November 2012 Due Dates

i dont feel kicks or punches anymore.. just rolls and stretches. my baby head is still kinda off to the side though.. not completely transverse but more transverse then head down... crossing my fingers he figures it out soon lol
Hey Ladies!!

Sorry to hear about all the issues you guys are having with your OH's and their work situations. My DH doesn't get any sort of paternity leave, but he has saved all of his paid time off days for baby. I think he's got around 7-10 saved, but most likely will not take them all. Thank goodness my mom will be with me the entire first week after baby gets here!

Ashley, beautiful bump! Your girls are so cute :)

AFM - I had my first baby shower this weekend. It was so fun seeing everyone, especially my best friend who is just a week behind me. Here's a pic of our bumps at the shower :)

I'm due November 28 (on the left) and she's due December 8 (on the right)
Mrs, that is so special! I was a couple of weeks ahead of one of my dearest friends and miscarried. I was really excited as that seems like super fun to have your friend be right in the thick of it with you. I was due July 15 and she was July 28. It wasn't meant to be. She ended up delivering Aug 6. It was bittersweet, and we have definitely been brought closer thru the commiseration. She gives me all the tips she can remember as she's going thru everything. That pic is precious.
Thanks, Ladies :)

Viking - It is really special. I hate you missed out on it, but I can see how it would bring you two closer together. In some ways it may not have been meant to be, but it worked out in other ways. You guys will still share a bond forever because of it.

MommaB - bless you!! :) haha... I look pretty small from the side, but when you're looking at me straight on you can see I'm carrying wide! You'd think he was a girl from all the old wives tales about how you carry, but we've had it checked several times and there are definitely boy parts! :)
So cute Mrs!! I agree you look tiny compared to my beached whale self lol I'm big from the front, side, and rear :rofl:
Mrs.- HOW CUTE!!!! You look great! My bump is pink, and I come straight out like a torpedo! From the front view most people cant even tell I am pregnant! Then I turn to the side and its HUGE! lol. I have actually had a woman shriek in the grocery store as i turned to the side. She couldnt believe it LOL. :haha::haha:

I have been MIA from this board for awhile, trying to catch up a bit. I have found myself gravitating towards the birth announcements and the 'this is it" posts. :blush:
I cant believe we can all say we are due next month!!! I wonder how many of us will have october babies?
Everyone around me thinks my girl will arrive on Halloween. She is due nov 20th. We shall see:) How are all you ladies feeling?
I agree Mrs, your picture is so cute! :) You do look so tiny... And thank you for your sweet comment!
I am straight out as well...from the back my husband said you can't tell I'm pregnant...until I start walking lol. I definitely have a major waddle going on.

So, we are due next month ladies!! So exciting to be able to finally say that. I defnitely think there will be lots of us having our babies this month and I THINK I'll be one of them. We'll see...Last night I had pretty strong BH's every 8-10 minutes for just over an hour...after getting up and walking around the house I finally got them to slow down and got to sleep around 3AM.
I have had so many instances of BH and a few (very much so) real contractions the last week or so. Also Feel as though baby has dropped a ton. I waddle like a duck, and some days I swear this baby is going to drop right out from the pressure in my pelvis. I just don't want her to try and come too soon, because I know my midwife will stop any labor that happens before 36 1/2 weeks. And when that happened with my second the meds made it so I nearly needed an induction.
I have had so many instances of BH and a few (very much so) real contractions the last week or so. Also Feel as though baby has dropped a ton. I waddle like a duck, and some days I swear this baby is going to drop right out from the pressure in my pelvis. I just don't want her to try and come too soon, because I know my midwife will stop any labor that happens before 36 1/2 weeks. And when that happened with my second the meds made it so I nearly needed an induction.

I feel like that too! I have SO much pressure! I had my 2nd at 36w1d which would be this Saturday for this baby which is completely crazy to even think about!

How many of you ladies have appts this week!? I go Friday morning.
My next appointment is next friday the 12th. Get my GBS swab and check for dialation. With the way im feeling im giving myself another 2 and half weeks an I think she will be here. Maybe wishful thinking but I don't feel like im going to make it much longer.
I have my 33 week on wednesday. It is technically my 32 week, but my due date went back 8 days after they had me scheduled out and I didnt feel like switching them and having to change my calendar. LOL! I feel like this baby has literally no room to move around. I am excited to start seeing birth announcements in this group!! We are all close!
Thanks, girls :) I guess the old wives tale is completely off base if you two are both expecting girls and carrying straight out ;) I've always had wider hips, so I figured I'd carry a lot of weight there anyway.

My next appt is also next Friday. MommaB - is this the start of your weekly visits? I didn't think they started checking for dialation until 36 weeks.

I think there will be a lot of October mommas out of our group.... but I also think I'll be one of the December mommas. Hopefully not... I'm praying for a Thanksgiving baby :)
I wish I could say that I'm feeling ready, but I'm just feeling uncomfortable. I've got BH, but nothing timeable. Some are super long. Like 5 minutes and those suck. But most of the time I don't really notice them. I also have some deep pelvis pain in the front by the hinge where the two sides connect. Mostly an ache, but sometimes it ramps up to painful.
I got curious after reading about cervix checking, so I checked myself :shy: It was up so high I couldn't even reach it. So it must be tilted way back and not even thinking about opening yet. So, I'm just going to have to be patient. The next 5 weeks are going to be painful. I hope they fly by.
i have that same pelvic pain. it's worst when i've been sitting for awhile and i stand up and walk....soooooo sore feeling!
my appointment is Wednesday.. nothing exciting but i like going anyways... after that i go every week... so exciting! cant believe its october ladies!!

lost the rest of my mucus plug this morning, but i'm thinking i will make another one since i am still early
I have an appointment on Thursday! Nothing exciting for me yet, it's only a 33 wk appointment. My next appointment 2 weeks after that will be GBS swab, then I go again at 37 weeks, then 38,39,40 I don't know what happens after 40.

I still have 7 weeks to go!!! Boo! I don't want to wait that long! I'm really excited that there are going to be some babies showing up in October, I can't wait to see pics and read stories (if you ladies can find the time anyway).
Thanks, girls :) I guess the old wives tale is completely off base if you two are both expecting girls and carrying straight out ;) I've always had wider hips, so I figured I'd carry a lot of weight there anyway.

My next appt is also next Friday. MommaB - is this the start of your weekly visits? I didn't think they started checking for dialation until 36 weeks.

I think there will be a lot of October mommas out of our group.... but I also think I'll be one of the December mommas. Hopefully not... I'm praying for a Thanksgiving baby :)

Yep!! I will be starting my weekly visits and I will be 36 weeks. :happydance:
I have an urge to nest...... well, really it's more of an urge to re-organize my kitchen to make way for all of baby's things! I need to make a trip to the container store so I can get small storage bins to put nipples and bottle accessories in, and I need to make room in the cabinets. I can alraedy imagine where I'm going to move things and now I'm dying to get home so I can actually do it! I also need to finish putting things away in the nursery that we got at the shower...

For you veterans... where did you keep burp rags? Mostly in diaper bags?? Or did you have a drawer in the kitchen or somewhere else in the house where you kept them?

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