November 2012 Due Dates

AMM -- YAY!!!!!! What fantastic news! I actually exclaimed out loud when I read that :) Very, very happy for you!

Annie -- BPP = biophysical profile (I think someone else mentioned that). It is essentially an equivalent to an NST, they're just checking to make sure baby is doing okay. They do an ultrasound and give baby a "score" based on the heartbeat, movement, flexion etc... They've been monitoring me for weeks with extra NSTs, growth scans and a matter of fact, baby girl didn't pass her NST this morning so I had to go get a BPP. If you're having issues feeling/tracking movement definitely drink juice or ice cold water and lay down -- the cold and the sugar usually trigger baby to kick around a bit, and laying on your side increases blood flow down there, as well as makes it easier for you to feel stuff rather than sitting up. Hope this helps!

Ashley --- you're so close!! Hope those contractions get you going somewhere! I have been having such a hard time sleeping as well -- I think I maybe slept for 2 hours last night and I am in such a mood today! Hope baby girl decides to make her appearance soon!

I'm sure I'm missing others, and I'm all know how preggo brain goes! For all you ladies on the US east coast dealing with the oncoming storm, I hope everything goes okay for you and you all stay safe! I grew up with earthquakes and absolutely abhor them, but I think I'd rather have those than knowing ahead of time what scary stuff is on the way! Take care of yourselves ladies :hugs:

AFM....................26 hours and counting!! I'm being induced tomorrow night at 7pm. They're doing the cervidel (sp?) overnight to get me dilated enough so that hopefully they can start the pitocin Wednesday morning. Looks like my baby girl is going to share a bday with AMM -- hope ya don't mind! ;) Though I am very excited to have baby girl outside of my body, I will fully admit to you ladies that I am officially freaked out for the labor part! Part of me wants to just be knocked out and woken up when it's all over....don't know why I'm so scared! Women have been doing this for thousands of years, in much less favorable conditions....I really shouldn't be afraid!

PS: at night I find myself trying to loosen my clothing only to realize it doesn't do anything -- my clothes aren't tight, just my belly. lol
I had contractions on and off all weekend, but alas, nothing:( I'm a first timer, so I shouldn't be surprised and it's not even my due date yet. The docs offer of induction seems sweeter by the moment, but I really don't want to do that. It's just so uncomfortable! My face got puffy over the weekend and I don't even look like myself. Of course I cried like a crazy person and DH thought I had lost it. I haven't lost it, but that thought isn't far off!

C'mon babies!!!

Stephers you are a rockstar for sticking to your guns!! I was against induction for a long time as well, but a few weeks ago when they put me on bed rest I was suddenly very, very PRO induction :) I think if you can hold out, it's so much better on your body and baby. I'm a first timer too, so I'm grateful they're not making me go past my due date -- although I have the trifecta: my fluid is super low, baby girl is big, and my BP keeps going up, so they're not waiting any longer. You may want to keep an eye on that facial swelling -- I think that's one of those "call your doc right away if..." items but I could be wrong. :hugs:
Half- hi sweetie thanks so much!!!!
I did the two bottles of cold water and its been 1hr ten mins and only got three kicks..I'm getting worried... :(

I'm so happy and excited for u!!!!!!! Keep us posted :):happydance:
half!!! aren't you just bursting out of your skin with nerves and exciteent???? :happydance: i'm so happy for you!!! try not to be too scared! you're going to be great!
So she made it to ten kicks in two hours barely..

Why would they induce me due to failing a nst?
depending on how the results shake out, it just might mean that the baby just isn't thriving on the inside anymore.
Wow hope its not something I have for..
Maybe it's just time to meet :)
Amm - GOOD LUCK!!! :) I'm so glad they've finally given in!

Half - and Good luck to you too! Wow babies are starting to really come now! I can't believe how quick it's gone to get to November nearly!
Can't wait to hear the good news (and maybe see a pic?) from AMM and Half! What a great day for babies!

I have a doc appt at 3:30 today and I'm not sure I'll be able to say no to an induction. I'm having trouble just walking around at this point. I made fun of my BFF for having torpedo belly and I have the same one! Here comes some TMI...I had a bit of a clear-out this morning which is extremely odd for me. Hopefully it wasn't just the food I had last night. We're getting into family birthday season..tomorrow our niece, the 1st is/was my Grandmas birthday, the 3rd is my mom, 4th my cousin and on and on up until the 12th. Today would be lovely.

