November 2012 Due Dates

viking & bexxc - My DH has been the same. I can count on one hand the number of times we've DTD since I've been pregnant... he swears it's because he doesn't want to hurt me since I've had such awful back pain, but I think he's just not into the pregnant body that way. He's always so sweet about it and tells me I'm beautiful, but I think it's hard for him to see me as "sexy" right now.
i think that's definitely how morgan is feeling. it's just not his thing.
Yes, sadly my DH finds the belly repellant. I'm not going to take it personally. I think I look hideous too. I am jealous of those who's husbands think they are sexy though. We don't have the best sex life to begin with (TMI) so I didn't expect to get any. :shrug: I just hope I can manage to lose all this weight once this little girl comes out or I may never have sex again...
So, as far as what we can do to move this along I really don't know what to do. I cannot walk but am sure thinking about just going for it. We have DTD twice this week. I figured we'd try that until my next appointment at least. :) With my 1st I remember a good friend who is also a labor and delivery nurse told me to have sex. I was like 'no thanks' mainly because I was being induced the next day...This time I figured 'why not'. Lol.
What are your ladies opinions on being induced with no medical reason? I'd be at 39 weeks.
i feel like i'm making too comfortable a home for baby... i too spend a lot of my time on my side resting because its the only time i'm not in tons of pain! i need to move more, for sure.. but it is so hard!!

i have so many pros and cons about being induced. i think if i am favorable (i guess you can never know) i might. i have a large baby inside and i don't want a c-section so it is hard. if i am at my due date or pass due and my dr suggests it i feel like i will not be able to say no! i am so uncomfortable and ready to meet my son.. but at the same time i know induction can often times lead to c-sections. ugh... the stress lol
yey for last day of teaching Beccx :) you can try and chill out now. i don't know how you have worked for so long either!

I have been drinking raspberry leaf tea for a while now, it doesn't bring on labour but it's meant to strengthen you uterus so pushing is easier and shorter, which sounds good to me!

I decided to start with evening primrose oil last night, no idea if it helps but worth a shot! and today I managed to walk for a total of 2 hours!! not in one go mind, 2 1 hour walks with a sleep in between as it totally tires me out and i end up with a painful back and hips too, so end up waddling VERY slowly!! I think as of next week we are going on a mission with some bedroom activity!! It really feels like the last thing i want to do but we'll give it a go and see how we feel but the last time we did it, it was soooooo painful so not sure how successful we'll be!!

Ashely I'm not really convinced about induction for no good medical reason, so would probably prefer nature to take it's course and bubs will come when ready. But i know there are others out there who would totally disagree and almost beg to be induced. But also been induced is probably my main dread to be honest with you, so I'm unlikely to be for it!! Why do they want to induce you? especially seeing as you've had to be on bed rest to try and avoid premature labour?? I would have thought they'd be happy to let you carry on.
Ashley - I'm really on the fence about that, too. On one hand I'd love to meet my baby early, but on the other I'd hate to interfere with the natural progression and take him if he's not ready... although at 39 weeks that's not really a concern for you as she'll be plenty ready at that point. I'm really not sure what I would do in your situation. One thing is, I don't think you'd be judged either way. We're all so anxious and would be totally supportive if you decided to be induced. :hugs: I'm sure my input didn't help much, but hugs to you either way! That's a tough one!
Thank you for your responses ladies. I just really don't know yet. I had a very good experience being induced so it's easy for me to say yeah let's do it! But, I don't really know for sure what the reason for being induced would be. My doctor is sort of different and doesn't express concern until he absolutely has to. I just know as soon as he measured me, looked at my weight, my feet being swollen, he said he doesn't want me to go overdue. Then, he asked if I had to be induced with my others and I told him yes with my first due to preeclampsia and he just said come back in a week and we'll talk. He basically said the same thing with my 1st and when I went back I had protein in my urine and was induced the next day.

