Nov/Dec trying

lol if it were any longer a time period I would be putting the idea of the coil out there, but for the sake of three months it doesn't seem worth it :shrug: lol
This thread went a bit quiet, so thought I'd wake it up!

A friend of mine had the coil and her story put me off! I'm sure it's fine for many people, but you know what it's like when you hear bad things from a friend....She didnt' get on with it (was in pain) and so I've always rule dit out. Also, the pill suited me as it was easy and unobstrusive.

Its' been 14 days since I stopped taking the pilll now (7 days since last artificial af). So I'm playing the waiting game at the moment - when will my first 'true' af come, will it come at all and what will it be like! Bad news is I had a massive spot come up on my chin. Haven't had one for AGES, so I'm putting it down to hormonal changes from coming off the pill ;)

How's everyone else doing?
Hi all :)
well as for my 1st af after coming off the pill... it came 28 days after my last 'atificial' one, right on time, and was pretty normal, just lasted a bit longer. Mind u, I did hav appendicitus at the time...
How am I? I feel like Im dying from the inside!!! Ive got massive pains and kept being sick and collapsing last night! Got my scan at 10:30 2day, so hopefully theyll b able to give me sum answers, and stop this internal bleeding, which has now been happening for 4 weeks!!!!!! :hissy:
Sorry for the rant! just feeling sorry for myself this mornin, perhaps due to the lack of sleep :cry:
I'm sorry to hear about the pain and bleeding. Is it to do with your appendicitis op or something un related? I hope they get to the bottom of it for you quickly, you can't go on like that.

So your af's came back quickly then by the sound of it (lucky you). It could be nothing but I have sort of stomach aches today. It doesn't feel like af but it's not a completely disimilar type of feeling. Probably nothing and could be imagining it. I was thinking today, there is technically a 25% chance that my natural af will be the same time as my pill af's (like you Marg).

PS. Glad it's nearly the weekend! :)
Hi All... haven't been in here for a while... Glad the thread is still going well. I'm on my 2nd cycle now. Came off the pill 21st July. AF came 23rd.. my first real one was 34 days later which is a bit long. Althou it did arrive 15 days after ovulation so that seems to be perfect timing. Had my 2nd real AF 25th Aug. I thought i ovulated 5th Sept but i may have gotten this wrong. I think it was more like 13/14th. If so AF will be due27/28th.

I think our reason for having another is the same as most people in here. We don't want our little boy growing up without any siblings. I've also kept all my stuff from first tme around so hoping i don't have to buy much stuff.

We only have Oct left as Sept is nearly over! it's getting closer ladies.. I can't wait. Hope it happens first time for us all. Thats why i came off the pill so early. I wanted to get it out of my system totally and get my cycle back. Hoping it goes back to 28 days.

Have any of you thought about names yet?

Sorry for the long one!
H x
marg 27 how did you get on with your scan? have they given you any answers? hope the pains have stopped and the bleeding. Hope you start feeling better soon.
I wouldn't wish on your AF girls!! lol I'm in the middle of a very painful and loooooooooooong one at the moment and I am wondering will it ever stop??? It feels like I've been bleeding forever and my tummy feels like there is a metal claw or something in there, grabbing at my insides and squeezing them :( ouchouchouch

One of the downsides of having a coil is I'm not allowed to use tampons - and I hate towls!! humph lol

Marg: I'm very sorry for what you are going through at the moment - it sounds horrific - hope they sort it out for you soon - it's not on to have you bleeding for so long - 4 weeks?? They shouldd have sorted it out for you LONG before now :hugs: Hope you get better soon xx

On an up note: 6 WEEKS TILL NOVEMBER!!! Start the countdown now girls!!

poshie - my first true AF off the pill was so much more painful. Not awful.. but definatley more aches and pains and it was also much heavier. It felt good thou having a true AF in a weird way. Hope she doesn't take too long to come for you. Have you been keeping an eye on CM? when it goes egg white your around ovulation time.. then you only have to count 14 to 16 days on for your AF to come... but you probably knew that already. Good luck.

h x
tashandbump - mine was the same.. althou yours sounds a bit more painful. I wonder why real AF's are longer and give more pain? 6 weeks - oh my god.. thats nothing... just think ion 6 weeks time we mightn't be able to drink alchol any more (miss my rose wine) we'll have to be careful what we eat... lets enjoy the next 6 weeks.. going shopping for a few bottle of wine i think...

h x
We are WTT till nov/dec do nned to start tracking my cylcle more. We can wait toghether :) x
Have any of you thought about names yet?

Sorry for the long one!
H x

Hey no need to apologise - It was a good read! You've got me all excited now, about everything!!


