November 2012 Due Dates

LOL, Stephers! I know what you mean... I booked my 4D ultrasound 2 months in advance and I payed to have an early scan done at 16 weeks because I couldn't stand waiting an extra 4 weeks to find out the gender! It's all so new and exciting, it's hard to wait that long! :)
Next week is going to be great seeing scan pics if everyone posts. :)

Happy to have you on the bandwagon Stephers!
Im excited but im also nervouse! Im afraid they will say she is a he :haha: How horrible would that be to have to contact everyone that already got there shower invites and say "oops, its a boy" :dohh:

Thats the reason I really want another scan. Im in denial that im having a little lady. And my only scan did not leave me feeling to re-assured when the sonographer said well i dont see boy part so it must be a girl. Guess I will announce it needs to hurry up!!
I didn't feel confident inmy girl's potty shot, but the tech and my OB were and they see more than I do. ;) I wouldn't be too accepting of the "I don't see a penis so it must be a girl" line either. Hope both of our girls stay that way MommaB.
Me too!! If I am told otherwise I will only have 10 weeks to wrap my mind around another little man when my hopes are for a little lady. I daydream about it!! :haha:
At our 16 week ultrasound the tech pointed out his bits and said "it's a boy!" then back tracked and said "wait, that could be the umbilical cord". I was already so excited to hear "boy" that when she said that I started freaking out... but then we got a clear 3d shot of his bits and his umbilical cord... which were both there and completely seperate... definitely a boy!! :)
I really don't know, Bookity... if so, that's an awful joke! I was just so relieved to hear the confirmation that it was definitely a boy that I didn't think anything else of it.
I thought for sure I was having a boy this time since things were so different. But, I've had 3 scans and all say girl. :)
I'm 30 weeks today! My 10 week countdown is on! :)
30 weeks.jpg
Very cute Ashley!! I can't believe some of us are hitting 30 weeks and have less than 10 weeks to go!!! I will be 30 weeks next Thursday (according to my dr-I know when I ovulated though and I'm not 30 weeks till the following Monday lol)...still, to think I have less than 12 weeks is a beautiful end in sight! I will miss being pregnant like I did last time after my daughter was born but I know we will have one more so I'll get to experience it all again :) Anyone else planning on more kiddos or is this the last? I don't think we'll be waiting 8 years I between this time as I'm already in my 30's but I like our age gap now and I think we'll wait 3-5 years before our next (and last kiddo)!

Thank you all for the support :hugs: it means so much to have amazing supportive friends here. I don't really know what to say...I don't want anyone thinking ill of my hubby because he really is a wonderful man and a phenomenal daddy...The short version is I caught him talking through text messages with 3 different girls...2 of them were good friends of ours (or so I thought)...their messages were inappropriate for any married man to be having with someone other than his wife. The girls were sending him pictures, some nude some in bikinis, one of them who was pregnant with twins (she was doing surrogacy) sent him a full body nude pregnant picture(really?!) husband had a past sexual history with each of these women many many years ago before he and I ever knew each other so their conversations consisted of every day life talk but also often got into their sexual past and things they remembered about doing with each other and inappropriate stuff like that. He has sworn up and down there was never any physical interaction and none of them ever met up in person or saw each other when I wasn't around (one of the girls we hung out with once a week or so because we were both pregnant, another of the girls we saw 3 times a week because her brother, my husbands best friend, plays on the same baseball team as my husband). Since finding all this out we have separated and gotten back together and now we are working on things. He has cut all ties, quit his team, told the girls he was changing his ways and not to contact him anymore, changed his phone number, deleted all of them and their familes from facebook, and we started marriage counseling. He swears he isn't lacking anything in our marriage and I have done nothing to cause this but that he has just always done it, just never been caught, he felt he maybe has an addiction to the attention or something so we started therapy to figure out why this is such a problem for him.

Most women I know would walk out and many will probably judge me for sticking by him but I love this man and I know with all my heart he loves me and our girls. He f'd up. We all make mistakes...I know I'm far from perfect so I can't expect him to be. Very shitty timing considering I'm pregnant and already on an emotional roller coaster but I'm thankful still every day for our marriage and I know we can make it through. He is doing everything in his power to gain my trust back and really working towards being a better husband and father. I don't know where the future will go, all I know is my marriage is worth fighting for and I deserve the beautiful marriage I've always thought I had and I will have it again one day :)
MommyH - well done for sticky by your man 'for better or worse!' I applaud you for standing by your marriage and giving it all you can!

Yes we will definitely have at least 1 more child. But will need to move to a bigger house first.
But can't wait too long as I'm already 36. Hoping to have about 2 years between this LO and #2.
First of all MommyH - Massive hugs!!!! There is absolutely no judgement here! I agree that marriage is something worth fighting for and I think you and your DH are taking the right steps to fix the problems in your marriage. I wish you all the best and will keep you and your family in my prayers. I can only imagine how difficult the whole situation has been on you. I respect you for not giving up and appreciate you opening up to us. You deserve every happiness and I hope you guys are able to get back to that place.

And to address your first comment... YES! We're definitely having more children :) I think I'd like them to be about 2-3 years apart, so it doesn't give us much time after this LO is born, but it'll be nice having them close in age!
Yes no judgement here either Mommy H, what an awful thing to go through any time but especially as you're pregnant, so good for both of you for going to therapy and trying to get to the bottom of it rather than just put a plaster over it. I hope it all works out for your family.

