November 2012 Due Dates

Great pics MommyH!!! You definetly have that beautiful pregnancy glow!!And those yummies look so yummy!!
I'm sharing our birth plan just to give the ladies who are writing one an idea of things to include :) this is also the same plan we had with our first little one and it all worked out in our favor that time around so I'm hoping it will again!!

Sorry in advance this is long...

Birth Plan Wishes
Ela James; 11/12/12

It is our desire to have a natural, medication and intervention-free child birth. We have educated ourselves and are prepared for the work involved. We understand complications do arise and in that case ask that our Dr./Midwife discuss with us any procedures or medications before administering them. We greatly appreciate your help and cooperation in achieving our plan.
We would like the following people present at our labor and birth.
Father of baby - Daniel
Sister of baby - Mia
Mother and mother-in-law - Margie and Ellen
Sisters - Amber, Amber, and Deidra
I would like to wear my own clothes during labor and delivery.
We would like to film and photograph our birth.
We would like to use the following amenities during labor: Birth ball, hot shower, birth tub, bath.
If we go past our due date we would like to not be induced as long as baby and mother are okay.
If water breaks on its own, I would like to be given 24 hours to labor on my own before being induced.
I do not want pain medication offered to me. I will request it if needed.
I would like to be free to walk and move around as I choose.
I would prefer to not be seperated from my husband at any point during labor or birth.
I prefer to not have continuous monitoring other than the minimum upon arrival.
I would like to not have an IV. If I am required I would like to have a Heparin or Saline lock.
I do not want my water broken at any time unless I request it.
I would like to eat and drink during labor.
I prefer to handle pain with massage, relaxation, bath/shower, walking, and changing positiongs.
As long as baby and I are fine, I prefer to labor as long as needed without time limit and not have my labor augmented.
I would like to push instinctively and be free of time limits on pushing as long as baby and I are fine.
I would rather risk a tear than have an episiotomy.
I would like to view the birth using a mirror.
I would like to touch my babys head as it crowns.
With the help of my husband we would like to catch the baby and pull/place her onto my chest immediately after birth.
If my birth requires a cesarean I would like my husband present at all times. I would like to be conscious. I would like to have a hand free to touch my baby. My husband will stay with the baby at all times.
I would like to hold my baby on my chest, skin to skin immediately after birth.
I would like to wait until the umbelical cord stops pulsating before it is clamped and cut.
My husband or daughter would like to cut the umbelical cord.
I would like to deliver the placenta unassisted.
I prefer to not have pitocin after the birth.
I would like to breastfeed my baby immediately following her birth.
I would like to feed my baby on demand.
I would like 24 hours rooming in with my baby.
I would like to stay in private room with my husband.
I would like my hospital stay as short as possible.
I would like to delay newborn procedures for at least 1 hour so we can bond with our baby.
I would like all proceedures to take place in our presence.
I would like my husband or myself to give our baby her first bath.

i have a question... does any of these requests go against the hospital rules? i would like some but my hospital doesn't allow it. i can only have two people in the room (going to be DH and my mom), i would like to be able to chose if i can eat and drink (only can have ice), and finally, the hospital doesn't allow my DH to be with me at all times if i need a c-section. :shrug:
i have a question... does any of these requests go against the hospital rules? i would like some but my hospital doesn't allow it. i can only have two people in the room (going to be DH and my mom), i would like to be able to chose if i can eat and drink (only can have ice), and finally, the hospital doesn't allow my DH to be with me at all times if i need a c-section. :shrug:

I have given and gotten our birth plan approved by the nursing staff at labor and delivery as well as all the doctors and midwives in our ob office. Our hospital limits us to 4 people but siblings don't found so my daughter is a freebie and since two of my sisters work for our medical group they can come and go to the maternity ward as they wish with my permission of course :)

Our hospital also used to only allow ice chips until the midwives fought with research and statistics about how women in birth need fuel from food to make it through labor and delivery otherwise they have an increased risk for c section because they literally have no energy left by the end. They allow you to bring nutritious snacks of protein and carbs and they also supply any clear liquids you want (Popsicles, jello, juice, etc) and crackers and small things, they also have a kitchen and top chef open to the maternity ward 24 hours so that after birth you can order what ever your heart desires...steak-lobster-chicken-pasta ANYTHING you can think of, it's their way of saying great job and congrats, it's pretty awesome :)

They also give you a mini date night the second night (depending on when you deliver) with a bottle of champagne or sparkling cider for those breast feeding and a movie and evening together in one of their their spa jacuzzi suites!! I'm so looking forward to that!!

