November 2012 Due Dates

had my gbs test today and first internal. i'm a fingertip dilated, so i guess sprout's gonna be hanging out in there for a bit longer and that's just fine with me :) as anxious as i am to meet him/her, i know letting baby bake for a few more weeks is best, so i'm not in any rush.
Wow Bex u got more patients then me..

I wonder if I'm dilated?? Can't wait till monday
Ashley :hugs:

Tomorrow I have another NST and then after my OB appointment. I have to take DS with me since there is no school tomorrow, and no person is available to watch him. This could be interesting since they also do not allow children under 15 in the waiting room alone. So he may just have to turn his back while they do my check. This is also my last doctors appointment before I deliver :happydance: The next time I go in its to have a baby. I cant believe in a week im going to meet my daughter :cloud9:
Thanks momma! I'm so excited for you. I sure hope that I have mine within the week. My braxton hicks are getting stronger for sure. I'm just tired and so emotional. I'm already getting tired of people asking me how I'm feeling and the whole "no baby yet?" For some reason it just makes me irritated and then I get more emotional...
Awww Ashly bet u can't wait!!!

Maybe they Will let u son stand outside the door till there done
I feel you on this Ashley!

Tonight I went to get some contact solution and I couldn't get through the store without someone saying "your still pregnant" "how much longer" " you look like your about to pop"

I have known these ladies for a couple of years ( i used to work there and my mother still does) and this was the first time I kept walking without responding to them. Im tired of it! One woman said "have you had that baby" and I looked at my belly and replied does it look like it :growlmad: I informed OH he is going in there for the next few months as I am on strike from that store now!! I can only imagine how long it would take me to shop if I had the baby with me.

Not to mention I had my son with me. He is having a bit of an emotional freak out about our LO's arrival (he is 9) So I took him there for some mommy and me time and left OH at home to talk about things and to reassure him that he is still my number one and that things may change a little but he is not going to be shoved aside and that he is a big part of raising her. Of course everyone wants to bring up the baby and the poor child who is trying to pour his heart out to me and tearing up, is being interupted by these women. I think thats what brought the momma bear out in me and the death look that these women got.

I love being pregnant, but im over it! And I think alot of it has to do with the comments people make.
momma- that sounds so frustrating. your poor son! poor you! i'm sure everyone will adjust eventually, but it just plain sucks that you're trying to make your son more comfortable and confident in this scary situation and all anyone can do is bring to light his worst fears. lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you and your family!
Yup Momma! That is so frustrating especially in front of your son. It does get to a point where enough is enough...Okay ladies...I need reassurance...this whole gbs thing has me freaked out! :( Am I going to have a healthy baby? :/
you'll get antibiotics during your labor and everything will be fine. today when my ob did the swab, he said it's 1) really no big deal because the problem is easily treated and 2) the percentage of babies who are at risk even without antibiotics is really low. your baby will be healthy and perfect!
Thanks bexxc. I definitely hope you're right. It is so hard not to worry. When I was in the hospital a few weeks ago they gave me the antibiotics for it because i hadn't been tested yet so I know its not that big of a deal. Aahhh...I need to go to sleep.
i don't blame you for being worried though. we all want things to be completely complication free- no matter how benign the problem. i'm nervous about getting my results. how long did it take to get your results back?
oh momma i am so sorry that your son has to hear all those comments. i can imagine being alone for 9 years that he is a bit nervous and anxious but he clearly has a good momma and will adjust fine i am sure. he will be a great big brother and i am sure watch over and protect her forever :hugs: my brother is 6 years older then me and he was so sweet and calm with me :) he held my hand everywhere and always introduced me as his baby sister lol

