November 2012 Due Dates

Feeling totally nauseous today for the first time, probably because I'm planning to tell my parents tonight!!!!! This will be their first grandchild, and I absolutely can not wait! It's crazy I just realized that today is one week since I had my BFP, which means I'm one week more pregnant than when I found out! I can't wait for my first appointment next Friday so I can find out my actual due date (the one on my ticker is my guestimated date based on my LMP). Anyway, just checking in!
Feeling totally nauseous today for the first time, probably because I'm planning to tell my parents tonight!!!!! This will be their first grandchild, and I absolutely can not wait! It's crazy I just realized that today is one week since I had my BFP, which means I'm one week more pregnant than when I found out! I can't wait for my first appointment next Friday so I can find out my actual due date (the one on my ticker is my guestimated date based on my LMP). Anyway, just checking in!

It's crazy isn't it! Sometimes the time drags but then I think that it was 16 DAYS AGO that I found out I was pregnant!

I so apologize for falling off the map! To be honest, my anxiety was getting the best of me and up until the scan I FOR SURE thought it would be bad...I just had such a bad feeling. Waiting in the doctors office was one of the scariest feelings. I kept preparing myself for bad news.

Well, we go into the ultrasound room, and low and behold, in one second we not only saw our heartbeat, but we HEARD it! At 6w1d! My husband and I both cried. It was the most special moment of my life...

My doctor said we measured closer to 6w4d but I'm going to leave my due date where it is for now. I was so panicky, and I asked my doctor if he had any advice for how I can relieve my consistent fear of miscarriage (does anyone else have this like I do?? I know I am a bit of a worrier by nature, but this is ridiculous) and he suggested I try not to obsess and maybe stay off boards like these. I did for a few days and to be honest, it was nice to give my mind a bit of a break... But I missed you all!!

I think the further along in pregnancy we get, the better I will feel. It was just so hard (and still is) feeling like I was comparing myself to everyone else that was as far along as I was (why no MS, how come I feel good still, am I still pregnant?!?!) that it just got a bit tiring for me.

It's good catching up on all of your pregnancies though!

I'm so sorry, Cubinthehub :(

I so apologize for falling off the map! To be honest, my anxiety was getting the best of me and up until the scan I FOR SURE thought it would be bad...I just had such a bad feeling. Waiting in the doctors office was one of the scariest feelings. I kept preparing myself for bad news.

Well, we go into the ultrasound room, and low and behold, in one second we not only saw our heartbeat, but we HEARD it! At 6w1d! My husband and I both cried. It was the most special moment of my life...

My doctor said we measured closer to 6w4d but I'm going to leave my due date where it is for now. I was so panicky, and I asked my doctor if he had any advice for how I can relieve my consistent fear of miscarriage (does anyone else have this like I do?? I know I am a bit of a worrier by nature, but this is ridiculous) and he suggested I try not to obsess and maybe stay off boards like these. I did for a few days and to be honest, it was nice to give my mind a bit of a break... But I missed you all!!

I think the further along in pregnancy we get, the better I will feel. It was just so hard (and still is) feeling like I was comparing myself to everyone else that was as far along as I was (why no MS, how come I feel good still, am I still pregnant?!?!) that it just got a bit tiring for me.

It's good catching up on all of your pregnancies though!

I'm so sorry, Cubinthehub :(

So happy your ultrasound went well!! Congratulations!!!!

I have this same fear of miscarriage, partly because I google everything and because I had a chemical pregnancy in December after trying for a year! I notice that some of these message boards tend to be us ladies posting constantly about worrying, which in turn makes me worry more, so I totally get where you are coming from. Just remember that after you see a heartbeat, the chances of miscarriage fall even further! :thumbup: Welcome back! :hugs:

I so apologize for falling off the map! To be honest, my anxiety was getting the best of me and up until the scan I FOR SURE thought it would be bad...I just had such a bad feeling. Waiting in the doctors office was one of the scariest feelings. I kept preparing myself for bad news.

Well, we go into the ultrasound room, and low and behold, in one second we not only saw our heartbeat, but we HEARD it! At 6w1d! My husband and I both cried. It was the most special moment of my life...

