Nov/Dec trying

i'm sorry TashAndBump.. get yourself better after your op and then you can give trying your best.. Once christmas is over March will fly by.
H x
Welcome back Jacobsmummy :) It's not long now until December (my first ttc month). I realised yesterday that after this (my first cycle) there will be just 2 more cycles until ttc! Fingers crossed I have a 'normal' as possible further 2 cycles.

I think my husband thought I was weird that I was so pleased at my af arriving yesterday! lol

How is everyone else doing? Getting excited yet?
hey marge, im sorry to hear about the ectopic pregnancy, u sound like a real trooper and i know that if u just stay positive everything will work out fine :hugs:
today was my hospital booking in visit... (MC last week) oh well.. fingers crossed and all goes to plan i'll be having another booking in appointment early Jan...

Not sure how my body shoudl work after MC. My scan showed that my cervix has gone back good. MW said have one cycle and then try again. So just waiting now for AF to arrive. Not sure when i should count from but i though CD1 should be when i started loosing which was a week last Mon. MW said count from the day i stopped loosing - i'm just gonna wait and see what happens - hopfully i get AF soon. MW said no reason why it shoudl be delayed as everything looks fine (cervix etc) and has gone back to pre pregnancy state.

Come on Nov... we wanna get started...

h x
I'm sorry I can't offer any advice on this subject jacobsmummy. I can, though, wish you a speedy recovery and hope your af comes very soon. I can also get excited with you for our upcoming ttc! Sounds like you may be ttc next month - I'm waiting til December. It really isn't far away now (2 more cylces for me) and I'm getting more nervous and more excited,all at once. It's the big unknown......;)
Just popped on to say hi to everyone... and to see how everyone is doing. Do you have any nice plans for the weekend? i'm out sat nite with the girlies for a few drinks and a boogie.. fingers crossed i won't have many more sat nites out drinking... sounds funny saying that! but if we start trying next month and get BFP straight away then no more wine or vodka for me! can't believe i'm getting excited about that...

h x
Good to have you back :) No major plans for the weekend - I'm currently working actually until about 1.30pm. Then usual housework, dog walking and not alot else if I can help it!

So November will soon be here and you can get down to some serious ttc! I keep getting excited and then scaredabout it all tbh. I suppose it's because it's all so new and unknown. Not long now though!

Have a good time with you friends. I still have a drink now and again, but nothing heavy. I'm pleased to say that I still haven't had a cigarette and I gave up (cold turkey) on 1 September :)

Roll on Nov/Dec !
Hi all

Im new to this site today.

I have been reading through this thread for quite some time. I would just like to ask your advice.

Me and my husband have decided that we will try for a baby jan/feb 09. As it is only three months away would you recomend taking any folic acid tabs/pre-pregnancy tabs. etc.

I have just finished my pill on thursday gone - am due period Sunday/Monday. I am going to stop taking the pill now to help get my cycles in order before ttc.

All advice welcome x x x
Hi there NewYearNewMe (might have to call you Newy for short!). Welcome to the board and our little thread :)

Well I stopped taking the pill at the beginning of September and at the same time I started taking folic acid. It is generally recommended that you take it 3 months prior and up to the 12th week of pregnancy. I don't take any prenatal vitamins, although my folic acid tabs have calcium and vit D included in them. I continue to take my vit c, as I always have. I came off the pill 3 months before we are due to ttc, just so I could attempt to get my body into some sort of 'normal/natural' cycle. I'd been on the pill for 16 years so I could bearly remember what normal periods were like! Had my first proper af this week. 2 more cycles then ttc!

Will you be trying for baby no. 1? Good luck to you and hope you will stick around here and enjoy the chat. :)
Hi newyearnewme... yes as poshie said you should ideally take folic acid 3 months before. I came off pill mid July... and started on folic acid straight away. Plan to try next month.. First period came about 3 days after i finihsed the pill as normal. My real period then came 34 days from day one of previous period (when i say real i mean without a 7 day break off pill) Good luck hope your cycle gets back to normal quickly for you.

I had a good time last weekend with the girls - we had a good laugh.

I'm still getting mild period pains every now and again. I have no idea when i'm ovulating or if i will ovulate this month at all (due to my MC last month) Hoping AF comes 29th Oct which will be 28 days.. i can then start trying.. how exciting!

Well done poshie for still giving up on those nasty cig's. Hope you feel really proud of yourself and also healthier. Good for you.
H x
Looks as though I will be waiting til December too, if everything goes well. If things aren't well, I could be in WTT until Spring '09. *deep breath* I am trying to be patient, but husband keeps pushing back the date. The only reason I am ok with it right now is cause the state of our basement is less than fantastic, and we need to address that before we TTC.
Thank you Poshie and Jacobs mummy for your very helpful advice.

