November 2012 Due Dates

34 weeks today :happydance:

Doctors appointment this morning. When I get back I will tell you about my experience Coleey :thumbup: A bit rushed this morning
Looks like I have a few minutes, here is my experience.

As far as the physical aspect of the c-section experience, the recovery is tough, but I think as long as you accept help from others in after care and take it easy it's tolerable. I am stubborn and didn't take any help myself and I paid for it dearly.

I labored for 15 hours, pushed for 3, had vaccum assistance and the baby was stuck. He started to have dips in his heart rate and they immediatly rushed me in for a c-section. The actual c-section was ok. It was afterwards that got to me but more on the emotional side. I felt robbed. Baby was taken from me, showed to me, and then I didnt see him again for another hour. My ex got to hold him first, left with him and gave him his first bath while I was still in surgery so I missed it. My family got to see him before I did.

They came to the conclusion that my pelvis is just to small to birth babies. So I will always need a c-section.

The weeks to come those things that I felt were taken from me started to get to me. I developed a bad case of post partum depression and had a hard time bonding with my son for the next year. I have major guilt for this still to this day. I always loved my son, just never felt I connected and always felt it was becuase of my experience and lack of bonding time I had.

Dont let this scare you if you need a c-section. Just let it be a way of being informed.

I am scared again this time, and have a few request from the doctor so that my surgical birth can be a postive one. I am requesting that if baby is healthy and I am doing well that baby stay with me in surgery. I am requesting that OH and I give her her first bath together. I am requesting that no family or friends see her until I have chance to bond with my baby. These are things that I am talking with my doctor about today. I refuse to have another negative experience, only because now I know what to expect.

It does not have to be a negative experience as long as you are clear with your doctor of your concerns in case an emergency happens. I would definetly make your wishes clear before hand, because sometimes there is no time to tell them, like in my case.
Sorry they took him away so fast and let everyone else enjoy him while you were still in surgery! That would bug me more than I can imagine. That's a good detail for an actual birth plan! Hoping I don't need a c-section, but if I do, I am def going to say something to avoid your first situation. I'm not planning on having anyone at the hospital (except for DH) until after the girl is here, but who knows how fast DH's parents will drive from two hours away. His mom isn't the type to wait.

Good luck at your appointment today! Have they scheduled your delivery date yet?
Thanks for that insight MommaB. Sorry to hear about your 1st experience with your birth, but it does show just how much a negative birth experience can be traumatic and have such a negative impact afterwards. Really very sad but good that you are able to use it to help avoid the same experience this time.

I've never really being concerned about having a c sec, but that's clinically, but i will put a bit in my plan about a c sec should i need it as i really want skin to skin contact and unless bubs is ill will ask for baby to stay with me and Dad.
Hi ladies. I had a horrible nights sleep. I had back pain and contractions for about 6 hours straight. I thought about going to L&D but the contractions weren't regular at all just the back pain was constant. I finally slept a few hours but I am so tired already...I will definitely be napping later.
Oh, MommaB! I can imagine it would be difficult to bond after that. So glad you've communicated your wishes to your doctor this time and hopefully will have a much more pleasant experience!

Ashley, it's a good thing you're experienced! I would have hoped in my car at the first twinge, LOL! I finally started feeling BH contractions, but they're not painful at all. I'm sure I'll freak out when I feel a real one! I hope you're able to get some rest today!
Thanks for sharing MommaB :hugs: I hope your experience is much better this time. Are family members just allowed to go and see the baby when they want in the nursery there? The hospital I had my son at wouldn't let anyone into the recovery bit apart from your partner and other kids xx
Thanks ladies.

Coleey, it's the same thing here with only the OH and kids, but my ex carried my son out of the delivery room and down the hall were everyone was :growlmad: so I got to see tons of pics of my son before I even got to meet him really. I have stressed to my OH now how important it was for this not to happen, and he has agreed no one it to see baby until I have had my chance to bond.

Appointment went good today. I am measuring 2 weeks ahead but baby is locked down in position :happydance: Didnt get a chance to talk with her about my wishes since I had tons of questions about my own physical well being, so next appiontment we are going to chat about it.
MAD MAD MAD!!!!!!!