We want more, this is our 1st, so definitely 1 more, maybe 2 more but not sure as 3 seems expensive, we shall see.
MommyH-:hugs: to you again! I agree with all that the ladies here have said. Marriage is definitely worth fighting for and I'm glad to hear that you are taking steps in getting on the right path. No matter what I wish you the best. :)

As for more kids, I think 3 girls is enough :) Although, I say no more, my husband wants 4 kids. So, there is a SLIGHT chance but I just don't know! I tell him NO WAY but I'll let you guys in on the secret that there is a SLIGHT chance. Haha :) We would need a bigger house and a bigger car!
MommyH :hugs: :hugs: and more :hugs:!!!
And no judgment here either. I stuck by my husband (now ex husband) after he had 3 affairs. (i found out all at once). So I agree with sticking by your man. He asked for the divorce in the end so he has no one to blame but himself. And I was honestly better off he has anger, fedelity, and drinking issues.

It sounds like your man really wants this to work and im happy you both are doing what it takes to make it through. No marriage is perfect and they all take work.

As for kids, we are trying when this LO is about 6 months old. We might just be crazy for doing that, but im going to stay home with the kids until they are all in school while im finsihing school for myself. I dont want a huge gap in my resume for taking time off so the quicker we have them all, the faster I get my butt back into the work force.
I just wanted to let you know, that you wouldnt get any judgement from me, since last summer I went thru the same thing, except it was me talking to someone else. I was lacking and I love my husband, but I did feel something was missng and I moved out for about 6 or 7 weeks and then thought to myself, WHAT AM I DOING! I am ruining a 10 year mariage for what? Some guy that made me feel different.
I cut all ties with him and my SO and i started dating again. we didnt do therphy but did talk to someone from our church. We still talk everyday about things, and then decided that we were missing a family life, we did have one son but it did take us almost 7 years to get pregnant with him, and that was really hard. We are now doing great and having twin girls in about 8 weeks and my life feels complete now. So I wanted to let you know that you can and will get thru this. and if you ever want to talk just let me know:hugs:
I agree with all the other ladies MommyH ... I think you are doing the right thing especially if YOU think you are. I think some people can change and he could have already lost you by doing what he did, so I really don't think he would have lied about not meeting them for anything. Marriages and relationships are so complex and difficult, but if you love each other enough then it's worth fighting for and working through any issues :hugs:

And NOOOOO 3 children are enough for me!!! I sort of would like one more but, at the same time I am sort of happy knowing I've had all the children I want and I can start to get some normality back into it :)
:hugs: to you MommyH. I think I would do the same in your situation. Marriage is a huge commitment and really does take work. Glad to hear the two of you are seeking help. :)

As far as kids go, I'm not sure yet if we will try for another one. We may just leave that one to God to decide.
I don't know about having more kids. We are going to struggle to be comfortable financially as it is with one. I'm already 38. My earning potential is maxed out unless I change jobs, and I have no idea what else I could or would want to do. My DH is trying to earn more, but he keeps fumbling so he never makes much progress. It always feels like one step forward and two steps back for us. I don't want to be uncomfortable. I want to give my child everything that I can. If that means having an only child I am ok with that. My DH has started saying that he wouldn't mind trying for another, but I think those feelings might change once the work of having a child actually comes to light. Sure, it's easy for him right now. I'm the one who's pregnant. And I certainly don't enjoy it. I don't know why anyone would choose to do this again, but I haven't seen the payoff yet.
As for sticking with your husband thru thick and thin, it is all up to you and how you feel about marriage, and your ability to trust. My DH has done many stupid trust breaking things over the years. We have almost been divorced twice. We split up three years ago and lived separately for a year. Divorce proceedings began, and shortly before heading to the first hearing in court he started asking for a second chance. I wasn't easily convinced, because it actually was his third chance. He took it much more seriously this time, and actually started his own counseling and we started marriage counseling that he finally took seriously. I had tried to get us counseling twice before, but it was a massive failure because he just didn't care to try. Anyhow, this time it really helped because his heart was in it. It took a long time to convince me, and I payed my therapist for many hours to listen to me cry and anguish over what the right choice was for me. I didn't want to be a fool, take him back again and just be hurt again. I would set time limits and pass them and still be "dating" my DH. I just couldn't pull the plug. Marriage is important to me and I just couldn't walk away. Over time we moved back in together and things improved. I still have trust issues with him. We should probably still be in therapy. Our marriage counselor did give us the green light not to come anymore. There are still issues. But overall, I am glad I made the decision I did to stay in the marriage. No marriage is perfect. They require a lot of work because people are imperfect.
Being pregnant I have seen a different side to my DH. He is working harder than ever to be a good husband. He still falters, but he takes me seriously now, when before he would just brush me off as a crazy person. We have been thru so much together. It has been really hard. I don't know if I would do it again. But I do love him. I'm glad that we have managed to work thru everything and get to where we are today. I am excited to have a family and grow into something new. Trust is something that grows again over time. I struggle with it a lot, but I have faith that in time it will get better and better.
That felt like a bunch of written diarrhea. I hope that you can take something positive out of that, as I don't even really know what I was trying to say other than I have been thru something similar and applaud your efforts to stick thru the problems and try to keep your family intact. :hugs: and best of luck.

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