They didn't mention anything about being separated for a c section although I'm pretty sure that's pretty common practice from what I've heard, it's a quick separation though...either to just get you on the op table or just through the epidural process since everything needs to be so sterile in the or...maybe one of the c section mommies on here can give you more info on that?
thank you so much!! my mom said her biggest complaint when in labor with me was how hungry she was. once she got meds and was comfortable she was starving and they wouldnt let her eat!! i think its wrong. the reason they give is incase of c-section but you arent put under for a c-section?? i dont know, but i think it is wrong! i mean i might not be hungry at all and the thought of food might make me sick for all i know, but what if i am starving?! i'm ok with people in the room because i dont want anyone besides DH and my mom.
haha i also wanted to add.. is this a private hospital your going too? LOL i'll be happy if i get a Popsicle at mine
Lovely pics mommyh!! You look so lovely and the girls are right - glowing! :) And I'd like a cupcake pleaaaaase?
Lovely pics mommyH, totally glowing and yes i want a cupcake too please!
MommyH you look amazing! Your shower must have been lots of fun because you have a lovely happy glow. I think your birth plan is pretty much what I want as well. I wouldn't have changed a thing on there. It's just having a birth that will allow all of that!
As for the food, they can't stop you from eating something brought from home. Put some snacks in your bag and eat what you like. In the vast majority of cases for c-section they are just going to use epidural as the anesthetic. The only reason they would put you under is if it were a massive emergency. It's a CYA thing. Only a very small percentage of people vomit when they are under general anesthesia and then a very small percentage of those aspirate it. It appears the odds are with you. I wouldn't be eating a cheeseburger combo, but a few snacks here and there probably aren't going to hurt you. It's a calculated risk. If it helps you keep up your stamina then do what you need to do. I know I will.
I had a MW visit yesterday. I have one visit in 2 weeks and then I move to weekly appts. Things are going well. Thankfully I hadn't gained any weight in the last 2 weeks. Probably the only time in my pregnancy that has happened. I can't imagine getting any bigger, but it's bound to happen. :shrug: The MW said the baby is head down completely now. She was kinda staggered in there for quite awhile with her head to the left of my pelvis some. Her back is running up my right side. So I have some work to do getting her to face anterior, but at least she is head down. I'll take it!
totally random post, but i feel like shouting this from the rooftops---

i only woke up to pee once last night!!!!! i feel great!
As far as c-sections go MommyH is right. The only time they seperate you is while they do the spinal and prep you. OH waits right outside the room the entire time and once they are ready to begin they bring them in. But they do warn them, that if an emergency happens they will ask them to leave the room. They will also warn him if he passes out or gets sick they will not tend to him until I am finished as I am priority so if he feels squmish he should not sit in. I wish they didnt have to seperate us at all but its policy.

Once the baby is out, it takes another 45 minutes to finish the section. At that time they usally take baby to have a bath and be checked out and daddy has the option to stay with mom, or go with baby. I really dont want this at all, as I want baby to stay with me. This is something I am going to talk with my doctor about. I want skin to skin contact immediatly after birth and there is no resason if I and baby are fine that she should not be allowed to lay on my chest and me be given a free hand to hold her.

However, with most sections, baby needs a little help removing fluid from the lungs. In a vaginal birth the baby is squeezed while being birthed and the fluid is pushed out. In a section this does not happen and sometimes they need assistance. This is why they take baby out, show her to you, and then take her over to the isolette. But after that I believe baby should come back to you and not taken out of the room.

Sorry for the long post but if anyone has questions about c-section, Ive def got answers. :haha:
haha i also wanted to add.. is this a private hospital your going too? LOL i'll be happy if i get a Popsicle at mine

Nope this is our public hospital :)

totally random post, but i feel like shouting this from the rooftops---

i only woke up to pee once last night!!!!! i feel great!