Happy Tuesday everyone!
good luck today, half!!! :flower:

stephers- my family is getting close to prime birthday season too! dh on the 7th, newphew on the 10th, sil on the 11th, mom on the 22nd, and sprout due in the big gap in between.
Half and Amm I'm so excited for you both!!! Good luck we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!!!

As for me I actually thought he was coming yesterday. I don't know what you have been told but I was always told you go to the hospital when your contractions are 5 min apart, lasting for a min. each, for at least an hour. I had lots of contractions on Sat afternoon but they wern't regular. Then sunday I had a lot...they were getting stronger but still not regular. Couldn't hardly sleep sunday night. Got up at 2:30am and hubby and I went for a walk. We timed my contractions from like 3:30-4:30 and they were 5 min apart lasting a min each and we timed for an hour. So he called the Dr. and the dr. said to wait another hour or two to make sure it was the real thing...and then go to the hospital. So we did just that. 2 hours later they were still regular so we packed up and went to the hospital. So they went to check to make sure I was in labor and sure enough I was only 1cm dilated. HOW EMBARASSING!!! I was sent home and took the day off work. It was so upsetting and embarassing...but I was just doing what I was told. I guess at least now I have something to guage it on. I had so many people telling me I was gonna go because of the full moon and all the storms so maybe that got me all psyched out. Plus I was SO SICK. Kept throwing up. I still get sick in the morning but not that sick or that much so I thought maybe that was a sign too. Anyhow it made for some good times!
Thinking of AMM & HalfThyme today!! :) Can't wait to see your updates in the morning, ladies!! :)

Holls - so sorry to hear they sent you home :( Are you still having regular contractions? I hope baby comes soon!
Its ok...I just felt so dumb because I was only 1 cm. I'm still having contractions but they arn't regular anymore. I go to the dr. tomorrow afternoon so thats I have an ultra sound so I'm excited to see my little man even if it is still on a screen!
Its ok...I just felt so dumb because I was only 1 cm. I'm still having contractions but they arn't regular anymore. I go to the dr. tomorrow afternoon so thats I have an ultra sound so I'm excited to see my little man even if it is still on a screen!

You shouldn't feel dumb at all! If I were having regular contractions, my tail would be at that hospital with my eight bags packed yelling halelujah! Now THAT would be embarrassing! My SIL went to the hospital in false labor four times before they finally just induced her. All the excitement of finally going to the hospital and then feeling such a let down...I'm sure the hospital staff feels bad for us preggos as well!
Yeah the extra hormones really don't help either. I started crying. My husband was like you weren't dilated at all before so this is He was trying to be so sweet about it. I just feel like everyone says "you'll know when its time" and I thought I "knew" but I didn't. Oh well. I'm ok with it was just kinda upsetting thinking "OMG This is it!!!" and have it not be it. Thanks for the kind words though:) Makes me feel better that you know someone that went 4 times when it wasn't "time"!
I have went two time already and I'm not even full term yet!!!

I went two weeks ago and wasn't dilated now as of yesterday I am dilated to 1cm.. So anything is possiable!!

That's what the hospital is there for!!

Next time ur unsure u call thm and they will tell u what to do:)

I called ,sat night bc she wasn't moving like she usually does.. Told me to drink two bottles of water lay on left side n see if she moves 10 times in 2 hours .. She did it barely...

Then this morning she is back to her old self
Thanks Annie...that makes me feel better! Glad your lil girl is moving and back to herself again! I've been little man doesn't stop moving. Sometimes I actually get annoyed because its exhausting how much he moves. The dr even said weeks ago that his movements will be slowing down...HAHAHA not him. But then when I get annoyed I think about you and several others on here who have had scares because their LO's stop or slow their moving and then I'm thankful he moves so much! It may be overwhelming at times but I constantly have peace of mind that hes ok so I'll count myself lucky with that!
I agree wit u on that...
She usually moves a lot also but yesterday was a bfluke I guess......

I'm hoping Thursday that they decide to induce me I'm so ready but I dunno wat they gonna do.......

I'm gonna drive myself nuts

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