November 2012 Due Dates

7 weeks today WOOHOO :happydance:

Halfthyme, thinking of you today :hugs:

Congrats MommaBarry!!! I'm so excited to be 6 weeks and a sweet pea on Wed =) Although I go by 2 dates, my LMP and the date of probable ovulation... so I'm either 5 +5 today or 6 + 2. Won't know until doc. hehe, how exciting!
As always, thanks for the continuing support ladies. I go in tomorrow (Monday) for another blood draw to check levels. I am hopeful that if levels are still not where they ought to be that they will get me in earlier for a scan to see what's happening. From what I've read, HCG level checks are reliable only up until a certain point (6weeks ish), at which sonograms become way more accurate in showing what's really going on with the baby(ies).

Thanks again for the thoughts and kind words ladies.....keeping fingers crossed.

Keeping you in my thoughts today!!! keep us updated!
I haven't been on here all week as, to be honest, I've felt like I was going to die. I have never felt so ill in my life (apart from food poisoning in India). Ironically I haven't actually vomited once - but the 24/7 all-consuming nausea and exhaustion have absolutely knocked me off my feet. I haven't eaten or drunk properly for ten days. The only drink I can bear the thought of is lemon cordial, and even then I can manage one sip without the nausea kicking in again. Food ... each day is a different craving, and the ONLY thing I can eat that day is that craving. The other day I ate only salt and vinegar Real McCoy crisps/chips all day. Another day I had four cans of Heinz lentil soup. Another day several cans of Ambrosia rice pudding. I've never eaten like this in my life. I eat sooooo healthily normally that my poor body must wonder what's happening.

So I've been worried about the impact of all of this on the baby, so I went to the GP this morn. She took my BP (higher than I'd like - 125/90) and used the same instrument to measure my hydration (fascinating! how does that work?). Bizarrely she said my hydration wasn't actually that bad and that I was doing ok with the small amount I'm drinking. That makes me wonder whether usually I must be super-hydrated, cos I usually drink zillions more than I am right now.

Anyway, the upshot was that she didn't want to prescribe anti-nausea medicine unless I was actually vomiting (fair enough) but that I was to go right back if I stop peeing or start vomiting and completely stop drinking.

I think each day I feel a teensy bit better. I find it odd that many girls don't actually start their morning sickness until this stage - I'm seven weeks. Unless maybe I'm further along than I estimated, but I'm sure not. All I keep thinking is that I felt fine again by 10 weeks in my last pg, so I'm hanging on to the thought that the same will apply to this one.

We see the midwife for our first antenatal appt in ten days, and then we should get a 12-week scan appt through a bit after that. We may also do a private nuchal fold scan, depending on whether the 12-week appt really is at 12 weeks (often in the UK your "12-week" appt is at more like 14 weeks).

Sorry for rambling, well done if you got this far. Hugs to those who need them.
Wow that ms sounds horrific. Mine hasn't kicked in yet although I just went to make lunch and my stomach was turning slightly at all the options so ended up with just toast. I wonder if this is the start and that it's going to build over the next week. I lost so much weight in my 1st trimester last time due to constant nausea. X
Hello ladies hope its ok to join you! According to LMP im due 30th nov but havnt had that confirmed yet still waiting to hear from the midwife about a booking appointment. Not surpised as its still very early days for me but so exciting. Looking forward to this adventure :)
Im also due around 26th-29th November (i'll say 29th). I have my docs appointment tomorrow so at least the ball is rolling :happydance: x
I haven't been on here all week as, to be honest, I've felt like I was going to die. I have never felt so ill in my life (apart from food poisoning in India). Ironically I haven't actually vomited once - but the 24/7 all-consuming nausea and exhaustion have absolutely knocked me off my feet. I haven't eaten or drunk properly for ten days. The only drink I can bear the thought of is lemon cordial, and even then I can manage one sip without the nausea kicking in again. Food ... each day is a different craving, and the ONLY thing I can eat that day is that craving. The other day I ate only salt and vinegar Real McCoy crisps/chips all day. Another day I had four cans of Heinz lentil soup. Another day several cans of Ambrosia rice pudding. I've never eaten like this in my life. I eat sooooo healthily normally that my poor body must wonder what's happening.