OMG ME TOO!!! I had sheet lines all over my body, I slept HARD! Now I'm sick as hell and can't stop throwing up :( I hate that I still have morning sickness every day!!!

Our appt went great yesterday, but, I lost another 7lbs :( one more appt in 2 weeks as well as an ultrasound then on to weekly appts. All. Most. There!
Hi Ladies!! I was off work yesterday so I missed a bunch! (usually I check BNB while at my desk :)).

No birth plan here... I've already talked to my doctor about certain things I want: straight skin to skin, epidural when requested, DH is not to be asked to hold a leg during pushing (his request :haha:) - instead another nurse should be called to assist, etc. However, your detailed birthing plan gave me some ideas of other things I need to ask, MommyH :)

Love all the pictures, MommyH! You look amazing & it looks like little Ela will have plenty of friends/cousins to play with when she gets here :) so sweet!

Congrats on only getting up once to pee, Bexxc :) Would you hate me if I told you I usually sleep without getting up to pee in the middle of the night? It's pretty rare that I do, but normally I sleep until 4-5am with no interruptions.

Speaking of sleep - since my hip pain has been borderline unbearable I've found a new position! For the past 3 nights I've slept with 4 pillows proping me up, and two pillows under my legs. I basically sit up to sleep, but hey, if it alleviates the pain, I'll do anything!
Oh man, I wish I only got up once to pee...I get up at least 3 times and sometimes more. If I'm not getting up to go pee, I wake up because of heartburn. I woke up this morning not feeling too well. Slightly nauseous and have a sore throat. Sure hope that goes away soon!
And, wow your hospital does sound wonderful! I know I'm not supposed to eat and usually I don't get hungry or anything til afterwards anyway. My labors both have been 6 hours so I haven't gotten to the point of needing to eat. My parents or in laws after both have went and gotten me whatever I want from anywhere I want. I'm not a huge fan of the hospital food...
I sure hope I only have to stay one night this time...I've had to stay 2 nights both times so far and after 24 hours there once the baby is born I just want to go home!
oh my gosh mrs...i'm so jealous. normally i'm like ashley-at least 3 times a night. on monday night, i was up literally every hour on the hour!
I only peed twice last night :) lovely!

However I'm now concerned that bubs is in breech or transverse position all of a sudden!! after having been head down for 6 weeks, but today the head is definatley not where it was and feels high up!! I'm no midwife so may be totally wrong so will see what my MW thinks in 10 days! meantime I think I'll get back on with my yoga and try and encourage baby to behave again!
my baby isn't heads down yet.. i hope soon so i dont have to worry much longer! thanks for the details on c-sections mommyb! our hospital is really big on skin to skin.. there are posters everywhere lol, even with c-sections so i feel good about that. no bath, weight or measurements for an hour, as long as baby and mom are doing good! and baby never leaves room your whole stay unless it needs the nicu. technically there is a nursery but it is never used. when i went on my tour the lady said its used maybe once a week for a few hrs.
As far as c-sections go MommyH is right. The only time they seperate you is while they do the spinal and prep you. OH waits right outside the room the entire time and once they are ready to begin they bring them in. But they do warn them, that if an emergency happens they will ask them to leave the room. They will also warn him if he passes out or gets sick they will not tend to him until I am finished as I am priority so if he feels squmish he should not sit in. I wish they didnt have to seperate us at all but its policy.

Once the baby is out, it takes another 45 minutes to finish the section. At that time they usally take baby to have a bath and be checked out and daddy has the option to stay with mom, or go with baby. I really dont want this at all, as I want baby to stay with me. This is something I am going to talk with my doctor about. I want skin to skin contact immediatly after birth and there is no resason if I and baby are fine that she should not be allowed to lay on my chest and me be given a free hand to hold her.

However, with most sections, baby needs a little help removing fluid from the lungs. In a vaginal birth the baby is squeezed while being birthed and the fluid is pushed out. In a section this does not happen and sometimes they need assistance. This is why they take baby out, show her to you, and then take her over to the isolette. But after that I believe baby should come back to you and not taken out of the room.

Sorry for the long post but if anyone has questions about c-section, Ive def got answers. :haha:

How was your c-section experience hun? They scare me a lot after reading and hearing negative things :( xx

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