i get looks and they are not nice looks. i want to get a shirt that says "i am 26, not 16 and pregnant". there is nothing wrong with being a teen mom obviously but they just guess my age because i am so short and look young. they stare at my belly and then slowly look at me in my eyes and make this face.. that is just so rude! i thought maybe i was being sensitive but i asked my DH to pay more attention and he was like yeah.. "not to upset you, but people suck". i am sure it will not improve when i am pushing the baby around... ugh. i don't care what people think when it comes down to it but i just can't imagine being so judgmental.
Ashley - the way to look at it is .. they don't even test for GBS in the UK (routinely) ... so if women here can go on to have healthy babies (and they may be positive for it) then your baby will be fine - you're going to be monitored and given anti-biotics :) She'll be perfect.
Ashley :hugs: things will be just fine.
Wishful, that is so sweet about your brother. I just had an older sister and she and I never got along much. And people can suck it. They always have some kind of an opinion. I keep getting told I'm having twins :cry: One lady I tried to explain that I wasn't. I've had plenty of u/s that I would know. She had the nerve to say she thought I'd be surprised on delivery day. Whatever happened to if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? The looks are just as bad. :grr: I think I would feel exactly the same as you in your shoes. 26 is plenty old enough to be raising a family. I was 2 by the time my mom was 26! Blow them off the best you can. I wish I were younger to start my little family. My circumstances just didn't work out for me.
3 days until the full moon. I don't think it's going to pull her out though. I still think she's going to be late. I could feel her trying to move down a bit last night, but she doesn't stay down there engaged. It's hard to feel her move with my anterior placenta these days. It is stressing me out some. Single digits today! :yipee: I hope she's not 2 weeks late. That thought makes me very upset.
I get the looks as well! I'm also 26 ;) people just stare at me! and not in a friendly way!
I have come to the conclusion that people just stare at you because you're pregnant regardless of age! I'm in my 30's and definitely don't look like a teenager and I have bitten a few heads off on my hormonal days at some stares and comments!!

Momma B, sorry your son is freaking out about the LO's arrival and all the changes. If it's a consolation my best friend had her 2nd one when her oldest was 8 (now 10 and nearly 3) and she was very worried about him and how he would react and he too freaked out big time before his little brother arrived. But when little Daniel got here, he was fantastic, not a little bit of jealousy, just very loving and protective and now nearly 3 years on they get on great! I'm sure your boy will be great big brother and fall in love with his little sis in no time!

Ashley, like Charlie says they won't test over here for GBS as the risk is so tiny but also and mainly as GBS is transient. So just because you tested positive yesterday it doesn't actually mean that you will have it when you give birth. I did a lot of research into it as was thinking of getting tested privately and the risks were just so small i decided against it. I had also spoken to my MW about it, who also said that it caused a lot of unnecessary anxiety which is the last thing anyone needs at this point. i know it's not easy but really try not to worry about it as such a low chance of any problems with your baby and on top of that you will have antibiotics to cover it anyway.
Thank you ladies. I do feel better thank you! :) Im sure once Im able to talk to my husband about it I'll feel even better. I don't like added stress especially right now. Although I am completely miserable and just want her OUT, this is my last time being pregnant. Im in my final week so I am trying to enjoy it. My last week as a mom of 2. My last week feeling a baby wiggle in my belly. I know she's only going to make life sweeter but Im trying to be as patient as possible before I meet her. :)
Have a great Friday and weekend everyone!
Ashley-I also got a positive GBS, so I know how you feel. My dr. said one in 6 women have it. He also said that its usually more of an issue with really premature babies, which neither of us will have now!!! Keep your head up, our babies will be PERFECT!!!

Momma-I'm in a similar situation (not the exact same...but similar). I have a 10 year old step daughter. In fact when we told my husbands parents I was pregnant the first thing his mother said was "make sure you don't forget about Mackenzie." SERIOUSLY? We got off the phone and I just started crying. Mackenzie (my step-daughter) and I have an AMAZING relationship! She has BEGGED us for a sibbling since before we were even married (her mom can't have any more kids). She is so excited about this baby but everyone else is so worried we will push her to the side. (So I know the situation isn't the same) But both my MIL and Mackenzies mom talk to her about it and said "If they push you aside you tell us." REALLY PEOPLE? How old are we here?

Anyhow on another soap box I'm sick of peoples comments too. Yesterday someone at work asked how my dr. appt had gone the day before. I told them it was alright that the dr. said the baby was measuring small and wanted to do an ultrasound. Her eyes bugged out of her head as she looked down at my stomach and made a huge deal "SMALL? They said you are measuring SMALL?" I bit my tongue. Just then another co-worker walked in the room and the first woman told her the dr. said I was measuring small. The one who had just walked in looked at me and said "She really isn't that big for being 9 months pregnant" And then proceeded to tell her that sometimes she speaks her mind too much and its just rude. That made my day!!! Oh and by the way the woman who was saying I was huge...shes the HR MANAGER! Anyhow sorry for the long post! Thanks for letting me vent:)

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