November 2012 Due Dates

So I have an NST today at 11am and they are going to check me again to see if I have made any progress in 2 days and I am PRAYING and keeping everything crossed that something happened with the contractions I have been having...Yesterday my MIL came over and did all my dishes, and cleaned up my dining room and then took my son home so I could rest since I am supposed to be on bed rest. I took 2 naps and layed in bed almost all day and I was sooooooo swollen, my feet were huge and hurt. I took a shower late last night and that didnt do anything except prove that shaving the bottom of my legs is now something that I cant do! aggghhhh...36Weeks today and I am ready for these girls!
AMM don't cross your legs!!! Everything else is fine though:thumbup: Keep us posted! Hope to hear good news from you soon!
Hopefully everyone is really relaxed over the weekend and we get some new babies! We are going to dinner tomorrow night with the in-laws for DH's birthday and MIL said, "if you need to cancel due to labor, we'll understand." Obviously everyone is excited for Amara to get here. My mother has now started calling her Amara rather than baby. She called yesterday to let me know that she had purchased matching Christmas dresses for the girl and our one-year-old niece. They'll be so cute. My mother doesn't have the best taste, but I can't imagine it won't be adorable.

DH was having a fit last night because my hospital bag isn't packed. Let me be clear, I have my "stuff" stacked up in the bassinet so that I can just shove it in a bag, but he cannot get over it. I keep telling him that I'll have to take everything out to make sure I've added the right stuff anyway. He literally thinks that we'll go from a little contraction to pushing baby out in minutes. I knew he was doing too much chatting at our baby class!
Oh my goodness we are all getting put through the ringer by these November babies!

Good luck amm I hope they keep you and you get to meet your girls today <3

Mommabarry yay for watermelons!!! I'm jealous you get to say 2 weeks and I have to say 3 lol sometimes I wish there was a 'get Ela out for sure day' :)

As for me I had a crazy busy day at work yesterday and came home to awful contractions...they lasted 6 hours and were 3-4 minutes apart 1-1.5 mi items apart!!! I was home with just my daughter and I handled them really well and I was laying down relaxing the entire time...after 4 hours I called the on call midwife who wanted me to try a warm bath and some Tylenol pm before deciding if it was the real deal or not. The pain was so cnsistent and seemed to be picking up in intensity so I was worried I was in denial since my first daughter was 2 weeks late and had to be induced and this put me at 3 weeks early and that it was maybe real labor...anyhow I skipped the bath as water just didn't sound good to me and decided to do some work around the house and finish packing hospital bags just in case. Hubby was supposed to get off work by midnight so if this was it we would go get checked when he got home. After I started working on the bags I realized when I kept myself busy I wasn't getting them as often or as strong so I assumed this wasn't it :( I was super bummed and beyond exhausted so I took the Tylenol pm and went to bed about fractions picked back up when I layed down but I was so frustrated I just closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep on the couch...hubby woke me up when he got home and moved me to bed...I slept like a rock but woke up a few times feeling very I'm wide awake laying here since 5am bored and bummed...I really hope this doesn't happen for 3+ more weeks straight :(
I agree - some of you need to hurry up and have babies so I can get my fix! I need to let our guy cook a little longer, so you all will have to post pictures of your little ones in the meantime :)

DH was totally calm throughout the entire pregnancy, but ever since I hit the 8th month he's been a bit of a spaz! LOL!
Anyone else doing anything to help their baby/body along? My midwife suggested evening primrose oil capsules to help my cervix/uterus start the process...I got some yesterday because I was supposed to begin it at 37 weeks but with all the action last night I didn't so I'm going to start it woodsy...anyone else doing anything? I'm all for suggestions :) I know she will come when she is ready but just curious if anyone has other ideas to prepare for our births...perennial massage anyone?? Lol :rofl:
Ha ha! Perennial massage!

It's supposed to help, but I cannot imagine anything I would rather do less!
mine's still cooking. as anxious as i am to know if we have an eli or a bryn, i don't think i should encourage him/her to come out just yet. :haha:
Yay congrats bexxc!!! I can't wait to be done with work...2 more weeks just seems so long and now I'm wishing I hadn't booked clients that far out :/

Stephens I couldn't agree more!! No pm here for me either lol
i was going to work 2 more weeks, but i'm sooooo over it!
Sarah I think your are going to win lol.

Docs appointment went good. No change since last time but I knew there wouldnt be. BP was still high but since there was no protien in my urine they are not going to take baby earlier.

Only got an hour of sleep last night and im EXHAUSTED!!! Going to try and take a nap before heading to my last hair appointment for who knows how long :haha:

As of tomorrow I start walking walking walking. Next weekend works for Morgan to make her arrival and Im going to try and help it along lol.
i want to walk so bad but my hips and legs kill me!! this whole time i was planning on walking a crap loud at the end and now i really can only shuffle my feet without being in pain :(

guess i'll continue to bounce lol
So my NST went great, babies look really good, I am contracting but not enough to change my cervix, still a 1+ so I am going to WALK WALK WALK...I dont know what else I can do right now, no more sex since I lost my mucas plug already, and they say nipple simulation but its like 3 hours a day..ummm no thanks.....I did drink some of the red raspberry leaf tea but I dont think it did any good...the nurses couldnt believe I was still pregnant, and they are the ones that said start walking, its the only thing, and DONT do castor oil...the side effects are worse than the outcome of actually going into labor.
walking hurts for me too especially since everything from the ribs down feels swollen! But i know that walking is the best thing to jump start labor, so I do it, usually after about 3-5 minutes, the pain goes away and the waddling starts but its the only thing I can do right now and I want these girls TOMORROW!!
Mommy H it sounds like your body is really gearing up for labor. Your little baby got an eviction notice last night! I hope that things happen quickly and you don't have lots of nights like that.
I can't believe everyone is still working. There is absolutely no way I can imagine still working. My back was just killing me at 27 weeks. I don't know how y'all do it. I guess I'm just a wuss. I also have gained so much weight. That has to be the problem. I can't wait to have my body back.
So, a MW in my group told me I could start with evening primrose oil. So I do take that. I usually only manage to get it down 2xs a day. I should be taking it 3xs a day, but I'm terrible at taking meds and pills and such. She also recommended red raspberry leaf tea. I drink that once a day at least. The box says 3-4 times a day. Meh. I don't think so. She also said the exercise ball. Bounce and lean and circle the hips. I do that an hour a night after walking the dog. She said the more uncomfortable I am the more likely she will want to come out because she is uncomfortable. That being said I usually spend the majority of the day laying in bed on my side :shrug: I just can't sit or stand very long. I am going to the grocery store soon. I usually do about one chore a day.
I felt like she dropped a tiny bit in the last three days, but nothing dramatic. She's just not quite as high as before. I can't believe she could realistically still be in there another 4 weeks. :cry:
Charlie, I think all is fine until your water breaks. Go for it.

And since she mentioned it, I forgot that my MW also said lots of sex. My DH hasn't touched me since my BFP so that isn't going to happen. But good luck to those who can manage!
so glad i'm not the only one, viking. pregnancy seems to be like penis repellent to my dh. for awhile i was feeling pretty hard up, but now i don't want it anyway! :haha:
My dr said if you have lost your plug and feel like you are discharging more than normal then not too because you can get an infection, also sperm inside the cervix, uterus can cause contractions becuase of some chemical so you shouldnt have sex after a certain time unless you are trying to go into labor. I have only had it once or twice in the last few months and it hurt so its not going to be something that i do..

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