My doctor said we measured closer to 6w4d but I'm going to leave my due date where it is for now. I was so panicky, and I asked my doctor if he had any advice for how I can relieve my consistent fear of miscarriage (does anyone else have this like I do?? I know I am a bit of a worrier by nature, but this is ridiculous) and he suggested I try not to obsess and maybe stay off boards like these. I did for a few days and to be honest, it was nice to give my mind a bit of a break... But I missed you all!!

I think the further along in pregnancy we get, the better I will feel. It was just so hard (and still is) feeling like I was comparing myself to everyone else that was as far along as I was (why no MS, how come I feel good still, am I still pregnant?!?!) that it just got a bit tiring for me.

It's good catching up on all of your pregnancies though!

I'm so sorry, Cubinthehub :(

I totally understand the anxiety. It is SUCH a stressful time! However, I'm so happy to hear you had a positive outcome! Agree with PP that chances of M/C are slim to none after hearing a heartbeat.

I've been to a few ultrasounds now and have yet to hear a heartbeat - we're holding out for this one - convinced that third time's the charm for us! ;)
Half I'll be thinking of you! Please update when you get your results and I will do the same!

I went in for my second hCG quant this morning, they said I probably won't hear back until tomorrow morning *sigh*. However, I did ask if they had the numbers for the first one two days ago and she said it was over 50,000!!!! Holy cow!! I know the ranges for hCG levels are HUGE, but I think for 6 weeks it's somewhere between 1,000 and 56,000. I've heard and read that it's not the actual level that's important, as much as the increasing from one day to the hopefully today's numbers are even higher and show a good increase and that everything is viable. I have to admit though, that 50,000 has me thinking/hoping for the possibility of twins! What do you guys think?

I so apologize for falling off the map! To be honest, my anxiety was getting the best of me and up until the scan I FOR SURE thought it would be bad...I just had such a bad feeling. Waiting in the doctors office was one of the scariest feelings. I kept preparing myself for bad news.

Well, we go into the ultrasound room, and low and behold, in one second we not only saw our heartbeat, but we HEARD it! At 6w1d! My husband and I both cried. It was the most special moment of my life...

My doctor said we measured closer to 6w4d but I'm going to leave my due date where it is for now. I was so panicky, and I asked my doctor if he had any advice for how I can relieve my consistent fear of miscarriage (does anyone else have this like I do?? I know I am a bit of a worrier by nature, but this is ridiculous) and he suggested I try not to obsess and maybe stay off boards like these. I did for a few days and to be honest, it was nice to give my mind a bit of a break... But I missed you all!!

I think the further along in pregnancy we get, the better I will feel. It was just so hard (and still is) feeling like I was comparing myself to everyone else that was as far along as I was (why no MS, how come I feel good still, am I still pregnant?!?!) that it just got a bit tiring for me.

It's good catching up on all of your pregnancies though!

I'm so sorry, Cubinthehub :(

So glad everything's ok! I can see why staying off the boards might be very helpful in reducing stress! Although it's kind of comforting to know there are other ladies out there that are as symptom-crazy/OCD as I am :haha:

I couldn't agree with you more -- the further along I get, I know I'll be that much more relieved. Just a few more weeks and we'll be safe and sound (hopefully) in second tri!

Thanks for the update and take care of yourself!! :)
Feeling totally nauseous today for the first time, probably because I'm planning to tell my parents tonight!!!!! This will be their first grandchild, and I absolutely can not wait! It's crazy I just realized that today is one week since I had my BFP, which means I'm one week more pregnant than when I found out! I can't wait for my first appointment next Friday so I can find out my actual due date (the one on my ticker is my guestimated date based on my LMP). Anyway, just checking in!

It's crazy isn't it! Sometimes the time drags but then I think that it was 16 DAYS AGO that I found out I was pregnant!

I cant believe today makes THREE WEEKS since we found out!!


I so apologize for falling off the map! To be honest, my anxiety was getting the best of me and up until the scan I FOR SURE thought it would be bad...I just had such a bad feeling. Waiting in the doctors office was one of the scariest feelings. I kept preparing myself for bad news.

Well, we go into the ultrasound room, and low and behold, in one second we not only saw our heartbeat, but we HEARD it! At 6w1d! My husband and I both cried. It was the most special moment of my life...

My doctor said we measured closer to 6w4d but I'm going to leave my due date where it is for now. I was so panicky, and I asked my doctor if he had any advice for how I can relieve my consistent fear of miscarriage (does anyone else have this like I do?? I know I am a bit of a worrier by nature, but this is ridiculous) and he suggested I try not to obsess and maybe stay off boards like these. I did for a few days and to be honest, it was nice to give my mind a bit of a break... But I missed you all!!