Can't wait!! :happydance: How will we explain to Anna about mummy having a baby in her tummy?! lol I suppose in a way it will be better that she is so young because at the stage she's in at the moment, things don't need much explaining - she seems just to take everything in her stride! :D lol

I can't wait to see her face when mummy starts growing - it was a picture when I dyed my hair lol She doesn't miss anything our princess :cloud9: Hahaha how will she react when we bring new baby home?? ... When my mum had me, my sister (she was 2) is alleged to have said, "I don't like it - take it back and get another one". :rofl:

Ahhhhh I can see the two of them playing, in my mind and I've imagined christmases to come and it's all just so mind-blowing and thrilling! Can't. Wait. Woop! :lol:

And as for names we have that all planned out, we're hoping for a boy as we're only having 2 children (in total) and one of each seems idyllic - but we'd love another little girl, too! :D

If we have a boy we've thought about Thomas William Lund-Conlon, and we like Elizabeth Grace Lund-Conlon for a girl.

Wow - hubby seems just as (maybe more??) keen as me now!! It's all so real and close. I love my little family:cloud9: Life is pretty great for us right now :D
tashandbump - mine was the same.. althou yours sounds a bit more painful. I wonder why real AF's are longer and give more pain? 6 weeks - oh my god.. thats nothing... just think ion 6 weeks time we mightn't be able to drink alchol any more (miss my rose wine) we'll have to be careful what we eat... lets enjoy the next 6 weeks.. going shopping for a few bottle of wine i think...

h x

I haven't been able to drink since last September!! (2007) Because I feel pregnant and am still breastfeeding so STILL can't drink lol In this time I had my birthday, Christmas, new year, MY HEN NIGHT! My Wedding, Our Anniversary, Valentines day, Sister's hen night and wedding.... - and stayed sober through out all of them!! hahahahahaha!!!

Worth it tho :cloud9:
Hello again all, good to see you back. There's been some posting here since I was last on before I went home for lunch.

I've definitely got something going on 'down there' - it doesn't feel like true af pains but definitley a similar type of achy/crampy. I'm CD 13 (but that's worked out from my last artificial af) and I didn't used to get period pains until the day I was due on (on the pill). I guess I'm either ovulating or my af will be along soon.

I wonder how Marg got on.....

As for names, no I haven't really thought about it. In a way I don't want to until I'm Pg as I don't want to jinx anything. Sounds stupid probalby but there you go. We would both like a boy but we'll see what happens, who knows ;)
we're hoping for a girl 2nd time around but another boy would be just as good... we've picked so many names;

isabella, imogen, matilda
luca, lucas, isaac, warren

poshie - sounds like ovulation pains.
i know what you mean about jinking things.. i'm so supersticious.. we tried for quite a few months for our son.. but the month i got pregnant i created a ticker saying pregnant in -- days... and it worked. We should all do the same in Nov/Dec...
Little question for you JM - How did you know your af was 15 days after ov, ie. as it was your first true af? Is it because you used opk or did you know by some other way?

AF came 23rd.. my first real one was 34 days later which is a bit long. Althou it did arrive 15 days after ovulation so that seems to be perfect timing.
Hi Jacobs Mummy! I'm really going to TTC in November! I'll look for you in the cycle buddies threads then. Until then, I'm taking Maca root powder and other things to try to strengthen my hormone balance. I recommend Maca to anyone, I have noticed a good shift/change in my moods since I've been on it. I'm not TTC at the moment, but we haven't used protection for 5 years...haha, so I figure, in November I'll prop myself upside down all month! lol~
Hi everyone, can I join?

we are due to ttc in December, although I am hoping my doc can tell me we can start now when I see him on Tuesday.

it is so hard being so close now to the time!!
Little question for you JM - How did you know your af was 15 days after ov, ie. as it was your first true af? Is it because you used opk or did you know by some other way?

AF came 23rd.. my first real one was 34 days later which is a bit long. Althou it did arrive 15 days after ovulation so that seems to be perfect timing.

I'm reading a "taking charge of your fertility" by Toni Weschler. She explains how to read your bodily signs. I used an OPK to find out when i Ovulated but also noticed egg white CM which is a sign of ovulation also. A natural cycle can have any number of days prior to ovulation but only between 14 and 16 after. So i started counting after i got egg white and a positive on my OPK and exactly 15 days later i had a period. This month thou i notice egg whites on day 12 so assumed i'd have a period on day 26 or 27 but that was last fri.. and still no period. But then on day 18 i notice a little more egg whites so used OPK (which i didn't use on day 12) I got a faint line which got darker until it was darker than control line. That was last sunday - therefore i mustn't have ovulated on day 12 when i first thought. So i reckon i'm due a period between next fri and sunday. Have to wait and see. Hope that made sense.

H x
Hope everyone had a good weekend. We had friends over for most of it so didn't come on here. Thanks for your replies and advice. Soon be October then just 2 months til we ttc! I reckon it's going to come around pretty quickly you know, especially if you think of it in terms of cycles. That's technically 2 cycles for me. That does depend of course, if my af comes when it's supposed to, that's the unknown bit. Fingers crossed and best of luck to all :)

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