November 2012 Due Dates

Part of me kind of hopes so, then the other part thinks it would be nice to go and have a nice calm birth that is planned.

Being crampy for another two weeks would be dreadful!! OH and I were talking about that last night and I said although I hate being in pain constantly I am going to miss being pregnant. Its so much easier to haul her around while she is inside me, and I love to feel her move about. Just wish it wasnt as painful.
Being crampy and having all the pain would SUCK if it wasnt doing anything. And I agree its probably easier to have them in then out, but I am SOOOO uncomfortable and want to sleep,(as much as I can on my stomach) so I am HOPING these girls will make an apperance sometime this week.....I have HORRIBLE back pain but am not aloud to take a bath only a shower. And to top it all off last night I went to bed at 10:30pm and woke up at 12:30 to be sick and then had the sick feeling ALL night so then I couldnt sleep more than 30-45minutes at a time, so I probably only got about 2 hours TOTAL! and now I have a ton of pressure and back pain but nothing else yet, besides the contractions that dont seem to be getting closert together yet, just painful.
I think the race is on between Ashley, MommaB and AMM now :) Good luck to you ladies! Seems like you're all getting really close :thumbup:

I've had contractions on and off all weekend. They don't last very long, though, and they have been nothing like the monster contraction I had last week. (Which by the way, the doctor said if I have another one that strong and for that long - over 10 minutes - to go straight to L&D). No checks yet, she won't start until 36 weeks, but I have another appointment next week at 35 weeks so she may start then if I continue to have contractions. I still think I'm in this for the long haul though... I hope some of you are still around to read all of our "this is it" stories toward the end of November, but most of you will be busy adjusting to your new little ones :)
Awe mrs of course we will still be around :hugs: I'm so excited for all of us and to read everyone's this is it's <3

Nothing new here other than more morning sickness all day :( I don't think it's ever going to end!!! Today is my daughters 8th birthday and I am a very emotional mommy for sure <3 We have a fun day of surprises for her since this is her last as an only child! She woke up to her room covered in balloons and streamers, she will get a few special deliveries at school from friends and family, after school daddy and I are taking her to see frankenweenie and then to her favorite restaurant, the last thing she gets to accompany us to our last child birth class where they also have a mini party planned for her <3 I can't believe my baby is 8 and I will soon have a new baby...I love her so much and I can't wait for all you first time mommies to experience this incredible love <3 <3 <3
That sounds like great birthday plans MommyH! Sorry to hear about the morning sickness though. :( Have a fun day with your birthday girl!
Happy Birthday to your big girl, MommyH! Sounds like you have a wonderful birthday planned for her :)
Charlie, I'm still getting BHs, but thankfully I haven't had a repeat of the 25 minute long one. I am getting them in bed now too. Before I would lay down and things would be quiet, but not anymore. They don't hurt. Just uncomfortable. I don't like them so much though because I feel like my breathing is hindered. Like my diaphragm is paralyzed or something. It's weird and I hope real contractions don't make me feel the same way.
Mommy H, that sounds like a lovely surprise for your DD. I'm sure she will soak all of that up!
So my DH is complaining that I'm snoring constantly now. :haha: I've got the pregnancy congestion pretty bad at this point or I'm coming down with another cold. I'm really hoping its just the pregnancy congestion. I've got a sore throat this morning, but it may be due to breathing thru my mouth all night too. I didn't sleep well last night, but was able to get a nap in this morning. I don't know how you STMs are doing this. If I couldn't be lazy I'd be totally miserable.
A fewest to share <3

Last night her last picture as a 7year old

This morning her first picture as an 8 year old
Oh AMM :hugs: I can only imagine how uncomfortbale you are!! I hope the LO's make there arrival soon for you!! And im with you on the tummy sleeping!! Although after a c-section it still takes about another month before you can...I so cant wait!!

Mrs :hugs: ugh I hope that you get some relief from the contractions your having. If you do keep having them and mention it at your next appointment they may just go ahead and check you. Mine was going to do it at my 35 week, but I opted to wait until my 36 since dialation progression really does me no good since im c-section. (but its still fun to see if im progressing) I will still be around to see your this is it!! I cant wait!!

MommyH- I know what you mean!!! We have been trying to to do lots of special things with our son. Im sure it will be hard on them since they have been the center of attention for so long and it makes me sad to think of him feeling "not as special" as he did before. I have put back extra money for Christmas this year to make sure he has a really big one since baby wont need much. He understands that next year will be a little different. It sounds like your doing lots of wonderful things for her today to make her feel extra extra special!! Happy Birthday to your princess! Hope its a great day for her, and that you feel better so that you can enjoy it too!!
I haven't lost any of my plug yet, so I'm not sure if she'll do a check if that's still the case next week, but we'll see! DH caught me timing contractions last night... I only get about 3 in a 45 minute period so nothing to be concerned about, but he saw my phone (I was on my iPregnancy app) and said "What's that... what's going on... are you okay..." LOL! Poor guy!

MommyH - your little girl is PRECIOUS!
Aww cute mrs!
I havent lost any plug either! But then I don't think im dilating at all, so I guess it's all locked in :p
I have an app on my phone too and OH gets all worried when I use it :haha: Men are so cute sometimes!
i had some BH this morning that hurt and my crazy butt was so excited haha.. any sign for me at this point is great. my back is yelling at me!!!

MommyH-happy birthday to your girl! she is so pretty!
Morning ladies...
MommyH-Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter! Sounds like a great day you have planned for her! :) Enjoy!
Mrs-I'm sure there will be plenty of us sticking around to see your this is well as everyone else's due in November :)

As for me, I really just don't know anymore. I haven't had any more plug come out since Thursday night and at my appointment he said I'm still closed which is confusing because I even had a little bit of bloody show (or what I thought was). Plus, when I was in the hospital they told me I was 2-3cm. ?????? I'm able to go longer between taking the medication to slow contractions as well. So, I'm beginning to think I'll go to my due date.

Well, I'm off to update the front page. Let me know doctor appointments again ladies...I go Thursday and I'm assuming he's going to be checking me every time from now on. I kinda don't even want him to cause I just get discouraged now...
Awe, Ashley :hugs: So sorry you're feeling discouraged. I'm sure it's very frustrating, but you never know. She could surprise you! :)
My next appointment is on the 26th, which kicks off my weekly appointments! YIKES :)
Hang in there Ashley. There are days I think im going to go early, and then others that make me think im in it for the long haul! :hugs:

My next appointment is Friday, checking again for dialation and monitoring BP to discuss earlier delivery.
Bexxc saw in the Front page you had an appointment today. How did it go?

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