Yes it will be baby number one and our first time trying so fingers crossed x

Its so good to speak to people who are in the same situation - hope to be speaking to you all more often and good luck to all ttc very soon. x x
Hi Jacobs Mummy! I'm really going to TTC in November! I'll look for you in the cycle buddies threads then. Until then, I'm taking Maca root powder and other things to try to strengthen my hormone balance. I recommend Maca to anyone, I have noticed a good shift/change in my moods since I've been on it. I'm not TTC at the moment, but we haven't used protection for 5 years...haha, so I figure, in November I'll prop myself upside down all month! lol~

What is Maca? I have never heard of it and I really need to balance my hormones.

Hi! I'm posting this without reading on the rest of the posts...hopefully I'm not re-answering this for you. Maca root comes in powder is a fertility suppliment and helps increase your sex drive. I've done lots of research on this natural stuff because I have endo and have been trying to enhance things in a natural way. I ordered mine from Amazon and you can also get it from a healthfood store in capsule form.

Maca has helped me. I'm not sure to what extent because it's only been one cycle since I've started it. I want to TTC in November and last cycle was a good one compared to the ones prior. I could go on but if anyone has questions feel free to email me!

Hi jacobs mummy

I tooo am trying for a baby i will find out if im pregnant on my wedding day nov 15th this year i already have a little boy hes neally 4 now

wish u all with lots of baby dust :hug::dust::
Hey Nov Dec ttc'ers! This thread has nearly disappeared off the first page, we can't have that. It is nearly November after all ;)

So how's everyone doing? Getting ready to go go go hope!? D-day is nearly upon us.

We are going to book ourselves some Winter sun. Namely a holiday in Jan or Feb, probably Cape Verde islands. We haven't had a holiday since our honeymoon in 2005 and we have decided some sun in the middle of winter would do us good. It's been a tough but eventful year and we decided we deserve a nice break :) Anyone else go any holiday plans?
Following my recent miscarriage (1st Pregnancy) I have been advised to wait until after af before trying again. At the moment i'm finding it difficult to be patient and want to try again right away, however I fear I would blame myself if anything went wrong with the 2nd Pregnancy if i do not wait so think I will do as i'm told.

At the moment i am still having positive pregnancy tests (very faint now though) and OPKs are still showing 2lines but am hoping by the end of this week they will both be negative... that's a first... hoping for negative tests on a trying to concieve forum.

This month I am counting day one as the day of my EPRC (D&C) which was monday. Hopefully my af will return as normal 28days after, although i realise day 1 is not really the first day of m/c bleeding I am staying optomistic.

Good luck to everyone trying in the next few months, hopefully we will all have :bfp: by the end of the year.
Hi there Chanel. Thanks for picking up this thread and sharing your story, it has been rather quiet in here ately.

Sorry to hear of your loss and I wish you lots of luck in your bfp quest. I start ttc for the first time next month. Can't quite believe it is nearly time!!

Hi there Chanel. Thanks for picking up this thread and sharing your story, it has been rather quiet in here ately.

Sorry to hear of your loss and I wish you lots of luck in your bfp quest. I start ttc for the first time next month. Can't quite believe it is nearly time!!


Thanks Poshie, Last time we caught on the first month of trying so hopefully you will be the same... I was really shocked at how quickly it happened when you read so many stories of women having problems.

I used OPKs in the months leading up to ttc and started taking folic acid, the opk showed up positive on our wedding day so we made the most of our honeymoon :happydance:

Good luck for next month, hopefully it will happen straigh away :happydance:
Hi there Chanel. Thanks for picking up this thread and sharing your story, it has been rather quiet in here ately.

Sorry to hear of your loss and I wish you lots of luck in your bfp quest. I start ttc for the first time next month. Can't quite believe it is nearly time!!


Thanks Poshie, Last time we caught on the first month of trying so hopefully you will be the same... I was really shocked at how quickly it happened when you read so many stories of women having problems.

I used OPKs in the months leading up to ttc and started taking folic acid, the opk showed up positive on our wedding day so we made the most of our honeymoon :happydance:

Good luck for next month, hopefully it will happen straigh away :happydance:

I too have been using opk's and taking folic acid. I have had a 28 day cycle and a 24 day but ov'd around the same time CD12. So I am going to opk test today for a few days and see what happens. Then it's wait for next af and's ttc time!

Thanks for the positive words of encouragement, it's nice to hear ! :)

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