So OH's boss came into today and was asking about how I was doing. He kinda lied and told him I was already dialated to a 2 and was a matter of weeks before LO is here. His boss asks him if he will go to Tulsa, 6 hours away next week for a conference, otherwise the company was done. Bullshit im sure and he said YES

Way to stand your ground OH!!! We had agreed that no more traveling was to take place after the 1st of October since it would be to close. I informed him if something was to happen next week, I am not calling him and he will miss it. Only for the fact I do not want him driving like a bat out of hell to get back here and something happening to him leaving me a single mom.
So sorry mommabarry :hugs: That is so unfair :( he boss sounds like a duo he for even asking him grrr men!
god i hate the work place!!
today my DH came home and said, so that 10 days i have off for baby? yeah its only 4 DAYS!! i was so confused. seems that when he got "promoted" and i write it in quotes (because they promised him stuff then took it back) they said they were giving him a weeks vacation added to the days he had left (which was 4). he went in today to tell the lady my due date as a reminder and that it will be one of those.. call and let you know she's in labor as its not planned.. and he finds out THE EXTRA WEEK IS ADDED IN MAY. what??!!! how random can you be??? he was promoted at the end of july!! thats almost a year?? so really he didnt get a week. AHHH I AM SO ANGRY!!! So all his days will be me in the hospital (esp. if i need a c-section). WTH?! i hate his stupid work!!!

and sorry mommab :hugs: i wonder if his boss made me feel real guilty? i know my DH has a hard time sticking up for himself... ugh.

today has SUCKED.
Yeah, I can commisserate on the DH workfront as well. My Dh only gets 5 days off and they are unpaid. I feel like I'm going to basically be a single mom going thru this. He is going to expect meals when he comes home from work. Ha!!! Good thing I have frozen some stuff, but it certainly won't last.
I've had a million Braxton Hicks today. Not sure what is up, but I guess I don't have a choice but to put up with it. They don't hurt per say, but uncomfy. They make my intestines unhappy. Like I have to fart or pee. I can't tell! :rofl:
Wow our hubby's work situations are sucking all around!! :hugs: girls

My hubby only has 4 days off too that are paid and he was planning on taking a week of unpaid fmla but now it sounds as though the lay off will happen beginning nov 1st so he will be off all of November and December :( which is good so we have baby and family adjustment time but its going to be so tight living off of unemployment for 2 months...I get nothing since I am self employed...blah!
That sucks big time mommab and wishful! is there no way you can get this changed so that they are around??

Viking, seriously dinner with a newborn!! maybe cooking lessons?!

Makes me feel grateful for my OH's paternity leave, 2 weeks with full pay, which most people over here think is pants but it's great compared to what you are all saying!

Been getting loads of BH, almost constant but only in the evening, not painful at all though, so not worried just makes me feel like D day is getting closer :)
Charlie15, I'm not sure why he would expect dinner, but it's just how he operates. He has been programmed since he was a little kid to look to his mom for food. He comes home from work every night and asks. If I haven't made anything he doesn't know what to do. He asks for help. What can I eat? I wonder what he is going to do when I go back to work. He's getting used to it now not having anything. I'm kinda winding down over here. I can't do much. I get the BHs and they aren't a lot of fun. They don't hurt they are just uncomfy and they kind of freak me out, so I just go lay down. I spent a lot of time laying down yesterday. I did force myself to get out and do my exercises but I paid for it when they were over. I had a very long and strong BH in the shower afterward. I had to lean against the wall and just ride the contraction out. They usually go away when I lay down.
My OH's not much of a cook either but he will put something together and eat it no matter how weird it is! am hoping to teach him a couple of simple recipes to cook for me when he's on leave once bubs is here, we shall see how that plan works out though, but luckily he doesn't expect me to cook for him all the time!!

I know what you mean about BH and winding down, I have been sleeping on the sofa all day as was having a few too many this morning and with sleeping so badly at night I'm so tired and pretty useless now! wanted to go for a good walk today but sofa was much more appealing!
Sorry that your ladies husbands work is not fair when it comes to baby bonding time. :hugs: to you cause I know that would be stressful.

I feel lucky that mine can take up to 6 weeks paid plus another 6 weeks unpaid if he wanted to. He plans to take 2 weeks as of right now and then we'll see if he needs more, but I'm sure 2 weeks will be fine.

My BH are much more intense at night than they are during the day. My back has been killing me the last two nights so I'm not sleeping much because of that.

Here's a couple pictures...
35 week bump
35 weeks.jpg
And we were trying to get them to kiss my tummy, but only my oldest understood exactly what we were trying to me and Addie were just laughing...
Girls & Belly.jpg

Enjoy your weekend everyone! :)

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