November 2012 Due Dates

Today I realized I hadn't felt little Miss move....not at all that I could remember. I got a glass of ice water and layed on my left side...nothing. Ate a popsicle and moved to my right side...nothing. Took a warm bath, she always moves when I do this and drank another glass of ice water...nothing. Got some coffee and tried to sit in the recliner while poking at her trying to get her to poke me back...panic sets in its now been two hours.

I rang the nurse line and told them what was going on and the doctor on call got ahold of me not even 2 minutes later and told me to come straight in. The 45 minute drive to the hospital felt like an eternity. As soon as we are walking to the doors I get a kick

They set me up in a room to do a stress test and she goes nuts kicking and rolling about I felt stupid, but I have never been so happy to be proven wrong. The nurse said I did the right thing, and took all the right steps. She said that little Miss was actually looking really good and that if she did it again don't hesitate to call. Sometimes women don't call and they dont get the same results I did because they were to scared to feel dumb. I love this nurse!!

But Morgan, oh she is GROUNDED when she gets here for scaring me like that!!
Mommabarry this little miss Ela does the exact same thing to me!! She has done it like 3 times and I finally figured out if I take a walk like I'm on a mission she will usually wake up! It's like 'uh oh mommy is going to the dr' when I'm walking like I'm freaking out up to l&d and then she wakes up as soon as I get inside and I always feel dumb too but they tell e the same thing,I'm glad you had a good caring nurse! The first time Ela did I was so worried because we tried for a couple hours and she wouldn't budge at all and as soon as they got me on monitors and I heard her hb both hubby and I broke down in tears and the nurse saw how scared we I try not to get too worried but it does set a state of panic in when it happens :hugs:
Oh Momma! Glad you went and received good news! I've had that a couple times and I'm the person that doesn't go in. This morning is a good example and just as I thought "what is she doing?", she moves her tushie to one side. I think she's very squished and doesn't know where to go! Glad everything is ok!

Wonder if AMM is holding her girls right now? AHH!
Thanks ladies :hugs:

I was happy that we had a good nurse and even more so that everything was ok with Miss Morgan. After I got home she was moving up a storm. She is usually really quite in the morning and active in the evening but calms down by bedtime. I see now that her schedule has shifted and now she is active at bedtime and early morning. Looks like once she gets here she will be a night owl after all :dohh: lol

AMM how are you? I'll be stalking the thread for an update!
AMM hasn't posted since yesterday... I wonder if there's some action going on!! FX'd!!
Leaving soon for my appointment. Hoping that I get to see AMMs this is it (that was it) some time today!
Good luck, Bookity :)

So, if AMM pops today (or has already had her girls), that makes 4 births, right? Coleey, WTB, lilbean, and AMM.... am I missing any?
I believe that is everyone from our threads. But then again my brain doesn't work with my memory this pregnancy :haha:
Good luck, Bookity :)

So, if AMM pops today (or has already had her girls), that makes 4 births, right? Coleey, WTB, lilbean, and AMM.... am I missing any?

4 births and 7 babies.
MommaBerry, that is scary. I'm so glad the nurse encouraged you by saying you did the right thing. My MW told me yesterday that her movement was the most important indicator that she is doing alright. No more U/S for me unless something appears to be wrong, so keeping tabs on movement is really important. It sounds like Morgan's pattern is like my girl's. She is usually active around 7am-ish and midnight-ish. I'm so glad everything is ok and that she is moving in there. :hugs:
AMM I hope all is well and things are moving along.
Update: I was contracting really hard and they were 1 to 2 minutes apart, and PAINFUL and unfortunatly the first thing they do is give you IV fluids to see if that helps any, and they gave me two bags the first one was FAST and the second one a little slower, I am a 1+ but the contractions I am having are NOT DOING ANYTHING to my cervix. She said the pressure I am feeling is because I have two babies pushing down, so they let me go home and I have another check tomorrow at 11am to see if there is any change. I have been contracting all night and all morning, and she did say I am heading in the right direction, I just need the contractions to start to change my cervix, I need to get to 3cm for them to go ahead and so the c-section. They seem to think that it will happen in the next few days and I am now on complete bed rest, they really want the girls to stay in past 36 weeks, which is FRIDAY so now its a MAJOR waiting game. I am really hoping they decide to come on Sat. the 20th, since my son was born on 8-20 I think it would be cool for the girls to be born on 10-20. So I am STILL WAITING but thanks for all the support! It feels good to have so many people care, and I will keep updating.
aw amm! i know you just want to be done with this! you're so close. just hold on a little bit longer!
AWWWWW AMM. We have all been thinking of you. Hope you are hanging in there! We can't wait to see and hear (or should I say read) all about your beautiful girls!!! Hopefully only a couple days!!!
:hugs: AMM you're ALMOST there!!!! It'll be over soon and you'll get to see your sweet girls before you know it! Keep us posted :)
AMM-You poor thing! I know I felt so crappy after coming home from the hospital and contracting for all that time and NOTHING happening! But you have 2 babies so you must be way more uncomfortable than me! I really hope that at your appt some change has happened and if not then it happens really soon. Funny that you want the 20th cause I want the 20th or the

Mrs.-On this thread Coleey is the only one that has had a baby. Lilbean and WTB are both on the Sparklers thread. But yes I think that is it as far as both of these threads.

I have my appointment this afternoon. I really hope he doesn't even check me and just says Everything is fine and I'll see ya in a week. I've put in my head that she isn't coming on time and I'm going to have to be induced.
Oh - I forgot to give you ladies an update on our parenting class last night. DH was fine once we got there. He could tell I was beyond frustrated with his snide remarks regarding the class before we got there and he chilled out with the whining. He was really into the class actually... anytime she demonstrated a hold or technique, he picked up the baby doll and practiced everything. He asked a lot of questions, too. He apologized up and down for making such a big deal about going and thanked me for making him go. :)

That's right honey... I always know best, and don't you forget it! :haha:

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