pissed I'm planning on voting for a political party she doesn't agree with plus that I'm anti-fur and she apparently is into fur because it's good for the economy. Going to try and further lower my contact with her.
Well my fingers are still crossed for you. And sorry you had to deal with that. I know how annoying it can be to talk to people who put down your political (and religion) views. It always seems to be more annoying when it's family as well. Hope cutting down on contact even more helps lower your stress levels. Less stress more baby dust is what my RE told me before we stopped going.

I've mainly been off due to family drama with my sister who is now homeless and taking shelter at my over crowded house. I don't think me and Roger are going to be in the running this month simply because between her and her two kids and Ave-Marie we have had no time alone to BD. And believe me we've tried. We even tried hiding out in the bathroom once but my niece really had to go and you can't really make a 4 year old hold it. Then my sister caught my arm and made me hang out with her. Love them but really wish my step dad was in town to take them for a bit. I want a bio baby!
Well my fingers are still crossed for you. And sorry you had to deal with that. I know how annoying it can be to talk to people who put down your political (and religion) views. It always seems to be more annoying when it's family as well. Hope cutting down on contact even more helps lower your stress levels. Less stress more baby dust is what my RE told me before we stopped going.

I've mainly been off due to family drama with my sister who is now homeless and taking shelter at my over crowded house. I don't think me and Roger are going to be in the running this month simply because between her and her two kids and Ave-Marie we have had no time alone to BD. And believe me we've tried. We even tried hiding out in the bathroom once but my niece really had to go and you can't really make a 4 year old hold it. Then my sister caught my arm and made me hang out with her. Love them but really wish my step dad was in town to take them for a bit. I want a bio baby!

Thanks, I haven't given up hope yet because at least I'm feeling things but of course not reading into anything (since it's stuff I've also had for BFN cycles). I'd know I'm completely out if I wasn't experienceing anything (or at least chances would be even higher for a BFN).

Yeah plus she was so nasty and childish about it, it just makes it even more annoying. She's always out to make me feel like less of a person and less of a woman than her. She was e.g. telling me how she knew the day after she was pregnant with all 6 of her kids and she couldn't understand I didn't know already the day after the IUI:dohh: Her parting shot was giving me a newspaper with an article about how kids have too much power in Danish society because the majority are spoiled too much. Not only that, my possibly narcissistic sister (we weren't raised together as her father and our mother had an ugly divorce and she grew up with her father) wrote the strangest thing on my FB on our anniversary as comment to the wedding pic I uploaded: " look stunning, (insert narcissistic older brother's name here) was right, I should've crashed your wedding! Happy Anniversary!" Ugghh, this family!

I'm sorry to hear you're having family issues as well:( How long are they planning on staying and how did she end up homeless? Maybe you and Roger should try getting away for a couple of hours a few times once your fertile period arrives again:winkwink: Your sister could watch Ave-Marie or if she can't, maybe a friend could?
Well she was staying at her biological dad's house but she threatened his gf's life multiple times and so they kicked her out and she lied to me saying that his gf was over stepping her boundaries and a pill popper. She called and told me to have Roger pick her up and I thought that we'd be taken her to her friend's house which is close by. But nope. She's been her since last Tuesday. And I don't want her watching Ave-Marie for more than a few minutes because children's personalities develop in the first 6 weeks of life and all she does is cuss, bad mouth people, and ignore her kids. I don't want that influencing my daughter.

I tried telling her that she couldn't stay here more than a day but somehow she weasled herself in her for almost a week. And we mainly don't say anything because of the kids. But every time I turn around my MIL is asking me about when she's leaving and such. And I don't blame her but its annoying me. And the whole time I've been in a ton of pain.

And sadly I don't know my fertile time. I never do. I just assume I won't ovulate each month because chances are I won't. I've been lucky the past few cycles that they were relatively normal but still. Not only that but he only has two days off and works two jobs every other day. So BDing isn't really an activity he wants to do much of. I think we've hit a wall hard.
Well she was staying at her biological dad's house but she threatened his gf's life multiple times and so they kicked her out and she lied to me saying that his gf was over stepping her boundaries and a pill popper. She called and told me to have Roger pick her up and I thought that we'd be taken her to her friend's house which is close by. But nope. She's been her since last Tuesday. And I don't want her watching Ave-Marie for more than a few minutes because children's personalities develop in the first 6 weeks of life and all she does is cuss, bad mouth people, and ignore her kids. I don't want that influencing my daughter.

I tried telling her that she couldn't stay here more than a day but somehow she weasled herself in her for almost a week. And we mainly don't say anything because of the kids. But every time I turn around my MIL is asking me about when she's leaving and such. And I don't blame her but its annoying me. And the whole time I've been in a ton of pain.

