November 2012 Due Dates

Is it stupid that I'm not writing a birth plan? I didn't with my daughter and everything went just fine. I don't really have any issue with their routine procedures and can't think of anything that I'd specifically have to request. They ask right there if you are breastfeeding or formula and if you tell them you are breastfeeding they will stick to it. They put a card in the bassinet with baby that says "I'm breastfed" and they won't give pacifiers or anything to baby.

I'm just really go with the flow kind of person and I know that baby and momma's best interests are going to be the priority. I want to try and go natural again, but if I can't I'm totally open to epidural. I just don't really see where I need a special "plan" because things hardly ever go according to plan anyway!

Any advice/suggestions?
Stephers, that is really exciting about your hospital tour! I never got to take mine, baby arrived too soon!

In other news, 32 weeks today!
so the itching.. its driving me nuts! maybe i will call my drs today but i was just in there yesterday!! i guess with the liver thing i would have no rash at all. if i had a rash it be a better sign.. ugh i dont know what to do! i feel like i am prob. just being paranoid but of course google keeps telling me that often times the only symptom is extreme itching!
Stephers- I could imagine how that could be exciting yet overwhelming! I'm sure it made it a lot more REAL for you though.
MommaB-Haha...Yes, you may not make it to your tour! ;)
Bookity-I haven't wrote a birth plan this time (or any other time). I am a go with the flow person ESPECIALLY when it comes to that. I didn't think I'd want an epidural with my 1st but they practically told me to since I have pre-e and really high blood pressure. Since I had it with my 2nd and knew how comfortable I was I definitely wanted it my 2nd time around and they didn't get it to me til I was already 7cm so it usually doesn't go how you planned anyway...
So, according to my other due date (Oct.31st) I'm 35 weeks today. And I'm so excited cause I am SO BEYOND READY! :) 2 more weeks and I'll really be ready cause I know she'll most likely be healthy :)
so the itching.. its driving me nuts! maybe i will call my drs today but i was just in there yesterday!! i guess with the liver thing i would have no rash at all. if i had a rash it be a better sign.. ugh i dont know what to do! i feel like i am prob. just being paranoid but of course google keeps telling me that often times the only symptom is extreme itching!

I know someone who ended up with the liver thing (I can't think what its called) and she had to just keep bugging her doctor cause she was itching so bad everywhere! Sure enough she got tested and they had to do an emergency c-section. Don't want to scare you but if you're worried just keep calling or ask to be tested. Good luck!
thanks ashley
thats why i am confused as she didnt even question it.. just said try more lotion?
I'd definitely say hassle her about it. I think you just have to get a blood test to check for it. So it's just more out of your/your insurance's pocket. What's it hurt to check? Demand it for your own peace of mind I say!
My SIL had the liver thing for a few weeks before they did the c-section (her second and had twins). Her itching was localized to the palms of her hands and the bottom of her feet.

No birth plan here either. The hospital already has notes for me though and they just say, "epidural (no narcotics that cause sleepiness), breastfeeding, exercise induced asthma." I think that pretty much says it all. I feel like if I make more of a plan that I will be disappointed when it doesn't happen. I have told my actual doc that I do not want a c-section unless medically necessary for the baby (literally life or death) and I am against episiotomy unless her head is just too enormous. My doc only does induction when more than one complication exists, so it's rare. Going in naturally tends to lead to less c-section and tearing, so I have high hopes.
have no itching on my feet... ankles though and my wrists are bad.

no birth plan here.. just in my notes that i have a panic disorder and extreme fear of blood. so hopefully they see the notes and i don't have to explain it to every nurse who comes in. its impossible for me to get IVs and be in hospitals because its so bad! i usually just pass out from not breathing properly. yeah its fun lol. i am worried about it already but nothing i can really do!
We will be writing up a birth plan as we hope to go as natural as our situation allows. I will do the best I can. We don't want the cord cut right away. We want immediate skin to skin. We don't want the internal fetal monitor pretty much at all costs. I'm hoping for the least amount of interventions as possible. I've been working hard toward that goal, but in the end it's out of my hands and we will have to accept what comes our way and trust our birthing staff. I really really don't want to be induced. I haven't heard any good stories about that. However, being a FTM, I am assuming I'll go late and that it will be a real possibility. I would like to wait as long as possible.
Hope all your plans work out! :)

