November 2012 Due Dates

Good luck Viking!!

I saw on another November thread a 35 week mommy had her baby this monring via c-section! EEkkk!!
Just wanted you guys to know that I am still waiting, I went in Monday night with major contractions and they monitered me for about 3 hours and gave me IV fluids and the contractions got smaller and farther apart. I am still having them but they dont hurt to bad, last night we walked ALOT, and I tried everything that said it was safe as a home remedy for progressing labor. except dtd, I cant do that now that I did lose my mucas I have a growth scan today at 11am and I am going to see if they can check me again while I am there, I did got from a finger tip to 1cm in about 12 hours so I am hoping something else has happened since yesterday.
Hope you are progressing AMM. I know you are eager to meet the girls.
Good luck Viking and amm!!

I got my gbs test back (I can see my medical records online) and it says no gtowth so I'm assuming that means its negative :woohoo: Last night I had lots of painful contractions and thought maybe lost a small clump of bloody plug in the toilet so hopefully things are progressing! I hate that they won't do any checks till 39 weeks :( I bounce on my birthing ball all the time and as of now I can't hardly walk she is down so low and causing tons of pain...last night I had a ice pack on my crotch and a heating pad in my back and that seemed to help a bit but I certainly looked funny :rofl: This morning I'm having lots more back pains...oh an a nightmare that she turned breach :/ I sure hope that's not the case at my appointment this morning!!! 37 weeks tomorrow :happydance:
Don't think you have much longer either MommyH. Pretty sure bloody plug = dilation. Keep us in the loop! :)
There was a bloody chunk at the bottom of the toilet from what I could tell, obviously wasn't going up go fishing just to inspect it haha...when I wiped there was nothing so I dunno maybe it was something else? I sure hope I'm progressing, this constant pain sucks and how that I'm full term and past our other daughters birthday I declare game on ;)
Eeeep MommyH! I had bloody plug the day before I went into labour with this little one. I lost it around 4:30pm and I went into early labour around 1:30am, my pains were also in my back too. Good luck hun :)

oh my gosh! you guys are all getting so close. i don't know whether to be thankful that i have a little more time to prepare or jealous that i have longer to wait to meet sprout!
off to my week 36 check up!! with my soreness "down there" i am a bit worried but i guess i'm going to give birth to a baby soon so i should get over it :haha:

hope i am negative for step b too because i am allergic to three different antibioditics and i always have problems with the rest of them!!

a family friend gave birth last night, it was her first and she went 18 days early... i have hope i won't have to wait to the very end too!

i'll post when i get back!
Agreed - MommyH is now in the running :)

K ladies, I have a DH rant... (doesn't happen often, so I feel bad doing it, but I need to get it off my chest... I'm just having one of those days).

So, DH is pretty much a home body... which, I am too mostly so it doesn't bother me that much. He likes to hang out close to home and have people at our house instead of going downtown or going to friend's houses. Around the end of the year he always gets cranky b/c we have a ton of plans and we never really get a free weekend... well this year obviously we've had a lot going on because of the baby (family coming to town, driving out of town for showers, planned parties, etc.). Last weekend was our couples shower, this weekend is his 10 year reunion, and smack in the middle of it I planned our parenting class, which is tonight at 6pm and is 3 hours long. He has been throwing a fit for 2 weeks saying he doesn't want to go and asking if we can just skip it. Now, DH has ZERO experience with kids! The man has never held a baby so obvioulsy he knows nothing about the basics (bathing, feeding, changing diapers, sleeping, etc.). This is more for him than it is for me and he's being a real pain in the butt about it. I've told him to quit complainig and just get over it b/c I do crap for him all the time that I don't want to do and this is in the best interest of our child. I know he's just whining b/c we've had so much going on, but it's really annoying the crap out of me! Especially considering the last 10 days I've gone through (nearly losing my dog, the constant cramps and overall being uncomfortable, having a house full of people, the lack of sleep, etc.) I would think he could shut his mouth about it and just go with the flow so as not to stress me out any more. Anyone else's DH/OH really pissing them off lately????
mine's getting under my skin a bit too, mrs! he works only part time- about 20 hours a week. he gets really cranky and bitches and moans about how tired he is all the time. i come home on one of his 4 days off a week and he's maybe done a load of laundry that lays wrinkling in the dryer and a load of dishes that isn't put away. and again, i get home after being on my feet all day and the first thing he says is how tired he is. between prep and teaching, i work about 50 hours a week (not counting what i do at home) and i'm freakin pregnant. i just keep wanting to yell at him to grow a pair! i just don't know what's gotten into him!
Ladies :hugs: to you!! Hope your pain in the rear OH get into shape and stop stressing you out!!
Grr... men. What's wrong with them?!

Thanks, MommaB! I know after this class is over he'll be fine and will be glad he went... but right now, I want to punch him. I'm also just having a bad week which isn't making it any better for him :haha:
All is well in Ela land :) They confirmed I'm gbs negative yay! I had some massive contractions on the monitors but they still wouldn't check to see if I've made any progress :( A friend predicted kn Monday that Ela would be here around the end of the week...I do t feel ready really but I'm also ready to get this pain over with :) Can't wait to meet all our babies!!!!!!

:hugs: to all you with pita hubby's...mine does the same lazy things that drive me up the wall but he also works mug more than me so I try to give him a break a little...there's just so much I can't do anymore and I'm irritated with that just as much as him lol
Mommy H, I also agree. You are getting closer! Yay!
GBS negative! Yay! I gained 6 lbs in a week? Seriously no way. I just don't believe that. I have actually been fairly good so I'm just not going to worry about it. Whatever at this point. We are going to have to diet hard core. Not looking forward to that. Hopefully breast feeding will work its magic?
Hm, my DH has missed a total of 4 classes that I have signed us up for. We have almost finished our birthing classes. One more on Sunday. He managed to miss the newborn safety/CPR class and it really set me off because he didn't even try to make it. Didn't notify work about needing to be off, and then didn't even try to swap shifts with anyone. That was a really important one to miss. I wouldn't be so mad about it if he had tried, but he didn't. So I understand why you are mad Mrs. We both feel pretty strongly about the med-free intervention-free birth so that's why I enrolled us in the Bradley method classes and those are 12 classes. He wasn't thrilled about it, so I said you know what? If you want me to push this baby out without drugs you need to help me. If you aren't willing to do this then you have no say. He has missed all information about breastfeeding. That really makes me mad too. But there is only so much I can do to get him to attend. I'm tired of reminding him like he's 13 that he needs to schedule around stuff. It's definitely going to be a struggle scheduling once our girl is here. I can see that it is going to cause a lot of stress. My schedule at the airline can be pretty inflexible and unpredictable. It's going to be tough. Anyhow, I know what you mean. Mrs, I'd want to put my foot up your DH's butt. My DH has never complained about a class afterwards. He has always seen the value afterward.

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