November 2012 Due Dates

Ashley, I understand your concerns about your DH going out of town. My DH travels a lot for work and his boss was planning to send him on a business trip in November!! I put a stop to that immediately! There's no way I'm letting him drive to another state when I'm that close to my due date. Is this a trip he could miss? Even if you don't go into labor that week, it's better to be safe than to be sorry!
It isn't set in stone yet. He is more than willing to not go. He wants to go with me to my doctor appt before he would be going which would be Sept. 7th or so and he wants to see what the doctor says. It's a good 13 hour drive and even if he flew it would take a while for me to even get someone to go out to him to tell him as they would be camping/hunting an hour from the town where I would have to get ahold of their family friends. My labors from start to finish have only been 6 hours each so that would not be enough time for him to get here. Aaahhh....I'll feel horrible if he misses it and I don't have any issues but I'll feel even worse if he misses his last baby being born!
Hopefully after the doctor's appointment he'll just want to stick around and it won't be an issue :) That just adds unnecessary stress on you both.
Hopefully after the doctor's appointment he'll just want to stick around and it won't be an issue :) That just adds unnecessary stress on you both.

Agreed. I'm sure he'll end up being too concerned and won't go.
Well, I'm taking the no contact from my MWs' office as good news. I still haven't been told the results from my 3hr GTT test on Thursday. I called twice yesterday looking for the results and was told both times that someone would call me back by the end of the day. No call. I am hoping that since they can't find the time to contact me then I must be all good?
We toured our hospital on Sunday. It was exciting and fear inducing all at the same time. The birthing suites are pretty nice. The post-partum rooms are teeny tiny. However, they are single rooms so that is good! I hope not to stay long. There were some rooms with Views of the bay and some rooms with small jacuzzi style tubs. I'm going to try my best to do the majority of my labor at home to avoid being harassed by the hospital staff about pitocin and epidurals. I chose a midwife for a reason, but apparently I'm naive in my hopes that she will be able to get the job done according to a friend who is a doula. Of course, she is well trained, but I will still have hospital nurses looking after me who will be pressuring me. I guess I'd rather be at home if I can. We have a jacuzzi tub here too. I just need a birthing ball or stool I guess? I don't know. Just thinking "aloud".
We had our first Bradley method course on Sunday after the tour as well. My DH wasn't too thrilled about it, but after seeing it will be helpful he wasn't such a sourpuss. He was nervous about it being in someone's private home. The other couples are all doing birth centers. My mom and my DH both said they would be uncomfortable with that, so I consented to a hospital. I'm going to use the only hospital in the area that allows midwives so I'm hoping they will be respectful of me and my wishes. Everyone I know lately has ended up in a c-section. I don't know if it is because of my age group or what. Both of the other mamas on my tour were both doing elective c-sections. No judgement for anyone who wants one, I just don't. I find it scary after having foot surgery almost two years ago. It took over 8 weeks for my incisions to heal up. The recovery from that made me think that childbirth couldn't be worse. They shouldn't be breaking any bones or shaving them down. I guess I'm hoping for slow and steady so I don't tear? I don't like incisions :haha: or stitches!
I suppose whatever will be will be at this point. I am hoping to be educated and ready with the Bradley method classes. We have a car seat class tonight. My DH is thrilled. :haha:
What is everyone else doing to be prepared? I feel like I've switched into hyperdrive with 3rd tri starting.
Hope no news is good news Viking. My OBs office doesn't call if test results are normal. They make that clear from the first visit though.

I hope you can labor at home as long as possible. The better to try and get the birth you want. I had no pain relief with my first, though nurses probably weren't inclined to push it because my pain level was pretty low (I was lucky). I got an episiotomy which I didn't feel at the time. Recovery sucked a bit though. I really hope to avoid that. I still need to read up on what I can do to avoid that again. I think slow and steady would help. I pushed DD out rather fast and wish I'd not done that now, lol.
:happydance: to double digits bookity :)

