Nov/Dec trying

Hey TashaAndBump

Thank you very much for your words of encouragement :) It is all a bit scary, as well as exciting. Tbh I've never really felt that maternal urge until recently. Being my first the whole pregnancy and birththing seems quite daunting to me at the moment. It will be our first ever attempt - so no kids, not tried until now. Can't wait for December to arrive and fingers crossed it won't take too long.

So you have one child and are trying for #2 around Dec? It will be nice to chat on here with someone else going through the same thing. As you've been there before, I'm sure I will have questions (some silly no doubt!).

So far I have given up smoking, going to start taking my folic acid this week, trying to eat more healthy foods and hoping my cycle isn't too messed up. It seems everyone is different and it's impossible to say what time you're going to have until you try :)

Thanks :)

Yeah, I had our first daughter in March this year, she was a surprise so this will be our first time trying, too :)

Regarding the maternal urge, I always swore I never wanted kids... until I got pregnant and it was the best thing in the world. I love being a mum so much - I think you can never really imagine or guess just how it will be until it happens to you... I'm sure you'll love it just as much! Being a mum really is the most beautiful experience imaginable, however also scary for me!

(Scary because: I love our daughter so much, the possibility of loosing her for whatever reason is the scariest in the world, and that has brought on a few anxiety problems, but obviously not everyone goes through that - I think it was brought about because when Anna was born she was very ill in special care; I'd just brought our beautiful, perfect baby girl into the world, and then I faced loosing her - that fear has stuck with me somewhat, but not so much that it impacts on my enjoyment of our little family at all. Sorry I've rambled on a little off topic!)

Ask all the questions that you like, hun and any I that I can answer I will do happily :) You seem to be doing everything just right so far regarding TTC you have done everything you can:) Well done on giving up smoking, too! I'm really impressed - I know how hard that is.

I hope our TTC journeys pass quickly and are followed with a healthy, happy nine months of pregnancy!! :happydance: I think there are going to be quite a few people trying around the same time so hopefully we'll all move into the first tri forums together and can all be preggo buddies!! :D
Lets hope theres plenty of space in ttc and 1st tri cuz hopefully there'll b plenty of us moving on together! I cant wait!!!
Thank you Tasha and Marg (what's your story Marg) for your warm welcomes. We no doubt have a great voyage ahead of us and I will look forward to sharing it with you :)
Well mines a long one! Ill try and and tell u the short version...
We started ttc June but I got appendicitis beginning of July :(
Had a visit from :witch: the day before I had my op, so wasnt pg at the time.

4 weeks after my op was feeling 'strange' and when :witch: was late I took a test, :bfp::bfp::bfp: We were overjoyed to say the least!!!!

Unfortunately, 2 weeks later I got some brown spotting, which that evening turned red, after being messed about at the docs I went to a&e where I was admitted for observations, the next day I went for a scan and it showed a 6 week feutus and sac, but no heartbeat :( -i thort I was 7 weeks at this point.

So I was told I was mc, and was offered a D&C, med management or try and go thru it naturally, I took the natural option, but to return in 2 weeks for a scan to see if there was any 'retaining products'. If there are, no choice, but D&C :(

So, its 2 weeks on, and ive had nothing, only light bleeding, and the odd pain here and there. Got my scan 2moro, but think its goin to be D&C for me :hissy:

Clearly physically Im not over my mc, but emotionally Ive dealt with it, Ive had my tears tantrums and days ive just not wanted to get dressed!! But now Im better! Talkin has really helped, bnb is a god send! I dont kno what id hav done without it!

As for ttc in Nov, I think my7 body needs a rest, after op, pg, mc and then D&C, i wont b surprised if its ready for the scrapheap!!

Anyway, I think Ive rambled on enough, so much for the short version!!!
oh, and cant wait to share the journey too, just wanted to add that :) :) :)
Wow so you've been through it Marg, sorry to hear that. I don't know exactly what a D&C is but I can guess from the context. Best of luck with ttc :)

My sister had a m/c earlier this year actually. She is desparate for a baby and has been trying ever since but no joy. She's going to have some tests done soon to see what's going on. In a way, I'd rather she got pregnant before me but we shall have to see what happens.
sorry to hear bout your sister and hope she gets some answers from her tests.

Good luck to you to with the ttc x
Hey girls. My husband and I also plan on TTC in November after MMC and D&C in August. Seems like a few of us have similar stories and I am nervous that this next one won't stick either as I have never had kids before so don't know what to expect! I have my fingers crossed for everyone!! I hope we can all stick together through this. :blush:
sorry to hear bout ur loss cleckner, but best of luck for nov xxxxx
We're TTC in October (Oct 15 coil removal) but as I have PCOS I haven't got a clue whether I'll be ovulating when or when I'm suppposed to be expecting periods - the last few times AF has arrived towards the end of the month - last time end of August which is a good sign! but quite frequently I skip months or even several months between periods... so I'm not all that hopeful of October trying (a girl can dream :) )

As for m/cs - obviously I've never been in that situation, but OH's mama had a few of them - and seven healthy children (who've given her nine grand children between them so far) - OH is the youngest at 31. So I wouldn't worry so much about that - from reading everything I can get my hands on, it seems very very sad and unfortunately more common than I thought it to be :(, but many people go on to have healthy babies
OMG it seems so near now!! DH and I have discussed a fair bit today about the pros and cons of having more than one baby / just the one child... and we both decided that we definitely do want to have one more child - for Anna's sake as much as our own.