Ugh...I just hope she comes by then, but he didn't seem to think she would and neither do I. We will just have to wait and see what happens...not easy to do!
I think if your cervix seems ready and is favourable, and you know the risks associated with an induction and, it seems like a good choice - go for it. I dunno I wouldn't have said this before this week in my pregnancy :haha: That;s how much I've had enough now :(
If he's worried about you getting pre-eclampsia due to your past history he probably won't want to risk letting you going past your due date, that's what it sounds like. I have heard of people being induced at 39/40 weeks because of a history of pre pre-eclampsia. It sounds like a wait and see situation but if you trust him then maybe let him advise you what he thinks is best and why.
Before feeling like I currently do, I would've said no to an induction as well, just thinking that it could lead to c-section. If your doc is worried about your history though, there may be a very good medical reason for induction. If he recommends it though, I would specifically ask why. At this point though, if my doc said we should do it, I probably wouldn't argue. This baby is heavy!

A lot of people will probably have strong opinions, but they aren't in your specific position and don't live your life!
I know everyones opinion is different and regardless we will do what we feel is best. I just wanted to get an idea of what you all think. We are going to just have an open mind going into my next appt and ask why and tell him our concerns and go from there.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. My husband is off for 4 days in a row so it should be a good one for us.
Would you be worried?

I told you all that wednesday Morgan was not being active and the doctor on call had me go to hospital to have a stress test done. When we got there we never saw the doctor since 4 other ladies came in before us in labor. The nurse said everything looked good, and from what we saw of the monitors we would have agreed. She looked good according to heart rate and movement.

Tonight Oh and I are about to leave for dinner when he gets a call. I hear him say may I ask whos calling and he hands me the phone puzzled and said its the hospital. ( I dont give people his number for them to contact me) The lady on the line said the doc on call from that night wants me to come in tomorrow morning for a stress test. I ask her why I would need to do that if I was just there wednesday and was told that everything was fine and the little girl has been kicking and moving good since. She replies with im not sure I just had a note saying to call and schedule this im sure he will talk with you tomorrow.

Two red flags for me here.
One, my OH is listed as my emergency contact ( my phone is crap at the moment and I dont always get my calls) so for them to reach me through him worries me that its important.
Two, they are having me come in on a sunday instead of normal hours during the week.

Would this concern any of you or am I just freaking out for nothing?

My only thoughts are that he never really looked at my test strip from the stress test that night since he was busy and assumed since baby was moving and heart was beating all was fine, and that upon really looking at it he has concerns. I would not think they would have me come repeat a stress test if everything was fine and baby is moving.
i don't want to worry you more than you already are, but i would be a bit worried in your situation. that being said, i don't think you or the baby are in any immediate danger or they would have had you come in right away. i hope it's nothing serious. thinking of you. hope you'll keep us posted. :hugs:
Thanks Bexxc :hugs: I will definetly let you all know!!

I agree, if it were an emergency I would HOPE they would have had me come straight in. Especially since it was last wednesday that I had the original test done.

I think what gets to me is when they are so vague about things. I know the nurse was playing dumb, they are not allowed to discuss concerns over the phone and leave it up to the doc to do per there orders. I dont like being left in the dark, especially when it comes to something I can not control. If there was a concern I want to know so I can be prepared.

I know im not going to sleep well tonight. The worst case scenario is they decide to admit me and take her monday morning. Wouldnt be a terrible thing but im not feeling ready for that.
MommaB, I don't know what the deal is either. I think you are right to feel concerned. I know I would as well. I suppose, however, that if it were an emergency he would have wanted you to come right in. The baby is moving and you are feeling ok so I wouldn't worry too much. My MW stresses to me each visit to make sure my LO is moving every day and that is the best indicator that things are ok. I wonder what your OB is worried about. Definitely keep us updated. :hugs:
I would be concerned too but try not to worry so much, I'm sure they would have said come in now if it was something that needs immediate attention :hugs: I know at my dr and hospital if you go in once for a nst or fmt then you have to come back every 5-7 days for a repeat because they want to make sure baby is consistent <3 Hang in there I hope you get a little rest I will be thinking of you!
oh momma if i was you i would be worried. thats just how i am. i hate when you can't get answers and things are vague. BUT i do think they would have you come straight in if it was an ER. although your DH is an emergency contact i also think they use it just when they can't reach you.. so maybe they tried your cell a few times.. didn't get through and called your husband instead.

tons and tons of :hugs: and please update us tomorrow.. you and DH are in my thoughts!
I have her on facebook. Just looked her up to find that apparently my news feed is showing me hardly any of her updates.

She has one from Thursday saying she has 2 more weeks of bed rest and then they are inducing her. Baby is estimated at 8 lbs 12 oz now. Don't know why I haven't seen her 'round here.

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