November 2012 Due Dates

aw, amm. you must be so tired at this point! we're all thinking of you and hoping you get some relief- and your two beautiful girls- really soon! :hugs: you're doing a fabulous job!
Thanks guys, and as far as doing nothing, I am having the very best kind of twins you can have, basically they are two seperate babies growing at the same time...the are completely fraternal, two sacks and two placentas....and I dont have ANY medical issue, bp is always fine, no protein, no major swelling, just uncomfortable and contracting, so they cant do anything before 38weeks....and according to our insurance unless its medically ness.anything before that they dont have to pay! And I SURELY dont want to pay out of pocket for a I am just waiting and trying all this natural stuff, but nothing is working....I even told my hubby that I was willing to do the castor oil which most drs dont want you to do anymore, just to get things going, thats how uncomfortable I am....but I know I have less then 2 weeks no matter what
AMM-I am hoping for an October baby but no Halloween baby as well. :)

I'm really nervous for my appointment today. To induce or not to induce-I believe that will be the question. I'm going by myself and I think that is why I'm nervous. My husband will be working and my mom is going to be watching my girls. My husband thinks we should just trust our doctor and do what he thinks, but we still want to know what his reasons are for inducing or not. Ugh. Is it 2:00 yet?
Ashely-g'luck today! I was very surprised when my doc brought up induction and then said that my cervix is extremely favorable. I was talking to my MIL and she was tring to assure me that I didn't need to do an induction if I didn't want. I've read so many book, articles and of course others' experiences on B&B and I won't pull the trigger until I am 40 weeks at least. I don't have any medical reason to induce and I feel like I don't want intervention, but who knows how I will feel as i get more uncomfortable! It's so hard because we want to be strong, but emotionally, we just want our babies here and safe. I prefer to go to the doc by myself because DH would've told her that we should go ahead and do it today. I would choke him!

I'm trying to transfer my work to all of my coworkers this week and I am having a really hard time...I can't believe it's so close. I won't believe that there is a baby coming until I am holding her. I am in some serious denial!
Amm ur so lucky to have such a easy twin pregnancy!,!! Most ppl I no have high bp and a lot of other complications...

Ashley- I agree with ur hubby ur dr knows best.. Ur only 8 days from due date anyways... Good luck sweetie
Stephers I'm deff in denial too... I can't believe I'm gonna be a mommy soon.. I won't believe it till she is in my arms
Me too, can't get my head around being a Mum and probably won't until after bubs is here!!

Good luck with appointment today Ashley.

I also really would love an October baby, but would really love a Halloween bubs! but then we don't do Halloween quite like you guys over there do, so I just think it would involve lots of cool, fun birthday parties! However I think this bubs is having fun teasing me with lots of BH, period pain, hip and back pains all of which progress to nothing! So i can't see bubs being here before D day and as most 1st babies are on average 5 days late, i may have a guy Fawkes baby instead!
Charlie- good luck I see ur 39w ur sooo close!!!!! Fx u have sprout soon :)

Okay so my lower back is starting to ache???
It feel like where my kidneys would be but I don't have a uti r anything .. Could this be the start of labor? I'm 35 weeks today..
And my thighs hurt and hips sore like I been riding a horse and I been have a few I mean a few cramps
annie, you and I are right at the same stage. Keep an eye on any back or menstrual like cramps. If you're able to time them or they last for more than an hour, call your doctor. I've had them now for about 2-3 weeks and was told if I have any like I just mentioned to call, otherwise it's just your body getting ready for labor and it's common to have minor contractions at this point. I still haven't lost any plug or anything. And the "riding a horse" feeling is most likely from baby dropping. I'm praying this is a sign baby wants to come a little early (not like today early, but a few weeks early would be fine by me!)
Annie, it could be but then not sure I'm best person to comment as I've been having all of these niggles and things since 33/34 weeks and bubs not here yet! But it is possibly your body gearing up for labour, it just depends how long it needs to get ready for D day, some people have these symptoms for a few hours or days and other weeks! I now ignore all my niggles and figure once i can no longer ignore it, it probably means it's the real deal!
Thanks ladies..
It's seem to have stopped for now.. I'm laying in bed.. Gonna take a nap and see what it feels like when I wake up..

I'm so ready to have her..I have gd so I hope they take her at 36-37 week fx I won't find out till growth scan on the 7th
MommyH sorry this is delayed I haven't been on since yesterday afternoon. You little girl is so precious! I must agree with all the other women who have said she is PERFECT!!! Congratulations I'm so happy and excited for you!!!
Good Luck today Ashley! Eagerly waiting to hear what you and your doctor decide :thumbup:
My back pain is back.. It very mild but still noticeable after a nap still there
I'm back from doctor. My cervix is still closed. I no longer take medication for contractions. I go back in 1 week (Nov. 1st) if I haven't had her by then and we'll talk about induction then. He wants to at least get me to my due date. My GBS came back positive and I'm so emotional so I'm so upset about it. I know that I'll be on antibiotics while I'm in labor but I don't even know...I just feel like its another thing to worry about.
So, here's to one more week (or less if she decides to join us before then)!
Awe Ashley I'm so sorry!!!! At least it's a simple fix.. :)

I had 4 contractions in 40 mins but they didn't hurt
Ah Ashley-baby will be here in no time! GBS is so common; they'll make sure that everything is ok. My test was negative and I was surprised. Not sure why, but I figured that would be one of the things that I just have.
today i had my scan.. baby is 6.13. making him in the 70th percentile. dr said she will let me go 10 days past due because (as of right now) i am healthy and so is baby. she predicts a high 8 lb or 9 lb baby if i go 40 weeks. so an extra 10 days will just be lovely (NOT). i am nervous. i am still 1cm and 60 effected. but she felt babies head with hardly putting in a finger. is that a good sign? :shrug:

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