And sadly I don't know my fertile time. I never do. I just assume I won't ovulate each month because chances are I won't. I've been lucky the past few cycles that they were relatively normal but still. Not only that but he only has two days off and works two jobs every other day. So BDing isn't really an activity he wants to do much of. I think we've hit a wall hard.

Wow she sounds unstable:wacko: Could you try talking to her in private and agreeing on how long she can stay? Because otherwise she might never leave or make any plans to if there isn't a time frame set.

You could still try getting away sometimes. Maybe you have someone else you can trust to babysit? A friend?
Well my step dad said she can come stay with him when he gets back in state on Tuesday or Wednesday. If for some reason he won't take her in then my MIL has a phone number to a halfway home and will be telling her to leave. We still have to walk on eggshells however with her. The adoption isn't finalized and as you can tell my sister flies off the handle easily. She once threatened to keep my niece from me for telling her she needed to walk to find a job instead of waste our gas to go hang out with friends.

One wrong move and we could be looking at a cancelled adoption. So it all sucks. We can't just go and kick her out for that and other reasons, mainly being my niece and nephew, and we can't tell her how we feel for fear of setting her off. Me and Roger have pretty much become trapped in our own home with our own family.
Hi! I'm new here but not to ttc. I have been ttc since my miscarriage 8 years ago. I have had mostly downs in my quest to become a mommy. I have been told there is no reason why I've not been able to conceive. currently am on my 6th cycle of 50 MG of clomid. My husband has been tested and he is fine. This is the first time since starting clomid that I have had worries. I should have started on may 9th not that my cycles is spot on every month but this month I took test (clear blue plus) it was negative. I later that day had brownish pink blood when I wiped. (Sorry if tmi) I only spotted for a Lil bit on the 10th I did the same thing. Nothing on the 11th and spotted again on the 12th. I spoke with Dr he said it was my period and to start clomid. I tested again that morning to make sure and still negative. I've never spotted before I went on and took my clomid but when my ovulation hit my Dad was in the hospital with rejection of his lungs from a lung transplant. I wasn't able to dtd but I should have started by today and not even spotting? Not sure what to think and I seem to get swept under the rug by my dr:wacko:
Hi! I'm new here but not to ttc. I have been ttc since my miscarriage 8 years ago. I have had mostly downs in my quest to become a mommy. I have been told there is no reason why I've not been able to conceive. currently am on my 6th cycle of 50 MG of clomid. My husband has been tested and he is fine. This is the first time since starting clomid that I have had worries. I should have started on may 9th not that my cycles is spot on every month but this month I took test (clear blue plus) it was negative. I later that day had brownish pink blood when I wiped. (Sorry if tmi) I only spotted for a Lil bit on the 10th I did the same thing. Nothing on the 11th and spotted again on the 12th. I spoke with Dr he said it was my period and to start clomid. I tested again that morning to make sure and still negative. I've never spotted before I went on and took my clomid but when my ovulation hit my Dad was in the hospital with rejection of his lungs from a lung transplant. I wasn't able to dtd but I should have started by today and not even spotting? Not sure what to think and I seem to get swept under the rug by my dr:wacko:

Hello and welcome to BnB.

I know that feeling. I recently had a really strange cycle. Even when taking meds that even out cycles sometimes we can have off ones due to stress. They can be shorter and lighter or longer and heavier. Normally doctors don't worry about it until it happens 3 or more cycles in a row.

Other things that can effect your cycle are diet, life style, and work. If anything has changed lately or your stress level had been up that could be the reason. If it keeps happening I would stress it to your doctor.
Well my step dad said she can come stay with him when he gets back in state on Tuesday or Wednesday. If for some reason he won't take her in then my MIL has a phone number to a halfway home and will be telling her to leave. We still have to walk on eggshells however with her. The adoption isn't finalized and as you can tell my sister flies off the handle easily. She once threatened to keep my niece from me for telling her she needed to walk to find a job instead of waste our gas to go hang out with friends.

One wrong move and we could be looking at a cancelled adoption. So it all sucks. We can't just go and kick her out for that and other reasons, mainly being my niece and nephew, and we can't tell her how we feel for fear of setting her off. Me and Roger have pretty much become trapped in our own home with our own family.

Yeah I can see the problem:nope: How long before it's finalized? She really does sound like she has mental issues, I feel sorry for her kids:( I know what it's like growing up with a mentally ill mother. She doesn't sound like a person who should have kids:nope: I hope she agrees to move out to your step dad very soon so you and Roger can have some peace and so Ave-Marie is safe.

Welcome stillhopeful1:flower: I can relate to the unexplained infertility diagnosis, it's truely annoying to know that they can't find a reason for you not getting pregnant yet it's not happening. I've had my 5th IUI on injectables and fear I may have to go through a 6th but we'll see soon. Sorry to hear about your m/c:( Are you trying naturally with Clomid or with an IUI? If naturally, are you planning on trying IUI or maybe IVF?

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