I think the further along in pregnancy we get, the better I will feel. It was just so hard (and still is) feeling like I was comparing myself to everyone else that was as far along as I was (why no MS, how come I feel good still, am I still pregnant?!?!) that it just got a bit tiring for me.

It's good catching up on all of your pregnancies though!

I'm so sorry, Cubinthehub :(

So so happy everything was perfect for you!! We all understand how stressful this time is, I too feel completely fine and have zero symptoms which is the complete opposite of my first pregnancy and it had my anxiety through the roof!! After my appt yesterday and seeing our love bugs heartbeat I feel so at peace as the chances of miscarrying drastically go down! Hang in there and stop by when you can :hugs:

I so apologize for falling off the map! To be honest, my anxiety was getting the best of me and up until the scan I FOR SURE thought it would be bad...I just had such a bad feeling. Waiting in the doctors office was one of the scariest feelings. I kept preparing myself for bad news.

Well, we go into the ultrasound room, and low and behold, in one second we not only saw our heartbeat, but we HEARD it! At 6w1d! My husband and I both cried. It was the most special moment of my life...

My doctor said we measured closer to 6w4d but I'm going to leave my due date where it is for now. I was so panicky, and I asked my doctor if he had any advice for how I can relieve my consistent fear of miscarriage (does anyone else have this like I do?? I know I am a bit of a worrier by nature, but this is ridiculous) and he suggested I try not to obsess and maybe stay off boards like these. I did for a few days and to be honest, it was nice to give my mind a bit of a break... But I missed you all!!

I think the further along in pregnancy we get, the better I will feel. It was just so hard (and still is) feeling like I was comparing myself to everyone else that was as far along as I was (why no MS, how come I feel good still, am I still pregnant?!?!) that it just got a bit tiring for me.

It's good catching up on all of your pregnancies though!

I'm so sorry, Cubinthehub :(

Great news! So happy for you! :hugs:
omg CAvalleygirl i am so glad to hear that news!! my DH said i should stay off the net for awhile too because i have convinced myself that i am going to MC or my pregnancy isnt developing right.. its so tough... 17 more days until scan and drs appt. a lifetime to be honest :(
One week until my first appointment!! I am so excited :happydance:

I know we all have our food cravings but I have a craving for something I can not have WINE :wine:

In the summer my son goes to his fathers for six weeks and the DF and I would have many summer nights on the deck with friends enjoying a bottle (or two :winkwink: ) and it just hit me that its not going to happen this summer.

I know the sacrafice is worth the reward but my craving for it is strong. Especially with last nights dinner of pasta. Anyone else in this boat with me?
when I was pregnant with Leo I craved beer haha and I dont even drink it!
Find a nice alternitive - maybe a nice squash with some lemonade and ice,

6 days until my midwife appointment, I really want an early scan - might convince hubby to pay hehe
Half I'll be thinking of you! Please update when you get your results and I will do the same!

I went in for my second hCG quant this morning, they said I probably won't hear back until tomorrow morning *sigh*. However, I did ask if they had the numbers for the first one two days ago and she said it was over 50,000!!!! Holy cow!! I know the ranges for hCG levels are HUGE, but I think for 6 weeks it's somewhere between 1,000 and 56,000. I've heard and read that it's not the actual level that's important, as much as the increasing from one day to the hopefully today's numbers are even higher and show a good increase and that everything is viable. I have to admit though, that 50,000 has me thinking/hoping for the possibility of twins! What do you guys think?

Got the results back from the second hCG only went up to 59,900. I know that the later on in weeks you get, the longer it takes to double....but I would have thought after 2 days it would have gone up more than that. They're having me go back in for another draw on Monday. I know I should be happy that at least it's increasing, but I still don't feel terribly was around this time that the other two pregnancies stopped developing. I'm gonna go eat some chocolate and try to somehow focus on work. :cry:
when I was pregnant with Leo I craved beer haha and I dont even drink it!
Find a nice alternitive - maybe a nice squash with some lemonade and ice,

6 days until my midwife appointment, I really want an early scan - might convince hubby to pay hehe

I'm tempted too! First midwife appointment isn't for another 10 days! Going mad :/! X

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