So I've been worried about the impact of all of this on the baby, so I went to the GP this morn. She took my BP (higher than I'd like - 125/90) and used the same instrument to measure my hydration (fascinating! how does that work?). Bizarrely she said my hydration wasn't actually that bad and that I was doing ok with the small amount I'm drinking. That makes me wonder whether usually I must be super-hydrated, cos I usually drink zillions more than I am right now.

Anyway, the upshot was that she didn't want to prescribe anti-nausea medicine unless I was actually vomiting (fair enough) but that I was to go right back if I stop peeing or start vomiting and completely stop drinking.

I think each day I feel a teensy bit better. I find it odd that many girls don't actually start their morning sickness until this stage - I'm seven weeks. Unless maybe I'm further along than I estimated, but I'm sure not. All I keep thinking is that I felt fine again by 10 weeks in my last pg, so I'm hanging on to the thought that the same will apply to this one.

We see the midwife for our first antenatal appt in ten days, and then we should get a 12-week scan appt through a bit after that. We may also do a private nuchal fold scan, depending on whether the 12-week appt really is at 12 weeks (often in the UK your "12-week" appt is at more like 14 weeks).

Sorry for rambling, well done if you got this far. Hugs to those who need them.

It's awful isn't it, you poor thing, i had exactly the same with relentless nausea and exhaustion from week 6 to the middle of week 7 then it improved and since then have had waves of nausea. Still exhausted but have actually made it to the gym for the 1st time in 4 weeks! Fingers crossed your MS improves soon and mine doesn't come back! :hugs:
HalfThyme, I'm thinking of you today! :hugs:

It sounds like a bunch of us are having scans on Friday - I'm so excited and nervous! Hubby and I are actually taking the day off, as we're also having a contractor come in to look at renovating the kitchen. Which, now that I'm typing it out, sounds like a crazy thing to be doing while pregnant, but with how queasy I've been, it's not like I've been eating or cooking much anyway!

How's everyone else doing so far this week?
Good luck halfthyme and everyone else getting their scans.

I'm still feeling pretty good, minus the fatigue. I'm extra hungry all the time so that isn't good for me FOR SURE. Actually, starting to feel a bit nervous that I feel so good for 7 weeks... May book another ultrasound before the weekend to calm my mind.
I haven't been on here all week as, to be honest, I've felt like I was going to die. I have never felt so ill in my life (apart from food poisoning in India). Ironically I haven't actually vomited once - but the 24/7 all-consuming nausea and exhaustion have absolutely knocked me off my feet. I haven't eaten or drunk properly for ten days. The only drink I can bear the thought of is lemon cordial, and even then I can manage one sip without the nausea kicking in again. Food ... each day is a different craving, and the ONLY thing I can eat that day is that craving. The other day I ate only salt and vinegar Real McCoy crisps/chips all day. Another day I had four cans of Heinz lentil soup. Another day several cans of Ambrosia rice pudding. I've never eaten like this in my life. I eat sooooo healthily normally that my poor body must wonder what's happening.

So I've been worried about the impact of all of this on the baby, so I went to the GP this morn. She took my BP (higher than I'd like - 125/90) and used the same instrument to measure my hydration (fascinating! how does that work?). Bizarrely she said my hydration wasn't actually that bad and that I was doing ok with the small amount I'm drinking. That makes me wonder whether usually I must be super-hydrated, cos I usually drink zillions more than I am right now.

Anyway, the upshot was that she didn't want to prescribe anti-nausea medicine unless I was actually vomiting (fair enough) but that I was to go right back if I stop peeing or start vomiting and completely stop drinking.

