November 2012 Due Dates

holl--- what an adorable little man!!!

we don't have a pool- just beaches. but honestly, it hasn't been as hot here as usual. thank goodness!
Sorry Charlie - but with all the ladies talking about cakes I just had to add to the talk and that was the best I could do. It was just soo light and delicious - if you ever come across an egg-free cake shop - give it a try! YUM YUM YUM!

I could so have done with a swimming pool today! Its days like today (30'C in North Kent) that I really miss our old house in CT. Had a lovely big swimming pool! Could do wiht a dip now!
You guys crack me up! First off that damn cake made me have to get off my lazy butt on my day off and make my own yummy fudge chocolate yummy cake :rofl: and second I WISH we could get some sun around here! We still have cold monsoon rain coming down here in Oregon at the end of stinking JUNE and it is so frustrating!! I am ready for my summer sunshine damnit!!! We actually got in the hot tub yesterday because it was cold out (don't worry ours is only at 95 degrees while I'm pregnant so totally safe)...I am tired of these grey cloudy skies :(
So angry with my job :growlmad: Sorry this may be long winded but I need to vent and type it out to feel better.

My doctor told me last week to not lift more than 25lbs. I have been having lots of muscular skelatel pain in my back and hips that concerned my doctor and they sent me to Labor and Delivery to be moniterd. Knowing that turning in a note saying I was on restriction is not possible for the position I work in, I did not tell them but have been complying with doctors orders with the help of my co-workers

Today, this new manager of ours had a "meeting" with me and my two co-workers. She said she is raising the expectations for our positions and that we needed to think if this is the job we really want to do. She said that my direct supervisor does about 95% of the work and that is not acceptable, and then she bragged that her and my other co-worker were able to complete the job in 4 hours. So who do you think this meeting was really directed at?....yep me. Although I have been busting my butt in pain, its not enough. She then reminded us that there are only 10 full time postions in our store which means insurance (which obviously I have to have) and that 3 of us held them, and that if we cant meet her standards that she will dissuss moving us to another area that will not be full time and might be nights and weekends and give it to people who can do the job.

Now I know what you all are thinking, she cant do that, thats discrimination. Your right.... however my company knows the laws and the loop holes. I have watched them do this to others. If she was to come to me she will offer me "another job to accomadate my needs" and if I decline and try to sue, she can simply say that she offered me a job and I declined it.

Basicly in order to keep my full time benifits I have no choice but to take a leave of absence. I can take it for up to a year and the day I do it, it locks in my insurance so they cant take it away, but my position is only safe for 12 weeks. Obviously I have longer than 12 weeks to go so I give up my position. I didnt plan on coming back to the company after the baby was here, and the insurance is the only reason I stay. We can make it with just the OH income, but its not spending ANY extra money and only paying bills. You know paycheck to paycheck. Which means no baby shopping for me and praying that at my babyshower people will purchase more than just clothes.

I called OH tonight ( he is still out of town :nope:) and he was mad that they would put stress on a pregnant lady like that! He told me to take the leave and that he would work more hours to not see me so upset. Im happy he is so supportive, I really wish he was here.

I thought I would be so happy to not work and just focus on school, my family, and growing life, but honestly im scared.

Ok. sorry for the venting, It does feel good to get it out there. :hugs: good night ladies
momma- i'm so sorry! that's just horrible that you've been treated this way. i wish i could say anything to make you feel better, but i know it won't change your situation, so i'll just send you lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
You guys crack me up! First off that damn cake made me have to get off my lazy butt on my day off and make my own yummy fudge chocolate yummy cake :rofl: and second I WISH we could get some sun around here! We still have cold monsoon rain coming down here in Oregon at the end of stinking JUNE and it is so frustrating!! I am ready for my summer sunshine damnit!!! We actually got in the hot tub yesterday because it was cold out (don't worry ours is only at 95 degrees while I'm pregnant so totally safe)...I am tired of these grey cloudy skies :(

thats so funny.. ive been watching all of the Olympic qualifiers (track and field) and every time i am like "does it ever not rain in Oregon?!?!" haha hope the skies clear soon!

and mommabarry i am so sorry that you are being treated that way. it is terrible. here's some more :hugs:
MommaBarry-Oh my goodness! I can't believe that! I know I can't say much, but it sure seems like you have a supportive husband. My husband is the same way, he'd rather work overtime so I can stay home and raise our babies and not have to stress about work on top of all the stuff at home. It sometimes isn't easy or fun living paycheck to paycheck but you learn how to do it and you make it work. So, I feel your pain on the stress as far as that goes...Anyway, good luck!! And lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you!
Thank you wishful and Ashley. Your right he is very supportive, he would do anything to just see me happy. One of the many reasons I love him so much. Im trying to see the positive although I have been a hormonal blubbering fool this evening.
I am healthy, and so is baby.
I am blessed to be able to carry another life within me.
I have a home and he has a job.

