November 2012 Due Dates

there you are, halfthyme! i missed seeing your posts. what a healthy little chunkmonkey you're growing in there!!!

chunky monkey is right! Forgot to mention -- I finally saw her face on one of the growth scans and all I could see were CHEEKS lol. I may be giving birth to a Michelin baby!


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halftyme! so good to hear from you.. my son is big too.. i fnd on thursday the plan of action.. eeeekk!!! nervous!

thanks for the well wishes ladies... currently in the waiting room.. ahhh
Wishful, I went to the dentist today too for a cleaning. I got chastised for not flossing. I don't know why I let it fall by the wayside. I start off with good intentions after each visit and then it slowly gets left behind.
Half, it's good to see you are doing alright. Bed rest might make me cookoo if it was forced like that. However, I spend a lot of time in bed.
On our walk tonight I felt the LO slip down just a touch. I'm contemplating 2 walks a day. Since it has finally cooled off a little here it might be a good idea.
Oh Half, I don't think it's too late to start the EPO. I was told to not start it until 37 weeks. So maybe it will help you. I can't say if it's helping or not. The MW I talked to about it swore that it was great and helped the cervix just melt away. Her words. We shall see.
Ashley, I hope your girl comes soon. I've had a resurgence in BH the last few days as well. I had some super long ones again yesterday. 20 minutes long is just uncool. It freaks me out. It makes me feel like the baby is going to die. I did ask and was told it's fine, but I'm not sure I believe that.
yeah my new dentist was a sweetheart.. thank god! he did say flossing is important as gums get worse during pregnancy. once i found a floss i liked (it feels like ribbon.. soft on teeth) i floss more! but i am like you.. i have good intentions and then get worse lol. i think we are guilty of it sometimes. i need some work done but he said to come back after birth as i will be more comfortable.. now i need to follow through because i made a promise to Dh that i would face my fears! lol
Wishful-I'm so glad you had a good experience. I felt so bad for you when I read you had to go to the dentist. I just recently had some VERY bad experiences at the dentist. When I read that you were having problems and had to go to a new one I wanted to cry for you. I had "flashbacks" of what happened to me. (WOW I'm not dramatic at all am I?) Anyhow I'm so thankful that you had a much better time than I did!

Bookity-I'm so sorry about the UTI. That sounds like a lot of NO FUN. Its hard enough being pregnant without any other issues:( BLAH

As for me I'm getting sick...ugh. My mom said she was sick when she gave birth to me...does that mean my lil man is gonna come soon? lol. My mom says he will come on October 29th because its a full moon and my step-dad, mother-in-law, and father-in-law will all be out of town! I'll show them for leaving so close to my due

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!!
Holls, my DH and I were just discussing the full moon on our walk last night. I can only hope that she might decide to come that soon! That's early, but well within the bounds of reality. Oh hope. You are a tease.
Viking it would be closer for you than it would be for me! I'm due November you'd be 5 days closer than I would! I've heard mixed reviews about the full moon though. Some people swear there are more births then but when I asked Dr. Google I found "facts" say its not true. who knows.
Sorry guys, I have been getting alot of stuff done this week so I have been MIA, went to the dr yesterday still a 1+, but she did sweep my membranes, so I was hoping that would get things going but so far NO LUCK, I feel like I am going to be pregnant with these girls forever...the dr said it was my fault for having a cervix like fort knox! HAHAHA....Have another NST today at 11am and I know I have been contracting again but not long, or closer together then before....I do feel like I am leaking tho so I am going to ask them about it. 36wand4d....ready to get over 12lbs of baby OUT!!!!
and I wanted to have them by the 25th so I can be home for my birthday and to see my son go trick or treating.....(same day) he is REALLY excited this year.....I keep praying and wishing SOMETHING would happen
thanks for the update, amm! sorry your cervix isn't cooperating! your body's just making sure those lil ladies are healthy and ready for the outside world. you're doin' great, hun!
So glad you had a good experience, Wishful! :thumbup: I think I'm a bit of a freak with flossing... I do it ALL THE TIME. I keep floss in my purse and car :haha:

As for the full moon action being false, I don't know if I totally believe that. I used to work in a hospital and there was always more activity around a full moon. I'm sure they can't scientifically prove it though, so they can't really count it as "true", but in my experience it definitely causes more action, so I could see a few of you popping around the end of the month :)

AMM, hopefully those contractions are working some sort of magic in there!! I know you're ready to meet those girls, and we can't wait to see them!! :)
mrs- i'm the same way with flossing. i just can't go without it!
I was big on flossing for a few years, It was the only thing that really helped my sensitive teeth. Then last year I got a clean, and randomly it stopped! Now I've become pretty lazy with it :/
You know, if I didn't have little floss packs all over the place I may not do it as much... but since I literally can't go anywhere without having one on me or at least nearby I do it all the time. I suppose it's a good habit to keep up :)
I am going to have to make a trip to the dentist once this baby comes out and I am feeling up to it. Never fun!

Well, I finally had to take medication for my contractions last night. I've noticed a slight slow down this morning finally. I slept maybe 2 hours last night and my husband works day shift today so I'm all alone with the girls and exhausted. I can't wait for naptime already. I can't wait until I'm 39 weeks so I can no longer take those pills to slow contractions...Only a few more days :) I really can't believe how miserable I am this pregnancy compared to my first two...

Anyway, enough complaining...Hope you ladies are all doing okay!
1 more day until you're in the single digits, Ashley! You're almost there!!

Feeling fine and dandy over here. No more contractions to speak of... just getting bigger and bigger, LOL! I'm a little more light headed these days, but I'm sure it's just exhaustion setting in. I could literally nap anywhere right now!
Half-glad to see you back! What a stressful few weeks you've had.

Does it seem like we have all been pregnant forever? I'm still having occasional braxton hicks, but not as much as before. I now just have a case of violent baby feet. This convinces me that my girl is going to have DH's energy level. I'm gonna need a lot more patience! On a funny note, I've been saying things that don't make any sense lately. DH thinks it's hilarious, but I do not like it. I'm an introvert and I always think about what I am going to say before it comes out. I'm still doing that, but it isn't coming out right.

I have my 38 week appointment this afternoon and depending on which of the three due dates I use (Nov 1, Nov 2 or Nov 3), I am about 38 weeks and 3-5 days. I wish there was a way to will this little girl to be on time. Not looking forward to this appointment as there will be another cervical check and I now know what to expect. BLAH! Hopefully I've made a little progress, but I'm certainly not counting on it.

If AMM is hanging on to twins, this girl is NEVER going to come out! I sure hope I don't have a fort knox situation happening!
Good luck Stephers! I agree; it feels as if we've been pregnanct forever! But, we really can't be pregnanct forever, they have to come out eventually. I know what you mean about the different due dates as well, our other one is Oct 31st which means I'd be 39 weeks tomorrow. Hope your appt goes well! Please update us after.
Who all is still working? I know I had planned on working up until my lil man was born but I'm spent. How is everyone else dealing with it? I am just always so tired and my back hurts and some days I feel sick all day long. Not to mention I'm now getting a cold. I'm just a receptionist so I sit on my butt all day...nothing difficult but I'm struggling. Sorry to be such a big baby...but didn't know if anyone had any helpful hints?!?!?

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