I think each day I feel a teensy bit better. I find it odd that many girls don't actually start their morning sickness until this stage - I'm seven weeks. Unless maybe I'm further along than I estimated, but I'm sure not. All I keep thinking is that I felt fine again by 10 weeks in my last pg, so I'm hanging on to the thought that the same will apply to this one.

We see the midwife for our first antenatal appt in ten days, and then we should get a 12-week scan appt through a bit after that. We may also do a private nuchal fold scan, depending on whether the 12-week appt really is at 12 weeks (often in the UK your "12-week" appt is at more like 14 weeks).

Sorry for rambling, well done if you got this far. Hugs to those who need them.

Oh my colsy! This is exactly what I'm fearing...the last couple of days I've found it harder and harder to eat getting more nauseous by the minute. I too haven't vomited but I'm close basically as soon as I even think about food.

I try to eat and when I do manage some toast or cereal it feels ok but as soon as I stop it's worse then ever. Horrible...water with lemon or lime is ok. I went and bought the acupressure bracelets that are supposed to help but so far they're not. I'm finding it extra hard to be at work all day since nobody here knows I'm pregnant, meetings are the worst.

I so hope this will be over soon, I hate throwing up and I hate feeling nauseous. I can't imagine four more weeks of this?! :nope:

Welcome new girls! And good luck to everyone having scans today!
My first appointment is on Friday as well! I don't know if they're going to do a scan or not. I'm hoping so! I'm just super hungry all the time, and definitely more irritable than usual.
I haven't been on here all week as, to be honest, I've felt like I was going to die. I have never felt so ill in my life (apart from food poisoning in India). Ironically I haven't actually vomited once - but the 24/7 all-consuming nausea and exhaustion have absolutely knocked me off my feet. I haven't eaten or drunk properly for ten days. The only drink I can bear the thought of is lemon cordial, and even then I can manage one sip without the nausea kicking in again. Food ... each day is a different craving, and the ONLY thing I can eat that day is that craving. The other day I ate only salt and vinegar Real McCoy crisps/chips all day. Another day I had four cans of Heinz lentil soup. Another day several cans of Ambrosia rice pudding. I've never eaten like this in my life. I eat sooooo healthily normally that my poor body must wonder what's happening.

Sorry for rambling, well done if you got this far. Hugs to those who need them.

This sounds just like me! I've been actually sick once (last week) but since then I've just felt AWFUL all day every day and food just hasn't happened. I'm lucky in that I'm fat enough that all my body fat is keeping baby nice and safe (I hope) and I've lost about 8lbs in 2 weeks which is pretty awful :/.
Eating something is better than nothing though and even if you can only drink that's OK too apparently. I spoke to my mum who used to be a nurse and she said just keep drinking so that's what I'm trying to do (not very successfully).

I hope you feel better soon xx
Thinking of you today bexxc and halfthyme!

colsy - glad to hear you are feeling a little better, hope the improvement continues!
Hi girls, I haven't checked in here for a few days. Glad to see everyone! :hi:

So sorry for all those with terrible ms. I had that with my first and have been very surprised to not have it (so far) with this one. I'm thankful but, as others have said, a little worried that I don't have it. Trying to remember all my betas were good, so hoping all is well.

Happy scan week to all having theirs this week! Mines not till next Tuesday. Seems forever!

:hug: to all!
I've noticed a few folk on here going for early scans and being able to book scans. I live on a Scottish Island, and if I wanted to do that, i'd have to go to the mainland (1 hour flight, or 14 hour boat trip :S) and pay for the scan!! Is this something that you can get done at your local hospital?? I know that ours don't offer that ... we only get 2d scans at 12 and 20 weeks :) x

I've really enjoyed catching up on how everyone is doing so far!! CAValleygirl - I'm almost 7 weeks, and apart from the tiredness, I feel fine! I was the same with my last pregnancy too. Colsy and bethanchloe, I hope you're feeling better soon, and you can enjoy being pregnant :) I haven't had the chance to look further back, so to everyone - hope you're all doing fine! Feels like time is going too slow :S Can't wait until my 12 week scan so I can tell everyone!! xx

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