Viking-I have a feeling that mine is gonna make me wait...I know my doctor won't induce me unless I need to be. With my 1st I was induced cause I had pre-e with high blood pressure and an extreme amount of protein in my urine. I had a very postive experience being induced. :)
dr said i can wait it out a few days with the itching because she knows i pass out when giving blood, or come in tmrw.. i guess i'll give it the night and see. i'd like my DH to come home and monitor how bad i itch.. thanks girls for all your advice!!

oh and i wanted to add that i wanted skin to skin right away too but my dr said at the hospital i am delivering they do it.. they don't even weigh or measure baby for an hour because they want direct skin to skin for an hour straight. this of course is if baby is healthy and doing well :)
We will be writing up a birth plan as we hope to go as natural as our situation allows. I will do the best I can. We don't want the cord cut right away. We want immediate skin to skin. We don't want the internal fetal monitor pretty much at all costs. I'm hoping for the least amount of interventions as possible. I've been working hard toward that goal, but in the end it's out of my hands and we will have to accept what comes our way and trust our birthing staff. I really really don't want to be induced. I haven't heard any good stories about that. However, being a FTM, I am assuming I'll go late and that it will be a real possibility. I would like to wait as long as possible.

Your birth plan, or hopes! sound exactly like mine to a tee. I'm also open to be flexible about things but the one thing that I'm not comfortable with is being induced due to more pain, and the need for continuous foetal monitoring so you're more likely to be flat on your back and less mobile :( also more likely with me as a 1st timer.

But Ashley i would love to hear a positive birth story from an induction as it really is my main dread that i feel i need to get my head around!
Stephers- I could imagine how that could be exciting yet overwhelming! I'm sure it made it a lot more REAL for you though.
MommaB-Haha...Yes, you may not make it to your tour! ;)
Bookity-I haven't wrote a birth plan this time (or any other time). I am a go with the flow person ESPECIALLY when it comes to that. I didn't think I'd want an epidural with my 1st but they practically told me to since I have pre-e and really high blood pressure. Since I had it with my 2nd and knew how comfortable I was I definitely wanted it my 2nd time around and they didn't get it to me til I was already 7cm so it usually doesn't go how you planned anyway...
So, according to my other due date (Oct.31st) I'm 35 weeks today. And I'm so excited cause I am SO BEYOND READY! :) 2 more weeks and I'll really be ready cause I know she'll most likely be healthy :)

Ahh you had an earlier due date too? Ours was originally the 23rd Oct by LMP so that would make me 36 weeks but, scan put us back 2 weeks! lol

Are your Drs going by your november dd?? :)
Okay, with my 1st I was due on July 25th according to my LMP but August 2nd was my ultrasound due date. I was extremely swollen starting in May and by the time my due date came and went I was swollen everywhere but was still going...I didn't want to be induced either. I went to the doctor on a Friday and my due date of the 2nd was on Sunday so he said if I didn't have baby over the weekend to come back on Monday and we'll talk about being induced. I was not dilated and was having nothing. I didn't even notice any braxton hicks. So, my husbands aunt did an ultrasound on Sunday just to see if she thought baby was ready because we didn't want any problems. She told us if my dr really wanted to induce that baby should be good to go. We still didn't want to induce and just wanted to wait it out and see what happened. Monday morning went to doctor and I was dilated to 1 and had a high amount of protein in my urine along with the high blood pressure. So, I was told to go in the next morning to be induced.
We went in about 7am so get all set up and my blood pressure was extreme and my nurse said I had the worst case of pre-e she had ever seen. So, at 9am I was 2 cm dilated and my doctor inserted the cervadil. They told me it could take a day or 2 to work. Within 30 minutes I started cramping and feeling contractions. My dr was coming back at noon to break my water. At 11:57am my water broke on its own. He got there right after and I was dilated to 4. I really started feeling the contractions at that time and they insisted on the epidural because they didn't want my blood pressure to get any higher. I got the epidural at 1pm. I was completely relaxed...and I progressed very quickly. I had her at 3:20pm.
I'm sure that it worked out well cause I was already starting to do something on my own and I'm sure I didn't have any major pain cause I didn't have to have pitocin and I got the epidural. Although it only worked on one side which was completely weird cause I could feel all the pain only on my right side...