I had my 28 check up today! BP is fine, urine fine, fundal height is 30+ eeeek!!!!, heard her heartbeat, head down, midwife said she could feel her bobbing in and out of my pelvis which explains the intense pressure down there! :)
Welcome Mamajo!
Bookity, low level pain sounds awesome. :happydance: lucky you! At this point, I'm anxious to know what it will be like. I am a planner by nature and these things you just can't control. I do want to do my best to be prepared though. Know my options and have an arsenal of ways to cope with the pain before going for the epidural. All of my friends recently have been induced and that seems to be the common denominator in the c-section. The contractions are just too strong and painful to handle. Hopefully I'll get a tub and that will help? I hope keeping in relatively fair shape will help too. I've been walking and doing my Fit Pregnancy magazine exercises. My other friends didn't focus on that at all, as their jobs really required so much from them. By the time they got home they were beyond exhausted. Pregnancy is rough! I don't want to do the exercises either, but at this point it is pure laziness if I don't because I have all day to do them. I love being on maternity leave. I am able to get so much more done! I've been cooking to stock the freezer. My DH is so happy to have homecooked food. I have been too exhausted to do it until now. Either the nausea from first tri, or the back pain and exhaustion from work the rest of the time. I do get tired when I over do it, but I'm trying to plan my days out to get things done.
Speaking of, I need to get the show on the road here. BnB has a tendency to suck my time :) I like spending time with my ladies on here. :friends:
My doctor's office tried to call twice yesterday with my results from my 1hr glucost test, but my phone wouldn't answer the call!! I was getting so frustrated, and of course when I called back I got the voicemail and couldn't reach the nurse directly. Grr... hopefully she'll give me a call this morning so I won't have to worry all day.
That is so frustrating Mrs.! I hate when phones decide when they think its necessary to pick up. My phone is the opposite. If im outside my phone will not hang up, lol. They have a mind of there own.

Last night I came home from class and my OH had completly re-arranged the bedroom. Something I have been wanting to do for a month now but couldnt due to the large bump on my front :haha: He is soo sweet, and it looks great!! Ahhh nesting mode is starting to kick in. Come on 2 week break from school. This momma wants to do alot of cleaning and re-organizing!
My job that I had during my last pregnancy definitely gave me a workout. And I'm sure all the walking helped progress my early labor (Iwas 7cm 2 hours after I went home from work). I don't know how labor will go this time as I'm no longer working.
I finally got my glucose test results... I PASSED! My iron levels also looked good :happydance: Feels good to mark a few things off my list that I don't have to worry about now.
Congrats Mrs! That's great! :)
I'm ready for Friday already. Since I basically stay home and do nothing due to doctors orders I look forward to getting out of the house and going to see the doctor. Husband and I are planning to go pre-register at the hospital and MAYBE do a little shopping after. I have a baby shower and birthday party this weekend so if I'm going to attempt to go I need to get gifts!
Awe - Ashley, I'm sure it is rough staying home all the time! Hopefully you can get out this weekend and enjoy yourself :) Are you having a baby shower this weekend, or going to a friend's shower??
ok girls i am kind of freaking out. i had my bloods taking yesterday and my dr called with me and left a message.

all she said was "there was something i want you to see your primary care physican about. i am mailing it out to you but you can also call the nurses here today when you get the message and they can go over with you"

so of course i freak out because if its anything pregnancy related like GD or something i wouldnt go to my PCP or anything... even if i was anemic or something i would still just go through them...?

so i call the nursing department and they pull up my blood results and she tells me shes looking... and then she asks if she can put me on hold.. on hold for 10 minutes and i am going over all the terrible possibilities... and she comes back and says "all i see is your b-12 is a tiny bit low but it wasnt even highlighted by her and she left no notes for us"

huh??? what is going on. even if it was b12 being low the nurse said i wouldnt have to go see my PCP for that...they would just handle it! of course she left for the day and isnt in tomorrow..

is there any way the nurse couldnt tell me or something? i am so nervous :( :(
Wishful - I wish there was something I could say that would calm your fears, but I know until you hear it from your doctor that just isn't going to happen. Try to take a deep breath and calm down until you can speak with the doctor. I'm sure if it was anything too serious the nurse would be able to see from your chart/test results. :hugs: try to keep a positive outlook until then!
thanks MRS.

the nurse continued on to say that if it was b-12 she cant imagine why she wouldnt just mention it on the phone.. also i wouldnt need to see a PCP about it so i'm guessing its something they cant help me with.. no idea what it could be :(

i'm pretty aggravated that my dr would leave such a message, say that i can call the nurses but then the nurses have no info. either..

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