November 2012 Due Dates

thinking of you, mommma. hope everything goes well today.
MommaB-Just saw your post...I hope you get to update us soon cause Im nervous for you. I agree with these ladies though and would think that if it were an emergency they would have had you go straight in. Either way I hope all is well :)
I lost a little more plug the last couple days. Nothing extreme and I don't even get excited about it anymore as its been 10 days or so since I had some that was even bloody tinged. I really hope I have her by the 28th cause after that there are a ton of birthdays...
All is good ladies :thumbup:

Since we had the episode on wednesday with the decreased fetal movement, Morgan just barley passed the NST they gave me that night is what I found out. And since im so close to d-day, the docs have decided they want me in twice a week now for NST's. So im now seeing them twice a week to keep an eye on her.

Thank you all for the support :hugs: It really means alot to me!!
Glad that all is well. I sure hope that it continues to stay that way. I'm glad they are going to be checking on her twice a week! :hugs: to you and you can hopefully relax now :)
phew! glad that's all it was. i wish they could just tell you thinks like that over the phone so you don't worry yourself sick wondering what's wrong!
Just read your posts Momma B. Glad all is clear now and you'll get some extra monitoring too.
Yay thanks for the update mommabarry I figured that's exactly what it was because our dr office does the same thing...if you go in once then you go in always :) so happy to hear sweet Morgan is perfect :)
soon have our bundles of joy in our arms ladies it seems like everyone is so far ahead of me good luck everyone
So, I haven't been having any braxton hicks for a week. They came back last night! They are stronger than they were 2 weeks ago when I went in to L&D but I know its still not the 'real' thing yet. They got to be 4-6 minutes apart early this morning but I was able to fall asleep after an hour of them. This waiting game is not fun.
Any one else's boobs starting to really hurt? My left one hurts really bad. For those that know how it feels, it feels like my milk is coming in, very full and heavy and painful. Weird...
Ashley, I really hope things progress and you finally get to hold that sweet girl in your arms! I know you've got to be exhausted with all the back and forth she's given you.

No sore bb's here... just really sore nipples! :( I feel like I'm back in first tri again... they're so sensitive.
My boobies and nips have gone really sore again too :( :( Even my clothes irritate them!
DH thinks it's funny to lightly graze them since I can literally feel his hand just inches away from them these days (that's how sensitive they are now... just the idea of something touching them makes them hurt!). Not my favorite game of his... :haha:
My boobs were so sore last night when I took of my bra to shower. It's just like you said Ashley, like heaviness.

And my feet are swollen again today, I noticed swelling last night, and I know it went down by this morning, but it's feeling tight and stretched again today. More my left foot than my right. My left foot also ballooned comically 5 days after DD was born. Weird.
no sensitive boobies here, since mine have deflated... but my fingers look like sausages :haha:

so i have to go to the dentist today. i have a tooth that hurts sometimes, and when it does its a throbbing pain. ice water doesn't affect it, and neither does something hot. last time this happened several years ago i put it off because it rarely hurt and was so dull and then i needed antibiotics because it was an infection.. so to be safe i am going. i HATE HATE HATE the dentist and the anxiety i am feeling today is off the charts. all i want is some x-rays to see if it is infected.. if so get some meds and then go back after i have LO. i hope they are nice. i can not lean back in that chair too long as i feel like i am suffocating on my back. i'm headed to a new place today too since i moved.

wish me luck girls that i don't have a full on melt down when i get in there!!
I hope everything goes well at the dentist, Wishful. I'm sure it'll be over before you know it!
Lucky me girls! OBs office just called and looks like I have a UTI! :p Try not to be too jealous!
good luck at the dentist, wishful!

oh, bookity, i'm so sorry. utis have got to be one of the worst things a girl has to deal with. i get them pretty regularly and i'm always really paranoid about it. now it's hard because sometimes i can't tell if what i'm feeling is a uti or the baby smashing my innards. it's a strangely similar sensation.
Hey ladies! The prodigal poster has returned! Sorry I was MIA for so long -- I was training my temp for three weeks at work before I went on maternity leave and life was absolutely nuts....and I got so far behind on this board that I only updated facebook.....And then I overdid it and ended up in the hospital all last weekend :dohh: they let me go home as long as I promised to be compliant with bed rest.....DH has officially become my warden! He let me out to go to church yesterday for an hour and it was the highlight of my week.

Looks like things have been heating up on here! We're all getting close -- hard to believe! Glad things are OK for everyone though and no serious problems. I don't think my docs honestly believed I would make it past 37 weeks, so now they're kinda scratching their heads. The perinatologist wrote in her notes last weekend that she'd deliver me this week at 38 weeks, but at my appt last week she rewarded me with two more weeks of bed rest to "see if we can get you to 39 weeks"....and my OB won't do anything unless the perinatologist recommends it, so here I sit.

I think I'm going to take myself off bed rest this week and hopefully get this party started! Any tips? Am I too late for EPO? As Bookity mentioned (thanks for updating!), they estimated baby girl at 8 lb 12oz last week, I can only imagine how much she weighs this week! I think I see a c-section in my future, because I don't know how else to get this chunk out!

anyway.....sorry for the marathon post guys! I've missed you all! Can't wait to see all our babies! Someone hurry up and go into labor! ;)
there you are, halfthyme! i missed seeing your posts. what a healthy little chunkmonkey you're growing in there!!!
Welcome back HalfThyme!! Sounds like you've had quite the eventful few weeks. Seems like you're getting so very close to having your sweet girl :)

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