Sometimes I get nervous about having to share her with a sibling :blush: lol or I wonder if things will live up to expectations - I love my little family SO much right now - it means the world to me, and for the mostpart I can only imagine that adding to that with our second and final child will make that even better, but sometimes I worry that it might make things so much harder that I might struggle to cope a bit, or what if I go and get PND after the next one, which I was so happy to have avoided this time around as I had an increased risk (due to previous depression) and I'd be so gutted if I did it all again and it WASN'T perfect like this time around - or I got post natal depression and everything wasn't perfect and beautiful and shiny anymore! I think I'm just being stupid, though! lol

DH and I have discussed this today and we both agree that it's just pre-TTC-jitters as it's so close, and that having another baby will only make our life even more shiny and beautiful :cloud9:

MrBum has affirmed to me tonight that he definitely does want to get my coil removed at the end of this year...

OH MY GOD!! We're really going to have another baby! :D
Hi! We're hoping to start trying in November (first ever attempt - eek!). Just wondering if I should be starting to take folic acid now - anybody know what the guidelines are?

I can't wait for November to come but I'm terrified at the same time! I guess that's normal though...
It can't hurt, Tracey. I am not getting my coil removed until the end of the year and am going to start taking pregnecare tomorrow. Having said that, I have tonnes of the stuff stashed away from my last pregnancy so it won't cost me anything to start early.

It won't hurt not to take them before you TTC, but you ideally want to be taking them when you are trying so that you have the best possible start if you do get lucky and get that :bfp: on your first month of trying!

Good luck, hun.

PS: It is perfectly normal to be nervous! lol It's a bit like pre-wedding jitters :lol:
Hey all, so, I hav an issue....
We've decided that we're not gonna start trying til Nov after my mc, but inn the mean time I dont really wanna go back on the pill and confuse my body even more! So othere than completely abstaining(sp) from :sex: which obv isnt an option, dont think OH would cope til Nov :rofl: lol!
So,what else can I do? Even just not having :sex: when Im ovualting isnt gonna stop me getting pg is it?
Sorry for the moan!
Hey girlies :) Right, I'll try to respond to everyone.

Hi Tacey. I am ttc from December and I started taking my folic acid supplement this week. I think the general advice is to take a few months before ttc and then up to the 12th week of pregnancy. Good luck to you :)

Tasha. Funnily enough we have talked about how many children. We are kind of set on one but we have said we'll see. There are pros and cons aren't there. One will be less hassle but two means they'll have each other. We're going to see what happens. That's great you have decided for definite on your ttc #2 :)

Marg. I'm in a similar situation actually. I am off the pill (just) and we aren't ttc until December, so sex is an issue. Especially as we aren't keen on the other most obvious form of contraception. Anyway, I've just bought some as we couldn't think of any alternative and it's a long time til December...... ;)
Hi Poshie :)
How r u 2day? Good luck for the ttc in Dec :happydance:
The idea of the 'obv' contraception option did come up, but as OH described it as 'like wearing wellies in the bath' it kinda put me right off! :rofl:
Will just hav 2 c how it goes I guess....
I just wanted to say good luck to all of you ladies trying in Nov/Dec
Hi Luckyme and thank you for your good wishes :)

Marg - I had exactly the same response from my DH, but we couldn't think of an alternative! PS. If you do, let me know won't you ;)

PPS. I'm doing okay thanks. Back at work today though. Had a good weekend, at least the weather was nice which makes a change.

Roll on December!
Have you girls thought about natural birth control? This website should be helpful in learning when NOT to have sex lol. I think the general idea is that if you keep a very close eye on your cycle, and avoid :sex: during the time that you are ovulating (and around) then you should, in theory, avoid a pregnancy. However it is of course not fool proof - there is always that risk, but the same goes for any contraception really. If you google 'natural birth control' you should find lots of info out there... I don't know much about it all really... Other than the 'pull out' method! :lol: (I have a vague idea about how that works lol)

Failing all else just take your chances lol! We're not that far off from Nov / Dec now - and wouldn't it be impressive to fall pregnant BEFORE your first month trying?? :rofl:

Note: If you really, really mustn't / don't want to get pregnant before November, don't take any risks, as sods law would have it, you'll get pregnant straight away lol
Hi Tasha. Thanks for the tips. We have considered natural birth control (and the other day, used the RM - slightly scary but hopefully I won’t be pg!) this as an option. As I’ve only just started, ie. only just come off the pill, I am only just able to begin charting. I intend to chart CM and once I’ve had my first ‘normal’ af, I will maybe use OPK. I want to give my body a chance to be pill free and resume some sort of natural cycle, so that’s why I don’t want to fall pregnant earlier. Plus me being me, I wanted to ease myself into the idea and am a bit of a one for planning! Having said that of course there is always a risk it could happen earlier and that’s one we are now prepared to take. I just rationalised in the end that pg is less likely with condoms, so went for that option, albeit not a popular one! :D

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