Sorry for such a long post!
Stephers- I could imagine how that could be exciting yet overwhelming! I'm sure it made it a lot more REAL for you though.
MommaB-Haha...Yes, you may not make it to your tour! ;)
Bookity-I haven't wrote a birth plan this time (or any other time). I am a go with the flow person ESPECIALLY when it comes to that. I didn't think I'd want an epidural with my 1st but they practically told me to since I have pre-e and really high blood pressure. Since I had it with my 2nd and knew how comfortable I was I definitely wanted it my 2nd time around and they didn't get it to me til I was already 7cm so it usually doesn't go how you planned anyway...
So, according to my other due date (Oct.31st) I'm 35 weeks today. And I'm so excited cause I am SO BEYOND READY! :) 2 more weeks and I'll really be ready cause I know she'll most likely be healthy :)

Ahh you had an earlier due date too? Ours was originally the 23rd Oct by LMP so that would make me 36 weeks but, scan put us back 2 weeks! lol

Are your Drs going by your november dd?? :)

Usually the LMP dates are not as accurate. The earliest date you get through an ultrasound is the best date. My husbands aunt did one for us at 16 weeks and it was Oct 31st and the one my doctor sent me for at 20 weeks was Nov 2nd. My doctor only knows about the Nov 2nd date so that is what he is going by. I was also until today. Haha..At this point 2 days sooner sounds better :)
Thanks for that Ashley, it sounds like your induction may have kick started a natural labour which is great! It's good to know a positive induction experience just in case that's where I end up!
I'm sharing our birth plan just to give the ladies who are writing one an idea of things to include :) this is also the same plan we had with our first little one and it all worked out in our favor that time around so I'm hoping it will again!!

Sorry in advance this is long...

Birth Plan Wishes
Ela James; 11/12/12

It is our desire to have a natural, medication and intervention-free child birth. We have educated ourselves and are prepared for the work involved. We understand complications do arise and in that case ask that our Dr./Midwife discuss with us any procedures or medications before administering them. We greatly appreciate your help and cooperation in achieving our plan.
We would like the following people present at our labor and birth.
Father of baby - Daniel
Sister of baby - Mia
Mother and mother-in-law - Margie and Ellen
Sisters - Amber, Amber, and Deidra
I would like to wear my own clothes during labor and delivery.
We would like to film and photograph our birth.
We would like to use the following amenities during labor: Birth ball, hot shower, birth tub, bath.
If we go past our due date we would like to not be induced as long as baby and mother are okay.
If water breaks on its own, I would like to be given 24 hours to labor on my own before being induced.
I do not want pain medication offered to me. I will request it if needed.
I would like to be free to walk and move around as I choose.
I would prefer to not be seperated from my husband at any point during labor or birth.
I prefer to not have continuous monitoring other than the minimum upon arrival.
I would like to not have an IV. If I am required I would like to have a Heparin or Saline lock.
I do not want my water broken at any time unless I request it.
I would like to eat and drink during labor.
I prefer to handle pain with massage, relaxation, bath/shower, walking, and changing positiongs.
As long as baby and I are fine, I prefer to labor as long as needed without time limit and not have my labor augmented.
I would like to push instinctively and be free of time limits on pushing as long as baby and I are fine.
I would rather risk a tear than have an episiotomy.
I would like to view the birth using a mirror.
I would like to touch my babys head as it crowns.
With the help of my husband we would like to catch the baby and pull/place her onto my chest immediately after birth.
If my birth requires a cesarean I would like my husband present at all times. I would like to be conscious. I would like to have a hand free to touch my baby. My husband will stay with the baby at all times.
I would like to hold my baby on my chest, skin to skin immediately after birth.
I would like to wait until the umbelical cord stops pulsating before it is clamped and cut.
My husband or daughter would like to cut the umbelical cord.
I would like to deliver the placenta unassisted.
I prefer to not have pitocin after the birth.
I would like to breastfeed my baby immediately following her birth.
I would like to feed my baby on demand.
I would like 24 hours rooming in with my baby.
I would like to stay in private room with my husband.
I would like my hospital stay as short as possible.
I would like to delay newborn procedures for at least 1 hour so we can bond with our baby.
I would like all proceedures to take place in our presence.
I would like my husband or myself to give our baby her first bath.
Here are a few pics from my shower last weekend :)


My best friend who threw my shower

One of of my close friends who was 38 weeks in this picture, she had her baby the next night :)

One of my sisters, she is due in January with a boy

My two other sisters, one on my right gave birth in January to a boy, one on my left gave birth in June to a boy

And my as huge as ever even though I haven't gained an ounce!
how fun, mommyh! looks like you're racing some of your friends and family to the hospital! how crazy that your friend had the baby the next day!

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