I also have apple pie :toothpick: to fill my emotional needs

I really am feeling much better now that I have got it out. Now I need advice on surviving on a budget. It has been years since I have been on one.
we live on one budget too and believe me it can be stressful. we dont have much room for error but we make it work. it helps that my husband works OT and on weekends too... bless our awesome husbands!!

and yummm enjoy that apple pie!! xx
Momma that is terrible. I'm not sure of the laws in the states but over here you could do them for bullying, discrimination and now I can't remember the term (baby brain) but that you had to resign due to the way you were being treated. Did they offer you any money to resign? X
Mommabarry, that's awful, I can't believe that they can treat you like this while you're pregnant, surely they should be accommodating you and supporting you as your needs change and they will on a weekly basis now. I've been under a lot of stress at home with my poor Mum and work has not helped...I'm an A&E sister in a big trauma centre, so pretty full on. I've not been getting much slack from my boss either who seems oblivious to the effects of my ever expanding bump and back aches etc, but nothing like your situation at all, I am very protected over here in the UK so I won't complain. The most important thing for you and baby is not let yourself get stressed, it's really not good when your pregnant, so plenty of apple pies and positive thoughts :)

As for surviving on a budget...not a scooby, I am totally hopeless with budgeting, something i am going to need to learn too for after bub's arrival!!
MommaBerry, that posting made me see red for you :grr: Your company has some brass balls. From the way you wrote that it seems like there were plenty of witnesses to this meeting? Did I see that right? I think I would speak to someone in HR. I don't know how big your company is, but that is what I would do I think. My company hasn't been very helpful either in providing me a different ground position and some days I just get really exhausted. I flatly refuse to do some things at work now. It's amazing how many people expect us to lift and store their bags for them. I flat out told a passenger I wouldn't stow his bag because I am 5 months pregnant. I don't have a supervisor looking over my shoulder though. And technically we are supposed to get help to lift a bag, but realistically getting help from another flight attendant during airplane boarding when there is just one aisle and a plane load of people coming at you is just completely not happening. Thankfully, another passenger stepped in and put it up for me, bless him. It is really ridiculous that your company is trying to get away with this. I'm so angry for you. I don't know what a lawyer could/would do, but I would have a hard time not fighting back of I were in your shoes. The nerve!!!!!!!! I'm seeing red!!!!!!! However, being the child of a lawyer, I know that companies play dirty and sometimes it's best to avoid the stress and fight and move on for your own good. That's pretty blatant though. Witnesses would be the key factor I think.
The cake picture..... Look what you started! I have been trying to be better as I have already gained 29 pounds. That first tri really did me in. I ate and ate trying to calm the nausea. I got chastised by my MW. Now I feel guilty every time I eat. I really hope it doesn't turn into GD. I don't think it will if I am careful with what I eat from here out, but it is really hard traveling. I need to enlist my hubby's help. He's not so good at the healthy eating and planning meals out... But maybe if I do it in a way that says it's for my health and the health of the baby he will make an effort. Or maybe I should just get some healthy frozen meals. :haha:
my problem has been i NEVER know what i want to eat until like 10 minutes before hand. i use to be able to go to the grocery store once a week and get everything i needed but now i find myself walking up and down the aisles and only grabbing snacks and such. then dinner time comes and i dont feel like going to the store so we eat out. need to stop that!!
Oh, and for doing this on a budget, it is definitely hard. There is a pretty good thread somewhere about what is really essential for raising a baby that I have taken some cues from. It looks like you already have a baby MommaBerry? Is that right? Your LO in your avatar with you? If so, you are really ahead of the game, unless you have already gotten rid of his stuff. If that is the case and you have to start from scratch rely on your registry and spread the word that you really need the essentials. I know your friends will want to help. Also, if you are going to be a stay at home mom I encourage you to try cloth diapering. I am going to give it the old college try myself for several reasons I won't get into here, but honestly it doesn't sound that bad. The inital output is going to be steep, but I am having a girl, so I am getting tons of stuff from my sister. My dad is on his way up to Ohio to get the stuff for me before starting my registry. The one-size diapers really seem to be a good way to cut cost if you don't want to do the prefolds which is definitely the cheapest option. If I were a SAHM I think I would do the prefolds. (I think they may also be called flats???) The one thing that really solidified the CDing for me was that you are supposed to flush poo even if you are using disposables. I didn't know that, and I am sure the vast majority of people don't. It seeps into our ground water from landfills since they aren't treated for this type of waste since people are supposed to flush the poo. I figured if I'm going to have to flush the poo anyhow, then just go all the way, and many other reasons. I know that sounds crunchy, but it is a good way to save money. It definitely requires some more work, but it probably wouldn't cramp your style if you are going to be home.
Another way to save is to buy from consignment stores. I tried doing this for maternity clothes, but didn't have much luck. My sister sent me her maternity clothes, but many didn't fit because my boobs are huge. Some items did though and that was a help. I have bought a couple of dresses at Target and I think I am going to wear them into shreds. There are tons of consignment stores in my area, I don't know about you, but if there aren't maybe you can look at some yard sales? Craigslist is also a good one. Breastfeeding, of course, is a good way to save money.
Don't despair. You can make the necessary changes. All that baby needs is to be safe in the car and loved at home really. The rest of the stuff is convenience. Safety is the important part. You can even do baby wearing instead of getting a stroller, but I would think twice about that one since my back already hurts. :haha: There are some ladies out there that just put their LO in a sling and go. Sounds convenient, but I don't know how my back would hold up.
You can do this! Sometimes we are put up against the wall and have to make tough choices for what is best for us, and they open new doors for a better life. I know that is hokey and silver-lining and all, but I believe it is true. Sometimes things just work themselves out. I hope you have plenty of support from friends and family, and I can already see that your DH is great!
Wishful that is my problem too. Then im like, going to eat at home today to save money, looks in cubbard, gets the keys and heads out to eat since there is noting in the bubbard :haha:

Charlie, I have a hard time with budgeting too! I think well its on sale, or its really not that much we can afford it and boom, Money is spent lol.

Viking, your an angel thank you. Your right there are witnesses, but since the meeting was with me and my two direct co-workers doing the same position all they have to say is "we didnt target her specificly, we warned everyone". The company I work for, lets put it this way, they are the LARGEST retailer in the world. A lawyer would do me no good unless they only had the meeting with me only. I do however intend to have a meeting with the store manager once my leave is approved, that way my insurance is protected and locked in, and let her know that I felt she gave me no choice. Im just heartbroken because I love my co-workers and will really miss them. Maybe if this woman had ever been pregnant herself she would understand physical jobs are hard when you are growing. Then again maybe she cant, and is jealouse I am. And bless your heart, I could not do your job. I hope that they found you a ground position soon. You wont be able to fly much longer once they day gets closer :nope:
Viking just saw your other post :hugs: thank you!!

Yes that is my son in my avatar. He is just about to turn 9. That being said I do not have any of his stuff as my sister in laws have had 3 boys since him and I have gave it all to him, and mine is the first girl. Im sure my family will help out as much as possible and I know that my friends have already started shopping. This girl will have a wadrobe to die for :haha: Its the larger items im concerned for. My OH says not to worry it will work out as it always does. Wish I could be as care free and go with the flow as he is. I am a planner and a worrier :dohh:

I already plan to breastfeed, so that will help in cost. I am having a hard time convincing myself about the cloth diapers. I know it would save loads of money!! Its the idea of not just throwing it away that bothers me.

Thank you for the advice :hugs:
MommaBerry, if you are concerned about the commitment with CDing there are some websites that have a trial that you can try. I was going to do that just to decide which kind I wanted to use, but I've done so much research that I think I've already made my mind up. There are tons of videos on YouTube. I recommend the cloth diapering channel. They have a 101 on CDing. There are several videos on the basics. It really can help save tons of money and you can resell them online too. I have bought three diapers already online and saved 18 dollars. They look like they will still get plenty of use out of them. Just FYI. Trying to help not pressure. :hugs:
Oh, and I understand the the largest retailer in the world is horrid to their employees. I avoid shopping there at all costs. I know you must feel some loyalty to them and certainly to your fellow employees, but what they are doing is completely unconscionable. I'm very upset for you. I am definitely going to talk to my dad about your case and see what he says. Just out of my own curiosity and fury.
MommaBarry - I don't really have any words for you, just wanted to send some hugs your way :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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